Zhang Jian Long
FOREWORD Every artist, every generation, brings with them their own experiences and their own influences, woven together by culture and history. This grants art the power of memory and symbolism, giving it depth and interpretive meaning. In Zhang’s works of glowing faces, uninhibited forms, forgotten games and resplendent simple joys- I see not only the overarching innocence and freedom of childhood, but also the riversides, the fields, the home he spent it in. In his works I see his experience, his influence, and most of all, the historic trails of a forgotten culture- keepsakes of a forgotten time. After two years in the making, Ode to Art is proud to present to you, Zhang Jian Long, and his powerfully poignant series- Replaying Childhood. ‘Replaying Childhood’ is both reminiscence and a journey. Using striking detail in his expressions, Zhang is able to capture the innocence and untouched happiness of childhood. His images of children are sometimes absurd, often half dressed and always, blissfully innocent; but in their games, and in their form, lies the story of an entire culture that has vanished with the constraints of modern times. In its rush to be modern, the world has forgotten simple pursuits, and the happiness that lies within them. A large part of the allure of Zhang’s works lies in his details. Take for instance, the memorable piece ‘Singing Along the Way’ that depicts a child singing with unbounded joy. The skillfully crafted facial expressions and stance of the boy render him almost audible in his singing aloud while in the raft of lambskin floats he stands on, I see the artist’s hometown, Langzhou, and its historic significance as a crossing site for the great Yellow River. In ‘A trundle Hoop’, the use of a such primordial toy may be seen as primitive but the unspeakable enjoyment on the child’s face makes the viewer almost wistful about how such small wonders once brought us such joy. ‘Dudu the Ballerina’, a little boy dressed as a ballerina, may be seen as absurd, but shows how children see beyond gender stereotypes and societal roles, simply enjoying the dance form and costumes for what they are. Such open mindedness is fading out in our society, and this is what Zhang insightfully puts forth through his work. ‘Replaying childhood’ is an attempt to remind us of our natural state. To make us remember how simple life can be and the happiness we can find beyond the limitations of society. As Zhang himself has stated, “ …our childhood memories are truly the best means for us to rediscover and restore these original emotions. This will, as a result, once again allow us to experience the energy and vitality of life which may be lost amidst the development of the world.” I hope that you enjoy these works, and perhaps they resonate with your own culture. By looking at these laughing faces, it may even replay a childhood of your own. Jazz Chong Director, Ode To Art
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
REPLAYING CHILDHOOD My artworks are paintings and sculptures stirred by my subconscious mind. My inspirations are drawn from life experiences, desires and the most original form of nature. I wish to raise awareness in people with regards to the conflict between one’s desires and reality, the reality that suppresses the meaning to our lives. Therefore, by drawing from our most primitive human nature and experiences, we can once again enjoy the innocence and freedom once prevalent but now suppressed by the rapid development and modernisation in our society. I believe that our childhood memories are truly the best means for us to rediscover and restore these original emotions. This will, as a result, once again allow us to experience the energy and vitality of life which may be lost amidst the development of the world. Zhang Jian Long June 2013
换一种视角审视生活 创作感想
我创作的油画和雕塑作品主要来源于一种无意识状态中本能的流露,以我自 己的生命体验、欲求和原生态的野性,表现出一种自由、天真的人物特征。 我想通过这种特征警示我们自身在生存欲望与现实冲突之间困扰、压抑的生 命意识。用最原始的人性和最原始的经验,使人类进化造成的天然合理性在 遭受文明伤害的现代人心中得到某种复苏,以便把这种伤害减轻到可以承受 的程度,因此,我就有了重温孩提时代那份原始天真活泼的想法,一定程度 地恢复生命的活力,而不至于在悠悠岁月之后的文明今天,因为过度成熟而 变得“衰老”。
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Shhhhhh, 2013 ĺ˜˜ Bronze, 50 x 38 x 31 cm
Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
藏心于烂漫的童话 ——从张建龙作品到当代艺术的现象 简斌(作家 策展人)
现代科技文明的全面开展,使人们的生活得到了空前的改变,高速运转的节 凑紧张到了无法喘息的地步。不少人因为饱享物质文明的快乐而产生了空虚 厌倦,人们的不满情绪达到饱和,于是不可避免的发生了一种怀旧情绪,希 望回到纯真时代。这种怀旧情绪同样也波及到了艺术领域,艺术家开始寻找 人类最原始的艺术直接表达的方式。 当代艺术中,反叛传统和常规抛弃传统的绘画法则,追求单纯的质朴无华是 其重要的目的和共同的特征。要想达到真正的裂变,最好的方法就是回到原 点,基于这种转化让艺术家张建龙从单纯的图式表达逐渐走向理性的思索, 积极内修精神世界的深层意义。在他作品构建的‘童化’世界里,儿童趣味 是最不含杂质最纯洁的语言之一,不加任何修饰随意挥洒。在他寓言结构的 状态里,孩子们有着奇特、丰富、梦一般的想象力。这种颇具欢快酣畅未加 以人为修饰的‘童化’状态是人类最可贵的原始纯真的表现,这正是我们这 个时代精神道德沦陷后的宝贵品质。 张建龙从孩子们的童话世界里提取跳跃的音符、朗朗的笑声。以这种颇有情 趣的真与美为载体进行创作,用全新的视角来阐释现实人们价值取向的偏颇 问题,流露出对生活的美好向往。更重要的是他自身所具有的性格特征,很 自然地就找到了适合自己表达的语言,这种特质赋予了作品独到的魅力,使 其独具鲜明的个性。我们能感受到在他的油画及雕塑作品中,对小孩们的生 活习性比如斗鸡、杀营、推铁环、炸鞭炮、恶作剧等等动作语言的造型的精 准的把握独具慧心,对孩子们欢乐好动的刻画极具感染力,掩饰不住的童趣 氛围营造出童话般的视觉感受,这让人耳目一新;尤其雕塑作品塑造了人生 的纯真,洒下一遍欢歌,让我们看到在童话世界里孩子们的憨真、甜蜜、顽 皮、敢于想象的天性。 艺术大师加尔、米罗、马蒂斯、克利等等都有表现故乡与童年时期记忆的作 品,那种感情的流露都能让人回想到那曾经有过的儿童时代,这种思绪构成 类似现代绘画的一种新面貌。拥有细节特质的人自然就会对儿时成长经历及 生长的地方充满情感,把那份美好长留记忆里。这种理性回归使张建龙的直 觉感知有了质的飞跃。他的作品看似简单,却包含了不简单的心理暗示和无 穷的遐想,孩子们的“天真稚拙”“活泼憨酣”是艺术家超出对生活情趣的 ‘有意而为之’,以儿童独有的视觉来重新审视这个世界,以寓言般的诗意 特征来研究人的精神本质。 这些哲理性的思索也是他对艺术真理的感悟,最 终使自己走出一条独具个性魅力的艺术之路。 2013年1月于北京
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Zhang Jian Long
FAIRYTALES OF YOUR HEART Zhang Jian Long’s contemporary art works
This has given Zhang Jian Long a leaping achievement in his works. Although his works may look simple, there are sophisticated psychological triggers and hints hidden behind the joyful facade. The presentation of children’s naivety, clumsiness, activeness, and innocence are all intentionally expressed to urge us to re-examine the world. With poetic observation, Zhang Jian Long’s philosophical Contemporary art aims at defying traditions and conventional rules in pursuit of some- analysis and artistic understanding has thing simpler and minimalistic, presenting the main objective and purpose of its mes- allowed him to craft his own unique route sage. Inevitably, the best way to achieve this is to source from the most original starting in the field of contemporary art. point. This led Zhang to transform and redirect his artistic expressions to transmitting a sense of rational thinking as well as conveying the profound meanings of the spiritual Jian Bin, world. Writer / Curator In his series of works titled “Fairy Tale”, Zhang emphasizes on the purity of children’s Writing under the series working title thoughts and emotions, which are reflected through their communication and lan- ‘Fairytales of your heart’ guage. There is no fakeness or charade in their interactions but rather genuine cu- January 2013 in Beijing riosity and rich imagination. “Fairy Tale” is indeed a valuable and precious depiction of the untouched and natural human race ost of a society that no longer exists today. Technological developments have transformed our society and environment into a bustling, busy, suffocating place. The materialistic environment has resulted in people reaching the peak of discontentment, drowning in the sense of emptiness and weariness. Consequently, they are often nostalgic, remembering the old sentiments and wishing that they could return to the innocence and purity of the past. This nostalgia is pertinent in the art arena, allowing us to see various artists eagerly searching for the most primitive expressions in art. Zhang Jian Long’s contemporary art works revolve around these expressions and feelings, expressing his desire to move away from the hustle and bustle of life, to a more serene and peaceful world.
Zhang Jian Long highlights the melody of musical notes and the joyful sounds of laughter from children’s fairy tales in his art. With these interesting and beautiful representations, he created a new approach to depict the problem in modern society’s value disorientation and suggests for better pursuit. More importantly, the reflection of his true self allows him to find the suitable style of expression in his works. As such, his works are charming and with a distinctly unique personality. His ability to grasp and depict the memories of children through the games they used to play is illustrated in his oil painting and his sculptural works. The contagious joy captured in his works creates a visual story of a fairy-tale which is something new to us and as such, allows us to immerse ourselves in the world of children’s fairy-tales, where we can experience the sweetness, pureness, and innocence of life. This theme has been adopted several times by great artists such as Milo and Cleveland, making us nostalgic of our childhood and triggering reminiscent feelings within us. If we can recall these sentiments, it is likely that we can secure these beautiful memories for a lifetime.
Zhang Jian Long
Superhero, 2012 超级英雄 Bronze, 14.5 x 20.3 x 58.3 cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
A Trundle Hoop, 2011 滚铁环 Bronze, 47 x 44 x 15 cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Mr. Mermaid, 2013 人鱼先生 Bronze, 34 x 25.5 x 57 cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Hee Hee, 2013 嘻嘻 23 x 24.5 x 54.5 cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Dudu - Reflection , 2013 嘟嘟的冥想 57 x 25.5 x 22cm
On the Beach Water Color on Paper 31 x 41cm
Zhang Jian Long
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Ha Ha, 2012 哈哈 Bronze, 38.5 x 23 x 42.5cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Left: Warrior No.2, 2013 武士No.2 Bronze, 56 x 33 x 27cm Right: Warrior No. 1 , 2012 武士 No. 1 Bronze, 24 x 27 x 55cm
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A Solemn Declaration, 2012 郑重宣言 Bronze, 44 x 21 x 28cm
Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Congratulations, 2013 恭喜喜 Bronze, 38 x 31 x 64 cm
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Song Of The Mountains, 2013 山那边的歌 Bronze, 48 x 23 x 21 cm
Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
You Can’t Get Me , 2011 鬼脸嘟嘟 Bronze, 30 x 24 x 46.7cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
A Solemn Declaration, 2012 郑重宣言 Bronze, 44 x 21 x 28cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
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Dudu – The Ballerina, 2012 嘟嘟的芭蕾 Bronze, 16 x 27 x 53 cm
Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
You Only Have One Choice, 2013 你只有一个选择 Bronze. 42 x 28 x 27 cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Dudu - Swan Lake, 2012 嘟嘟的天鹅湖 Bronze, 29 x 33 x 43.5 cm
Marble, 2012 弹球 Bronze, 49 x 23 x 18 cm
Zhang Jian Long
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Wrestling, 2012 斗鸡 Bronze, 35 x 22 x 52 cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
War of Tanks , 2012 坦克大战 Bronze, 20.5 x 20 x 42cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Bonsai No.1 盆景 No. 1, 2013 Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm
Zhang Jian Long
Bonsai No.2 盆景 No. 2, 2013 Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Counterattack 2013 前方来袭 2013 Oil on canvas, 150 x 120 cm
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Bonsai No.3, 2013 盆景 no.3, 2013 Oil on canvas, 140 x 105 cm
Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
Playtime No.18 – Mountain Warfare, 2011 游戏十八--占领高地 Oil on canvas, 200 x 150 cm
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Zhang Jian Long
Zhang Jian Long
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BIOGRAPHY Zhang Jian Long was born in 1982 in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and graduated from the Nanyang Normal University, Henan Province. Majoring in oil painting in the Fine Arts Department, he graduated in 2004. His graduation art work was published in the “Annual Works of China Fine Arts Academies”. In his works Zhang Jianlong is trying to show the spirit of the people of the long past whom he believes were less narrow-minded in comparison with present people. He has since been living and working in Beijing as a professional artist. Zhang Jianlong creates images of childhood innocence and joy. He believes that modern culture destroys the natural rationality of the humankind and influences one in a discrete manner, oppressing him from the day he was born. The state of our mind and thoughts are subjected to civilization, one which is presently causing a lack of creativity and daunting us daily. He aims to create artworks which allow his viewers to go back to their childhood, where the influence of society did not affect their thoughts and emotions. In his youth, Zhang painted whenever and wherever he could. He says his works are autobiographical as it reflects the joy he experienced as a child. The wide smiles on his children also represent mouths that continuously sing. When he was young, one of his teachers took him to visit a farmer. This trip was very important to him as he was introduced to various animals, which he would later depicted in many of his artworks. Zhang reports that children respond favourably to his paintings and adults are reminded of how to see the world from a child’s perspective. Still, interpretations vary. For example, some people say it looks as if the children may be screaming—not from joy, but from fear of what may lay ahead in adulthood. Zhang responds that there is not only happiness in his images, but also a recognition that life has hardships and struggles. Zhang is pleased when viewers have different responses because it signals that they are involved with his work.
Zhang Jian Long
B io g r ap hy
Zhang Jian Long
“REPLAYING CHILDHOOD” , Ode To Art Singapore
“Free access” Zhang Jian Long personal painting exhibition, Beijing.
“Originally Experience” Zhang Jian Long Oil Painting Exhibition, 798 Gallery, Beijing. - Oeuvres récentes, Marlborough Monte carlo, Monte Carlo, Monaco.
Hong Kong Affordable Art Fair, Hong Kong, Ode To Art
New wave of Chinese Contemporary Art, Beijing.
Wyatt weekend - Young Artists Programme, Wyatt Gallery, Beijing.
Singapore Affordable Art Fair , Ode To Art
Youth Leadership Contemporary Art, a small fort Inn Museum, Beijing.
Chinese new artists, CTS, Beijing.
“Art 10” Contemporary Art Exhibition, Reeb Village Gallery, Beijing.
Spring Salon free space, free space, Shijiazhuang.
Shanghai Art Fair, comfortable space, Shanghai.
Beijing Yung Hai 2010 autumn auction, Beijing.
Art Beijing Art Fair, China Agricultural Exhibition Hall, Ding Feng Space, Beijing.
Beijing Nine 2009 Spring Auction, Beijing.
Shanghai International Art Fair, Singapore Shun Kam Gallery, Shanghai.
IN as cutting-edge art exhibitions, Hangzhou.
Gehua Art Center Exhibition, Beijing.
COLLECTION Works collected by China and foreign institutions and private collectors from China, Singapore, Hong Kong, America, Australia and Europe.
REPAYING CHILDHOOD ZHANG JIAN LONG First published 2014 on the occasion of Nature At Play Exhibition Held 19 - 30 Mar 2014, at Ion Art Gallery Singapore Ode To Art Raffles City 252 North Bridge Road, Raffles City Shopping Centre, #01-36E/F, Singapore 179103 T +65 6250 1901 F +65 6250 5354 Ode To Art Kuala Lumpur 168 Jalan Bukit Bintang, The Pavilion, #06-24E/F, Kuala Lumpur 55100, Malaysia Tel: +603 2148 9816 Fax: +603 2142 6816 Š Ode To Art 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Measurements of artworks are given in centimeters Printed and bound in Singapore by Oxford Graphic Printers Pte Ltd Book design by Every Matter