1 minute read
ZEro hunger

https://bit ly/3QmNZDB

Did you know:
After remaining relatively unchanged since 2015, the percentage of hungry people increased in 2020 and increased further in 2021 to 9.8% of the world's population. 24,000 people die of hunger every day, that is, approximately 9 million per year. The UN reports: "8 million children alone die of hunger".

Without social support, 4.4 million are poor or have incomes below the poverty line [554 euros per month], which drops to 1.9 million after social transfers.
End hunger and ensure that all people have access to good, nutritious and sufficient food throughout the year by 2030;
End all forms of malnutrition by 2030;
Double agricultural productivity and the income of small food producers by 2030.