oregon veteran news
FALL 2014
statewide veterans day event issue Pages 6-8 and online at www.oregondva.com
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Dedication of the Edward C. Allworth Oregon Veterans' Home
On Sept. 20, surrounded by family and honored guests, Jodie Allworth of Corvallis, Ore., cut the ribbon of the newest Oregon Veterans Home named after her father, WWI Medal of Honor recipient Edward C. Allworth.
By Nicole Hoeft
LEBANON — A young Edward C. Allworth had just graduated from Oregon Agricultural College when war fell upon our nation in 1917 and he enlisted in the U.S. Army. Ninety-seven years later, his family gathered in Lebanon to honor his legacy at the dedication of Oregon’s second veterans home. On Sept. 20, surrounded by family, honored guests and nearly 500 attendees, Jodie Allworth of Corvallis cut the ribbon of the newest Oregon Veterans Home named after her father, WWI Medal of Honor recipient Edward C. Allworth. The on-time and on-budget construction of the $40 million veterans’ home began two years ago to the day of the dedication, but the beginning of the effort to construct a new veteran’s home began in 2008. A group of dedicated leaders from the state, the City of Lebanon, and Linn County brought together a vision and developed a detailed plan, resulting in the formal proposal to bring the home to Lebanon.
Since then, the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs has worked with the federal VA, construction managers, architects, city and county officials, and dozens of on-site constructions crews to build a facility that has rightly gained national attention. The beautiful home was designed using a new small house model for skilled nursing, memory care, and rehabilitation facilities, which creates small neighborhood communities for up to 154 residents. Like Oregon’s other award winning veterans home in The Dalles, Lebanon will offer services to veterans, their spouses and the parents who have lost a child to war time service. Sen. Ron Wyden said after the dedication that the Allworth Veterans’ Home will be the model for other veterans’ homes throughout the country. “We’re going to have a lot of happy veterans in this town. We’ll also be showing the rest of the country how to do veterans’ healthcare right.” SEE LEBANON- PAGE 4
walking in the company of giants OVH resident Richard Lovett and the facility's Program Director Dallas Swafford visit Washington DC as part of the Honor Flight hosted by Bend Heroes Association. PG 3
at 100, a sailor remembers On November 10th, this WWII Navy Pilot will turn 100 years old. Read his service story about flying his Navy OS2-U Kingfisher observation floatplane in the south Pacific. PG 5
New navy vessels named for oregon Navy Secretary attends event at the Portland Waterfront during the renaming ceremony of two ships, the USS Oregon and Portland. PG 9
Director’s Message
Cameron Smith, Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs
EFFORTS MUST GO BEYOND HONOR AND RECOGNITION November 11th is one day out of the year that we pause collectively as a nation to celebrate the service and sacrifice of our military, veterans, and their families. In this issue of Vets News, we are proud to highlight Veterans’ Day events in communities across the state from Astoria to Ontario, Portland to Klamath Falls, and Coos Bay to Bend. This year, for the first time since the Afghan/ Iraqi Freedom Memorial was built on the grounds of ODVA, we will not be adding another name to the wall during our Veterans’ Day ceremony. Although this is a positive sign that the war in Afghanistan is winding down, we must always remember that the work we do is because of those few who have chosen to actively protect our freedom, and always at a cost. As we highlight the service of all veterans, though, we must also recognize that our work goes far beyond a day of honor and recognition.
In September, we were also proud to dedicate our second veterans’ home in Lebanon. This industry leading skilled nursing facility will ensure that we provide the best in care to aging veterans who have led the way for our community. This fall, ODVA also hosted the first ever Veteran Owned Business Opportunity Showcase (VOBOS) at Camp Withycombe. We partnered broadly with key agencies and organizations to develop a daylong seminar for veteran business owners to better access support services and public contracting opportunities when starting, sustaining, and growing their businesses. While our mission is large and our agency is small, we have tremendous resources to leverage in the federal VA, fellow state agencies, local governments, national service organizations, and community partners. Veteran services are not
For the first time since the Iraqi Afghan/ Iraqi Freedom Memorial Wall was built on the grounds of ODVA, this Veterans Day we will not be adding another name to the wall.
Over the last year, our team began a comprehensive review to examine our mission, evaluate and prioritize programs, and account for the evolving and diverse needs of Oregon’s 320,000 veterans. Our approach is not about wholesale change, but a series of targeted course corrections that over time will produce transformative results. Already, some of these strategic initiatives have begun to take root and positively impact our veterans. ODVA recently announced the award of a $400,000 grant from the federal VA on behalf of highly rural Oregon communities to improve access to VA health care through expanded transportation services.
always about ODVA providing a service directly, but often more broadly about our leadership, advocacy, and strong partnerships on behalf of veterans. With your help, we will continue to innovate and strengthen our shared efforts. This Veterans’ Day, please join me in giving thanks to all those who have served and are still serving in Afghanistan and around the world. Let us honor their service on this one day and recommit to partnering together throughout the year to fulfill the sacred trust of caring for all those who have borne the battle.
ODVA'S NEW LOGO By Nicole Hoeft Communications and Information Services Manager
For the first time in the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs nearly 70-year history, our state is striving to serve veterans spanning four generations and five major wars. The combined breadth of Oregon’s veterans’ population and the diverse needs demands a cohesive strategy that delivers relevant, timely and actionable outcomes for the veteran community in our state. Earlier this year, the agency began a comprehensive review to examine and account for the changing needs of our veteran community, evaluate and prioritize our state programs, and reimagine our vision and mission. As a result of the findings, a new strategic framework was developed to address a series of targeted course corrections that over time will produce a more robust agency and serve and honor Oregon veterans and their families better. As only 3 out of every 10 veterans are accessing their federal veteran benefits in Oregon, one of the four strategic objectives of the agency’s framework is to drive veteran engagement by increasing awareness and outreach to the veteran community. Although the agency has made great strides in the last two years to develop and update methods to engage the veteran community, to truly begin to drive veteran engagement we needed to distinguish our agency from that of any other veteran entity, including the federal VA, and refresh the agency’s image to be more recognizable. A major pillar of this work stared with the development of a new agency logo. The new logo has three distinct parts, each representing the agency’s advocacy, leadership and proud affiliation with the service members and veterans of Oregon.
The red graphic circle represents the agency’s never ending connection to the veteran community, partners, and veteran resources and services. As advocates for Oregon veterans and their families, the circle also represents being the expert veteran advocate for the state. The mark also creates the letter “O”, representing Oregon.
Vets News is a free quarterly publication. Each issue contains current information impacting veterans in Oregon including Federal VA topics and state, regional and local happenings. When credit is given to the source, Vets News articles may be reprinted. Nicole Hoeft Mike Allegre Sarah Dressler Marc Huchette
Managing Editor / Production / Staff Writer Associate Editor / Staff Writer Production / Staff Writer / Copy Editing Production / Staff Writer
Creating an abstract “V” for veterans, chevron stripes are used to communicate military rank, and represent our leadership, advocacy and expertise.
Send your name and current address to ODVA, Vets News 700 Summer St. NE, Salem, OR 97301-1285
The 5-point star within the circle represents the five branches of military veterans that we center our mission around to serve, honor and advocate on behalf of.
Reunions, events, and story submissions are welcome, however, please note that all items are printed upon space availability. Input for the next issue must be received by January 5, 2015. Up to the minute Oregon veteran news at www.oregondva.com
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The new logo signals a new cadence for our Oregon veteran brand. We believe the benefits of a distinct logo will help increase awareness of the veteran services, programs and benefits that we strive to deliver and honor all generations of veterans, yet set us apart as the expert and advocate for veteran work in Oregon.
who literally saved the world bestowed upon me the gravity of how their sacrifice secured freedom for us all and how different the world would be today had they not prevailed. Suffice to say, we all have the luxury of not knowing what conditions in the world would be like today because of the brave men and women who unequivocally refused to let that happen. If there is one moment that stands out most to me personally, it was an interaction with Mr. Lovett and another veteran in the Honor Flight group. It occurred at Arlington National Cemetery as we were leaving the Changing of the Guard ceremony. Nearby we noticed the grave site of the most decorated veteran in American history, Audie Murphy, who died in 1971.
Mr. Lovett and I decided to go and pay our respects. As we conversed we saw another veteran and his son observing the grave site as well. After a few minutes of discussion the two veterans discovered they both served in the Americal Division during the war. They shared handshakes, hugs and stories, but also moments of silence as they stood at Murphy’s headstone. That in many ways said more than their words did.
Oregon Veterans’ Home resident Richard Lovett and the facility’s Program Director Dallas Swafford enjoy a moment at the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial in Washington DC.
WALKING IN THE COMPANY OF GIANTS By Dallas Swafford, Oregon Veteran's Home Program Director, The Dalles
In mid-September I had the honor and privilege of accompanying Oregon Veterans’ Home resident and World War II Army veteran Richard Lovett, on the Honor Flight tour to Washington DC. The Honor Flight was hosted by the Bend Heroes Association and it provides the opportunity for World War II veterans to tour our nation’s capital and visit many of the historic sights and war memorials – the highlight being the World War II Memorial. When asked to accompany Mr. Lovett on the trip I felt a sense of gratitude as we had established quite a bond as friends during his time at the OVH. Having the opportunity to escort him and other World War II
veterans on this trip was a very humbling experience and is something I cannot capture in words. It did leave me with a deeper sense of appreciation for how the veterans of this greatest American generation fought through unimaginable conditions to redirect the onslaught of tyranny and prevail in a war that truly preserved freedom and put an end to some of the most heinous atrocities in history. When we arrived at the World War II Memorial the atmosphere around us was both joyous and somber for the veterans, the family members, and escorts who made the trip. Watching the different tourists and sight seers move about amongst the men and women
After experiencing a most memorable time in DC with this honored group we touched down in Portland. On the way to the terminal the Port of Portland’s Fire Department saluted the veterans' arrival home with a ceremonial water shower that covered the plane as we taxied. When we got off the plane there were various honor guards and bagpipers there to greet us while we were escorted through the airport by the Freedom Riders. Every person we passed, if not already standing, came to their feet and clapped to express their appreciation. As I escorted Mr. Lovett and the other veterans in the group through the terminal, there was an overwhelming feeling of humbleness that overcame me and I’m sure everyone else in their presence experienced something similar. Though age has physically slowed them down, at that moment their heroic spirit was larger than life and I felt as if I was walking in the company of giants. Their contribution to the world was timeless and we are all forever grateful for their service, dedication and sacrifice. I will always be extremely thankful to have accompanied these wonderful veterans. It was really an honor.
RURAL VETERANS TO GAIN BETTER ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE SALEM – Oregon military veterans who reside in highly rural areas will have improved access to Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and services thanks to a $400,000 grant that has been designated to expand transportation services for veterans in eight counties. The VA and the White House Rural Council have announced a national award of grants which will improve health care access for veterans across the nation. The Congressionally authorized funding program will assist more than 11,000 veterans in seven states and 56 counties by providing up to $50,000 per highly rural area to fund transportation services for veterans to and from VA medical centers and other facilities that provide health care. The Oregon counties that will be receiving $45,000 each from this grant include Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Wallowa and Wheeler. For thousands of veterans living in rural Oregon, the challenges of accessing the VA’s health care system stem from a lack of transportation to one of the three major medicals centers across the state. Eric Belt, the Administrator of Veterans Services for
the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs (ODVA), said each of the state’s counties that are receiving grant funding have unique transportation needs. The grant addresses these needs by enhancing existing community linkages and new routes established by grant funding through increasing staff, outreach and marketing. “Many times the distance between a veteran and a VA Hospital or Community Based Clinic can be hundreds of miles apart. It’s even more difficult for those who can’t drive themselves,” Belt said. “The grant will specifically address and improve transportation concerns so Oregon veterans may better receive VA health care and services.” As an accredited service office, the ODVA applied for the grant on behalf of eligible rural Oregon counties. A highly rural area is defined as a county or counties with a population of fewer than seven persons per square mile. At least half of the states, including Oregon, have at least one highly rural area. About one quarter of the nation’s 22 million veterans live in rural areas and a majority are enrolled in the VA health care system. VETS NEWS // FALL 2014 //
Surrounded by family, honored guests and nearly 500 attendees, Jodie Allworth of Corvallis cut the ribbon of the newest Oregon Veterans Home named after her father, WWI Medal of Honor recipient Edward C. Allworth.
Perhaps the biggest applause of the day was saved for Allworth’s great-great-grandson, Jimmie Lutz, who was following a long family tradition of military service. He entered Marine Corps boot camp the day following the celebration. Jodie Allworth said that naming the facility after her father was fitting. “He was always looking out for veterans,” she said. In the last days of the war, Capt. Allworth was commanding U.S. Army soldiers in France when the enemy destroyed a bridge and forced his troops to cross a canal.
During the ceremony, Linn County Commissioner Roger Nyquist thanked Linn County voters for passing a $12 million levy by a 2-1 margin to help fund the facility.
Lower left: Charlie wing of the new Veterans' Home. Below: ODVA Director Cameron Smith spoke at the dedication, acknowledging the community effort and commitment it took to build the facility.
Allworth “mounted the canal bank and called for his men to follow,” his Medal of Honor award citation reads.
The new facility began accepting residents at the end of October. For more information, visit www.lebanon.oregonveteranshome.com, or call 541-497-7265.
When Allworth returned to the United States, he was instrumental in planning and fundraising for the Memorial Union at Oregon State University, formally known as Oregon Agricultural College. He served as its manager for 38 years.
“Plunging in he swam across the canal under fire from the enemy, followed by his men. By his personal leadership, he forced the enemy back for more than a kilometer, overcoming machine gun nests and capturing 100 prisoners, whose number exceeded that of the men in his command,” the citation adds.
COUNTY VETERAN ADVOCATE FIGHTS FOR VETERANS’ BENEFITS ALBANY – Mary Newman never served in the military, but she knows how to fight for those who did. As a self-described “Navy brat,” Newman grew up following her father from one naval base to another. Today, as the veterans service officer for Benton County, she helps the county’s 5,000 to 7,000 military vets get the government benefits they’ve earned, from educational assistance to health care, compensation for service-related disabilities and pensions for those who served in wartime. Newman works for the Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, not the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and often has to go toe to toe with an “adversarial” VA. As a former VA employee herself, she knows how the game is played. “The ones who do the paperwork never see a face to put with the claim,” she said. “It’s all numbers to them.” Newman handles about 30 new claims a month, and each one can take anywhere from three months to a year, sometimes longer, to work its way through the labyrinthine VA approval process. Many veterans have no idea what sorts of benefits they’re entitled to or how to apply for them, Newman said, which is where Oregon’s network of county veterans service officers comes in. “It’s a lot of paperwork,” she said. “A lot of veterans give up. That’s why our offices are so important — we help them stick to the program and get it done.” Most of the clients Newman sees these days are veterans of the Vietnam War, who are now of an age to need health care, retirement and disability benefits. The second-largest group she sees are from the Korean War or World War II eras, though the latter are getting scarce. Now, in part because of the Oregon National Guard’s disproportionately heavy deployments in more recent conflicts, she’s beginning to see a growing 4 //
number of younger clients, veterans of the Persian Gulf War and military actions in Iraq, Afghanistan, even Somalia. The biggest issue for this younger group is posttraumatic stress disorder, Ne wman said. About half the cases are combatrelated, with the rest arising from sexual assault — especially among the growing number of female veterans. She helps them apply for disability benefits and get into the VA health care system. In the biggest case she ever won, Newman obtained about $200,000 in compensation for a disabled veteran. “That felt great,” she said. “We did a happy dance.”
By Bennett Hall, Corvallis Gazette-Times. Reprinted with permission.
Benton County Veteran Service Officer Mary Newman has been a veteran advocate for nearly 30 years and handles approximately 30 new claims a month on behalf of the veterans in her county.
For the most part, she said, America provides a good set of benefits for its military veterans. VA health care, for example, is generally both high-quality and affordable, with no premiums and, in many cases, no co-payments. But she said the government does a poor job of informing veterans of the benefits they have coming to them, and the adversarial nature of the claims process makes many vets feel unappreciated or even disrespected by their country. And she finds the recent scandal over extended wait times for medical treatment and the falsifying of patient records just plain unacceptable. “It’s something Congress needs to actually fix
somehow,” she said. “They’ve worked at getting the claims process to go more quickly, and that’s good, but some of the claims just hang out there forever.” Still, she has no regrets about a career choice she made almost by chance more than 30 years ago. She was working in community corrections for Clackamas County in 1982 when she saw a job posting for a veterans service officer. She got the job and has remained in the field ever since. “It was the best thing I ever did in my life — there’s nothing like this job,” she said. “You change people’s lives — that’s the bottom line. You get them recognized, you get them health care, get them healthy, and you get them money in compensation and pensions from the VA.”
help, now is the time.’” Before long the Navy destroyer USS Hale arrived and Raschio and the photographer were pulled on board. The destroyer’s captain told the men that a shark had been circling them. An exhausted Raschio then told the captain about the train tracks and their approximate location. PHOTO BY COURTESY OF DARIO RASCHIO
The destroyer moved in that night and began firing its big guns. After a few salvos, the night sky over the island was lit up for miles. “Talk about fireworks,” Raschio recalls. “It was 2 a.m. and the night sky looked like it was daylight.” The USS Chester steamed to the Aleutian Islands where they repeatedly would attack the northern islands of Japan, but for Raschio there was little flying. The next stop was the Philippines. “We were at the Bikini Atoll readying to begin that campaign when I was told I had reassignment orders to return home. Maria happily joined me in Seattle where I was ordered to the naval air station in Klamath Falls.”
Lt. Dario Raschio sits in the cockpit of his Navy OS2-U Kingfisher observation floatplane during WW II in the south Pacific.
Raschio has a sharp memory for a man who is about to celebrate a landmark in his life, but this veteran hasn’t forgotten the path that led him there. Unable to open a pharmacy, he was hired to teach science at his alma mater, St. Stephen’s in Portland. He was the entire science department and earned $50 per month, but now disillusioned with his future employment prospects he applied for work outside of the northwest and was hired. “I went to Washington DC and worked for the U.S. government and eventually ended up working as a clerk at the Department of the Navy.” Yet, learning to fly was still his dream and Raschio pursued it. He had taken a military physical to become a naval aviator and was very confident he would pass. However, the U.S. Navy’s evaluation was not favorable. Doctors said he could not enter flight training. He had an overbite. As the clouds of war circled the globe in September of 1941, the U.S. Army drafted Raschio. Being a Navy pilot was still his goal but the medical report from two years prior was a concern. “I asked this guy at the Navy department why my overbite had disqualified me, and he said if the plane were to dive, this maneuver would cause excruciating pain to the ears. But about two days later, I was told I was a Seaman 2nd class in the Navy.” Weeks later he received orders to report for pilot “elimination training” at nearby Anacostia before Thursday, December 4th. Raschio eagerly arrived two days early and soon he and other air cadets received an orientation flight. “Then we had the weekend off,” he said, “but our situation soon changed.” With the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, Raschio’s flight training was expedited. As his training in Jacksonville, Florida progressed, he sent a letter to Portland. In it he proposed to Maria Dardano, a young lady he had been dating. “I told her that I’d buy her the most expensive ring Woolworth’s had to offer,” he promised. With flight training completed and a new set of wings on his chest, Raschio was placed on leave. He arrived home on a Sunday. He and Maria were married the following weekend, November 8, 1942, weeks before he was to ship out.
As a pilot now assigned to the USS Chester, Raschio flew OS2-U Kingfisher observation floatplanes that were catapulted off heavy cruisers. “They flew low and slow and were a favorite target of Japanese gunners,” he said. From Virginia, the Chester traveled through the Panama Canal and later docked in its home port of San Francisco in 1943. Soon after, their battle orders arrived. The United States’ effort to regain control of islands in the South Pacific, which they had lost to the Japanese, was about to begin. The Chester was part of a taskforce of other U.S. naval vessels, aircraft and shiploads of Marines enroute to the island battlefields. The task force bombarded the islands of Tarawa, Eniwetok, Saipan, Wake Island and several others before the Marines arrived on the beaches. “I remember watching as those brave Marines stormed those islands. They took a terrible beating, but regrouped and kept on moving to the next island battle.” On a blustery Easter Sunday in 1944, with a photographer in the rear seat of his Kingfisher, Raschio piloted his big pontoon plane to survey Japanese runways on an island the Navy had been bombarding for days. As the plane began taking heavy fire, Raschio steered back toward the ship, but not before locating some train tracks that he believed led to a Japanese ammunition dump.
With the war over, he separated from the service in October of 1945. In the 1950s the Raschio family resided in Portland in a house he helped build and where he still lives today. He enjoyed a long career as a teacher at Franklin High School and supplemented his income with summertime painting jobs. For 26 years he also “moonlighted” in the evening selling men’s suits at Meier & Frank. Retired from teaching and “haberdashery” in 1980, he and Maria began to enjoy more time together and that included sharing the dance floor several times a week. They shared their last dance a month before she passed away in 2010. Dario and Maria had been married for almost 68 years. On November 10th, a healthy and spry Raschio will turn 100 years-old. Exactly one month before his birthday, the former Sailor, his son Darrell, and friend Karyn attended the Navy’s renaming ceremony for the USS Oregon and USS Portland. Raschio watched as smartly dressed Sailors and Marines took part in the ceremony. “Seeing those young men and women in uniform reminded me of my time in the Navy. We learned discipline and got the best military training in the world. We all had jobs to do and sometimes we risked our lives.” Raschio said his wartime survival has blessed him with a loving family, a happy life and good health. “Not bad for a 100 year-old.”
“I was so excited to report back to the ship that I forgot to drop my two bombs on that target.” As he landed on the water, a sneaker wave hit the left wing pontoon and snapped it off. His plane capsized, sending the pair into the sea. Raschio and the photographer tried swimming to the aircraft, but the winds carried it further away. The USS Chester was too distant to help. “I was prepared to die, but that’s when I thought of St. Michael’s Parish and that Holy Names Sister, whose name I don’t remember. She had promised to pray for me. After a few minutes I said to myself, “Sister, if I ever needed
Two years before the beginning of World War II, Dario Raschio wanted to join the military and learn how to fly. In 1939, one year after Raschio earned a biology degree from Oregon State College, his plan was to open a pharmacy with a friend. But as he recalls, the best laid plans can and do change.
A chilly cabin near the base was now their home. Raschio was in charge of aerial gunnery, bombing targets, and briefings on target locations. He became somewhat of a local celebrity because he was the only pilot with war experience. Raschio gained fame once for flying back from San Francisco through a storm with serum needed to save the life of a boy at the nearby Japanese internment camp.
ODVA Director Cameron Smith pauses to talk with former Navy pilot Dario Raschio at the renaming ceremony the USS Oregon and USS Portland. Raschio will be 100 years old on November 10th. VETS NEWS // FALL 2014 //
2014 veterans Day Edition
honoring those who served.
2014 statewide veterans
ALBANY NOV. 10 - 7 to 10 p.m. – Annual Veteran of the Year Banquet at American Legion Post 10, 1215 Pacific Blvd. Social hour at 6 p.m. The dinner and program begin at 7 p.m. The program includes guest speakers, distinguished area veterans, and announcing the Veteran of the Year. Tickets: $22.50 each. Reserve yours today. NOV. 11 - 6:30 to 9:30 a.m. – All you can eat Pancake Breakfast at West Albany High School Cafeteria. Cost: Adults $7; Military/Veterans in uniform and children under 12; $4. 8:30 to 9:15 a.m. – Memorial Service at Timber Linn Park includes: Guest speakers, laying of Gold Star and POW/ MIA wreaths, “Oregon’s Own” 234th Army Band, a howitzer salute, Echo Taps. 9 to 11 a.m. – Biscuits, Gravy, Sausage, Coffee Breakfast, at Eagles Aerie #2255, 127 Broadalbin St. NW. Cost: $4. 11 a.m. – The biggest Veterans Day Parade west of the Mississippi travels through downtown. Theme: “Veterans Heroes at Home.” Grand Marshals: World War II veterans. More than 200 parade entries all honor our veterans. 2 p.m. – Awards Ceremony begins 20 minutes after the parade ends, Linn County Courthouse, 300 4th Ave. SW.
NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Parade, downtown, NW Newport to Wall St., around Drake Park and concluding at NW Galveston and Harmon St. Grand Marshals: Corporal Lorin Myring, U.S. Marine Corps, and other World War II veterans. About 250 American flags are placed at Bend Heroes Memorial, on Veterans Memorial Bridge and along the parade route. After parade an Open House is at VFW Post 1643, 1503 NE 4th St. Contact: Rabbine Harpell, 541-480-4516, rabbine@aol.com 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. – Veterans’ Day benefit at The Tower with “The Notables” for an evening of Swing Music and Dancing, a Picnic Dinner and beverages (for an additional charge). Watch 1940s and 50s newsreels, cartoons, and comedy routines. Veterans admission is at "two for the price of one" using the code “swing.” Contact: Tower Theatre Foundation, 541-317-0700 BURNS NOV. 11 - 6 p.m. – Free banquet for all veterans co-hosted by American Legion Post 63 and Elks Lodge #1680, 118 N. Broadway Ave. Cost: $5 for non-veterans. Guest speaker: Charlie Smith, Post 63. Contact: Ron Estep, 541-589-1552 CANYONVILLE
Contact: Patty Louisiana, Pres., Veteran Commemoration Assoc., 541-981-2390, www.albanyveteransdayparade.org
NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Tri-City VFW Post 9744 will honor all veterans during an annual event at City Hall, 250 N. Main St. Hear patriotic choir music. Refreshments will be served.
Contact: Bud Saber, 541-839-2059
NOV. 9 - 5 p.m. – Free dinner for all veterans and their families at American Legion Post 12, 1132 Exchange St. Live music to follow. NOV. 11 - 10 a.m. – Brunch served at American Legion Post 12, 1132 Exchange St. 12 p.m. – A free lunch to be served to veterans and their families. A program begins at 1 p.m. Donations are welcome. Contact: Mike Phillips, American Legion Post 12, 503-791-1921 BEAVERTON NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Annual ceremony, hosted by American Legion Post 124, at Bethel Congregational Church, 7th and Watson St. Guest speaker: Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici. Music: Soprano, Anna Kazakova; South Ridge High School Choir. Display of flags at Veterans Memorial Park. Contact: Marv Doty, Commander, American Legion Post 124, 503-644-0350, marvind@frontier.com BEND NOV. 7 - 11 a.m. – An assembly at Bend Senior High School, 230 NE 6th, will honor all veterans attending. The theme, “Welcome Home,” pays special tribute to Vietnam Veterans. The names of 11 BSHS students killed in Vietnam will be read. Diplomas will be presented to three former students who left school to serve during WW II, Korea and Vietnam. Tribute videos and patriotic music will be presented. Contact: Gary Whitley, 541-355-3905 5 p.m. to Midnight – Marine Corps Ball at the Elks Lodge, 63120 Boyd Acres Rd. Marines and guests will celebrate 239 years of the Marine’s dedicated service to God, Corps and Country, with dancing, music and fun. Reservations are required. Dress: Central Oregon casual. Contact: Patty Anderson, 541-410-4991, wildcatannie1@bendbroadband.com
NOV. 8 - 10 a.m. – A ceremony, hosted by OSU Air Force ROTC Detachment 685, in the Memorial Union Quad will include a Joint Color Guard, Mock Funeral for a fallen soldier, 21-Gun Salute, “Taps” and a POW/MIA remembrance ceremony. Reception in the Journey Room. Guest speaker: Col (Ret) Jack Van Loan, Vietnam POW, OSU class of 1954. Contact: Cadet Koob, 503-383-4165, kooba@onid.orst.edu DALLAS NOV. 7 - 10 a.m. – Faith Christian School, 2290 E. Ellendale Ave., will honor veterans with a program and class presentations. Veterans are encouraged to bring military memorabilia - pictures, uniforms, souvenirs - for display. All veterans and spouses are invited to stay for a free lunch and visit with students. Call to register. Contact: Juli Tschiegg, 503-623-6632, fcschool@fceagles.com NOV. 8 - 8 to 11 a.m. – A free breakfast for veterans will be served at the United Methodist Church, 565 SE LaCreol Drive by American Legion Post 20. Veteran’s families and friends are also invited. Donations are welcome. Contact: Beth Lillibridge, Beth.Lillibridge@gmail.com ELKTON NOV. 10 - 10 a.m. – Elkton School District hosts their annual Veteran’s Day celebration in the high school gym with student songs, poetry, original writings, and a guest speaker. The District will issue official high school diplomas to qualified veterans who served and did not receive one. Refreshments will be served.
NOV. 11 - 9 to 10 a.m. – The annual Oregon Fallen War Heroes Memorial Commemoration Ceremony at Don Jones City Park on Hammrick Rd.
Contact: Penny Clark, 541-584-2228
Contact: Jennifer Boardman, 541-423-1042
NOV. 11 - 7 to 11 a.m. – A breakfast hosted by American Legion Post 74 is served at the Odd Fellows Hall, 267 SW 2nd Ave. Cost: $5.
CLACKAMAS NOV. 8 - 9 a.m. – The first annual Veteran’s Day 5K Run/ Walk at Camp Withycombe combines a fun event for a special cause and a rare opportunity to see this historic and active Oregon National Guard camp and military facility. Registration: $35; $10 goes to support the renovation of the Oregon Military Museum. Register: http://htcraceseries. com/event/1st-annual-veterans-day-5k-runwalk/ 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Veteran’s Day Open House at Camp Withycombe showcases the Oregon Military Museum and the National Guard’s role in state history, 15300 SE Minuteman Way. Visit museum displays, living historians in the crowd, meet soldiers, see National Guard equipment, Vietnam veterans are honored with a large display. Free admission, lunch is provided. Contact: Alisha Hamel, 503-705-5965, www.historicaloutreach.com COOS BAY NOV. 11 - 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Breakfast is served at Bay Area Post 34, 1421 Airport Way. Cost: $7. 6 p.m. – Eagles Aerie 538 hosts 34th annual free dinner for all veterans and families, 568 S. 2nd. Social Hour at 5:30 p.m. Contact: Paul Trueax, 541-297-3236 CORBETT NOV. 11 - 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – American Legion Post 108 and the Kiwanis Club will host a program at the Corbett School. Refreshments will be served. Contact: Jeff Grover, 503-695-2651
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Contact: Terry Brown, 503-867-6123 EUGENE NOV. 11 - 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. – A Roll Call of the names of more than 4,800 fallen U.S. military members who have died while serving in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom will be read at the University of Oregon’s Erb Memorial Union Amphitheater. Contact: Stacey Vasquez, 541-346-3406 11 a.m. – The annual “11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th Month” ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Bldg., 1626 Willamette St. Guest speaker: Jay Hall, Commander, American Legion Post 3. Nathan Fendrich, Post 3 Historian, will show a history presentation about the “Great War” World War I. Contact: Nick Urhausen, 541-344-5070, nickurhausen@comcast.net 7 p.m. – A new full length documentary, “Forgotten Heroes: An Honor Flight Story”, premieres in the Valley River Inn’s Willamette Room. It chronicles the May 2014 trip to Washington DC by 48 area World War II veterans. Tickets are $10 and available at the Eugene Chamber of Commerce, Springfield Chamber of Commerce and Travel Lane County locations. Contact: Joseph Reiley, 541-682-4191, www.swvhonrflight.org.
day events FLORENCE NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Service honoring all veterans at the Elks Club, 1686 12th St. 1 p.m. – The 8th annual parade runs through Old Town. Grand Marshals: Women Veterans. All patriotic groups and individuals are welcome to participate and support our service men and women. Free lunch provided for veterans at several local restaurants. Contacts: Megan Gerber, 541-991-9457 or Sgt. Tim Sapp, 541-999-8230, www.florencechamber.com/chamber/ florence-veterans-day-parade-0 FOREST GROVE NOV. 9 - 12:30 p.m. – American Legion Post 2 and Elks Lodge #2440 will host the ceremonies at the Elks Lodge, 2810 Pacific Ave. A free lunch will be served to veterans, their families, active duty military, National Guard and Reservists. Entertainment will follow.
NOV. 9 - 3 to 5 p.m. – A free turkey dinner will be served to all veterans and their spouses by members of Elks Lodge 2472, at 4250 Cherry Ave. NE. Several guest speakers from local veterans organizations will be part of a program to honor veterans and their service. Reservations must be made by November 8.
Contact: Elks Lodge, 503-390-0858
Contact: Mark Williams, 503-679-9328, www.secondwinds.org
KLAMATH FALLS NOV. 11 - 10 a.m. – A downtown parade begins on Spring St. and concludes at Veterans Memorial Park. 11 a.m. – The ceremony following the parade includes a placing of wreaths and a POW/MIA remembrance. Guest speaker: Col. (ret.) Karen Johnson. 12 to 2 p.m. – A free beef stew lunch will be provided at VFW Post 1383, 515 Klamath Ave. The free spaghetti feed is at the Marine Corps League’s Leatherneck Club, 1019 Main St.
Contact: Jim Craigg, 503-357-3660, jl.ml.craigg@frontier.com
Contact: VFW Post 1383, 541-880-6481, karenkarin32@gmail.com
NOV. 7 - 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – The Josephine County Veteran Service Office will provide a free lunch to veterans to honor their commitment and service to our country. Location: County Courthouse, Anne Basker Bldg., 500 NW 6th St.
NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – American Legion Post 43 Veterans Day Parade is on Adams Ave. A spaghetti feed will be held afterwards at the American Legion Post 43, 301 Fir St. Cost: Free to Legion members; $3.50 for non-members.
Contact: Lisa Shipley, 541-474-5454
Contact: American Legion Post 43, 541-963-5141
NOV. 9 - 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. – American Legion Post 28 will host a free dinner for veterans at 206 NW “F” St. Nonveterans cost: $5.
Contact: Jim Van Allen, 775-813-8025 NOV. 10 - 6 p.m. – Students from Saint Anne’s Catholic School, 1131 NE 10th St., will host an event and singing patriotic songs.
NOV. 11 - 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. – “Honor Their Service” – a tribute to veterans program will include inspirational speakers, distinguished guests, patriotic entertainment, and Posting of Colors. Location: Adult Community Center, 505 G Ave. Contact: Dawn Kolb, 503-697-6590, www.ci.oswego.or.us
Contact: Shawna, 541-479-1582
GRESHAM NOV. 11 - 1 p.m. – A memorial service will be hosted by VFW Post 180 at Powell Blvd. and Roberts St.
NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Ceremony at the Community Cemetery followed by an open house and BBQ hosted by American Legion Post 45, 52532 Drafter Road. Guest speaker: Mayor Ken Mulenex.
Contact: Val Shaull, 503-805-8991, http://vfwpost180.org
Contact: Pat Cotton, 541-536-1402
NOV. 11 - 8 to 9 a.m. – The Hermiston Chamber of Commerce is serving a free breakfast to all veterans at the Conference Center, 415 S. Hwy 395.
NOV. 10 - 8 to 11 a.m., Nov. 11 - 7 to 11 a.m. – American Legion Post 51, 480 S. Main St., is serving breakfast both days. Cost: $5.
Contaft: Kelly Schwirse, 541-567-6151, www.hermistonchamber.com
Contact: Doris Fuller, 541-401-1705
HOOD RIVER NOV. 11 - 8 to 11 a.m. – Elks Lodge 1507, American Legion Post 22 and Safeway are serving a free breakfast to all veterans at 304 Cascade Ave. 11 a.m. – Community celebration ceremony at Anderson’s Tribute Center, 1401 Belmont Rd., includes patriotic music, a guest speaker from American Legion Post 22, Pack 378 Boy and Cub Scouting groups, and Scout Master Nick Kirby’s tribute to veterans.
MADRAS NOV. 11 - 10:30 a.m. – Erickson Aircraft Collection and VFW Post 12141 will present a ceremony and tribute to veterans among the vintage warbirds at the aircraft museum, 2408 NW Berg Drive. Guest speaker: Ellis Skidmore, US Navy, World War II. A free lunch will be served. Donations are accepted. Contact: Len Parsons, 541-980-9474
Contact: Jack Trumbull, 541-386-1000
2 p.m. – American Legion Post 125 is sponsoring an allcommunity parade downtown.
Contact: Post 125, 541-350-8009
NOV. 11 - 9 a.m. – Annual Veterans Day breakfast is served at the McNary Restaurant, McNary Golf Course in Keizer. All active or retired warrant or commissioned officers and spouses are welcome. Guest speaker: State Sen. Brian Boquist. Hosted by the MOAA, Willamette Chapter. RSVP by Nov. 7.
5:30 to 8 p.m. – All veterans are welcome to a free dinner at the Elks Lodge, 262 SW 2nd St. Donations are being accepted for families and friends for their meal and to support veterans.
Contact: Bill Meyers, 503-370-9013
Contact: Elks Lodge, 541-475-6046
NOV. 9 - 3 p.m. – Second Winds Community Band’s annual free Veterans Day concert presents: “Remembering D-Day Music of the 1940s and our Allies” at the Community Center, 600 NE Evans St. Free admission. Donations will be accepted for the local Oregon National Guard Family Support unit.
5 to 7 p.m. – American Legion Post 21 is hosting a dinner at 126 NE Atlantic St. Cost: Free to veterans; all others, $6. Contact: Terry Ward, 971-241-5454 NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Veterans Appreciation Day at Chemeketa Community College, Bldg. 1, 288 NE Norton Lane. Color Guard: American Legion Post 21. Contact: Linda Ringo-Reyna, 503-589-7702 MEDFORD NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – The annual parade will proceed on Main St. from Hawthorne to Oakdale. Contact: Brett Johnson, 541-499-5587 MILWAUKIE NOV. 11 - 12 to 5 p.m. – Veterans and their families are invited to an Open House at American Legion Post 180, 2146 SE Monroe St. Hot dogs and chili will be served. Live patriotic music provided by American Legion Post 185’s musicians at 3 p.m. Contact: Jerry Craig, 503-723-9988, squish5213@comcast.net NEWBERG NOV. 10-11 – Flag folding ceremonies will be held at local assisted living facilities both days by Lester C. Rees American Legion Post 57. Veteran programs will be conducted at local elementary school on Nov. 7 and 10. Contact: Faith Gerstel, 503-538-9151 NORTH BEND NOV. 11 - 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Breakfast will be served by American Legion Post 34 and the Coos Bay Eagles at the Post, 1421 Airport Way. 6 p.m. – Free dinner for veterans and families with a social hour, 5 p.m. Cost: $6. Location: 568 S. 2nd St. Contact: Terry Jones, 541-982-4552 ONTARIO NOV. 8 - 1 p.m. – The 12th Annual American Legion Post 67 Parade will form on Alameda and SW 4th Ave., and conclude at the train depot. NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Post 67 will host a memorial ceremony at Evergreen Cemetery at the American Legion Memorial, 1155 S. Park Blvd. Contact: Mike Jones, 541-889-5655 OREGON CITY NOV. 11 - 12 to 6 p.m. – VFW Three Rivers Post 1324, 104 Tumwater, will host an Open House with Post tours and displays of military memorabilia from World War II to the present. Coffee and refreshments will be served. Contact: D.J. Ruger, 503-655-6969
PENDLETON NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – VFW Post 922 will conduct a ceremony at Pioneer Chapel, on SE Byers. Contact: Clifford Smith, 541-566-2438 PORTLAND NOV. 11 - 9:45 a.m. – The 40th Annual Ross Hollywood Chapel Veterans Day Parade runs from NE 40th and Tillamook, ending at NE 48th and Sandy Blvd. Grand Marshal: World War II veteran, Brig. Gen. (ret.) James Thayer. The ceremony begins at 10:30 a.m. A free World War II style USO show at the Hollywood Theater on NE Sandy Blvd. immediately follows. Contact: Angela McKenzie-Tucker, 503-729-2143, angela.mckenzie@dignitymemorial.com, www.veteransdaypdx.org 11 a.m. – The University of Portland Air Force and Army ROTC will conduct a joint ceremony on campus at the Praying Hands Memorial, 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Guest speaker: Vietnam veteran, Col. (ret.) Doug Edwards. Contacts: Major Rob Moriarty, 503-943-8244 NOV. 15 - 9 to 11 a.m. – City Bible Church, 9200 NE Fremont, will host a free breakfast for all Veterans, First Responders, their family and friends, or anyone who wants to attend and honor our heroes. Contacts: Chaplain Terry & Nancy Schrick, 503-705-3557 PRINEVILLE NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – The annual parade begins on Main Street and 4th and ends at Ochoco Park where a ceremony will honor veterans. Afterwards American Legion Post 29 is hosting a free spaghetti lunch open to the public at the Veterans Club, 405 N. Main St. Contact: Veterans Club, 541-447-5651 REDMOND NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. –Veterans Day parade downtown is cosponsored by American Legion Post 44 and VFW Post 4108. Free picnic lunch at the Post, 1836 SE Veterans Way, for all veterans and families. Contact: Jack Newcombe, 541-526-1371 1 p.m. – Hospice of Redmond will host the Veterans Honorable Service Medal Program at the Wall of Honor, 732 SW 23rd St. Veteran’s names are being accepted to be added to the Wall. For information and required documentation, call Tessa Bailey, 541-548-7483. Contact: Christine Lewis, 541-548-7483, www.hospiceofredmond.org ROSEBURG NOV. 11 - 7 to 10 a.m. – Free breakfast for veterans and their families will be served at American Legion Post 16, 406 SE Oak. Donations accepted. 11 a.m. – Douglas County Veterans Day Parade, downtown city center. Grand Marshals: Operation Desert Shield-Desert Storm veterans. An Oregon Army National Guard color guard will lead the parade. Contact: Michael Hendricks, 541-673-8455, www.co.douglas.us/veterans/ SALEM NOV. 6 - 12 to 2:30 p.m. – The “Honoring and Remembering Our Brave Veterans” celebration is at Chemeketa Community College, Campus Bldg. 2 - Student Center. Refreshments will be served by the Veteran’s Office. Contact: Lupe Reyna, 503-589-7702 NOV. 8 - 7 p.m., Nov. 9 - 3 p.m. – Willamette’s Master Chorus’ 10th annual veterans concert: “Celebrating our Veterans” is a USO style show with World War II era music, contemporary music, and military branch service hymns. Location: Smith Auditorium at Willamette University. Tickets: $15- $30. Active duty military and veterans receive a $3 discount. Contact: Karin Holton, 503-370-6929, www.willamettemasterchorus.org/ NOV. 10 - 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. – The 50+ Center, at the corner of Portland and Silverton Roads NE, will host a free lunch for veterans with patriotic music. Contact: Marilyn, 503-588-6303 8 //
NOV. 11 - 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Capitol American Legion Post 9 will serve a free breakfast at the Salem Eagles, 2771 Pence Loop SE. A short program begins at 10 a.m. Donations will be accepted. Contact: Jack La Box, 503-581-6594 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Veterans Appreciation Day ceremony at Salvation Army Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, 1865 Bill Frey Drive A free lunch is served to veterans and their immediate family at 12 p.m. A valid veteran’s ID is requested. Veteran’s Resource Fair will be open until 3 p.m. Contact: Shannan Dailey, 503-798-4782
WALDPORT NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Veterans recognition ceremony will recognize veterans and active duty military members, at Veterans Park, Highway 34 and Broadway Street. Contact: Bill Grimm, Post 3156, 541-563-4073 WAMIC NOV. 10 - 11:30 a.m. – Ceremony and flag raising, co-hosted by American Legion Post 73 and Post 135 Auxiliary, at Canyon Rim Manor in Maupin. Luncheon begins at 12 p.m. Guest speaker: Dick Sherman
12 p.m. – The annual free luncheon for all veterans and their families will be served at the Elks Lodge 336, located at 2336 Turner Road SE.
Contact: Dick Sherman, 541-544-2155
Contact: Elks Lodge 336, 503-364-6839
2 p.m. – Ceremony at the Afghan-Iraqi Freedom Memorial on the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs grounds, 700 Summer St. NE. The names of fallen Oregonians killed while serving in Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom will be read aloud. Guest speaker: Joanne Krumberger, Director, VA Portland Health Care System. Military honors: North Salem High School JROTC.
NOV. 11 - 10 a.m. – The Dept. of Veterans Affairs invites the community, veterans, active duty military, and their families to a celebration in the SORC Theater, 8495 Crater Lake Highway. Young Marines will post the Colors. Guest speaker: Col. Gregor Leist, Vice Commander, 173rd Fighter Wing, Kingsley Field. The celebration includes a mini-concert by the Rogue Valley Symphonic Band and remembering Oregon’s Fallen Heroes, children’s patriotic activities, VA Information Booths and refreshment social.
Contact: ODVA, 503-373-2389 2 p.m. – Veterans Day celebration and ceremony at Bonaventure of Salem, 3411 Boone Road SE. Dallas American Legion Post 20 will post colors. Guest speaker: David Christian, Commander, Post 20. Contact: Dirk Levy, 209-985-7568, danddlevy@yahoo.com SANDY NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Ceremonial tribute with patriotic music hosted by VFW Post 4273 and Auxiliary at the Sandy Town Square on Pioneer Blvd. Guest speakers, Color Guard, and Taps will be played. 12 p.m. – Community potluck at VFW Post 4273, 38452 Proctor Blvd. Contact: VFW Post 4273, 503-668-5211 SISTERS NOV. 7 - 10 a.m. – Sisters High School’s Leadership Class invites all veterans, their families and the community to attend an assembly honoring all who have served. Guest speakers, patriotic music performed by the school’s choir will be held in the school’s auditorium, 1700 W McKinney Butte Rd. A coffee reception follows the assembly. Contact: Michele Hammer, 541-549-4045 SPRINGFIELD NOV. 9 - 1:30 p.m. – The 15th annual Lane County Veterans Day Parade begins at 21st and Olympic St. Contact: Nick Urhausen, 541-344-5070, nickurhausen@comcast.net, www.vetsdayparade.org THE DALLES NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Annual parade starts and ends at the former National Guard Armory site, 713 Weber St. Dr. Grand Marshal: Dr. Milt Scov, World War II Merchant Mariner. A community potluck will be served after the parade at the Oregon Veterans’ Home hosted by the VFW Post 2471 Auxiliary.
Contact: Rhonda Haney, 541-830-7585, www.southernoregon.va.gov WILSONVILLE NOV. 11 - 10:30 a.m. – Korean War veterans, Oregon Trail Chapter will honor and salute America’s veterans during a ceremony at the Oregon Korean War Memorial, 29600 Town Center Park. Contact: Chuck Lusardi, 503-628-1847, www.kwvador.com WOODBURN NOV. 11 - 10:30 a.m. – Ceremony at Belle Passi Cemetery Mausoleum, Belle Passi Road, hosted by American Legion, Post 46. Contact: Dan Evers, 503-981-1470 WOOD VILLAGE NOV. 15 - 9 to 11 a.m. – Veterans will be served a free breakfast at the Wood Village Baptist Church 23601 NE Arata Road. Non-veterans: $6 each. Guest speakers: Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Multnomah County officials, a Portland VA Hospital representative, and Oregon FOE Aerie State President Anthony Rizzi. Contact: Wood Village Baptist Church, 503-661-7686
Your state veteran home loan benefit just got better. Like $417,000 better and 4 homes better.
Contact: Les Cochenour, 541-298-5692 TIGARD NOV. 11 - 12 p.m. – Veterans and guest are invited to enjoy Hobo Stew at American Legion Post 158, 8635 SW Scoffins St. Donations will be accepted.
e home.
Contact: Post 158, 503-624-2332, info@americanlegion158.com TILLAMOOK NOV. 11 - 11 a.m. – Community celebration at Tillamook High School, 2065 12th St. Theme: Women in Uniform. Keynote speakers: Bernice Stephenson, World War II, Army Air Corps, and Spc. Jaynie Cole, Iraq veteran, Purple Heart recipient. Military honors: U.S. Coast Guard. Music: Tillamook Community and High School choirs. Contact: 503-377-4085, John Sollman
To apply or to find out more about your qualifications, please call the Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs Home Loan Department at 888-673-8387. www.orvethomeloans.com A product of the Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairs
After the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) Robert A. McDonald directed all VA healthcare and benefits facilities to hold town-hall events by the end of September, to improve communication with and hear directly from veterans nationwide, medical centers in Oregon responded. Portland’s VA Medical Center (PVAMC) has hosted three town halls since June, including two in September. PVAMC spokesperson Dan Herrigstad said each event lasted about 90 minutes so that every veteran who wanted to ask a question or voice comments had an opportunity. “We had about 30 veterans at each of the two events in September. They were well received and provided veterans a venue to share concerns, ask questions, and/ or link up with subject matter experts from PVAMC staff who were also present,” Herrigstad said.
U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus addresses the crowd at the Portland Waterfront during the renaming ceremony of two ships, the USS Oregon and Portland.
NEW NAVY VESSELS NAMED FOR OREGON PORTLAND – With the mast of the celebrated battleship USS Oregon in the background, the U.S. Navy announced October 10th it will revive the USS Oregon name by assigning it to a submarine currently being built. During a ceremony in Portland’s Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus told the crowd an amphibious transport ship, known as a landing platform dock, will be named the USS Portland. Secretary Mabus touted the partnership between the Navy, Marines, the state of Oregon and the city of Portland. He said too much time had elapsed between the Navy’s use of the USS Oregon name. Construction on the USS Oregon, a Virginia-class submarine, began in early October with the scheduled delivery expected in November 2019. Other Virginiaclass subs also carry the names of states.
The keel was laid on the USS Portland in August 2013. Its commissioning is expected in November 2017. Once known as the “Bulldog of the Navy,” the USS Oregon made headlines in 1898 and 1899 when it dispatched from the San Francisco Bay to Santiago, Cuba following the explosion that sank the USS Maine. The ship helped to defeat Cuban forces in the Spanish American War and was then ordered to the Pacific for blockade duty. The Oregon was decommissioned in 1906 and recommissioned in 1911, salvaged as part of the World War II scrap metal drive, and was finally scrapped in 1956. The last pieces of the legendary ship – its mast, smokestacks, giant anchor and chain – eventually returned to Portland.
The Portland VA will host another town hall on December 9, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at PVAMC Columbia Campus, 1601 E. 4th Plain Blvd., in Vancouver, Wash. In White City, more than 60 veterans were among 140 people who attended the town hall September 26 at the VA Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinics (SORCC). The questions or comments from veterans primarily addressed concerns about their personal claim. Many local veterans were very vocal about how the SORCC had been managed. SORCC spokesperson Rhonda Haney said overall the town hall was well received and brought veterans and other community members together to ask questions, talk and express their concerns. “We had more than 30 SORCC employees who attended. We all share a great deal of empathy for the concerns they expressed because our job is to help our veterans to receive the help and care they need and have earned,” she said. Field representatives from the offices of Sen. Jeff Merkley and Congressman Greg Walden also attended. The next Community Town Hall meeting will be held on Nov. 13, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the SORCC theatre.
WISH OF A LIFETIME Two non-profit foundations granted the personal wishes of eight Oregon veterans, and two from Montana, who wanted to visit the war memorials in Washington DC. On Oct. 20, ODVA Director Cameron Smith was among the well-wishers at Portland International Airport who saw the veterans off on their three-day trip. The “Journey of Heroes” was founded by two non-profit foundations, Vital Life Foundation (VLF) and Wish of a Lifetime (WOL). The foundations collaborate to grant life-enriching wishes that provide meaning and vitality in the lives of seniors. WOL and VLF are very aware of the imminent passing by older generation of America’s heroes and are committed to fulfilling their wishes. Photos by Gary Tetz, Vital Life Foundation.
VETS NEWS // FALL 2014 //
DEPENDENCY AND INDEMNITY COMPENSATION [DIC] Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is the primary monthly monetary benefit payable to surviving dependents of a deceased veteran, and is the equivalent benefit to disability compensation for veterans. This benefit is payable if the veteran died while on active duty, in the line of duty and not due to willful misconduct or, if death was after service, the death was caused or attributed to a service-connected disability.
PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN WALGREENS AND VA TO PROVIDE VACCINATIONS TO VETS WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a first-of-its-kind partnership, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced it has joined forces with retailer Walgreens to provide greater access to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-recommended vaccinations to veterans across the country. Through its nearly 8,200 locations nationwide, Walgreens will offer flu and other recommended vaccinations to veterans. Pharmacists can administer vaccinations to veterans and will use eHealth Exchange, through its Walgreens Cloud Electronic Health Records platform, to securely share immunization records with VA to help ensure complete patient medical records. The VA-Walgreens partnership gives veterans a greater choice in time and location for getting their flu shots without having to complete any other VA forms. Vaccinations are available daily during all pharmacy hours with no appointment necessary and are subject to availability. This partnership grew out of a successful pilot program that began in Florida to provide flu vaccines to veterans throughout the state. Based on those results, VA is expanding the pilot nationwide.
“VA is proud to partner with Walgreens to provide needed vaccines to our nation’s Veterans,” said VA Secretary Robert A. McDonald. “This partnership is a great example of how government and the private sector can work together to effectively and efficiently provide Veterans the care and benefits that they've earned.”
The current basic monthly rate of DIC is $1,215 for an eligible surviving spouse. The rate is increased for each dependent child, and also if the surviving spouse is housebound or in need of aid and attendance. VA also adds a transitional benefit of $301 to the surviving spouse’s monthly DIC if there are children under age 18. The amount is based on a family unit, not individual children. More information about other dependent benefits, please visit www.oregondva.com/dependents-andsurvivors.
Under the agreement, VA funding can provide approximately 75,000 flu shots for enrolled veterans. Vaccines are subject to availability and patients are encouraged to check with their health plan for specific coverage details. Walgreens President and Chief Executive Officer Greg Wasson, said, “This is an excellent opportunity for our pharmacists to help VA educate Veterans about the importance of vaccinations, to improve immunization rates through greater access and to contribute to helping veterans get, stay and live well.” Age, state and health related restrictions may apply. Many immunizations may be covered by commercial insurance plans, Medicare Part B or Medicare Part D. To find the nearest Walgreens, veterans can call 800-WALGREENS or visit www.walgreens.com. For more information about VA’s immunization program, visit www.ehealth.va.gov/Immunization.asp.
VETERANS’ TREATMENT COURT GRADUATES 4 SALEM – They are in class by themselves and there is a reason for that. They are the first graduates of an innovative program to help veterans. The four graduates of the Marion County Veterans' Treatment Court had reason to celebrate July 11. The four men became the first to complete the 18-month program that was launched in October 2012. At the courthouse in downtown Salem, military veterans Brian Center, Gary Grady, Alan Grizzle and Tim Kuenzi faced adversity. Instead of going through the regular criminal justice system, they volunteered to participate in the program.
Veterans Press 1
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Referred to by most as simply Vets’ Court, it is a veteran-specific caseload with hearings held during a block of time set aside one Friday morning each month in Marion County Circuit Court Judge Vance Day’s courtroom. “It’s a lot easier for these veterans just to take the sentence many times,” Judge Day said. “They can do 30 days in jail, and they’re done. They have to sign a contract and commit. It’s a lot of discipline and a lot of tough requirements, but they come out on the other side more healthy and whole and ready to reenter society.” There are currently 28 veterans in the Marion County program, including two women. Although they took different paths to the criminal justice system, their stories are similar in that they suffer from substance abuse and mental health problems stemming from their experiences in military service.
VETERAN MEMORIALS ACROSS OREGON The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs in Salem is home to memorials honoring Oregon veterans and current service members dating as far back as the Spanish American War. A walking tour leads you through winding paths and lush landscaping starting at the Korean War Memorial and finishing at the WWI Doughboy. These memorials are visited year round by veterans, their families and civilians alike to honor, remember and pay tribute to the amazing men and women who have, and continue to fight for our freedoms and liberties. The Department has also compiled a list of the veteran memorials across the state. You can find the complete list at www.oregon.gov/odva/Pages/ veteranmemorials.aspx
The first ever Veteran Owned Business Opportunity Showcase (VOBOS) featured three learning paths for veterans and offered key insights and educational seminars on topics ranging from business set up to how to apply for state and federal business certifications.
PARTNERING TO CONNECT VETERANS TO BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IN OREGON On October 17, the Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs hosted the first ever Veteran Owned Business Opportunity Showcase (VOBOS) at Camp Withycombe. The event offered key insights and educational seminars on topics ranging from business set up to how to apply for state and federal business certifications. The event registered more than 180 veteran owned businesses and was packed full of networking and educational opportunities as well as multiple business resources to help get veteran businesses on a clear path to success. The agency partnered with both state and federal organizations, including Business Oregon, Office of Minority, Women, and Emerging Small Business, Small Business Development Centers, Small Business Administration, GCAP, DAS Procurement Services, USDVA, Secretary of State’s office, the Governor’s office, ODOT, Dept. of Corrections, and SCORE to develop a three paths system to identify resources that impact success in business. Each path addressed resources dealing with understanding the marketplace, financial and technical support, certifications, and public contracting and procurement.
EVENTS REUNIONS Veterans/Holiday Bazaar at Milwaukie Post American Legion Post 180 Auxiliary putting on a Holiday and Veterans Bazaar at 2146 SE Monroe, on Nov. 8 from 10 am to 10 pm. Proceeds go to support area veterans programs. Post 180, Milwaukie. Contact: Diane Bowman, 503-7710029, www.AmericanlegionPost180.org Milwaukie Veterans Fundraiser in November Proceeds from the Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Cake Sale, at 19510 S.E. McLoughlin Blvd., from November 1-30, will go to support area veteran’s programs and the Oregon National Guard Museum at Camp Withycombe in Clackamas. Contact: Steve Lietz, 503-754-6805 American Women Vets’ Assoc. in Douglas County Female veterans from all U.S. service branches/ eras are invited to meet, become informed, do service projects, and enjoy camaraderie. Monthly meeting is on the 2nd Tue., 5 p.m., with a quarterly potluck at American Legion Post 16, 406 SE Oak St., Roseburg. Contact: Dona Brewer, 541-391-9813, dona4008@msn.com 10th Mountain Division Group Newcomers, WWII comrades and descendants meet monthly on the last Sunday for lunch, 1 p.m., Eastmoreland Golf Course Club House, 2425 SE Bybee Blvd., Portland. Group planning for the 10th Mountain Memorial Grove, picnics and other events. Contact: Jim Bray, 503-913-7058
Vietnam 25th Infantry Div., 1st Air CAV Vets All veterans are invited to meet monthly at 11:30 a.m., on the second Tuesday for lunch and conversation at Superking Buffet, 5105 SE 82nd Ave., Portland. Contacts: Gary Hartt, 503-6326955, Terry Lowe, 503-210-5558 US Merchant Marine-Navy Armed Guard Oregon’s AMMV meets on the third Monday of each month, 11:30 a.m., at Clackamas Banquet Facility, 15815 SE 82nd Drive. Contact: Linda Roberts, 503-663-7876 Douglas County Veterans Forum Veteran organizational leaders meet to discuss and develop common support for all SW Oregon veterans, and the annual events they support, third Tuesday of the month, at 5 p.m. Briefings provided by: VA, Oregon National Guard, community agencies specializing in veteran issues. Location: American Legion Post 16, 406 SE Oak St., Roseburg. Contact: John McDonald, 541-5806178, jd.mcdonald.jd@gmail.com Underage Veterans Meet 1st Fridays in Portland Veterans who joined the military at age 16 or younger, and anyone who is interested, are invited to meet on the first Friday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at Elmer’s Restaurant, 16087 SE 82nd Ave., Clackamas. Contact: Jim Bunting, 503-622-0369
Submit Event Information to Vets News at www.oregon.gov/ODVA/pages/Events.aspx
VETERANS’ SERVICE OFFICES County Service Organization Service Offices Baker .................... 541-523-8223 Benton ................. 541-758-1595 Clackamas ........... 503-650-5631 www.clackamascvso.com Clatsop ................. 503-440-8310 Columbia .............. 503-366-6580 www.columbiacvso.com Coos ...................... 541-396-3121, Ext. 362 Crook ..................... 541-447-5304 Curry ..................... 866-298-0404 www.currycvso.com Deschutes ............ 541-385-3214 Douglas ................ 541-440-4219 Gilliam .................. 541-384-6712 www.tricountyvso.com Grant .................... 541-575-1631 www.grantcvso.com Harney ................... 541-573-1342 www.harneycvso.com Hood River ........... 541-386-1080 Jackson ................ 541-774-8214 Jefferson .............. 541-475-5228 Josephine.............. 541-474-5454 www.josephinecvso.com Klamath ............... 541-883-4274 www.klamathcvso.com Lake ..................... 541-947-6043 www.lakecvso.com Lane ..................... 541-682-4191 www.lanecvso.com Lincoln ................. 541-574-6955 Linn ...................... 800-319-3882 Malheur ................ 541-889-6649 Marion ................... 503-373-2085 www.marionpolkcvso.com Morrow ................. 541-922-6420 Multnomah .......... 503-988-8387 Polk ....................... 503-373-2085 www.marionpolkcvso.com Sherman .............. 541-565-3408 www.tricountyvso.com Tillamook ............. 503-842-4358 www.tillamookcvso.com Umatilla ................ 541-278-5482 www.umatillacvso.com Union .................... 541-962-8802 www.unioncvso.com Wallowa ................. 541-426-3155, Ext. 241 Wasco .................. 541-506-2502 Washington .......... 503-846-3060 www.washingtoncvso.com Wheeler................. 541-763-3032 www.tricountyvso.com Yamhill ................. 503-434-7503 www.yamhillcvso.com
Rick Gloria Mary Newman Janice Harlan-Raisl Philip Simmons Russell Clark Eric Gleason Angela Gilley Kimberly O’Neal Keith Macnamara Bryan Hunt Bob Muenchausen Guy McKay Les Logsdon Bob Carson Tom Weiss Lisa Shipley Kathy Pierce Charles Pike Joseph Reiley John Reed Kim Grooms Connie Tanaka ODVA Linda Skendzel Katie Pereault ODVA Bryan Hunt Bill Hatton Peggy Raines Byron Whipple Charlie Neveau Russell Jones Vicki Horn Bryan Hunt Jerry Wilson
National Service Organization Service Offices American Legion ................................................... 541-475-5228 National Assoc. for Black Veterans ..................... 503-412-4159 Disabled American Veterans .............................. 503-412-4750 Military Order of the Purple Heart ........................ 503-412-4770 Paralyzed Veterans of America............................. 503-412-4762 Veterans of Foreign Wars...................................... 503-412-4757
Veterans’ Affairs Advisory Committee Since the Advisory Committee was established in 1945, it has held a distinct and fundamental role as advisors to the Director of ODVA. Advisory Committee members include: Irv Fletcher Dennis G. Guthrie Al Herrera , Chair
J. Ryan Howell Michael Jones Trisa E. Kelly
Gerard F. Lorang Mary J. Mayer Kevin J. Owens
To contact the Advisory Committee, please email vaac@odva.state.or.us or call 503-373-2383. Meetings of the Advisory Committee are public meetings held quarterly. The next meeting will be held on December 3, 2014 at 9:30 a.m. Camp Withycombe Auditorium 15300 SE Industrial Way, Clackamas. Please contact 503-3732383 for more information. Special needs will be met for those who have a disability. HIPAA Statement ODVA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA provides that no qualified person with a disability shall be kept from participation in, or be denied a benefit of the services, programs, or activities of ODVA because of that disability. This publication is available in alternate formats. For this service, or concerns regarding ADA, contact the ADA Coordinator at 503-373-2380. The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs (ODVA) complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, known as HIPAA. You may obtain a copy of the ODVA Notice of Privacy Practices anytime. Visit ODVA’s website at www.oregon.gov/odva, or call 1-800-828-8801 ext. 2141 or 503-373-2141. Write to ODVA’s Privacy Officer to have a copy mailed to you.
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