4 minute read
Nicole Hoeft, Strategic Communications Division Director
This quarter Strategic Communications supported and planned numerous events and communication efforts including continued promotion of the new PACT Act. Since the passage of this Act that massively expands veteran healthcare and benefits, ODVA has supported awareness and access to claims services on multiple media platforms to ensure every veteran and dependent is aware of the PACT Act, how to get a screening, and how to locate a Veteran Service Office in Oregon to file a claim.
ODVA has made updates to the website to increase visibility of and access to Veteran Service Offices and improved the section that contains live feed benefit updates published by the federal VA. These changes can be seen on ODVA’s homepage.
ODVA also supported numerous communication and outreach initiatives aimed at engaging with veterans and partners to increase agency program awareness, and drive veterans to services.
Veteran Programs and Partner Communications
• Women Veterans Conference promotion
• Promotion of ODVA’s Home Loan rate reduction
• PACT Act Communication
• Legislative Veteran Bill Digest
• VA Wheelchair Games (to be held in Portland in July)
• VA PSA’s for Mental Health Month – stories and resources
• Statewide Memorial Day Event promotion
ODVA in the Media
• ODVA Black History Month 2023
• Oregon legislation impacting veterans
• Readers respond: Offering help and support for LGBTQ+ veterans
• Oregon Women Veterans Conference registration open
ODVA and Partner Engagements: March-May 2023
• March 30: Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day Event
ODVA hosted a Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day event at the Oregon State Library where approximately 20 Vietnam veterans attended and were honored by state leadership and state legislators. The event was livestreamed on ODVA’s Facebook Page.
• March 31: VA PACT Act Claims Clinic
ODVA Director Fitzpatrick and ODVA outreach teams joined the Portland Regional Office at the Portland VA Medical Center for a VA PACT Act Claims Clinic where veterans were able to be screened for toxic exposure, enroll in VA heal care and file a PACT Act claim.
Strategic Communications Division
Nicole Hoeft, Strategic Communications Division Director
• April 3-5: USDVA Secretary Visit to Oregon
USDVA Secretary Denis McDonough visited Oregon where Director Fitzpatrick joined him and other VA leadership in executive-level meetings at the Portland VA Healthcare System and Portland Veterans Benefits Regional Office. The Oregon visit also included a listening session with student veterans at Portland State University
• April 21: Portland VA MC Director Holt Tour of Oregon Veterans’ Home

The Oregon Veterans’ Home in The Dalles hosted Portland VA Healthcare System Director David Holt for a tour of the facility and seeking feedback on how Portland VAHCS can partner even more closely with ODVA to provide services for veteran residents of the Home.
• April 29: ESGR Awards Banquet
Director Fitzpatrick spoke at the Annual ESGR Awards Banquet honoring employers of National Guard service members and Reservists.
• May 17: Armed Forces Day
ODVA conducted outreach at the Oregon Military Departments annual Armed Forces Day.
• May 20-21: Oregon Women Veterans Conference
The 2023 Oregon Women Veterans Conference was held May 20-21 at the Salem Convention Center where more than 325 Oregon women veterans and 55 vendors were in attendance.
• May 29: Statewide Memorial Day Events
ODVA’s 2023 Memorial Day event was held in Salem at the Oregon WWII Memorial located on the Capital grounds. This year ODVA’s Deputy Director Daniels hosted the event while Director Fitzpatrick attended Memorial Day events in Brookings and Gold Beach at the invitation of Rep. Court Boice. The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde invited ODVA to speak at the Grand Ronde Memorial Day event where ODVA’s new Tribal Veteran Coordinator, Jon Taylor, spoke.
ODVA and Partner Engagements: June-Aug 2023
• June: VA PACT Act Claims Clinics
ODVA outreach teams will join the VA to continue holding VA PACT Act Claims Clinics across the state where veterans were able to be screened for toxic exposure, enroll in VA heal care and file a PACT Act claim. June 5: LaGrande; June 20: Brookings; June 21: North Bend
• June 8: 75th Anniversary of the Women in Armed Services Integration Act
Director Fitzpatrick will speak at this event hosted by the Washington County Veteran Service Office. Women Veteran Coordinator Jessica Bradley will also be in attendance.
• June 25: Bend Pride
LGBTQ+ Veteran Coordinator will have a table and conduct outreach at this Pride event.
• June 28: LGBTQ+ Veteran Hiring Round Table Event
Director Fitzpatrick and LGBTQ+ Veteran Coordinator Ian Michaels will speak at the Portland and Anchorage VR&E Celebrate Pride Month LGBTQ+ Veteran Hiring Round Table Event
Strategic Communications Division
Nicole Hoeft, Strategic Communications Division Director
• June 29: LGBTQ+ Military History and Veteran Advocacy
LGBTQ+ Veteran Coordinator Ian Michaels will speak at Returning Veterans Project event about LGBTQ+ Military History and Veteran Advocacy
• July 15-16: Portland Pride
LGBTQ+ Veteran Coordinator will have a table and conduct outreach at this Pride event.
• July 28: VA PACT Act Claims Clinic – Grand Ronde

ODVA outreach teams will join the VA to continue holding VA PACT Act Claims Clinics across the state where veterans were able to be screened for toxic exposure, enroll in VA heal care and file a PACT Act claim.
• July 29: 70th Anniversary Event of the Korean War Armistice
At the invitation of the Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Seattle, Director Fitzpatrick will speak at the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice event being held at the Oregon Korean War Memorial.
• August 10: YMCA Veteran Transitional Housing Project Grand Opening Director Fitzpatrick will speak at the grand opening of Courtney Place, a new veteran transitional housing unit located in Salem.
• August 12: Eugene Pride
LGBTQ+ Veteran Coordinator will have a table and conduct outreach at this Pride event.
• August 26: Capital Pride – Pride in the Park
LGBTQ+ Veteran Coordinator will have a table and conduct outreach at this Pride event.
Honor and Remember Communications and Engagements
• Black History Month
• Women Military History Week
• Navy Reserve Birthday
• Medal of Honor Day
• Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day
• Gold Star Families Day
• Army Reserve Birthday
• Older American Month
• VE Day
Front Desk Reception
The Front desk has continued efforts to improve awareness of benefits and resources this quarter. In March, ODVA added information about the new PACT Act to the agency’s voicemail recording as well as inform callers about the veteran crisis line new phone number (988, Veterans press 1).