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Ruder Finn

Firm 2020 Net Fees FT Empl. Firm 2020 Net Fees FT Empl.

MIDWEST CITIES Continued from page 14 5. Lambert, $Grand Rapids, MI 13,650,000 74 6. Finn Partners (includes Detroit), Chicago, IL $9,920,000 53 7. Kivvit, Chicago, IL 9,438,668 34 8. Greentarget Global LLC, Chicago, IL 8,184,000 37 9. APCO Worldwide, Chicago, IL 6,680,100 22 10. Tunheim, Minneapolis, MN 5,170,757 22 11. Public Communications Inc., Chicago, IL 4,804,411 36 12. G&S Business Communications, Chicago, IL 4,243,040 23 13. L.C. Williams & Associates, Chicago, IL 4,206,450 18 14. Standing Partnership, St. Louis, MO 3,970,006 17 15. Zapwater Communications, Inc., Chicago, IL 2,900,376 23 16. Beehive Strategic Comm., St. Paul, MN 2,234,463 10 17. Bellmont Partners, Minneapolis, MN 2,070,753 13 18. O'Malley Hansen Comms, Chicago, IL 1,935,060 10 19. FrazierHeiby, Columbus, OH 1,779,362 14 20. MWWPR, Chicago, IL 1,341,222 6 21. Akrete, Evanston, IL 1,133,507 5 22. Bianchi Public Relations, Troy, MI 772,147 4 23. Taylor, Chicago, IL 300,000 2 24. Infinite Global, Chicago, IL 193,447 1


1. Edelman (includes Dallas & Houston), Austin $19,284,000 94 2. Pierpont Communications, Houston 6,802,560 32 3. Touchdown PR, Austin 5,600,633 12 4. TruePoint Communications, Dallas 3,726,153 28 5. Champion Management Group, Dallas 3,691,386 20 6. Idea Grove, Dallas 3,577,000 28 7. SPM Communications, Dallas 2,236,134 16 8. BizCom Associates, Plano 772,511 9 9. Zeno Group, Dallas 612,488 4


1. French | West | Vaughan, Raleigh, NC $33,159,488 122 2. Jackson Spalding, Atlanta, GA 20,902,415 103 3. Edelman, Atlanta, GA 18,249,000 88 4. Zimmerman Agency, Tallahassee, FL 15,400,000 46 5. Finn Partners, Nashville, TN 14,010,000 85 6. rbb Communications, Miami, FL 13,091,113 78 7. JeffreyGroup, Miami, FL 12,448,292 233 8. G&S Business Comms., Raleigh, NC 12,134,124 71 9. MP&F Strategic Comms., Nashville, TN 9,931,133 66 10. APCO Worldwide, Raleigh, NC 6,955,000 29 11. Taylor, Charlotte, NC 6,300,000 21 12. Trevelino/Keller, Atlanta, GA 4,886,767 30 13. BoardroomPR, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 3,400,000 17 14. Lovell Communications, Nashville, TN 3,066,369 17 15. ARPR, Atlanta, GA 3,022,086 17 16. Brandware, Atlanta, GA 2,820,232 13 17. Ehrhardt Group, The, New Orleans, LA 2,806,267 17 18. Edelman, Orlando, FL 2,606,000 10 19. Hemsworth Comms., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 1,148,669 16 20. Pineapple Public Relations, Chamblee, GA 1,089,067 8 21. CommCentric Solutions, Inc., Tampa, FL 897,706 7 22. Agency Ten22, Cumming, GA 867,365 4 23. Kivvit, Miami, FL 708,824 5 24. Judge Public Relations, LLC, Tampa, FL 474,942 3


1. Edelman (includes Beverly Hills) $32,031,000 119 2. Davies, Santa Barbara, CA 11,750,000 34 3. Zeno Group, Santa Monica, CA 3,600,340 15 4. Finn Partners 3,533,000 34 5. IW Group, Inc., West Hollywood, CA 2,985,370 10 6. Cerrell Associates 2,918,614 15 7. BLAZE, Santa Monica, CA 2,559,300 12 8. Marketing Maven PR, Camarillo, CA $ 1,218,152 9 9. Taylor 900,000 5 10. Bob Gold & Associates, Redondo Beach, CA 823,443 8 11. Hoyt Organization Inc., The, Torrance, CA $810,000 6 12. Clarity 755,191 3 13. MWWPR 643,896 13


1. Edelman (includes Silicon Valley) $41,726,000 173 2. Highwire PR 24,163,050 87 3. Hotwire 17,697,530 31 4. LaunchSquad 16,376,510 103 5. Hoffman Agency, The, San Jose, CA 15,115,000 34 6. Zeno Group, Redwood Shores, CA 12,868,599 50 7. Inkhouse 6,751,566 31 8. Bospar 6,632,137 37 9. Singer Associates Public Relations, Inc. 5,682,442 19 10. Finn Partners 5,309,000 22 11. Lumina Communications, San Jose, CA 4,007,407 17 12. Clarity 3,244,239 14 13. Edelman, Sacramento, CA 3,198,000 18 14. Landis Communications 2,100,062 7 15. Infinite Global 1,741,019 9 16. Peppercomm 1,617,667 4 17. Perry Comms. Group, Inc., Sacramento, CA 960,053 8


1. Edelman (incl. Silicon Valley), San Francisco, CA $41,726,000 173 2. Edelman, Seattle, WA 35,263,000 164 3. Edelman (incl. Beverly Hills), Los Angeles, CA 32,031,000 119 4. Highwire PR, San Francisco, CA 24,163,050 87 5. Hotwire, San Francisco, CA 17,697,530 31 6. Hoffman Agency, The, San Jose, CA 15,115,000 34 7. Zeno Group, Redwood Shores, CA 12,868,599 50 8. Davies, Santa Barbara, CA 11,750,000 34 9. LaunchSquad, San Francisco, CA 8,000,000 41 10. Edelman, Portland, OR 7,570,000 37 11. Inkhouse, San Francisco, CA 6,751,566 31 12. Bospar, San Francisco, CA 6,632,137 37 13. Singer Associates PR, San Francisco, CA 5,682,442 19 14. Finn Partners, San Francisco, CA 5,309,000 22 15. Raffetto Herman Strategic Comms., Seattle, WA 5,119,092 28 16. Finn Partners, Portland, OR 4,717,000 22 17. Lumina Communications, San Jose, CA 4,007,407 17 18. Zeno Group, Santa Monica, CA 3,600,340 15 19. Finn Partners, Los Angeles, CA 3,533,000 34 20. Clarity, San Francisco, CA 3,244,239 14 21. Edelman, Sacramento, CA 3,198,000 18 22. Serendipit, Phoenix, AZ 3,070,461 29 23. IW Group, Inc., West Hollywood, CA 2,985,370 10 24. Cerrell Associates, Los Angeles, CA 2,918,614 15 25. BLAZE, Santa Monica, CA 2,559,300 12 26. APCO Worldwide, Seattle, WA 2,455,300 11

(includes employee presence from CA to CO) 27. Landis Communications, San Francisco, CA 2,100,062 7 28. Infinite Global, San Francisco, CA 1,741,019 9 29. Peppercomm, San Francisco, CA 1,617,667 4 30. Marketing Maven PR, Camarillo, CA 1,218,152 9 31. Perry Comms. Group, Inc., Sacramento, CA 960,053 8 32. Taylor, Los Angeles, CA 900,000 5 33. Bob Gold & Associates, Redondo Beach, CA 823,443 8 34. Hoyt Organization Inc., The, Torrance, CA 810,000 6 35. Clarity, Los Angeles, CA 755,191 3 36. MWWPR, Los Angeles, CA 643,896 13

The Stevens Group specializes in facilitating mergers & acquisitions in the public relations agency sector. Our clients are entrepreneurs who engage us to help them either sell their firm, or to buy a firm. For clients interested in selling their firm, we identify buyers whose primary objective is to nurture the seller’s entrepreneurial spirit.

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