3 minute read
Coyne Public Relations
RANKINGS OF PR FIRMS SPECIALIZING IN BEAUTY & FASHION 1. Edelman, New York, NY $79,029,000 2. Citizen Relations, Los Angeles, CA 7,873,326 3. French | West | Vaughan, Raleigh, NC 7,678,163 4. 5W Public Relations, New York, NY 6,500,000 5. Zeno Group, New York, NY 3,726,978 6. Turner, a Fahlgren Mortine company, New York, NY 3,213,690 7. Hunter, New York, NY 2,600,000 8. LaunchSquad, San Francisco, CA 2,400,000 9. Coyne PR, Parsippany, NJ 2,300,000 10. AMP3 Public Relations, New York, NY 1,442,023 11. imre, LLC, Baltimore, MD 1,008,500 12. Taylor, New York, NY 1,000,000 13. Havas Formula, New York, NY 811,371 14. Berk Communications, New York, NY 805,250 15. TruePoint Communications, Dallas, TX 652,111 16. SPM Communications, Dallas, TX 633,112 17. O’Malley Hansen Communications, Chicago, IL 596,421 18. Serendipit, Phoenix, AZ 435,839 19. rbb Communications, Miami, FL 310,433 20. 360PR+, Boston, MA 310,156 21. Jackson Spalding, Atlanta, GA 307,255 22. Marketing Maven Public Relations, Camarillo, CA 297,536 23. Trevelino/Keller, Atlanta, GA 290,000 24. IW Group, Inc., West Hollywood, CA 233,255 25. J Public Relations, New York, NY 136,000 26. MP&F Strategic Communications, Nashville, TN 86,467 27. Lawlor Media Group, New York, NY 57,500 28. BoardroomPR, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 50,000 29. Tunheim, Minneapolis, MN 41,770 30. Inkhouse, Waltham, MA 31,897 31. Racepoint Global, Boston, MA 24,490 32. Champion Management Group, Dallas, TX 13,500 33. Buchanan Public Relations, Bryn Mawr, PA 2,471
1. Edelman, New York, NY $10,456,000 2. G&S Business Comms., New York, NY 5,231,879 3. Hunter, New York, NY 4,400,000 4. Zimmerman Agency, Tallahassee, FL 3,400,000 5. Zeno Group, New York, NY 3,213,446 6. L.C. Williams & Associates, Chicago, IL 3,172,136 7. Coyne PR, Parsippany, NJ 2,100,000 8. Havas Formula, New York, NY 1,919,477 9. 5W Public Relations, New York, NY 1,800,000 Home Furnishings cont.
10. 360PR+, Boston, MA $1,762,220 11. Pierpont Communications, Houston, TX 1,620,695 12. imre, LLC, Baltimore, MD 558,300 13. Brownstein Group, Philadelphia, PA 546,466 14. French | West | Vaughan, Raleigh, NC 312,606 15. SPM Communications, Dallas, TX 233,610 16. rbb Communications, Miami, FL 196,943 17. Marketing Maven Public Relations, Camarillo, CA 166,064 18. Landis Communications, San Francisco, CA 160,000 19. Citizen Relations, Los Angeles, CA 71,094 20. TruePoint Communications, Dallas, TX 56,744 21. MP&F Strategic Communications, Nashville, TN 50,422 22. O’Malley Hansen Communications, Chicago, IL 37,750 23. Serendipit, Phoenix, AZ 19,937 24. Lawlor Media Group, New York, NY 18,000
RANKINGS OF PR FIRMS SPECIALIZING IN ENTERTAINMENT 1. Edelman, New York, NY $15,609,000 2. Finn Partners, New York, NY 5,900,000 3. French | West | Vaughan, Raleigh, NC 4,901,294 4. Kivvit, Chicago, IL 2,999,218 5. Taylor, New York, NY 2,150,000 6. LaunchSquad, San Francisco, CA 1,600,000 7. MWWPR, New York, NY 1,102,083 8. Citizen Relations, Los Angeles, CA 977,974 9. IW Group, Inc., West Hollywood, CA 914,459 10. Zeno Group, New York, NY 860,650 11. 360PR+, Boston, MA 655,110 12. Havas Formula, New York, NY 649,227 13. Berk Communications, New York, NY 365,750 14. Public Communications Inc., Chicago, IL 297,362 15. Rasky Partners, Inc., Boston, MA 259,438 16. Jackson Spalding, Atlanta, GA 166,905 17. rbb Communications, Miami, FL 144,017 18. SPM Communications, Dallas, TX 138,590 19. Brownstein Group, Philadelphia, PA 107,000 20. Bob Gold & Associates, Redondo Beach, CA 104,079 21. Ehrhardt Group, The, New Orleans, LA 89,262 22. Serendipit, Phoenix, AZ 72,879 23. Lawlor Media Group, New York, NY 62,500 24. Inkhouse, Waltham, MA 53,373 25. Tunheim, Minneapolis, MN 29,705 26. MP&F Strategic Communications, Nashville, TN 27,157 27. Champion Management Group, Dallas, TX 18,100 28. Buchanan Public Relations, Bryn Mawr, PA 6,179