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Table 2. Synthesis of the strengths and weaknesses of the different types of MOIPs
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scaled up and widely diffused. This requires high level political decisions, financial resources and regulatory reforms that are often out of reach of these smaller scale initiatives; • Ecosystem-based mission programmes are particularly subject to ‘mission capture’. To be effective at developing consensual strategic agendas, they need to rely on established communities. These are often related to incumbents in key sectors which tend to avoid transformational agendas that involve a reshuffling of established economic positions; • Mission-oriented thematic programmes strive to progress gradually on all mission-orientation fronts. Coming from a long tradition of thematic programmes, they need to improve directionality, holistic co-ordination while delivering concrete and useful solutions. They have to challenge longestablished practices and communities of usual beneficiaries. Mission-orientation requires from these programmes that they venture outside of their ‘comfort zone’.
Table 2. Synthesis of the strengths and weaknesses of the different types of MOIPs
MOIP Types
Overarching mission-oriented strategic framework
Challenge-based programmes and schemes
Thematic missionoriented programmes
• Visibility and inclusiveness • Broad scope • Systemic intervention • Loose coordination, umbrella type • Higher transaction costs
• Coordination of public support along the innovation chain • Hands-on management of projects / project portfolios • Articulation of supply and demand for knowledge • Niche solutions, need scale up • Focused on technological / engineering solutions
• Continuity with former thematic research and innovation programmes • Path-dependencies limit the adoption of missionoriented policy practices (result-driven, cross sectorial coordination, ) • Tend to remain focused on research
Ecosystem-based mission programmes • Strong legitimacy, ownership, and commitment of all actors towards the co-developed strategic agenda • Role of public authorities as orchestrators/facilitator of ecosystem formation • Less challenge / mission-based. Often very open at the start. • Risk of capture of missions by and in favor of leading / historical players
Source: Adapted from Larrue (2021)
19. MOIP challenges are shaped and influenced by a number of drivers beyond the type of MOIPs, not least country and thematic specificities. Table 3 provides an overview of the main challenges identified in the study, by MOIP dimension. The mention of the MOIP initiatives only indicates that the challenge was mentioned during interviews.