Chile’s economy has been resilient
Note: Data are seasonally adjusted. Latin America is the simple average of Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Source: OECD
Growth is projected to continue at steady rates
Source: Updated OECD Economic Outlook (database).
Optimising public finances
Boosting productivity through innovation and digitalisation
Better basic skills are needed to maximise benefits from the digital transformation
Source: OECD (2022), “PISA results 2022”. Median PISA score in mathematics, 2022
Note: PISA is the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment. LAC is the simple average of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.
Note: The category of micro-enterprises is made up of enterprises which employ fewer than 10 persons. The category of small and medium-sized enterprises is made up of enterprises which employ between 10 and 249 persons. The category of large firms is made of enterprises which employ at least 250 persons.
Santiago Chamber of Commerce: E-commerce
Simplifying access to public research and development support would contribute to boosting innovation
Closing gender gaps
Expanding childcare can boost female employment
Children aged 0-2 years enrolled in early childhood education and care %, 2020 or latest year
Note: LAC is the simple average of Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico.
Source: OECD (2023), Joining Forces for Gender Equality: What
Reducing gender education gaps would lower future gender income gaps
Accelerating the green transition
Meeting emissions targets requires strengthening environmental policies
Greenhouse gas emissions and targets
Chile has massive renewable energy potential
Photovoltaic power potential
Long-term yearly average practical potential of a photovoltaic system, kWh/kWp/day
Note: LAC is the simple average of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Data for Chile exclude land south of parallel 45°S. The estimation excludes land with identifiable physical obstacles to utility-scale photovoltaic plants.
Source: World Bank (2020), Global Solar Atlas.
Chile has made great progress on green finance
Cumulative ESG (environmental, social or governance) bond issuance % of 2023 GDP, 2014-2023
Streamlining permitting processes would support the green transition
Permit reviewing times Months, 2018-2022 average Source: Consejo
Higher carbon pricing can accelerate the shift to cleaner energy
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