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Figure 2.1. Timeline of GST
learned (UNFCCC, 2018[2]). The GST cycle is set to conclude two years before the subsequent round of NDC submissions. In this way, the outputs and outcomes of GST1 (2021-23) can inform national processes to update NDCs by 2025, the outputs and outcomes from GST2 (expected to conclude in 2028) can inform national processes to update NDCs by 2030, and so on (see Figure 2.1). If the timeline for submitting new or updated NDCs is compressed as suggested in the Glasgow Climate Pact (UNFCCC, 2021[3]), certain outputs under the GST process may not be available in time to inform relevant national processes. The GST process is structured around three components –‘Information collection and preparation’ , ‘Technical assessment’ and ‘Consideration of outputs’ . This paper focuses on the latter two components, in particular how they influence the intended outcomes of the GST. Figure 2.1 provides an illustrative timeline of the GST process, including the three components of GST1.
Figure 2.1. Timeline of GST
Note: * The start date of GST2 has not yet been decided. GST2 is expected to end in 2028, five years after GST1. TD: technical dialogue JCG: joint contact group of the SBSTA and the SBI on the global stocktake NDCs: Nationally Determined Contributions Source: Authors based on (UNFCCC, n.d.[4]) (European Capacity Building Initiative, 2020[5])
Although a Party-driven process, the GST is to be conducted in a transparent, inclusive manner, with the participation of non-Party Stakeholders (UNFCCC, 2018[2]). The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) has overall responsibility for conducting the GST. The CMA is to be assisted by a joint contact group (JCG) of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) on the GST. The JCG is to be supported by an “open, inclusive, transparent and facilitative” technical dialogue between Parties and experts, relevant constituted bodies, forums and other institutional arrangements under the Paris