7 minute read

Economic indicators





Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Czech Republic Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index


Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index


Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index


Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index


Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index


Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index


Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index


Gross domestic product







New Zealand

Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index

% change from:

previous period

previous year

Q1 09 0.4 0.4 Apr.09 -0.5 -4.8 Q1 09 0.1 2.5 Q1 09 -2.8 -2.9 Apr.09 0.2 -6.1 Apr.09 0.2 0.7 Q1 09 -1.6 -3.0 Apr. 09 0.3 -8.4 May 09 -0.1 -0.4 Q1 09 -1.4 -2.1 Apr.09 0.4 -7.6 Apr.09 -0.1 0.4 Q1 09 -3.5 -3.4 Apr.09 0.6 -11.3 Apr.09 -0.1 1.8 Q4 08 -1.9 -3.6 Apr.09 0.4 -7.6 Apr.09 -0.1 1.4 Q4 08 -1.3 -1.8 Apr.09 1.0 -0.4 Apr.09 0.0 0.8 Q1 09 -1.2 -3.2 Apr.09 1.2 -1.2 Apr.09 0.2 0.1 Q1 09 -3.8 -6.9 Apr.09 0.1 -13.4 Apr.09 0.0 0.7 Q1 09 -1.2 0.3 Apr.09 0.4 -2.8 Apr. 09 0.3 1.0 Q4 08 -1.2 -1.3 Apr.09 1.8 -14.2 Apr. 09 0.8 3.3 Q4 08 -0.9 -1.3

.. .. Apr.09 0.4 11.9 Q4 08 -7.1 -7.4 May 08 -0.8 -6.7 Apr.09 -0.8 -3.5 Q1 09 -2.4 -5.9 Apr.09 2.1 -0.6 May 09 0.2 0.9 Q1 09 -4.0 -9.1 Apr.09 0.1 -11.9 Apr.09 0.1 -0.1 Q1 09 0.1 -4.4 Apr.09 2.5 -1.3 Apr. 09 0.3 3.6 Q4 08 -4.5 -5.4 Apr.09 0.2 -10.9 Apr.09 0.3 0.3 Q1 09 -5.9 -8.6 Apr. 09 0.5 -2.4 Apr.09 0.4 6.2 Q1 09 -2.8 -4.5 Apr.09 0.2 -11.0 May 09 0.1 1.6 Q4 08 -0.6 -2.3 Mar. 09 0.3 -0.8 Q1 09 0.3 3.0 Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate


current period

same period last year

Q1 09 -3.05 -18.21 Apr.09 5.40 4.20 Apr.09 3.10 7.84 Q4 08 3.41 5.17 Apr.09 4.20 3.70 * * Q4 08 -5.70 -1.49 Apr.09 7.50 6.70 * * Q1 09 -7.27 5.84 May 09 8.40 6.10 May 09 0.63 3.15 Q4 08 -2.28 -1.24 Apr.09 5.70 4.30 May 09 2.30 4.14 Q4 08 2.34 2.00 Apr. 09 5.50 3.10 May 09 1.80 4.88 Mar.09 -0.12 0.84 Apr.09 7.80 6.20 * * Mar.09 -2.91 -4.12 Apr.09 8.90 7.60 * * Q1 09 21.73 69.82 Apr. 09 7.70 7.40 * * Mar.09 -2.37 -4.31 Dec.08 7.80 7.90 * * Q4 08 -3.31 -2.14 Apr.09 9.60 7.60 May 09 9.50 8.46 Q4 08 -1.53 -1.36

.. .. Apr.09 14.54 15.60 Q4 08 -0.57 -4.51 Apr.09 11.10 5.20 * * Dec. 08 -9.92 -7.62 Dec.08 6.90 6.40 * * Mar. 09 9.23 18.36 Apr.09 5.00 4.00 Apr. 09 0.36 0.70 Apr.09 6.51 2.81 Apr.09 3.80 3.20 May 09 2.41 5.36 Q4 08 0.27 1.66 Apr. 09 6.30 4.70 * * Q1 09 -0.70 -1.89 Apr. 09 5.30 3.70 May 09 5.24 7.59 Q4 08 15.32 18.00 Apr.09 3.00 2.80 * * Q4 08 -2.17 -2.47 Q1 09 5.00 3.80 May 09 2.82 8.71



Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product


Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Slovak Republic Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index



Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product



Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index United Kingdom Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index

United States

Gross domestic product

Euro area

Leading indicator Consumer price index Gross domestic product Leading indicator Consumer price index

% change from:

previous period

previous year

Q1 09 -0.4 -0.3 Apr.09 -0.2 -7.8 Apr.09 0.2 2.9 Q1 09 0.4 1.9 Apr.09 0.4 -3.2 Apr.09 0.7 4.2 Q1 09 -1.5 -3.7 Apr.09 0.1 -11.3 Apr.09 0.2 -0.5 Q1 09 -11.4 -6.2 Apr.09 -1.0 -22.8 Apr. 09 -0.1 2.3 Q1 09 -1.9 -3.0 Apr.09 0.8 -4.6 Apr.09 1.0 -0.2 Q1 09 -0.9 -6.4 Apr. 09 -0.8 -9.3 Apr.09 0.2 -0.1 Q1 09 -0.8 -1.6 Apr.09 -0.2 -4.3 May 09 0.2 -1.0 Q4 08 -3.8 -5.8 Apr.09 1.8 -10.8 Apr.09 0.0 6.1 Q1 09 -1.9 -4.1 Apr.09 0.7 -4.2 Apr.09 0.3 2.3 Q1 09 -1.5 -2.5 Apr.09 0.2 -10.8 Apr.09 0.2 -0.7 Q1 09 -2.5 -4.8 Apr.09 0.8 -6.3 Apr.09 0.4 0.6 Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate Current balance Unemployment rate Interest rate






South Africa2

Gross domestic product Q4 08 -1.5 1.2 Current balance Leading indicator Unemployment rate Apr.09 -0.3 -21.3 Consumer price index Apr.09 0.7 13.1 Interest rate Gross domestic product Q4 08 -3.6 1.2 Current balance Leading indicator Apr. 09 -0.7 -12.8 Unemployment rate Consumer price index Apr.09 0.5 5.5 Interest rate Gross domestic product .. .. Current balance Leading indicator Apr.09 0.9 -8.3 Unemployment rate Consumer price index .. .. Interest rate Gross domestic product Q1 09 -2.4 0.0 Current balance Leading indicator Unemployment rate Apr.09 0.4 -7.9 Consumer price index Apr. 09 1.4 8.7 Interest rate Gross domestic product Q4 08 -0.2 5.2 Current balance Leading indicator Apr.09 -0.4 -15.7 Unemployment rate Consumer price index May 09 0.0 4.6 Interest rate Gross domestic product Q4 08 -0.5 1.3 Current balance Leading indicator Mar. 09 -0.1 -8.5 Unemployment rate Consumer price index Apr.09 0.6 8.8 Interest rate


current period

same period last year

Q4 08 15.78 18.50 Mar.09 3.20 2.40 May 09 2.40 6.48 Mar.09 0.23 -2.90 Apr.09 7.80 7.30 Apr.09 4.30 6.34 Mar.09 -1.69 -2.49 Apr.09 9.30 7.60 * * Q4 08 -1.58 -1.67 Apr.09 11.10 9.80 * * Mar. 09 -8.76 -17.05 Apr.09 18.10 10.00 * * Q1 09 4.51 10.54 Apr. 09 8.50 5.70 May 09 0.47 4.11 Q4 08 11.77 8.82 Q1 09 3.90 3.50 May 09 0.40 2.78 Q4 08 -72.70 -7.45 Dec.08 10.60 8.60 Apr.08 16.65 17.86 Q4 08 -11.94 -12.11 Feb.09 6.90 5.10 May 09 1.30 5.79 Q4 08 -132.82 -167.24 Apr.09 8.90 5.00 May 09 0.57 2.66 Mar.09 -8.45 -16.98 Apr.09 9.20 7.30 May 09 1.28 4.86

Q4 08 9.39 25.01

.. .. Mar.09 14.80 6.94 Q4 08 -5.13 -1.73

.. .. Apr.09 1.12 4.51 Q4 08 -14.64 -4.53

.. .. Q4 08 -0.01 3.66

.. .. Apr. 09 10.09 7.23 Q4 08 -3.39 -5.59

.. .. May 09 7.88 11.55

Definitions and notes

GrossDomestic Product: Volume series; seasonally adjusted. Leading Indicators: A composite indicator based on other indicators of economic activity, which signals cyclical movements in industrial production from six to nine months in advance. Consumer Price Index: Measures changes in average retail prices of a fixed basket of goods and services. Current Balance: Billion US$; seasonally adjusted. Unemployment Rate: % of civilian labour force,standardised unemployment rate; national definitions for Iceland,Mexico and Turkey; seasonally adjusted apart from Turkey. Interest Rate: Three months; *refers to Euro area. ..=not available

1Accession candidate to OECD 2Enhanced engagement programme Source: Main Economic Indicators,June 2009

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