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Annex A. Overview of the main relationships among the actors that could be involved in the possible transition of CDM activities to the Article 6.4 mechanism
from Operationalising the Article 6.4 mechanism: options and implications of CDM activity transition and
Section 2 describes the functions and relationships of actors involved in a possible transition. These relationships might be complex as they involve various multiple actors across two different UN climate regimes. Figure 9 illustrates a simplified overview of the main relationships among actors involved in the possible transition.
Note: this diagram is illustrative and is not intended to represent the whole spectrum of functions and relationships among these actors. In case of transition of an eligible activity from the CDM to the Article 6.4 mechanism, the following elements on this diagram would be the same: (i) the CDM host Party and the Article 6.4 Party, (ii) the CDM activity and the Article 6.4 activity, (iii) project participants (PPs) and activity participants (APs). A6.4 = Article 6.4 mechanism. Other acronyms are available in the list of acronyms at the beginning of the paper. Source: Authors.