The Joy of Teaching
Some people talk in their sleep. Lecturers talk while other people sleep” – Albert Camus. “When I give a lecture, I accept that people look at their watches, but what I do not tolerate is when they look at it and raise it to their ear to find out if it stopped.” – Marcel Archard. “My lecture was a complete success, but the audience was a failure” – Anonymous. Self-evaluation: judged against criteria. One of the most valuable means of evaluating your lectures is to reflect on what you are planning to do or have done in terms of student learning objectives. Before the lecture you might consider the following:
What do you want students to get from the lecture?
How will the lecture achieve this?
Are you planning to cover the right amount of material given the abilities, experience and motivation of the students?
Are there any other better ways of organizing your material?
Office of the Executive Director | Date Released: 1/15/15
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The Joy of Teaching
Are the examples appropriate?
Are visual aids clear and the right length? How could they be improved?
What activities for students are planned? What do you want students to gain from these activities?
How will the materials you provide to students complement the lecture? Will they encourage or discourage attendance and attention?
How will the lecture be related to assessment?
Office of the Executive Director | Date Released: 1/15/15
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