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OELCHECK is active on national and international research projects and in standardisation groups. We are currently actively involved in the following projects:
■ ipH value – Ring trial
The Technical Committee for Mineral Oil and Fuel Standardisation (FAM) is the DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.) committee responsible for all standards relating to oils and fuels. FAM is responsible for more than 600 standards (DIN, DIN EN, DIN EN ISO, DIN ISO and ISO). Dr Thomas Fischer, Scientific Director at OELCHECK GmbH, is responsible for all titration methods in the used oil working group at DIN.
Every year, the Technical Committee conducts the 'large-scale FAM ring trial' in the areas of fuels and lubricants. In spring 2022, OELCHECK organised a ring comparison in the working group to determine the ipH value in accordance with ASTM D7946. This comparison serves to ensure the quality of the measurement procedure and the testing labs involved. To this end, OELCHECK has compiled five representative samples over the method's entire area of application, filled them and sent them to all participating laboratories. The final assessment of the ring trial results will be carried out by FAM.
■ Fluids for e-mobiles – Corrosion effect on copper
A modified test for testing the corrosive effect of e-fluids on copper is currently being examined by the Technical Committee for Mineral Oil and Fuel Standardisation in a comparative study. As OELCHECK is also involved in the standardisation of new, specific test procedures, we are actively taking part in this study.