6 minute read
Optimised analysis kits and gas-tight sample containers for refrigeration compressor oils
Our test procedures selected for analysing oils from refrigeration compressors have proven themselves time and time again over the years. However, we have further optmised the tests, our laboratory equipment and the sample containers for these products yet again. It‘s not just the users of modern synthetic refrigeration machine oils who are bene fi ting!
New analysis kits VK1 and VK2 for refrigeration compressor oils identify:
Wear metals: iron, chrome, tin, aluminium, nickel, copper, lead and molybdenum
Additives: calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, barium, boron and sulphur
Contaminants: silicon, potassium, sodium and lithium
PQ index
Optical check (colour change, visible particles)
Viscosity at 40°C and 100°C as well as the viscosity index
Special outgassing process
Water content according to Karl Fischer
In addition to the tests above for analysis kit VK 2: Neutralisation Number (NN) or Acid Number (AN) or Base Number (BN)
Refrigeration compressor oils should lubricate, minimise friction, protect from wear and corrosion, cool, clean, prevent deposits and create a seal or reduce any leakage fl ow in the compression chamber. However, for the most part they also come into direct contact with the refrigerating agent. A refrigeration machine oil therefore has to work in harmony with it as much as possible. Impurities from seal materials or negative impacts from moisture or even water are one of the criteria for an oil change or additional oil servicing measures. The temperatures during compression of the gaseous refrigerating agent of up to 120°C can signi fi cantly accelerate oil oxidation, hence its ageing. During an oxidation process, mostly acids form in the oil which can have a corrosive effect on the compressor components, particularly if there is any residual moisture.
The production capacity of the refrigeration compressor oil and its interaction with the refrigerating agent have decisive effects on the service life of the compressor. Therefore, regular lubricant analyses are vital. They provide information on the condition of the oil and the complex chemical reactions that have taken place in the compressor oil. If necessary, any potential damage and disruptions to operations can be counteracted.
There are special OELCHECK analysis kits for the extremely important task of monitoring refrigeration compressor oils. When the test processes in the kits were compiled, not only were our experience and the recommendations of previous compressor and oil manufacturers taken into consideration, but also the speci fi cations of work group E-DIN 51503-2.
Acids or bases in refrigeration machine oils
The Neutralisation Number (Acid Number or AN) provides information on the level of mineral acids as well as water-soluble and insoluble organic acids in a refrigeration compressor oil. Mineral acids, such as hydrochloric or hydrofluoric acid, are formed through the decomposition of halogen refrigerating agents or upon interaction with the refrigeration machine oil. Organic acids result from the oxidation of refrigeration machine oils and the decomposition of ester oils. All of these acids lead to the corrosion of the metallic materials in refrigeration systems, promote oil ageing and cause unfavourable changes in the electrical isolation values of motor compressors. The Base Number (BN) provides information on the level of alkaline substances in the oil. They are caused by oxidation in ammonia refrigeration systems in the case of thermal loading. Inside the compressor they lead to oil silting and on the hot side, in pressure chambers and on valves, to carbonaceous deposits.
New sample containers
With pre-paid kits VK1 and VK2 for oils from refrigeration compressors, from now on, customers are provided with newly designed gas-tight 100 ml sample containers made from shatter-proof glass with a metal lid. They are suitable for all oil types and refrigerating agents. In addition, they can withstand the internal pressure, which can build up due to residual refrigerating agent in the sample. The sample amount is extracted via the oil outlet provided by the manufacturer in the compressor circuit. If the sample foams quite heavily, some of the gas can be released from the refrigerating agent prior to sealing. Gas should not be released if a synthetic compressor oil is used and/or ammonia is used as a refrigerating agent. The container must be carefully sealed immediately since these substances are extremely hygroscopic and can soak up moisture from the air even if the contact with the atmosphere is short.
Extensive sample preparation
The individual process steps were redesigned for refrigeration machine oils. A partial quantity of max. 5 g is directly extracted when the sample container is first opened. That way, the exact water content can be ascertained according to the Karl Fischer method. To ascertain the other values, the proportions of refrigerating agents in the sample must be removed. The opened sample containers are therefore clamped in a gas-tight appliance. After the samples are warmed to 80°C, inert gas fl ows through the oil until no more refrigerating agent can be found in the waste air fl ow. Only after this process, which lasts for more than an hour, has been completed, is the sample ready for further extensive laboratory tests.
Our technical team can advise you on the right analysis kit for you: +49(0)8034-9047-210, tsek@oelcheck.de.
More playtime fun - thanks to OELCHECK!
The fun has really begun at the big playground in the municipality of Brannenburg. Just in time for the start of the good weather, on 20 April a fantastic set of climbing ropes was opened, funded by our 2011 Christmas donation.
In line with the motto „making children happy instead of giving Christmas presents“, we stopped giving our customers Christmas presents a few years ago. Instead of giving them Christmas presents we make donations. In 2011, this amounted to 12,000 euros for a project for children in our municipality.
The climbing ropes are used in particular by children from the special-needs school and the day nursery. Lots of children can swing, rock and balance on the ropes at the same time as each other or compete to throw each other off balance. Three angled, hinged poles are connected to each other by ropes at the top and are balanced with long guy wires. Each of the horizontal balance beams is hung in the middle of the poles‘ connecting ropes in such a way that they affect each other‘s movements. At first glance, the construction seems straightforward, but it has been cleverly thought out.
2012 customer survey results – 96% of participants would recommend OELCHECK
A great big „thank you“ to all those who took part in our 2012 customer survey! Out of 14,469 customers, 1,749 took part in the online questionnaire. That‘s an exceptionally good return rate of 12%. Participants from almost all of our fi elds of business took the time to answer our various questions. The evaluation of the questionnaires also showed very clearly how highly users rate our lubricant analyses and how interested they are in the potential findings. Our range of analysis services and additional services, our expertise, speed and customer service were all measured along with a whole host of other factors.
The results of the questions on customer satisfaction were as follows:
96% of respondents rated their satisfaction with our services as either „very good“ or „good“.
87% of customers were happy with our prices.
Our processing speed was rated as either „very good“ or „good“ by 95% of respondents.
84% were either „very satis fi ed“ or „satis fi ed“ with the quality of our customer advice.
87% rated our employees‘ willingness to help/ politeness as either „very good“ or „good“. We were also very pleased with the many additional comments and suggestions. We will look into them in detail and comment on the most popular suggestions in the next edition of ÖlChecker. A very important topic, however, is our web portal www. laborberichte.com. 42% of respondents had not actually heard of it. We need to do a lot more work to promote it. After all, it can offer huge bene fi ts for users. Customers who actively use it to manage their laboratory reports and data say that they don‘t know how they managed without it. Just like visitors to our homepage, who find the extensive information on there extremely useful. The „Knowledge from A-Z“ section alone is fast becoming a standard reference for lubricants and oil analytics.
The viscosity robot - the new OELCHECK laboratory assistant
Viscosity is the single most important physical characteristic of an oil or a hydraulic fluid. It describes the oil‘s fl ow qualities and is responsible for its ability to protect surfaces against wear by building a hydrodynamic lubricating film. Determining viscosity at 40°C and 100°C is an integral part of the scope of analysis for every OELCHECK analysis kit. Since viscosity changes according to temperature, it is measured twice.
Of all the many tests carried out every day at our laboratory, viscosity measurements take up a very large proportion of our time. The required amounts of oil must be extracted from each container using a pipette for the two viscosity measurements. It‘s monotonous work but work which requires a lot of concentration on the part of laboratory assistants.
But now our new robot is taking matters into its own hands. It receives 20 samples on tray. It skilfully introduces each 2 mm pipette into the oil and extracts the prescribed amount and checks four samples at the same time. It does everything consistently, quickly and precisely. The sample amounts are exactly right - „measurement error“ is not in the vocabulary of our new „colleague“.
Top tip: If you want to learn more about viscosity and viscosity temperature behaviour, read about it all in ÖlChecker Spring 2007 at www.oelcheck.de.