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Editor’s Note
Push for ELECTRIFICATION, Emissions Reductions Continues
• Market Forecasts • Industry Consolidation Trends • Shifting Business Models for OEMs • Operator Interface Design Trends
+ State of the Industry Q&As
We’re halfway through the year—hard to believe isn’t it—which means it’s time for our annual “E” issue in which we spotlight the latest trends and technologies related to engines, emissions, electrifi cation and effi ciency. Although we cover these topics all year long, bringing them together into a single issue continues to signify their importance to our industry.
This year, you’ll fi nd electrifi cation is a key theme in many of the articles, demonstrating the continued push of component and equipment manufacturers to create more effi cient and environmentally friendly products. On pg. 24 you’ll fi nd our overview of new battery technologies while on pg. 14 we look at how autonomous and electric vehicles may impact tire designs in the future. As always, you can keep up with all of the latest news, articles and videos related to electrifi cation on our dedicated channel at www.oemoff highway.com/trends/electrifi cation.
While the current global health crisis continues to present many challenges for the industry—see pg. 12 on news of Stage V deadline extensions—it has not seemed to hinder society or manufacturers’ desire to continue their eff orts to reduce global carbon emissions. Shortly before we began production on this issue, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) announced its new clean trucks initiative, which was soon followed by 14 other states announcing they would look into enacting their own clean vehicle rules. You can read more about this on pg. 10.
For even more “E” issue coverage, be sure to check out the digital exclusive content in the TOC.com portion of the Table of Contents which directs you to even more articles and related information on our website.
Coming in October is our annual State of the Industry issue in which we speak with executives in the off -road equipment industry about the trends they are seeing and their thoughts on the coming year. How do you see these “E” industry trends progressing in the coming years? Are there related “E” issue topics we should be covering? Let us know!
editor@oemoff highway.com @OEMEditor