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Top New Products
oemoffhighway.com/21138191 2020
Every year, OEM Off-Highway compiles a list of the Top New Products in each of the six main categories on our website—Engines, Drivetrains, Fluid Power, Electrical & Electronics, Operator Cab and Engineering & Manufac turing. Winners are those products which have the most page views on our site over the past 12 months. - PRODUCTS
Through this list our audience is better able to get a sense of the top trends in the industry, and possibly even inspire their own future designs.
Visit oemoffhighway.com/21138191 to read more about the winning products in each of the categories, as well as see which products were runners up for this year’s award.
Head-Up-Display System
MTA is introducing a head-up-display (HUD) system with two different projection modes. • Features laser projectors, a multicolor one with Microlens Array screen and an ultraviolet one with luminescent screen • Images coming from the two projectors are focused on the windscreen, offering a wide viewing area to provide greater freedom of movement to the operator oemoffhighway.com/21102428
18.0L Engine
Building on the 13.6L engine design, John Deere has introduced a new 18.0L engine. • Maximum power over 650 kW (870 hp) • Designed with flexibility, serviceability and durability in mind • Equipped with
John Deere engine controls • High-pressure common-rail fuel system oemoffhighway.com/21121440
Airless Tire for Off-Road Equipment
Galileo Wheel Ltd. introduces an airless tire for agricultural, forestry and construction machinery. • For equipment which currently uses solid rubber tires, rubber tracks and other solutions • Offers advantages of both solid rubber and pneumatic tires but functions completely without air • Can be used as an airless tire at all times • Immune to damage and maintenance free • Features many advantages of Galileo’s CupWheel technology, including longer contact patch, increased traction, better lateral stability, self-cleaning capabilities and improved driving comfort oemoffhighway.com/21097109
In-Vehicle Prototyping and Data Logging System
dSPACE introduces the AUTERA product family, which will provide developers and test drivers with a complete product portfolio that supports the development of functions for automated driving. • Provides high computation power, high bandwidth, and abundant storage • Typical areas of application are the recording of vast volumes of data during test drives, for development or homologation, as well as the replay of recorded data in the laboratory, or prototyping of sensor fusion or perception algorithms • AUTERA Data Storage Unit provides multiple terabytes of storage space in combination with high-volume AUTERA solid-state disk and large storage bandwidth of up to 50 Gbit/s • Can be equipped with hardware accelerators, such as GPUs and FPGAs, to handle computation-intensive tasks such as the development, validation, and optimization of artifi cial intelligence (AI) algorithms • Hardware accelerators can also be used during data logging of a test drive to perform intelligent data fi ltering and preprocessing to save time for data evaluation and implicitly increase storage capacity for data logging system oemoff highway.com/21097314
Motor with Integrated Parking Brake
Power management company Eaton announces the Delta series motor is now available with a spring-applied pressure release parking brake. • Designed without cables, increasing reliability over competitive cabled brake options • Patent-pending design • Features Geroler technology which provides dependable load holding and smooth operation • Suited for propel machines under 50 hp (37.3 kW), including turf mowers, stump grinders, aircraft tugs, trenchers and mini skid steer loaders • Compact to give machine designers more fl exibility without sacrifi cing effi ciency oemoff highway.com/21106804
3D Flash LIDAR
Continental has developed an advanced automotive grade solid-state LIDAR, the HFL110 3D Flash LIDAR. • Enhances Continental’s existing ADAS sensor suite or radar and 2D color sensors for automated driving • Creates precision 3D profi le of vehicle’s surroundings • Delivers detailed and accurate 3D profi le in 330 nanoseconds per frame, regardless of time of day or weather conditions • For use at close range (50 m/164.04 ft. or less) • Immune to vibration or speed distortion • Generates high-resolution 3D point cloud 25 times per second within its 120 degree fi eld of view • Multiple precise distance measurements capture 4,096 contiguous pixels of depth data in real-time across the fi eld of view, enabling and assisting with challenging maneuvers safely oemoff highway.com/21103773