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Peer Group Councils - ATC
OESA Advanced Technology Council Update
Brian Daugherty
Chief Technology Officer 248.430.5966 │ bdaugherty@mema.org
On April 12th, the OESA Advanced Technology Council (ATC) will hold its Q2 meeting at the American Center for Mobility. In addition to touring the test tracks and lab facilities, the council will hear from Toyota and Perrone Robotics on their R&D efforts at ACM. VSI Labs will provide demonstrations of ADAS and AV sensors/hardware and their capabilities including Lidar, cameras (RGB, thermal, NIR), radar (including HD radar), precise geo-positioning, and high-performance computing.
If these are topics of interest to your company, you or someone from your firm are welcome to join the council to stay abreast of these and other vehicle technology issues. Council members are typically the top technology executives from OESA member companies including CTOs, Directors/ VPs of Engineering or R&D, and Chief Strategy Officers – anyone leading their company’s charge on advanced technology or heading up a technology area at a large supplier.
The ATC is the primary council for discussing vehicle technologies and it is co-led by Brian Daugherty, MEMA’s CTO, and Steve Horaney, OESA’s VP of Membership and Sales. There are four quarterly meetings with guest speakers and excellent peer-to-peer discussions.
Discussion topics revolve around four main areas: 1. Automated Driving Systems (ADS) and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) technology – including Sensors, Software, and Electronics 2. Vehicle Cybersecurity, Software, and Network Architectures 3. Vehicle Connectivity including Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication (V2V, V2I, V2X), Over-the-Air (OTA) Updates, Human-Machine-Interface (HMI), Telematics, and Connected Infotainment 4. Fuel Economy and Advanced Propulsion including Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) technology, Hybrid vehicle technology, Alternative Fuels, Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE), Green House Gas (GHG) related topics, Light-weighting, Advanced Materials, and Advanced Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Technology
Remaining ATC dates for 2022 are: • April 12 • July 12 • October 20
Click here for additional information on the OESA Advanced Technology Council. If you are interested in joining the ATC, please contact Brian Daugherty at bdaugherty@mema.org or Steve Horaney at shoraney@oesa.mema.org. We hope to see you at our next council meeting.