February 2020 Trailer Playlists
OESIS members may watch these trailers and the entire faculty PD videos on OESIS-XP
PBL Playlist 2 PBL can be an effective tool in giving students ownership of their learning and can be crucial for increasing students’ sense of autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
More Voice and Choice into Project-Based Learning Andrew Miller, National Faculty, Buck Institute, and Instructional Coach, Shanghai American School 4.43-minute trailer
Sustainable Systems in Integrated Sciences Dr. Aidyl Gonzalez-Serricchio, Co-Chair Science Department and STEAM Director, The Buckley School (CA) 5.08-minute trailer
The Importance of Timing, Feedback & Whole-Group Discussion in PBL Jeff Robin, Founding Faculty Member, High Tech High and OESIS Network Leader (CA) 4.42-minute trailer
SEL Schools with successful SEL programs are safe, engaging and well-managed environments where children can focus on learning. Teaching SEL reduces violence and conflict while creating an atmosphere of trust, engagement, and curiosity.
Hot Cognition Teaser: SEL for Brain Engagement Cherilyn Leet, Assistant Director of Education, Six Seconds, Emotional Intelligence Network (CA) 4.53-minute trailer
21st Century Skills
Six Seconds Frameworks & Contexts Around EQ, SEL, & Student Wellness Anabel Jensen, President, and Cherilyn Leet, Assistant Director of Education, Six Seconds, Emotional Intelligence Network (CA) 4.47-minute trailer
Wellness, Achievement and Assessment Deborah Dowling Associate Head for Academic Affairs Chadwick School (CA) 4.54-minute trailer
A potpourri of innovative ideas: What is Mastery? Why is an experience different than a product or service? Why is it critical to hit the metacognitive level with our students on a regular basis?
Mastery Gradebooks and Rubrics Tara Quigley, Director, Miss Fine’s Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Princeton Day School (NJ) 4.52-minute trailer
What is a 21st century experience? OESIS President Sanje Ratnavale and OESIS Vice President Joel Backon 5.01-minute trailer
Future-Focused Learning Beyond the 3Rs AJ Webster, Christy Durham and Tedd Wakeman, The Founders, The Sycamore School (CA)