ÖH-Wahl Info_englisch

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if you are a member of ÖH you are allowed to vote.


WAHLEN Content:

> Am I allowed to vote? > Am I allowed to run for office? > On which levels am I allowed to cast a ballot? > Where can I cast my ballot? > Who is running?

Am I allowed to run for office? Candidateship on university level and on the federal level The nomination of groups can be submitted 7 weeks before the first election day (19th of May) and by no later than 5 weeks before the first election day (19th of May) to an authorized election commission (university level – local election commission, federal level – federal election commission). The nomination has to be submitted by an enlisted letter or in personal. (§22 HSWO, You can find an exemplary application in appendix 2 and 3 of the HSWO)

The nomination has to include: - The name of the mandating group (also possibly the short form of the name) - A list of candidates - The candidates’ declarations of consent - The name of the authorized recipient - The acceptable number of endorsements (§27, §22 of the HSWO) The list of candidates has to contain at maximum twice as many persons, as there are mandates for the respective body, to be awarded. Each candidate has to file the following information: - Family name or surname and forename - Year of birth - Address - The name of the course of study - The specific personal identifier of the respective university (Matrikel nummer, Personenkennzahl, Personenkennzeichen etc.)

Furthermore every candidate has to submit the confirmation of its study-permission, continuation to study or the authorization of study-permission, due to indenture. Every candidate-nomination on the university level, has to fulfill a minimum number of endorsements as there are persons entitled to vote: number of students

number of endorsements

more than 100.000 more than 30.000 more than 15.000 more than 5.000 more than 1.000 more than 500 till 500

200 endorsements 150 endorsements 100 endorsements 50 endorsements 30 endorsements 20 endorsements 10 endorsements

(ยง27 HSWO, You can find exemplary endorsements in appendix 4 and 5 of the HSWO)

The nomination for the election on the federal level needs to contain endorsements of at least 200 persons entitled to vote from at least 7 universities, whereby at least 10 endorsements from each university have to be submitted. (ยง27 HSWO, You can find exemplary endorsements in appendix 4 and 5 of the HSWO)

Candidateships as studentsrepresentatives Each candidateship as students-representative can be submitted 7 weeks before the first election day (19th of May) and no later than 4 weeks before the last election day (21st of May), at an authorized election commission. The nomination has to be submitted by an enlisted letter or in personal (ยง28 HSWO; You can find an exemplary application in appendix 6 of the HSWO)

The nomination has to include: - Family name or surname and forename - Year of birth - Address - The name of the course of study - The specific personal identifier of the respective university (Matrikelnummer, Personenkennzahl, Personenkennzeichen etc.) Furthermore every candidate has to submit the confirmation of its study-permission, continuation to study or the authorization of study-permission, due to indenture.

ELECTIONS FAQ Am I allowed to vote?

YES. All regular ÖH-members have the active and passive electoral right, when they are: -> approved to study/ continue their study for the semester in which the election is held -> are permitted to study, due to indenture -> AND have paid their students’ union (ÖH) fee by the deadline, which is the 30th of March

On which levels am I allowed to vote?

On election day you will receive at least three ballots -> one ballot for the election of your student-representatives -> one ballot for the election of your representatives on university level -> one ballot for the election of your representatives on the federal level

Who is running?

You will find a list of each organisation which is running at your university and on federal level on our website: wahl.oeh.ac.at

Where can I cast my ballot?

At smaller universities you cast your ballot at one central place. However, to be sure you will find a list of places, where you can cast your ballot on this website: wahl.oeh.ac.at

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