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EMBRACE Victory Hotel Site A
Ourprojectembracespracticesacrossmanyfieldsofourresearchduringthesite study and design development process. We extracted a fundamental principle from a precedent study – that many architects in Vietnam took approaches to formallyandspatiallyreconcilewiththeurbanfabricdespiteconsistentlypushing for varied original design. As an adaptive reuse, our project challenges the view that Victory Hotel should be read as a stand-alone building, separated from the urban block. Hence, our vision adopts an urban strategy of sleaving to allow the Victory Hotel to reconcile with the urban fabric of Ho Chi Minh City. Challenging the belief of complete preservation, our project intends to improve the climatic responseofVictoryHotel,whilebuildingontheexistingculturalfabricofthecity byintroducingasustainablewayofliving.
Throughout our design process, we worked at the intersection of this principle alongwithotherkeytenetsofparamountsignificance–reconcilingtheadaptive reuse with embodied factors of the climate, the carbon arithmetic, the social backgrounds of Ho Chi Minh city, and a larger thesis to extend the design envelope of the adaptive reuse process in architecture for a more sustainable future. The final outcome showcases iterations of this reconciliation attempts, summating at its ultimatum with the title ‘Embrace’, a dignified design stance that warmly includes the grounds for many environmental, practical, and socioculturalconstructsthatallactasdriversinthisexploration.
Embodied Carbon
Existing GFA: 8,289.3sqm
Embodied Carbon: 31,810,153 KgCO2e
Embodied Carbon/sqm: 3,837 KgCO2e/m2
Adaptive reuse with new addition GFA: 16,354.3sqm
Discarded Embodied Carbon: 10,412,581 KgCO2e
Embodied Carbon of new addition: 3,638,036 KgCO2e
Total Embodied Carbon: 14,050,617
Total Embodied Carbon/sqm: 859 KgCO2e/m2
Existing GFA: 8,289.3sqm
EUI: 220/ kWh/m2/yr
Operational Carbon: 1,550,100 KgCO2e
Required area of PV to offset operational carbon: 4,163.80m2
Actual area of PV: 2,060.68m2
Adaptive reuse with new addition
Average working hours over 13weeks: 101.9h
Longest working hours in a week: 251h
Total cost of prints and models: $598.00