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Climate + Territory
The Climate + Territory Design Section focuses design and research efforts on the relationship between environment, territory, and urban architecture locatedinthehotandwettropicalregionsofSouthEastAsia.Effortsaredirectedparticularlytowardstheinterfacebetweenthemediumsintheconstruction of architecture and landscape: atmosphere, water, land-form, nature, and buildings that constitute the hot and wet Asian Mega-City. Theresearchambitionistodeveloprobustdesignstrategiesthatincorporatethenaturalandbuiltenvironmentasacohesiveandcomplexwholewithinthe contexts of rapid population growth, social and material inequalities, and cultural and global identity in a tropical territory of rapid change.
The Climate + Territory Design Section has ten unique design academics with cross-disciplinary expertise and interests. Their individual foci include architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture, history and theory. Students benefit not only from the rigorous and lively debate within the Climate+Territory Design Section but also from the faculty’s extensive networks in South East Asia. Past collaborations include design research located in Manila, Jakarta, Bangkok, Mumbai, Cambodia, Johor and Batam with partner institutions including the FCL/ETH Zurich, Tongji University, Pratt University and Washington University in St. Louis.
Erik G. L’Heureux
Oscar Carracedo
Abel Tablada
Chang Jiat Hwee
Teh Kem Jin
Tomohisa Miyauchi
Rafaella Sini
Joerg Rekittke
Hwang Yun Hye
Tan Puay Yok