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Aerodynamic Porous Architecture

Bidadari Town Centre

Lan Yikang (MArch\ Assistant Professor Abel Tablada)


The project seeks an alternative design of the Bidadari town centre with the primaryaimofpromotingthermallycomfortablesemi-openspacesbyimproving natural ventilation in a series of interconnected zones with different degrees of openness.

Given the complexity of the building program, the project focuses on the explorationandmanipulationofpossiblemorphologiesthroughtheinteractionof thehighlypermeablepodiumlevelwiththeresidentialtowersandthesurrounding buildings and natural assets.

The geometrical and morphological variations were partially guided throughout the whole design progression by a series of Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations without minimizing the importance of functional and aesthetics and other environmental considerations.

Marine X Singapore

Theprojectimpetusisledbyaseriesofpragmaticmotives.Aswithcoastalcities worldwide, Singapore is vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. An imminent sea level rise renders permanent inundation. Heavier precipitation directs ever larger areas of land to water drainage and peak overflow storages. Existing island topography and increasing human population result in a shortageofnewbuildinglandforcityexpansion.Progressivelargescalecoastal reclamation induces adverse effects on the marine environment.

As MarineX designs, constructs and launches floating resorts, the architecture advances the concept of prefabricating buildings on water and capitalises on humanscalefloatationtechnologytoestablishmarinefootprints,withtheultimate goal of enabling people to live on aquatic territories. Production comprises incubatorsforresearch&development,anassemblylineandpontoonfabrication chamber while Exposition exhibits a range of resolution from individual to single and multi-family units.

The initiative creates a new paradigm in conceiving flexible spaces with the vision of living on water transforming into reality in phases progressively.

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