3 minute read

The Golden Green

A Journey On The Land Of The Deep-rooted

Emas Hijau


setiap kali menatap rimbun daunmu selalu terlintas masa kecil di kampung halaman di kanan kiri pekarangan di belantara hutan-hutan sosokmu seolah menyatu dalam gerak hidup para penghuni desa kau iklhaskan daunmu pada para penjual tempe membungkus biji kedelai yang ditanam petani menghidupi para pedagang dan anak-anak yang kelak menjadi pemimpin kaurelakan daunmu menjadi pengemas makanan kenduri kauserahkan ranting dan dahanmu yang mengering pada para pencari kayu bakar bahkan daun-daunmu yang kering

Kau biarkan menjadi abu mengiringi ritual bakar singkong pagi hari dan yang lebih membuatmu bernilai batang tubuhmu membuat orang-orang kaya rela membelimu dengan harga tinggi menyulapmu menjadi perabotan, mebel, rumah bahkan istana bahkan bisa melambungkan status sosial dan gengsi setiap kali menatapmu dari atas balkon rimbunmu menyeruak ke masa silam kala bersama teman-teman kanakku berburu sarang burung di pucuk-pucukmu atau memukul biji-biji keringmu dengan batu lalu kumakan layaknya kwaci dan memanjat dahanmu sambil menikmati udara siang hari lepas sekolah oh, indahnya desaku dahulu hidup dikelilingi pohon jati di sana-sini dan saat musim penghujan kaurelakan daunmu digilir sang ulat beberapa minggu kemudian kepompong bersarang sebagian turun dari daun dan bertapa di balik batu masa panen kepompong telah tiba inilah saatnya bagi penduduk desa menambah hidangan protein di meja makannya dan setiap sore saat menatapmu dari atas balkon gedung kantorku aku seperti menonton televisi yang menayangkan siaran nostalgia masa kecilku

Jakarta, 2 Desember 2015

Heri Purnomo each time staring at your lush leaves always crossed childhood in my hometown on the left or right of the yard in the jungles of the forests your figure as one in the life of the villagers sincerely giving your leaves to the tempe sellers wrap soybean seeds planted by the farmers support the children who will become leaders you give up your leaves to pack food for rituals you hand over your dry branches to firewood seekers even your leaves are dry You leave it to ashes to greet the morning cassava roasting ritual and what makes you more valuable your structure makes rich people willing buy you at a high price turn you into furniture to houses to palaces can even catapult social status and prestige every time I look at you from the top of your lush balcony burst to the past when with my childhood friends hunt bird nests in your shoots or hit your dried seeds with stones then eat it like sunflower seed and climb your branches while enjoying the afternoon air after school oh, the beauty of my village live surrounded by teak trees here and there and during the rainy season you rotate your leaf around the caterpillar a few weeks later the cocoon nest some descended from leaves and were imprisoned behind stones the cocoon harvest has arrived it’s time for the villagers add protein dishes to the dining table and every evening while looking at you from the balcony of my office building like watching television broadcasting nostalgia of my childhood

Jakarta, 2 December 2015

Heri Purnomo



The Journey on the Land of the Deep-rooted

Investigation: Detail

Investigation: Site

The Architecture of the Golden Green

The Details of the Golden Green

Visual Glossary/Reference


The enthusiasm of Teak as exotic hardwood implanted by the colony in the 1600s has created a misleading appreciation towards the value of material production in Blora. Being on the equator has brought up sensitivity towards its enormous forest resources and the intrusion of modernism that affect the methods of architecture in hot and wet climates. Different age of trees will produce different sizes of trees with different qualities to be harvested for a more specific use. Back to the 1600s the Dutch found a stretch of forest populated with more than 40 years old teak trees (Perhutani 2019).The allure starts immediately and it becomes more valuable than spices, the main reason for colonization in Java. Further research and technology has been implemented to translate the fantasy of luxurious timber into an everyday banal material. The thesis aspires to have a series of details as theoretical concern in architecture and to deal with this “new gold” as a product of capitalism to offer Teak as a choice of construction material in small to medium Javanese cities that carries a deep historical value in this everchanging political climate. More importantly, the investigation aims to positionTeak and its craftsmanship in this context to understand in which way to help the practice of architecture in the growing urban settlement.



The Architecture of the Equator

The Journey on the Land of the Deep-rooted

Investigation: Detail

Investigation: Site

The Architecture of the Golden Green

The Details of the Golden Green

Visual Glossary/Reference


The mystery of equatorial architecture is entirely based on the close relation between the land and human life.The equator has brought up manifestation over its rich forest resources that its value started to disappear together with people’s inability to appreciate it.This tropical forest has been the lung for some countries, some of its products are a vital part of human’s daily life more than one can imagine, to provide everyday’s meal, travel to work, sit on a chair, write daily checklist, or simply to wipe the dirt out of things. It is also a home for biodiversity and the source for many different human settlements.The ongoing deforestation resembles the clearing of primary forest in the world, at the current pace, experts has expected rainforest to disappear within the next three decades.

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