1 minute read
How great it is to be a dreamer and dream yourself away sometimes… Things don‘t need to make sense, they can be as satisfying as you wish them to be—all in your own rules and possibilities. Matisse surely knows how a snail looks and this is his way to translate this ideas and dreams with scissors, simply cutting paper. Thinking about snails, do you feel happy? How about the colors below? Don‘t they just scream for excitement?
H e n r i M a t i s s e — T h e S n a i l ( 1 9 5 3 )
G o r d o n P a r k s — U n t i t l e d , H a r l e m , N e w Y o r k ( 1 9 4 8 )

Even better, excitement and pure pleasure doesn‘t mean that it needs to be captured in bold and happy colors in a very special technique, no, excitement and positive vibes can be captured with any medium, covering any topic. Gordon Parks and his Harlem photography shot gives you a lot of moments which you can see and feel even though there is no color for enhancing laughter or community spirit.