Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

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No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021 Published by Samuel E Vázquez


Founder, creative, curatorial,


Cover Image:

and design director:

Breathe, Géraldine Georges

Samuel E Vázquez

Instagram: @_offerta

This publication is made Founder and

possible with the generous

curatorial director:

support of:

Ayanna Tibbs

Nicole Biggerstaff-Vázquez

Instagram: @_ayanna_0724

Frank E. Ross

Editorial contributor: Atsu F. Kpotufe

Disclaimer: All images are the property of the artists and/or photographers. Offerta does not bear any responsibilities for copyrights disputes for images inclusion in this publication.

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021



Géraldine Georges


Al Díaz


Cristina Victor


Mike Joyce


Aislee Berenice Nieves


RD Granados


Shamira Wilson


The Founders


Photo by Samuel E Vázquez

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Introduction Welcome to the first issue of Offerta, a biannual curated publication featuring artists from around the world. From the first art exhibitions I organized featuring international artists, I knew that an arts publication would be a future endeavor to personally explore. Well, the future is now. And after numerous conversations over coffee about culture, music, fashion, art, and style with my dear friend Ayanna Tibbs, we united our interests to establish this publication. Our desire is to share the amazing art being created today—thus the name Offerta (meaning “offering” in Italian) is an ideal embodiment of this shared experience. It is with renewed energies, passion, and a clearly focused direction, that we present you this collection of artists whose work grants us meaningful, inspiring, thoughtful, and engaging perspectives. Enjoy!!! Samuel & Ayanna Co-founders, Offerta


Black Hole 8

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Géraldine Georges

Géraldine Georges is a Belgian artist that uses

adds to her heroines a mysterious scent, as

a wonderfully sophisticated blend of illustration,

if they were coming out from the pages of a

photography, and painting in her work; creating

forgotten novel.

an appealing mix of mediums. Showing a special preference to black color and using a lot of 80’s references, she creates some of the most breathtaking portraits. With a particular love for the feminine figure, Georges 9

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021




Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021




Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021



Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021





Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021


Cerebral Assault 20

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Al Díaz

Al Diaz is best know for his collaboration with

system. After cutting out individual letters to

Jean-Michel Basquiat on SAMO©, graffiti that

create clever, surreal and sometimes poignant

appeared in lower Manhattan from 1977 to

anagrams, he hangs the finished works in sub-

1979. SAMO© initially became known because

ways stations throughout New York City.

of its wit and sarcastic humor; but became a globally recognized graffito after Basquiat’s rise

to fame. A prolific and influential first-generation New York City subway graffiti artist, who later became a text-oriented street artist, Diaz’s career spans 5 decades. He currently works with WET PAINT signs used throughout the NYC subway 21


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

AL DÍAZ Whales Qualified Candidates 23


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

AL DÍAZ Social Distancing Noire 25

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021


AL DÍAZ We Stand Mesmerized



Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

AL DÍAZ Forgotten Names and Faces 29

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

AL DÍAZ Ghost Painting



Second Skin (detail)

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Cristina Victor

Cristina Victor is a Cuban-American artist

concern for access, balances her formal object

who’s making always stems from the hyphen.

making and public engagement projects.

Her interdisciplinary practice materializes storytelling, meditations on the failure and power

She received her AA from the New World

of language, auto-ethnography, and critiques

School of the Arts, Her BA from Sarah Law-

the framing of identity by mass media outlets.

rence College and her MFA from the San Fran-

Using performance, textiles, sculpture, installa-

cisco Art Institute.

tion, and public engagement she is committed to creating and facilitating generative exchang-

es about the complexities of our collective and individual human experience. Vexillology, analogue graphic design and archiving act as foundational threads in her translations. Her 33

CRISTINA VICTOR Second Skin Photos by Colin Conces


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

CRISTINA VICTOR The Sea Has An Ugly Face In the studio


Photo by Colin Conces

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

CRISTINA VICTOR Rule Breaker My Story Is My Flag II Graham NC Photos by Lacy Haslam 39

CRISTINA VICTOR Sabia Ceramics No Es Facil

Photo by Eric Louis Haines


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Photo credit: Bakehouse Art Center


Photo by Jesse Ly

CRISTINA VICTOR House of Duende Una Mas En El Monton


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Photo credit: Mi mama!


The Smiths

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Mike Joyce Mike Joyce is the founder of Stereotype Design

flyers into hundreds of striking International

in New York City, a one-man studio specializing

Typographic Style posters. In 2013, a 200-page

in wide-ranging projects for the entertainment

oversized art book published by Quirk Books.

industry. He has designed album packaging

Two Ziggy Stardust designs from the Swissted

for established artists including Iggy Pop, Katy

collection were selected by London’s Victoria

Perry, The Cars, Fall Out Boy, Thirty Seconds to

and Albert Museum, the Museum of Contem-

Mars, Natalie Merchant, The Lemonheads, Wil-

porary Art Chicago, and the Australian Centre

lie Nelson, Morphine, The Replacements, Miles

for the Moving Image to be offered as limited

Davis, Richard Hell & The Voidoids, Heart, The

edition prints coinciding with the acclaimed

Runaways, Sevendust, Cursive, David Sedaris,

David Bowie Is exhibition. Six Swissted posters

Foo Fighters, New York Dolls, Blue Man Group,

were chosen for Swiss Style, an exhibition at

Vampire Weekend, and Aretha Franklin.

the Museum of Design, Zürich and are now archived in it’s permanent collection.

In 2012 Mike launched Swissted, a personal project combining his love of Swiss graphic

design and punk rock by redesigning old show 45


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

MIKE JOYCE Lemonheads The Replacements


MIKE JOYCE GBH, Nada Surf Blur


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

MIKE JOYCE Generation X Bikini Kill


MIKE JOYCE 9353, The Cure Pearl Jam, The Undertones


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

MIKE JOYCE Corrosion of Conformity Adolescents, The Jam


Concrete Paradise #7, Samuel E Vázquez

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Aislee Berenice Nieves Aislee Berenice Nieves is a Brooklyn born

narrative history, and the importance of sharing

Youth Developer, Photographer, and Blogger

one’s testimony. She decided to document

committed to motivating humanity to express

the pivotal moments of her life and emotions

themselves in safe, healthy, and developmental

during her overwhelming transition from Brook-

ways. Having always been a writer, Aislee spent

lyn to Greencastle, IN. Although the book was

most of her undergraduate years expressing

written during this awful, yet exciting transition,

herself via hand journal and Wordpress. Her in-

it focuses more on the heart and its feelings

spiration centers around youth, expressionism,

throughout these years after experiencing

and storytelling.

heartbreak, sorority life, friendship, and distance from her true home, The Big Apple.

Majoring in history while at DePauw, Nieves realized the true power of storytelling, via 57

Hustle I am killing it. i went from day to night i am able I am overextending my capabilities for the best of my community. I am growing. I no longer fear adversity. I am no longer the same.

— Aislee Berenice Nieves


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Tears of Liberation Wrote this: on the last day of the decade. Today I got off on Delancey and began to cry because it was the first time I felt alive after so long. Freedom.

— Aislee Berenice Nieves


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Umbrella. We are working on it together.

— Aislee Berenice Nieves


Concrete Paradise #8, Samuel E Vázquez

Words from Poppy karma is sexy. I tried to make myself hesitate when it came to cursing your name. Maldicion. it never got serious. hearing what you said was shocking. yet rooted in fraudulent pain and self infliction. that shit hurt. I’m respectfully grateful for your opinion. god however, he’s mad at you for treating his daughter that way. sick. i hope you heal, heal from it all.

— Aislee Berenice Nieves

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Professor Nobody you thought you could guide me you centered our love on your facilitation you took your time with me you planned me you were careful with every step you know me like the back of my hand. little did you know and barely could you understand that you will never, could never, should never be my teacher

— Aislee Berenice Nieves


Concrete Paradise #10 (detail), Samuel E Vázquez

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Umbrella Pt. 2 it’s the first thing you let me dance with when I got here. you lost it, like i lost my book. you took it everywhere my book was always with me. you lost me, and I lost you. however, why is it always raining ? its raining right now.

— Aislee Berenice Nieves


Fill Your Own Jar outings and held back thoughts about you all fit in the jar. That’s where they’ll stay. if it’s unfulfilled, why are you still there? you want answers, sure. you have questions for me then? chemicals I don’t play with- i don’t deal with science that has been discovered. fresh chemistry is different, isn’t it? Where’s the map to your body? i’m afraid of new territory.

— Aislee Berenice Nieves


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Flowers What do flowers mean to you? What do you associate them with? Would you like them as a gift? Do you get them often? Do you even like them? Why? What do they mean to you? Flowers? What do they mean.

— Aislee Berenice Nieves




Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

RD Granados

Domestic Discard is a series of photographs

enigmatic and intriguing, intimate and revealing,

documenting found and discarded items

dismal and disturbing.

throughout the California High Desert. Each item, abandoned and recorded as it was found,

The viewer is forced to examine these

represents a previous life with a unique narra-

discarded possessions and draw their own

tive unknown to the viewer.


What is often seen yet overlooked as insignif-

IG: @rd_granados

icant refuse in a barren landscape becomes 69


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

RD GRANADOS Flip Blue Note 71


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

RD GRANADOS Chair, Book Chair #2, Vac 73


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

RD GRANADOS Beds Washer 75


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

RD GRANADOS VHS, Washed Up Mixer, Loveseat 77


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

RD GRANADOS Tracks Bug 79

Where Do We Go From Here

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Shamira Wilson

Shamira Wilson is an Indianapolis-based

her compositions express impressions

interdisciplinary visual artist.

left by the contemporary domestic, built, and natural landscape.

Wilson creates minimal abstract art that explores the repeat patterns of textiles. Her work

alludes to the storytelling qualities found in narrative textiles and objects across the African Diaspora. Fusing similarities in the language of graphic arts, textiles, furniture, and architecture, 81

SHAMIRA WILSON Seed Starter, Breathwork Transformation 82

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021



Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

SHAMIRA WILSON Lepidoptera (details) Lepidoptera (digital mock-up)


SHAMIRA WILSON Liv (in progress) Liv


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

Photo by Maxine Wallace

Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021




SHAMIRA WILSON Asphalt Mural (Collaboration with Cory Robinson) In-progress photos by Tony Vasquez


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021


Offerta — No. 1, Autumn / Winter 2021

The Founders

Samuel E Vázquez (b. 1970, San Juan, Puerto Rico)

Ayanna Tibbs (b. 1990, Indianapolis, Indiana) is a

is a contemporary visual artist working primarily in

contemporary artist who aims to merge complex

found materials and mixed media. He has exhibited

ideas with simple yet striking imagery. Her most

alongside Helen Frankenthaler, Joan Mitchell, Sam

recent body of work has been a study on how light

Gilliam, Sabina Klein, Sam Francis, Keith Haring,

interacts with structure.

Torrick “Toxic” Ablack, and Futura 2000 among others. His work is rooted in the New York City subway

painting era of the 1970s and 80s and informed

Instagram: @_ayanna_0724

by the work of Ed Clark, Mimmo Rotella, Jacques Villeglé, Jackson Pollock, and Jean-Michel Basquiat. Vázquez holds degrees from New York City College of Technology—CUNY and Indiana University’s Herron School of Art and Design. His work is in numerous public and private collections. 92

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