Dark Skies debuted on September 21, 1996 and it ended on May 31, 1997 after one season and 19 episodes. The series starred Eric Close as John Loengard, J.T. Walsh as Frank Bach, and Megen Ward as Kimberly Sayers. The show is about the attempt to expose a secret alien invasion, which has been covered up. The show’s co-creator Bryce Zabel offers us two looks at the show. The series originally aired on NBC in the U.S. Dark Skies is available on DVD, but it is not currently streaming.
Twenty-five years ago this fall, I was in Washington, D.C. producing the pilot of the NBC primetime television series Dark Skies. During some freezing November weather, my co-creator Brent Friedman and I watched director Tobe Hooper shoot key scenes from our pilot script, “The Awakening,” in front of the White House, Capitol Hill, and even the Reflecting Pool on the National Mall. 55