Stargate: Universe debuted on October 2, 2009 and it ended on May 9, 2011 after two seasons and 40 episodes. The show starred Robert Carlyle as Nicholas Rush, Louis Ferreira as Everett Young, Elyse Levesque as Chloe Armstrong, Alaina Huffman as Tamara Johansen, Jamil Walker Smith as Ronald Greer, and David Blue as Eli Wallace. Unlike most of the shows covered in this ‘zine, this one was part of a franchise that included three previous series and three films. This series originally aired on Syfy in the U.S. It is currently available on DVD, BluRay and streaming on Hulu. Air, water, light: essential elements to our survival as humans. Stargate Universe (SGU) begins in the quiet of a vast empty spaceship gliding through the starlit cosmos. She comes to life slowly as if awoken from a deep sleep, and then, through a shimmering mirror-like portal, people hurtle through along with luggage and other portables. Dust-covered and dazed, some injured, these people stand, if they can, gazing around to take in their strange and very unfamiliar surroundings. They are military and scientists, all expecting to be on Earth; they are not. But where are they? The military personnel amongst them try to assess, warily peering around corners, weapons poised, not knowing where they are or what to expect. They are on the vast (and no longer empty) space98