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The Greatest Year by Chuck Serface

The Greatest Year

With science fiction, Gernsback made it clear A movement’s underway. Who can tell When science fiction met its greatest year?


Amazing Stories stirred inventive seers To openly wonder about our future selves. With science fiction, Gernsback made it clear

We’ve just begun. Who then would bring us nearer? Though many honored authors thought they’d jelled When science fiction met its greatest year,

The process never ends. We won’t soon hear An answer. Final judgments fail to sell. With science fiction, Gernsback made it clear

This question, like the wave a surfer dearly Pursues eternally through bliss and hell, When science fiction met its greatest year,

Continually inspires the dreams and fears Addressed by fandom and the art itself. With science fiction, Gernsback made it clear When science fiction met its greatest year.

-- Chuck Serface

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