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Irish Terrier Club Of America

NEWSLETTER Founded 1897

May 2014

ITCA Board And Committees 2013–14 Board of Governors President David McMahon

2127 Petaluma Ave | Long Beach, CA 90815 562-879-8068 |

Vice-President Tom Miller

9401 River Styx Road|Wadsworth, OH 44281 330-801-3788 |

Corresponding Secretary Susan Bednar

7170 N. Seneca Ave | Glendale, WI 53217 414-228-0268 |

Recording Secretary Thea Lahti

P.O. Box 1729/New London, NH 03257 603-526-6209 |

Treasurer Bill Wainio

4730 Michigan Blvd | Youngstown, OH 44505

Governors-At-Large Class of 2014

Byron Beerbower (MI) Don Brouillette (MA) Mary Best(WI) Doug Rapport (VA)

Class of 2015

Christine Marsh (MA) Ron Hoh (CA) Jan Moller (NH) Ian MacDonald (ON)

Class of 2016

Terry Cassidy (CA) Paula Dwyer (IL) Kelly Hair (MD) Terri VandeZande (MI)

Delegate to the AKC

Doug Rapport. . . . . .

©2014 by Irish Terrier Club of America. All rights reserved.

Committees and Chairs AKC Gazette Representative

Ellis West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Breeder Referral Coordinator

Jane DiPietro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Conformation Awards Compiler

Eva Campbell . . . . . . . . .

General Education/Mentor Program

Eleanor Hillegeist. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Health and Research Chair

Ian MacDonald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Mike Kowalczuk. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Judges’ Education Committee Chair

Bruce Petersen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Judicial Selection Committee Chair

Katherine Warner . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Legislative Liaison

Judi McMahon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Membership Secretary

Kelly Hair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Montgomery County Show Chair

Tom Miller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Montgomery County Show Advertising Chair

Sally Griffiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Newsletter Editor

Jan Moller... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nominating Committee Chair

Mike Constant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Performance Committee Chair

Debbie Constant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Performance Awards Compiler

Mike Constant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rescue Committee Chair

Nakita Moffitt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Specialty Show Coordinator

Rochelle Nagel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Trophy Chair and Librarian

Heidi Sharp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Trophy Solicitation Committee Chair

Terri VandeZande. . . . . . . . .

Website Committee Chair

Doug Rapport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

May 2014

In this Issue

For their photo contributions a big “thank you” to Doug Rapport Eduardo Fugiwara Pam Bartholomew Jan Lerum Ellen Wramstedt Hattie Good Heather Rife

4 / President’s Column 5 / Corresponding Secretary Activity 6 / 2014 Report of the Nominating Committee

2015 Sweepstakes Judge Nominations! 7 / Legislative Liaison Update 10 / Digital Hyperkeratosis in Irish Terriers 13 / Visit ITs in Ireland! 14 / IT BBQ in Florida 15 / Montgomery 2014 16 / International KC of Chicago 17 / Irish Terriers in the St. Patrick’s Parade 18 / Chesapeake Irish Terrier Club 20 / Northern California Terrier Association 23 / MACH News AKC Companion Events Extravaganza 24 / Irish Terrier New Champions 25 / In the Ribbons 26 / 2014 Conformation Points 27 / Conformation Point Schedule Litter Basket 28 / ITCA Performance Titles 29 / Annual Versatility and Performance Awards 30 / TopDogssm in Obedience Versatility Award System 31 / Montgomery Catalog Advertising 33 / Irish Terrier Club of New York Raffle 34 / A Terrier Weekend in California 35 / ITCC Specialty Weekend


ITCA Newsletter

President’s Column Submitted by David McMahon As plans are actively underway for this year’s annual Specialty Show (fondly called Montgomery weekend), I have asked Tom Miller, ITCA Vice-President and Montgomery Show Chair, to write the President’s Column for this edition of the newsletter. However, there are a couple of things not related to Montgomery that I want to share with the membership:

a good time was had by all who attended – good job Chesapeake Irish Terrier Club! Second, I want to thank the Irish Terrier Club of Northern California for hosting the ITCA’s Traveling Specialty in conjunction with their own Specialty show and the Sacramento Kennel Club shows. Judi and I had the privilege of attending 4 days of shows in Sacramento in April, and I can tell you that the folks from our Northern California Club are very gracious and hospitable to visitors. We thoroughly enjoyed attending the events they sponsored, seeing many long-time friends and making some new ones. Congratulations Irish Terrier Club of Northern California on a job well done!

First, my congratulations to the Chesapeake Irish Terrier Club for conducting its first Specialty show. I understand that the show was a great success and

Now, take it away Tom Miller, our wonderful Montgomery Show Chair! Several of my personal goals, as chair for Montgomery Weekend are:

In five short months we will again be assembling for the annual dog shows near Philadelphia, Montgomery Weekend. We have lots of grass to cut, picnics to attend, and warm summer evenings to sit around the camp fire before Our Weekend, but mark your calendars now! Start making your plans to attend October 2nd through the 5th. It is the biggest gathering of Irish Terriers anywhere, anytime. You can be a part of all this fun and excitement! Don’t miss out.

• Increase the number of club members participating in this special weekend • Meet and welcome new ITCA members into the ITCA, introducing them to as many other members as possible • Gain the new members and new attendees participation and support in working within the club’s many activities throughout the year

The host hotel will once again be at the Wyndam Garden Hotel in Exton, PA. They have held their room rates, with no increase for the ITCA members for the fifth year in a row. We have a very good price. Dogs are welcome and please pick up after them. Thursday afternoon is the board meeting, Friday afternoon is the club’s annual business meeting, Friday evening is the annual banquet along with the ITCA fund raiser, and Saturday night is our informal reception. These are great times to meet and greet. There are plenty of opportunities to talk dog with people who love the little “fiery Red Heads,” renew old friendships and make new friends.

• Finally to thank those club members who have worked so hard over the past year and in years past in making the ITCA club strong for our Irish Terrier breed. Oh yes, one last thing! The weather will be absolutely beautiful! But just in case you might want to bring along warm clothes, some hot weather clothes and a good rain suit/umbrella with sandals or mud boots (preferably both). Should you have any questions or suggestions for the weekend, please give me a call at 330-801-3788 or drop me an e-mail I sure would like to hear from you. Tom Miller


May 2014

Corresponding Secretary Activity

Submitted by Susan Bednar

February to April 30, 2014

February 4 February 6

Tabulate and email January Vote By Mail results: Item 1: Approved: Rose Marie Saporito Item 2: Approved: 13 Yes: 1 Abstention

Draft and email 2014 Sweepstakes Judging Assignment Agreement to Rose Marie Saporito

February 11 Scan and forward letter to Board from member Jan Lerum regarding membership directory suggestions and coordination of an ITCA trip to Ireland for the All Ireland Native Breeds Dog Show; scan and forward Bruce Petersen’s Judging Assignment Agreement to Rochelle Nagel February 12 Draft and mail ITRN Letter of Recommendation to the AKC; forward same to ITRN.

February 17 Email Board in connection with Stephen Rybacki’s health status; arrange for plant deliver and Get Well Card. February 18 Process AKC New Titles Report Form assigning John Childers as recipient March 11

Confer with Membership Secretary regarding outstanding applications

March 17

Confer with Ian MacDonald and email to general membership announcement and article: Corny feet/ digital hyperkeratosis: the breakthrough in research!!! Follow-up with Newsletter Editor, Jan Moller, regarding insertion into upcoming newsletter

March 12

March 28 April 1

April 9 April 10 April 11

April 16 April 18 April 24

Draft Memo regarding open issues and email Vote by Mail items: Item 1: Annual Awards Item 2: 2016 Traveling Specialty Assignment fees and expenses request by Sally George Item 3: Establish list of judges to be withdrawn from judicial selection process due to excessive fees and expenses

Draft and email Sally George Judging Assignment Agreement for 2016 Traveling Specialty at the Great Western Terrier Association Dog Show; execute Event Application 2014057302, October 5 and forward to Rochelle Nagel for processing Tabulated March 12 Vote by Mail results Item 1: Approved: 15 Yes Item 2: Approved: 14 Yes 1 No Item 3: Approved: 9 Yes 4 No 1 Abstention

Follow-up on details in connection with 2015 Traveling Specialty — Lydia Hutchinson; confer with Rochelle Nagel Email April Vote By Mail item: Approve Doug Rapport to be a Judges Education mentor/ presenter. File and docket United States Patent & Trademark Registration Registration No. 4,504,712, Registered April 1 Docket Schedule: 4-1-19 to 4-1-20 Affidavit of Use 4-1-24 Renewal of Mark Receive Report for Nominating Committee

Review and respond to letter from member; confer with member on April 17 regarding same. Prepare initial draft of Agenda for upcoming Board conference call, submit Nomination Committee Report for Newsletter; prepare Sweepstakes Submittal Notice for Newsletter Receipt of AKC Event Operations Approval Notices for MCKC Specialty and MCKC Sweepstakes; forward same to Rochelle Nagel.

Forward Vote by Mail results approving Doug Rapport as a mentor/presenter for judges education. 5

ITCA Newsletter

2014 Report of the Nominating Committee

President Thomas Miller (OH) Vice-President Ronald Hoh (CA) Corresponding Secretary Susan Bednar (WI) Recording Secretary Bernice Sullivan (NH) Treasurer Bill Wainio (OH)

Article IV, Section 4(b) states that additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition, signed by five members in good standing, addressed to the Corresponding Secretary and received at her regular address on or before August 1, 2014. The written acceptance of each additional nominee signifying his/her willingness to be a candidate must also be received by the Corresponding Secretary by August 1, 2014. If no valid additional nominations are received by August 1, 2014, the Nominating Committee’s slate shall be declared elected at the time of the ITCA’s Annual Meeting, and no balloting shall be required.

Douglas Rapport (VA)

Respectfully Submitted,

In accordance with the Irish Terrier Club of America Constitution and By-Laws Article IV, Section 4, the Board appointed a Nominating Committee consisting of Michael Constant (IL) Chair, Rose Marie Saporito (PA), and Stephen Skolnick (MD). The Committee has submitted the following slate:


Delegate to The American Kennel Club Board of Governors—Class of 2017

Michael Constant ITCA 2014 Nominating Committee Chair

Byron Beerbower (MI) Donald Brouillette (MA) Judith McMahon (CA) Rochelle Nagel (TX)

All candidates have consented to serve if elected.

Spring is finally here! and you know what that means…

2015 Sweepstakes Judge Nominations!

Members may submit names for consideration, in writing with a supporting statement, to the Corresponding Secretary by September 1st.


• All submissions will be presented to the ITCA Board of Governors meeting in October.

• If no candidates are put forth or deemed too inexperienced, the Board may consider additional possibilities in a subsequent conference call. • It is Club policy that any person licensed by the AKC to judge Irish Terriers will not be considered as Sweepstakes Judge.

• Candidates will be asked by the Corresponding Secretary to judge the Sweepstakes in the order of those receiving the most votes. In case of a tie, the President shall determine the sequence. • The Trophy Committee shall purchase an appropriate gift to be presented to the Sweepstakes Judge in appreciation. There shall be no further compensation. • All entries in Sweepstakes must be shown by the owner or an amateur.


May 2014

Legislative Liaison Update Submitted by Judi McMahon Your Legislative Action Team continues to work hard to help protect your rights with regard to your dogs, but we need the help of each and every member of the ITCA if we are going to be successful. Please feel free to drop Judi a note at judia1@ and let her know how the Team can be more effective in communicating with you and getting you more involved in helping yourselves. We are always open to suggestions and constructive criticism, as we want to do the best job possible to protect our rights to continue to own and breed our beloved Irish. Now, for the most current legislative news:

Federal Update

State Legislative Issues Update

Some good news (I hope) on the federal level for our members who are breeders. The Farm Bill and Farm Bill Conference Report were signed by the President on Feb. 7. This legislation contains some changes which should reduce the number of breeders subject to the USDA APHIS Retail Pet Store rule. Exempted from the rule are small hobby breeders who maintain more than four breeding females, but do not transfer more than a “de minimis” number of pets sight unseen. In addition, the conference report directs APHIS to clarify the term “breeding female” to mean that only those female animals capable of reproduction and actively being used in a breeding program should qualify as breeding females. USDA APHIS is directed to prepare specific regulations that further address these issues – so don’t get too excited yet IT breeders, but it appears we’re making progress! Many thanks to AKC for their work on this, and to all of our members who contacted their federal legislators expressing concern about the APHIS regulation – it’s this type of effort that does result in change!


Michigan – • The Governor signed House Bill 4168 into law, which among other things eliminates the requirement that sheriffs locate and kill all unlicensed dogs. Good news for Michigan members! • Senate Bill 560 appears to be overbroad, and we are working with AKC to attempt to limit its scope. It involves limits on the number of dogs that can be kept on ones premises and includes new regulations and reporting requirements for animal control and animal protection shelters which may hamper legitimate rescue efforts. Wisconsin – State Chair Susan Bednar reports that all 17 bills relating to regulating animals in Wisconsin failed to pass the Legislature this term! Thanks for all the hard work, Susan!


ITCA Newsletter


suit against an animal owner, regardless of the merit of the accusation and force the owner to bear the cost of defending him/herself. Clearly, we vigorously oppose this measure.

Maryland – the Governor has recently signed several new laws which may impact our members in Maryland:

New York – State Chair Christine Accurso reports:

• House Bill 73/Senate Bill 247 does several things: 1) it repeals a court decision that declared all “pit bulls” are inherently dangerous; 2) establishes that the owner of a dog is liable for any injury, death or loss to person or property caused while the dog is running at large unless the loss was caused by someone committing or attempting to commit a trespass or other criminal office or if the dog was being teased, tormented, abused or provoked; and 3) creates strict liability for all dog owners regardless of the breed they own – if a dog causes personal injury or death, there is a “rebuttable presumption” that the owner knew or should have known that the dog had vicious or dangerous propensities, which then becomes a question for a jury to decide.

• Assembly Bill 1204/Senate Bill 2271, seeking to ban canine devocalization with limited exceptions, have passed the Assembly and are now pending in the Senate Agricultural Committee.

• Assembly Bill 3952, which prohibits insurers from discriminating against homeowners based solely upon the breed of dog owned, is pending a vote in the full Assembly. • Assembly Bill 7064, which would require any permanent structure where animals are kept to be equipped with a fire suppression system and an alarm system directly connected to local police and fire departments, has been held in the Assembly Agriculture Committee following a March 25 hearing.

• Senate Bill 659 requires licensed veterinarians to perform any ear cropping, tail docking, dewclaw removal or surgical births, but (thanks to the hard work of dog breeders) removed the requirement that all such procedures be done under anesthesia. Anesthesia would only be required “when appropriate”, which would permit our usual practice of docking puppy tails without requiring anesthesia.

• The Nassau Country District Attorney has submitted an Animal Cruelty Bill, which will strengthen the County’s ability to deal with animal abusers. Watch for more information on this in coming months.

While there are other bills pending in various states involving animals & ownership rights, most do not pose a significant threat to our members. It appears that the overall number of anti-animal bills being introduced is decreasing, which is good news for all of us. This may mean that legislators are finally “getting it” (thanks to the concerted effort of dog owners, including our membership, to educate them) OR it might mean that the animal activist groups are re-thinking their strategy and planning a different onslaught. Bottom line, while things appear to be improving in this area, we must remain vigilant and act to protect our rights whenever they are threatened. So, please continue to cooperate and contact your legislators when asked to do so by your Legislative Action Team. By working together, we CAN and DO make a difference – so please continue the outstanding work you have been doing in helping us help you!

• House Bill 667/Senate Bill 660 bans surgical devocalization procedures unless a veterinarian certifies in writing that such procedure is medically necessary to treat an illness, injury or defect that is causing the animal harm or pain. Massachusetts –

• HB 3762 defines animals as unfit for purchase if they have a defect or disease having a significant adverse effect on the health of the animal and further provides that no dog or cat less than 8 weeks of age may be transferred in the state. The bill is currently in committee.

• SB 767 seeks to allow anyone to bring a legal action for the protection and humane treatment of animals, including someone with no legal interest or right of possession of the animal. This could open the door for animal rights activists to bring 8

May 2014

The ITCA’s Legislative Action Team This hard-working team of volunteers is growing, but we need someone from each and every non-represented state (as well as someone to oversee the Midwest Region) to join us in our effort to protect your rights to own dogs. We would particularly like to add a representative for Pennsylvania, Florida and all of the Midwestern states – so please contact Judi and volunteer to join the Team. The following members are proud to be YOUR Legislative Action Team:

State Chairs

Regional Chairs

State Chairs

Midwest Open Northeast

Marcia Segura


Jessica Nash


Dan Flynn


Cindy Flood Pease

Texas area

Bill Scheel


Mike Kowalczuk


Paula Dwyer

Massachusetts Gale Cummings



Terri VandeZande

New York

Christine Accurso


Maureen Peppard


Susan Bednar

ITCA Newsletter

Digital Hyperkeratosis in Irish Terriers A Success Story for Genetic Research Ian MacDonald – ITCA Health & Research Chair

Digital Hyperkeratosis is a genetic disease caused by a recessive mutation that affects the footpads of Irish Terriers (and some other breeds). It results in excessive keratin production that causes the pads to become thickened and cracked, with corny growths that can be very painful.

I didn’t find many images of Hyperkeratosis in Irish Terriers but here are two above from the ITA and one from an Antagene source. The ones below are from an Irish Terrier (, a Golden with a nail-like growth (www. and an unknown breed ( with a corny outgrowth.

The problem usually shows up by nine months, and knowledgeable judges will check the footpads and disqualify any affected dogs. By avoiding affected dogs, careful breeders have reduced the incidence in recent years, but because the genetic mutation responsible for the disease is recessive and unrelated to the sex of the dog, carriers (having a normal gene to cover up the mutation) could not be identified and the mutation has been estimated to persist about 10% of the IT population. This might seem high, but means that random chance of two carriers breeding is only 1% and the probability of an affected puppy from that breeding is 25%, or only 0.25% in the entire population. Looking at it the other way, however, if one puppy in 400 has hyperkeratosis, 10% of the population carries the mutation…that one puppy is just the tip of the iceberg.


May 2014 Now the good news.

Traditionally, only affected dogs (filled squares) could be positively identified and eliminated from breeding programs (4,5 and 6) although half of all the puppies would have been unaffected carriers (half filled) and could in fact have been used in a type 2 breeding with a clear (open square) mate. If a type 3 breeding did occur, the production of an affected puppy would identify both parents as carriers and so they would no longer have been used by conscientious breeders. The carrier in a type 2 breeding would have gone undetected, so it (and its carrier puppies if used in subsequent type 2 breedings) would have maintained the mutation in the population. If a type 4 breeding had occurred (e.g., bred before the problem was noticed) none of the puppies would have been used for breeding. Thus, if an affected dog did show up in a breeding program, a lot of dogs with otherwise good characteristics would have been eliminated from the gene pool and fear of contaminating other breed lines would pervade the IT community.

Over the last few years breeders, mainly from Europe, have been collecting samples from Irish Terriers for research led by the Swiss team of Prof. Tosso Leeb (University of Bern) in collaboration with ANTAGENE (a French diagnostic laboratory). In late 2013 Dr. Leeb has found a gene marker (a DNA sequence) uniquely associated with the mutation responsible for Hereditary Footpad Hyperkeratosis in Irish Terriers, and ANTAGENE has developed a test to detect it (HFH-A DNA test). (The marker is not the mutation itself, but in the same way, if you see the hood ornament, you know it’s a RollsRoyce!). This means that with the test, which will be available following evaluation, we will be able to identify dogs carrying the mutation on one or both genes. What does this mean to us? In the past, carriers would only be detected if they produced affected puppies. Conscientious breeders would eliminate these dogs and their progeny from their breeding program. The siblings and parents could also be carriers so they would not be used either. This meant that a lot of dogs, some with desirable characteristics, would be eliminated from the gene pool even if there might be nothing wrong with them. On the other hand, less scrupulous breeders would carry on breeding, and although only a portion of the puppies would be affected (and destroyed or sold before the problem was evident) the others could be carriers, maintaining the mutation in the gene pool. With the new DNA test, we will be able to distinguish clear dogs from the carriers. This means that we will be able to breed any dog (to an appropriate mate) without risking affected puppies, and in the process eliminate the mutation from the breed line. For instance, if a top winner turns out to be a carrier, as long as it is bred to a clear mate, none of the pups will be affected and those that are clear can be used to carry on the line.

Now, however, if the mutation is suspected in an otherwise wonderful dog, it can be detected by the HFH-A DNA test. If it is a carrier (or even affected) it can be used with a clear dog in a type 2 (or 4) breeding and the clear pups can be used anywhere, preferably in a type 1 breeding to propagate only clear dogs. The carrier pups could also be used in a type 2 breeding to produce some clear offspring to carry on the line. This means that carriers and affected dogs can be identified and used appropriately and safely to eliminate the mutation while carrying on breed lines that would otherwise be lost to the gene pool.

Figure 1 shows the six possible combination types for breeding and the expected proportions of puppies (the numbering is arbitrary and the sex of dogs doesn’t make any difference for hyperkeratosis).


ITCA Newsletter An example of how the test might be useful for your breeding program:

You can still use her! Find a suitable mate for the affected bitch and do the DNA test to ensure that he’s clear (A in Figure 2.). You know that all the puppies from the breeding will be carriers, so there’s no need to test them. Pick a good one (or more) and breed to clear mates (B). Their pups will all be healthy, but you will have to test any you wish to breed (two in this example), again to clear mates. Pups from a carrier breeding (C) will have to be tested before further breedings (E), but those from a clear breeding (D and E in this example) will not have to be tested as the parents are both clear. In this example, only four pups have had to be tested. The rest are all healthy and can be sold as pets, although some are likely to be carriers and should be tested if they’re ever to be bred. Once clear pups have been identified, they can be bred to other clear dogs and no more tests are needed. In the same way, you can test other dogs in your kennel to fit them into your breeding program. We have to thank those who have worked hard to support this research. We have benefitted greatly from their dedication to developing a means to solve the problem of hyperkeratosis in Irish Terriers. The principles described here would be similar for Cystinuria. Research into that disease is ongoing with Dr. Urs Giger at the University of Pennsylvania and with everyone’s support a DNA test might be developed to address that problem as well. There too, if suspected carriers were bred to known clear mates, breed lines could be maintained and improved with no risk of producing affected offspring.

A couple of generations ago it was time to breed out so you introduced a nice looking dog with a great temperament into your line. You eventually bred a couple of his grandchildren and produced a really good bitch, but she developed hyperkeratosis. Grandpa must have been a carrier and now the mutation is all through your line but you don’t know where! What do you do? Sources:

Dr Leeb’s research on hyperkeratosis is awaiting publication but test details should be available from http:// Antagene ( The Irish Terrier Association Yearbook 2013. Higham Press Ltd.



Visit ITs in Ireland! Submitted by Jan Lerum, Townsend MT Planning a trip to Ireland? Consider attending a dog show while you are there for a fantastic opportunity to see Irish Terriers at home and meet their breeders. You will have fun and

bring home great memories. My husband Lance and I attended the All Irish Breeds show a number of years ago, and it was the chance of a lifetime to see some uncommon breeds (Kerry Beagles, Irish Red and White setters, and more!). We chatted with Irish Terrier breeders, learned about the breeds from Irish breed enthusiasts, and had an all around grand time. Three dog shows in particular offer the chance to see a significant entry of Irish terriers in Ireland. All three shows are held in Dublin just outside the Dublin airport at the National Show Center, a great facility for dog shows. They are: All Ireland Irish Terrier Club Specialty: May 9, 2015; All Ireland All Terrier Show: August 15, 2015; and All Irish Breeds Society Show: September 12, 2015. Dublin is a great city; foreign and comfortable at the same time. As very much rural folks, Lance and I avoided Dublin on our early trips, thinking a big city would be no fun for us. Wrong! Dublin and her citizens are delightful. Easy to navigate, the good public transportation system (both bus and light rail) make a car not necessary. We found lots to do, both seeing the well known sights, as well as exploring neighborhoods on our own. As one of the transportation hubs of the country, there are many interesting and easy day trips from Dublin.


How we ended up at the All Irish Breeds show was the result of a happy series of events. We were searching for Irish Terrier breeders while in Ireland. It was a difficult search (pre-Internet days!), Irish terriers were scarce, and we thought we had struck out. Finally through a vet clinic, we found the name and number of Johnnie O’Brien, one of the grand old men of the breed in Ireland. Mr. O’Brien graciously invited us over to his cottage and shared his memories and history of his dogs and the breed in Ireland. Through him, we met John Canty, a Limerick breeder, who had a litter of puppies and, well you know how this story ends…with us bringing one of John Canty’s puppies home on the plane. John Canty invited us to attend the All Irish Breeds show while we were there and that’s how we came to spend a lovely day with Irish dogs and breeders. I’ve been in contact with Irish Kennel Club, as well as Fionnuala Malone, the very gracious president of the All Ireland Irish Terrier Club, regarding the breed club and upcoming shows. If you would like more information about contacting the Ireland breed club, the shows mentioned (or ideas for traveling in Ireland), send me an email at: We are planning a trip to Ireland in May 2015 and plan to attend the Irish Terrier Specialty. Hope to see you there!

ITCA Newsletter

IT BBQ in Florida Is there a better way to spend sunny, Florida Saturday than with Irish Terriers and their owners. Eduardo Fugiwara and Sean Mansfield opened their home in Fort Lauderdale for the first Florida Irish Terrier Gathering A total of 6 ITs and their 10 owners met for the occasion. People traveled from Naples (on the Florida’s west coast) and from Stuart on the north. The owners and their families enjoyed a BBQ while the dogs played and everyone got along! Everyone had the chance to share their love for this amazing breed. In the past year they have been contacted by several people with IT puppies and now have a network of owners to help newcomers with gluing ears, grooming, training tips, etc. “When we got our first IT, we thought we had the only IT in our area and have since discovered there are more than 10 of them — less than 3 hours away” says Eduardo.. At the end of the day all agreed this was something to do again!


May 2014

Montgomery 2014


Come and Enjoy a Week of IT Competition Monday, September 29 through Thursday, October 2, 2014. For those of you who have participated in the past, you know how much fun we have, and for those of you who have not participated this should be the year to come.


For the agility enthusiast the trial has moved to a new site and is now indoors. There will be four days to Q,Q,Q. This site is close to Harrisburg / Hersey PA. The premium can be found at


For the obedience and rally enthusiast, there is a trial on Wednesday Oct. 1 at Middletown Grange Fairgrounds. This trial can also be found on the AKC web site. This trial is put on by the Garden State All Terrier Club, Inc. This trial is also at a new site and will be held indoors. The premium lists can be found at


Thursday Oct. 2, the Hatboro Dog Club will also host an Obedience trial. This trial will also be held at the Middletown Grange Fairgrounds. The premium can be found at

Don’t miss a good time! See you at the All-Terrier Specialty ! 15

ITCA Newsletter

International KC of Chicago Inc., February 22 & 23 Irish Terrier Club of Chicago Winter Specialty


JUDGE: Dr Alvin W Krause

February 22, 2014 BOB/G1



GCH CH SHAROB’S COMMANDER IN CHIEF. RN226226/06. 06/20/2011. Dog. BREEDER: Sharon & Robert Lindgren & Marilyn & Peter Shaw. By Ch Donedaire’s He’s The Boss-Gch Ch Donedaire Defoxy Lady. OWNER: Robert & Sharon Lindgren. SUGARBUSH’S SUGAR MOON. RN239910/02. 05/06/2012. BREEDER: Thomas R. Miller & Diana Miller. By Ch Breezy’s X-Tra Top PriorityCh Sugarbush’s American Girl. OWNER: Stuart Cartwright & Diana Miller.

CH BREEZY’S X-TRA TOP PRIORITY. RN106611/05. 03/05/2006. Dog. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Merrymac Xtra Special EditionCh Sugarbush’s Kalaney Rose. OWNER: Terri VandeZande. AGENT: Allison B Sunderman, AKC Reg. Handler.


GCH CH DONEDAIRE SHAROB’S GOOD AS GOLD. RN226226/07. 06/20/2011. Bitch. BREEDER: Sharon & Robert Lindgren & Marilyn & Peter Shaw. By Ch Donedaire’s He’s The Boss-GCh Donedaire Defoxy Lady. OWNER: William & Barbara Webber & Sharon Lindgren. AGENT: Susan Kipp.

CH DIAMOND’S TARA TRU. RN117335/05. 07/06/2006. BREEDER: Robert W Geddes Jr & Gloria J Geddes. By Ch Diamond’s Highlander-Ch Diamond’s Hit the Jackpot. OWNER: David R & Susan M Bednar.

Irish Terrier Club of Chicago Supported Entry February 23, 2014

JUDGE: Mrs Houston (Toddie) Clark

CH GRANUAILE’S SEAFARING REBEL. RN241209/01. 06/10/2012. Bitch. BREEDER: David R. Bednar & Susan M. Bednar. By Ch Galway’s Harbor Master-Ch Diamond’s Tara Tru. OWNER: David R. Bednar & Susan M. Bednar. AGENT: Douglas A Carlson, AKC Reg. Handler.




T.W.I. EMILY KATIE QUEEN OF SNOW THUNDER. RN217931/04. 01/05/2011. BREEDER: Owner. By Ch Airlies Kilrush Kid-T.W.I. Audrey Snow Joker At Tiffs. OWNER: Josh Naleway.

BOB/G2 GCH CH SHAROB’S COMMANDER IN CHIEF. RN226226/06. 06/20/2011. Dog. BREEDER: Sharon & Robert Lindgren & Marilyn & Peter Shaw. By Ch Donedaire’s He’s The Boss-Gch Ch Donedaire Defoxy Lady. OWNER: Robert & Sharon Lindgren.

SUGARBUSH’S RIDGE RUNNER. RN248921/01. 12/16/2012. BREEDER: Owners. By Gch Ch Kells Touch Of Fleet St.-Ch Sugarbush’s Katy-Did-It-Again. OWNER: Thomas & Diana Miller. AGENT: Allison B Sunderman, AKC Reg. Handler.


TWI DOC DOC WHO THERE JUST FLEW PASS YOU. RN242277/07. 06/24/2012. BREEDER: Owner. By Twi Duke Ellington Whispers In The Wind-Twi Emily Katie Queen Of Snow Thunder. OWNER: Josh Naleway.


CH GRANUAILE’S SEAFARING REBEL. RN241209/01. 06/10/2012. Bitch. BREEDER: David R. Bednar & Susan M. Bednar. By Ch Galway’s Harbor Master-Ch Diamond’s Tara Tru. OWNER: David R. Bednar & Susan M. Bednar. AGENT: Douglas A Carlson, AKC Reg. Handler.


GCH CH DONEDAIRE SHAROB’S GOOD AS GOLD. RN226226/07. 06/20/2011. Bitch. BREEDER: Sharon & Robert Lindgren & Marilyn & Peter Shaw. By Ch Donedaire’s He’s The Boss-GCh Donedaire Defoxy Lady. OWNER: William & Barbara Webber & Sharon Lindgren. AGENT: Susan Kipp. (continued on page 17)


May 2014

Irish Terriers in the St. Patrick’s Parade Washington, DC, March 16 For the 26th year in a row the Irish Terriers marched in the Washington DC St. Patrick’s Parade on Sunday, March 16, 2014. The Chesapeake Irish Terrier Club organized the participation of 12 Irish Terriers and the 19 humans who accompanied them. The parade starts on the National Mall at the Smithsonian Museum Castle then goes up 7th Street then onto Constitu– tion Avenue, passing by the Washington Monu– ment and the White House. The CITC contingent is the defending champion of the Best Pet Group trophy. This event is a great way the club participates in a very fun, educational community outreach day.


SUGARBUSH’S RIDGE RUNNER. RN248921/01. 12/16/2012. BREEDER: Owners. By Gch Ch Kells Touch Of Fleet St.-Ch Sugarbush’s Katy-Did-It-Again. OWNER: Thomas & Diana Miller. AGENT: Allison B Sunderman, AKC Reg. Handler.


SUGARBUSH’S RIRA OF BEANNTRAI. RN239909/04. 05/08/2012. BREEDER: Thomas R Miller & Diana Miller. By Ch Breezy’s X-Tra Top Priority-Ch Sugarbush’s Katy-Did-It-Again. OWNER: Paula Dwyer & Diana Miller.


ITCA Newsletter

Northern California Terrier Association, April 11 Sweepstakes

JUDGE: Mrs. Barbara Kornylo

Sweepstakes, Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Months Dogs. 1

RED BRANCH WINTER WARRIOR OF BANTRY BAY. RN 25490401. 05-31-13 By Ch Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Red Branch Ayfa Warrior. Owner: Mike Pease & Cindy Pease & Joe Metz & Elena Metz, Elk Grove, CA 95624. Breeder: Lynn Hood & Lanny Hood & Joe Metz & Elena Metz.


MORRIGAN’S DON VASCO DE QUIROGA. RN 25575705. 06-22-13 GCH Rockledge McCallen Of Meath - Ch Donedaire’s Silver Lining CA. Owner: Adrian Ramos & Susan Connerly Ramos & Christine Randle, San Jose, CA 95126. Breeder: Christine Randle. (Robert Milano, Agent).

Winners Dog Begorra My Keegan Rua CGC

weepstakes, Junior, 12 & Under 18 Months S Dogs. 1/BSW BEGORRA MY KEEGAN RUA CGC. RN 25026501. 01-07-13 Ch Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Begorra My Ginger Rua. Owner: Diana Martin, Sonoma, CA 95476. Breeder: Diana Martin.

Sweepstakes, Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Months Bitches.

1/ RED BRANCH SUMMER DREAM. RN BOSSW 25490403. 05-31-13 Ch Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Red Branch Ayfa Warrior. Owner: Hazel Olbrich & Joe Metz & Elena Metz, Oakland, CA 94602. Breeder: Lynn Hood & Lanny Hood & Joe Metz & Elena Metz.

Best in Sweepstakes Begorra My Keegan Rua CGC



MORRIGAN COME FLY WITH ME. RN 25575702. 06-22-13 GCH Rockledge McCallen Of Meath - Ch Donedaire’s Silver Lining CA. Owner: Christine Randle, San Jose, CA 95126. Breeder: Christine Randle. (Robert Milano, Agent).


NEZHNOYE PLAMYA ZHENEVIA(RUSSIA). RN 26245501. 05-25-13 Vortan Volna Uspeha - O’Nut Glen Easy-Now-Extra. Owner: Elena Metz & Joe Metz, Fremont, CA 94536. Breeder: Sofia Bobuh.

May 2014

ITCA Traveling Specialty Breed Competition JUDGE: Mrs. Rosalind Kramer Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Months Dogs. 2

RED BRANCH WINTER WARRIOR OF BANTRY BAY. RN 25490401. 05-31-13 Ch Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Red Branch Ayfa Warrior. Owner: Mike Pease & Cindy Pease & Joe Metz & Elena Metz, Elk Grove, CA 95624. Breeder: Lynn Hood & Lanny Hood & Joe Metz & Elena Metz.


MORRIGAN’S DON VASCO DE QUIROGA. RN 25575705. 06-22-13 GCH Rockledge McCallen Of Meath - Ch Donedaire’s Silver Lining CA. Owner: Adrian Ramos & Susan Connerly Ramos & Christine Randle, San Jose, CA 95126. Breeder: Christine Randle. (Robert Milano, Agent). Bred by Exhibitor

Dogs. 2

Best of Breed

GCH Donedaire’s Emerald of Erin

IRISH MYST’S BRAVEHEART. RN 19157405. 08-21-09 Ch Trackways Gilligan Red - Ch Trackways An’ She’s All That. Owner: Catherine De Luca, Huntington Beach, CA 926476015. Breeder: Catherine De Luca.

Best of Winners Morrigan Come Fly with Me

1/W/ BEGORRA MY KEEGAN RUA CGC. BBE RN 25026501. 01-07-13 (4 Points) Ch Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy Ch Begorra My Ginger Rua. Owner: Diana Martin, Sonoma, CA 95476. Breeder: Diana Martin.

Open Dogs. 1

ROCKLEDGE RUARI O’MCMAHON CLAN. RN 24467603. 07-29-12 Ch Rockledge’s M Fitzsimmons Ch Rockledge’s X-Traspecial Eadaoin. Owner: David & Judith McMahon, Long Beach, CA 90815. Breeder: Linda M Honey. (Bergit Coady Kabel, Agent).

Puppy, 9 & Under 12 Months Bitches. 2/R

RED BRANCH SUMMER DREAM. RN 25490403. 05-31-13 Ch Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Red Branch Ayfa Warrior. Owner: Hazel Olbrich & Joe Metz & Elena Metz, Oakland, CA 94602. Breeder: Lynn Hood & Lanny Hood & Joe Metz & Elena Metz.

(continued on next page) 19

ITCA Newsletter Northern California Terrier Association, Continued SEL/ GCH ANAMCARA AIDAN’S ANGEL. RN AOM 20981101. 06-13-10 Ch Anamcara Aidan And (3 GC Pts) Abetting - Ch Rockledge Anamcara Mia. Bitch. Owner: Ron Hoh & Janice Herring, Sacramento, CA 95864. Breeder: Ron Hoh & Janice Herring. (Taffe McFadden, Agent).

1/W/ MORRIGAN COME FLY WITH ME. RN BW 25575702. 06-22-13 GCH Rockledge McCallen (4 Pts) Of Meath - Ch Donedaire’s Silver Lining CA. Owner: Christine Randle, San Jose, CA 95126. Breeder: Christine Randle. (Robert Milano, Agent). 3

Brood Bitch.

NEZHNOYE PLAMYA ZHENEVIA(RUSSIA). RN 26245501. 05-25-13 Vortan Volna Uspeha O’Nut Glen Easy-Now-Extra. Owner: Elena Metz & Joe Metz, Fremont, CA 94536. Breeder: Sofia Bobuh.


CH RED BRANCH AYFA WARRIOR CA. RN 14905604. 09-07-07 Ch Bantry Bay Absolutely Seamus - Ch Mulloghboy Mocha On The Money. Owner: Lanny Hood & Lynn Hood & Joe Metz & Elena Metz, Fremont, CA 945366420. Breeder: Joe & Elena Metz.


CH DONEDAIRE’S SILVER LINING. RN 19373303. 05-02-09 Ch Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Donedaire’s It’s Windy. Owner: Christine Randle, San Jose, CA 951264022. Breeder: Marilyn & Peter Shaw.

Veteran, 7 Years & Over Dogs.

1/AOM CH DONEDAIRE’S ARMY OF ONE. RN 04052501. 10-12-03 Ch Merrymac X-Tra Special Edition - Ch Donedaire Star Sapphire. Owner: Peter Shaw & Marilyn Shaw, Kentfield, CA 949041053. Breeder: Peter Shaw & Marilyn Shaw. (Robert Milano, Agent).

Best of Breed Competition.


CH DONEDAIRE’S ENCHANTED MIST. RN 19373302. 05-02-09 Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Donedaire It’s Windy. Bitch. Owner: Nancy Mahan & Michael Mahan, Novato, CA 949472912. Breeder: Marilyn Shaw & Peter Shaw.


SEL/ CH RED BRANCH D’ARTAGNAN OF THE AOM RING. RN 22343807. 04-30-11 Ch Rockledge’s 4 GC Pts) Big Red One - Ch Red Branch Ayfa Warrior. Dog. Owner: Mary Joy Viel & Joe & Elena Metz, Fremont, CA 94536. Breeder: Joe & Elena Metz. (Bill McFadden, Agent).


B GCH DONEDAIRE’S EMERALD OF ERIN. (5 GC Pts) RN 19373301. 05-02-09 GCH Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Donedaire’s It’s Windy. Bitch. Owner: Peter Shaw & Marilyn Shaw, Kentfield, CA 949041053. Breeder: Marilyn Shaw & Peter Shaw. (Robert Milano, Agent).

1/BB/ BBG4

1/BB/ BBG4

OS GCH ROCKLEDGE MCCALLEN OF MEATH (5 GC Pts) RN 20946701. 04-29-10 Ch Rockledge’s M .Fitzsimmons - Ch Rockledge X-Traspecial Eadaoin. Dog. Owner: Linda M Honey & Joyce A Wilson & Jeanene M MacDonald, San Pedro, CA 907324608. Breeder: Linda M Honey. (Jenny Wornall Rangel, Agent).


CH RED BRANCH AYFA WARRIOR CA. RN 14905604. 09-07-07 Ch Bantry Bay Absolutely Seamus - Ch Mulloghboy Mocha On The Money. Owner: Lanny Hood & Lynn Hood & Joe Metz & Elena Metz, Fremont, CA 945366420. Breeder: Joe & Elena Metz. NEZHNOYE PLAMYA ZHENEVIA(RUSSIA). RN 26245501. 05-25-13 Vortan Volna Uspeha - O’Nut Glen Easy-Now-Extra. Owner: Elena Metz & Joe Metz, Fremont, CA 94536. Breeder: Sofia Bobuh. CH BEGORRA MY GINGER RUA. RN 13923201. 03-12-07 Ch Bantry Bay Absolutely Seamus - Ch Begorra Zodiac Zoe. Owner: Diana Martin, Sonoma, CA 954768209. Breeder: Diana Martin. BEGORRA MY KEEGAN RUA CGC, RN 25026501. 01-07-13 Ch Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy - Ch Begorra My Ginger Rua. Owner: Diana Martin, Sonoma, CA 95476. Breeder: Diana Martin.

May 2014

Chesapeake Irish Terrier Club, April 18 – 21 What a great Irish Terrier weekend we had in Baltimore, MD on Friday-Sunday, April 18th-20th. It started off with an ITCA Supported Entry on Friday at the Columbia Terrier Association Of Maryland show and then lunch at ringside. There were 13 redheads entered.

April 19 First CITC Specialty at Old Dominion The next day had the dogs showing at the first Specialty of the Chesapeake Irish Terrier Club held in conjunction with the Old Dominion Kennel Club Of Northern Virginia show and then lunch at ringside. There were 14 redheads entered. The Best of Breed Trophy is called the McMahon Trophy in honor of David and Judi McMahon who graciously donated the lovely Dannyquest Irish Terrier statue. Judge Ms. Betsy Dale gave the following awards:

April 18 Columbia All Terrier Association Judge Ms. S Marie Cooney gave the following awards BOB

GCH GINGERBREAD’S DARK AND STORMY. By Ch Redoaks Rapidfire By Fleet St - Ch Gingerbread’s Nuthin’s As Nice As Nutmeg. Dog. Owner: Thea Lahti, New London, NH 03257. Breeder: Thea Lahti.

BOB GCH GINGERBREAD’S DARK AND STORMY. By Ch Redoaks Rapidfire By Fleet St - Ch Gingerbread’s Nuthin’s As Nice As Nutmeg. Dog. Owner: Thea Lahti, New London, NH 03257. Breeder: Thea Lahti.

BOW WOODLEY’S ROCKLEDGE MARCUS THE CONQUEROR. By GCH Rockledge McCallen Of Meath - Ch Woodley’s Autumn Oh! Falling Leaves. Owner: Douglas Rapport, Leesburg, VA 20175. Breeder: Douglas Rapport.

BOW IRISH ROSE MERLIN’S COCO MAGIC. By Irish Rose Rockledge Renew - Ch Irish Rose Coco Candie Girl. Owner: R M Saporito & E Budzilowicz, Exton, PA 193413054. Breeder: R M Saporito.

BOS LAOCHRAGH’S GIRL ON FIRE. By Ch Galeways Harbor Master - Laochragh’s Anya. Owner: Christine & Kelly Marsh, Burlington, MA 018033108. Breeder: Christine & Kelly Marsh.

BOS LAOCHRAGH’S GIRL ON FIRE. By Ch Galeways Harbor Master - Laochragh’s Anya. Owner: Christine & Kelly Marsh, Burlington, MA 018033108. Breeder: Christine & Kelly Marsh.

Select CH RED DEVIL’S IRISH, “LUCIFER’S Dog FIRE”. By Ch Mullaghboy Colin Murphy - Ch Laochragh’s Daray Keely. Dog. Owner: Joseph Philip & Matthew Mattus, Worcester, MA 01607. Breeder: Joseph Philip & Matthew Mattus & Kelly Marsh.

Select CH RED DEVIL’S IRISH, “LUCIFER’S Dog FIRE”. By Ch Mullaghboy Colin Murphy - Ch Laochragh’s Daray Keely. Dog. Owner: Joseph Philip & Matthew Mattus, Worcester, MA 01607. Breeder: Joseph Philip & Matthew Mattus & Kelly Marsh.

Select Withheld Bitch

Select CH DUNLOE ARAN ISLES NORA OF Bitch IRISH ROSE. By Irish Rose Sarsfields Starfleet Commander - Dunloe Pride Of Derry. Bitch. Owner: Patricia Schlegel & Rose Saporito & Amy Dieter & Bernard Ferry, Selden, NY 11784. Breeder: Amy L Dieter & Bernard F Ferry.

WD WOODLEY’S ROCKLEDGE MARCUS THE CONQUEROR. By GCH Rockledge McCallen Of Meath - Ch Woodley’s Autumn Oh! Falling Leaves. Owner: Douglas Rapport, Leesburg, VA 20175. Breeder: Douglas Rapport.

WD IRISH ROSE MERLIN’S COCO MAGIC. By Irish Rose Rockledge Renew - Ch Irish Rose Coco Candie Girl. Owner: R M Saporito & E Budzilowicz, Exton, PA 193413054. Breeder: R M Saporito.

WB LAOCHRAGH’S GIRL ON FIRE. By Ch Galeways Harbor Master - Laochragh’s Anya. Owner: Christine & Kelly Marsh, Burlington, MA 018033108. Breeder: Christine & Kelly Marsh.


ROCKLEDGE DESTINY’S BOUNTY. By Ch Rockledge’s M. Fitzsimmons - Ch Rockledge X-Traspecial Eadaoin. Owner: Eleanor Hillegeist, Bethesda, MD 20816. Breeder: Linda Honey.

That evening, for the second year in a row, the group enjoyed a classic Maryland crab feast at Ocean Pride. 21

ITCA Newsletter

Doug Rapport finds time to show his dog

May I please have the bait?

April 20 Baltimore Kennel Club The next day, Sunday, was the Baltimore County Kennel Club show. There were 14 redheads entered. Judge Ms. Patricia Anne Keenan gave the following awards: BOB

CH RED DEVIL’S IRISH, “LUCIFER’S FIRE”. By Ch Mullaghboy Colin Murphy - Ch Laochragh’s Daray Keely. Dog. Owner: Joseph Philip & Matthew Mattus, Worcester, MA 01607. Breeder: Joseph Philip & Matthew Mattus & Kelly Marsh.


GINGERBREAD’S TWICE THE SPICE. By GCH Kells Touch Of Fleet St. - Ch Gingerbread’s Nuthin’s As Nice As Nutmeg. Owner: Thea F Lahti, New London, NH 032571729. Breeder: Thea F Lahti.


GINGERBREAD’S TWICE THE SPICE. By GCH Kells Touch Of Fleet St. - Ch Gingerbread’s Nuthin’s As Nice As Nutmeg. Owner: Thea F Lahti, New London, NH 032571729. Breeder: Thea F Lahti.

Select GCH GINGERBREAD’S DARK AND Dog STORMY. By Ch Redoaks Rapidfire By Fleet St Ch Gingerbread’s Nuthin’s As Nice As Nutmeg. Dog. Owner: Thea Lahti, New London, NH 03257. Breeder: Thea Lahti. Select CH DUNLOE ARAN ISLES NORA Bitch OF IRISH ROSE. By Irish Rose Sarsfields Starfleet Commander - Dunloe Pride Of Derry. Bitch. Owner: Patricia Schlegel & Rose Saporito & Amy Dieter & Bernard Ferry, Selden, NY 11784. Breeder: Amy L Dieter & Bernard F Ferry. WD

IRISH ROSE MERLIN’S COCO MAGIC. By Irish Rose Rockledge Renew - Ch Irish Rose Coco Candie Girl. Owner: R M Saporito & E Budzilowicz, Exton, PA 193413054. Breeder: R M Saporito.


GINGERBREAD’S TWICE THE SPICE. By GCH Kells Touch Of Fleet St. - Ch Gingerbread’s Nuthin’s As Nice As Nutmeg. Owner: Thea F Lahti, New London, NH 032571729. Breeder: Thea F Lahti.

Please mark your calendar now so you can join us for the fun next year, the dates are Friday – Sunday, April 17 – 19, 2015. 22

May 2014



by Pam Bartholomew

MACH Murphy’s Pint of Red MACH2 Kinsale Life Goes On MACH3 Diamond’s Brooke of Mayo

Three MACHS have been awarded this year to Irish Terriers. Lisa Rundle and new MACH Murphy’s Pint of Red MXS MJS OF T2B got the last (of 20) “Double Q’s” for his MACH title the first weekend of April in Illinois. They also earned the Time 2 Beat title. Murph is a rescue and he and Lisa have become an awesome team in the time they have been together.

score of 190 or above in Open B or Utility B. At least 30% must come from Open and 30% from Utility. The OGM represents an accumulation of 2000 points with 15 being the most the dog can earn in any one class. Desmond did that on Dec. 1, 2013 adding another first to his resume, which, I believe also includes the first Irish Terrier to attain the T2B agility title.

Earlier this year, my dog Desmond earned his MACH2 title. I didn’t realize that he got the last MACH points needed in Denver at the Colorado KC shows and celebrated a couple of weeks later in Lincoln, NE. He is now OTCH MACH2 Kinsale Life Goes On (VCD2) UDX4 OGM RE TD MXS MJC MXF T2B CA. He is also the only Irish Terrier to have earned the OGM (Obedience Grand Master) Title. Points are earned whenever the dog gets a

Also adding another impressive MACH to her list of titles is MACH3 Diamond’s Brooke of Mayo CD RE MXC MJB2 XF T2B who earned her shiny new MACH in Illinois in March. Brooke is Debbie Constant’s second Irish Terrier to earn a MACH, and this little Irish girl looks like she is on course to being another record setting Irish Terrier for Debbie.

2014 AKC Companion Events


The second annual AKC event which included the National Agility Championship, National Obedience Championship and the first ever Rally National Championship was held at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex and Expo Center in Harrisburg, PA March 27 – 30. Here are the ITs that qualified for the Extravaganza and while none were able to make the trip we are very proud of them for qualifying!


Blazer’s Pip Pip Hooray RN CGC — Susan & Rich Kunkle


CH OTCH Brennan’s Bonnie Begorra UDX2 OM5 GN GO VER RE — Barbara Lee Henry


MACH2 Diamond’s Brooke of Mayo CD RE MXG MJC XF T2B — Debbie & Mike Constant Murphy’s Pint of Red MX MXB MXJ MJB OF — Lisa Rundle 23

ITCA Newsletter

Irish Terrier New Champions September 2012 Thru August 2013 Medallions

(This list was left out of the November 2013 Newsletter in error)


CH Dearg Madra’s Special Effects

“B” RN22540902 Sire GCH Glenstal’s Standing Ovation Dam CH Dearg Madra’s Foolish Pleasure Breeders Mark & Laurie Ulrich Owners Terri VanDezande & Heather Hewlett

CH Irish Rose Sarsfield’’s Red Tail Rascal “D” RN22859001 Sire CH Irish Rose Sarsfield’s Starfleet Commander Dam CH Irish Rose Coco Candie Girl Breeder/Owner Rose Marie Saporito

CH Trackways Red Letter Day “B” RN21063203 Sire Ch Trackways Shamrock Red Dam GCH Trackways Cinnabar Breeders Cory & Leonard Rivera & Katherine Warner Owners Cory Rivera & Katherine Warner & Terry Cassidy

Ch Donedaire’s Silver Lining “B” RN19373303 Sire CH Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy Dam CH Donedaire It’s Windy Breeders M & P Shaw Owner Christine Randle

Ch Gingerbread’s Dark and Stormy

“D” RN23001903 Sire CH Redoaks Rapidfire By Fleet St. Dam CH Gingerbread’s Nuthin’s As Nice As Nutmet Breeder/Owner Thea Lahti

CH Kincora’s Flight Of Fancy “B” RN22333604 Sire CH Redoaks Rapidfire By Fleet ST. Dam Kehoe’s Cocksure Caitlin Breeder M & H & B Good Owners M Kehoe & H Good

CH Sharob’s Commander in Chief

CH Baystone Quest For Fire

“D” RN20005401 Sire CH Trackways Shamrock Red Dam CH Baystone Fire Fly O’Geordan Breeders John Childers & Kelly Hair Owners Thomas Brinkley & John Childers

CH Laochragh’s Aiden Bree “B” RN20659802 Sire CH Rockledge Rory Ridire Dam CH Kelson’s Cochrann Breeders/Owners T & D Miller

CH Sugarbush’s Two Part Harmony “B” RN22393001 Sire CH Dearg Madra’s Breo Dam CH Sugarbush’s Ms Vixen Breeders/Owners T & D Miller

CH Finngael’s Irish Annie

“B” RN21410004 Sire Ch Galeway’s Harbor Master Dam CH Sugarbush’s Maggie Cridhe Magee Breeder Robert Schmelzlen Owners T & D Miller

CH Sugarbush’s Lucky Charm “B” RN22329901 Sire CH Breezy’s X-Tra Top Priority Dam CH Sugarbush’s Little Red Fox Breeders T & D Miller Owners T & D Miller & Sally Griffiths

CH Baystone Fire Circle

“B” RN21765201 Sire CH Kells Fire Storm Dam Baystone Fire Sign Breeder John Childers Owners Berna Lee Akin & John Childers & Kelly Hair

CH Kincora’s Nootka Rose

“B” RN22333602 Sire CH Redoaks Rapidfire By Fleet ST. Dam Kehoe’s Cocksure Caitlin Breeders/Owners Henrietta Good & Bruce Good & Michael Good

“D” RN 22622606 Sire CH Donedaire’s He’s The Boss Dam GCH Donedaire Defoxy Lady Breeders R & S Lindgren & P & M Shaw Owners R & S Lindgren


Ch Red Branch Daragan O’Rockledge CA

“B” RN22343801 Sire CH Rockledge’s Big Red One Dam CH Red Branch Ayfa Warrior CA Breeders Lynn & Lanny Hood & Joe & Elena Metz Owners Joe & Elena Metz

CH Gloccomara Gentleman James

“D” RN20949308 Sire CH Gloccomara The Fire Next Time DamCH Gloccomara Requisite Memory Breeder/Owner Ellis West

Ch Geordan Game On

“B” RN21225305 Sire CH Geordan Anasta Twist Of Fate Dam Geordan Morning Glory Breeders Georgina, Dan & Aurora Sackos Owners Donna Hills & Dan & Georgina Sackos

CH Woodley’s Autumn Oh! Falling Leaves

“B” RN17442901 Sire Oh! Patrick Copper Cruiser Dam CH Woodley’s Morgan Irish Rose

CH Red Branch D’Artagnan Of The Ring “D” RN22343807 Sire CH Rockledge’s Big Red One Dam CH Red Branch Ayfa Warrior CA Breeder Lynn & Lanny Hood & Joe & Elena Metz Owners Mary Joy Viel & Joe & Elena Metz

CH Laochragh’s Aurora Borealis

“B” RN22837502 Sire CH Rockledge Rory Ridire Dam CH Kelson’s Cochrann Breeder Christine Marsh Owners Peggy Ellis Gill & Christine & Kelly Marsh

May 2014

In the Ribbons

December 2013 thru January 2014 GCH Rockledge Mccallen Of Meath Sire CH Rockledge’s M Fitzsimmons Dam CH Rockledge X-Traspecial Eadaoin Breeder Linda Honey Owners L Honey, J Wilson, J MacDonald Dec 1 Imperial Valley KC GP 4 Dec 2 Imperial Valley KC GP 4 Dec 6 Shoreline KC GP 2 Dec 7 Shoreline KC GP 4 Jan 11 Kachina KC GP 3 Jan 17 Channel City GP 2 Jan 18 San Fernando KC GP 3

CH Aran Isles Scolaidhe’s Mon Cherie Of Irish Rose

“B” RN22657205 Sire CH Irish Rose Sarsfield’s Starfleet Commander Dam GCH Irish Rose Aran Isles Luna Light Breeders Pat & William Schlegel & Stephen Skolnik & Rosemarie Saporito Owners Stephen Skolnik, Pat Schegel & Rose Marie Saporito

CH Ceallach Fire Maiden

“B” RN23897401 Sire CH Baystone Quest For Fire Dam CH Baystone Celtic Fire Breeders/Owners Kelly Hair & John Childers

J Richardson J Frederikson R E Saldana Dr E K Martin S Hubbell S George L K Davis

GCH Windeire Aurora Borealis

Sire CH Harrison Of Thistlestone Dam Windeire Linden Bark Breeder/Owner Pat MacDonald Dec 14 Leheigh Valley KC GP 3 L Hutchinson

CH Breezy’s Pied Piper

“B”RN23502701 Sire CH Galeway’s Harbor Master Dam CH Breezy’s X-Tra Special Star Breeders/Owners Terri & Barry Vandezande

Red Devil’s Irish, “Lucifers Fire”

Sire CH Mullaghboy Colin Murphy Dam CH Laochragh’s Daray Keely Breeders J Philip M Mattus, K Marsh Owners J Philip and M Mattus Jan 9 KC of Niagara Falls GP 3 RS Mahon Jan 10 KC of Niagara Falls GP 3 B D Alderman Jan 31 Sand And Sea KC GP 3 Trotter

CH Granuaile’s Seafaring Rebel “B” RN24120901 Sire CH Galeway’s Harbor Master Dam CH Diamond’s Tara Tru Breeders/Owners David & Susan Bednar

CH Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy

CH Woodley’s Rough Flynn Rustle

Sire Ch Mullaghboy Colin Murphy Dam CH Laochragh’s Daray Keely Breeders J Philip, M Matus, K Marsh Owners J Philip & M Mattus Jan 25 Golden Gate KC GP 3 J Cole

“D” RN23669202 Sire GCH Woodley’s Oh! Shea Can You See Dam CH Woodley’s Autumn Oh! Falling Leaves Breeder Doug Rapport Owners Mechele & James Lee & Doug Rapport

GCH Anamcara Aidan’s Angel


Sire CH Anamcara Aidan And Abetting Dam CH Rockledge Anamcara Mia Breeders/Owners R Hoh & J Herring Oct 6 Donnor Trail KC GP2 R Widden

GCH Sharob’s Commander in Chief GCH Windeire Aurora Borealis GCH Anamcara Aidan’s Angel

GCH Gingerbread’s Dark and Stormy

GCH Donedaire Sharob’s Good As Gold GCH Oh! Patrick Daisey

GCH Elkrem’s Red Hot And Reddy GCH Bally Riche Bearna Baoghail


ITCA Newsletter

How Conformation Points Are Awarded How the AKC Determines Points

The Points toward a Championship shall be awarded to the Winners Dog and Bitch of each breed or variety based on the actual number of dogs or bitches competing in that breed or variety (note that this is dogs shown dogs not entered).

Divisions are normally a grouping of adjacent states that share the same schedule of points. However, HI, AK, and PR (because of their geographic isolation) are of a single state or territory.

If the dog designated Winners Dog or Winners Bitch is also awarded Best of Breed or Variety, the dogs of both sexes that have been entered for Best of Breed or Variety competition and that have been defeated in such competition, shall be counted in addition to the dogs that completed in the regular classes for its sex in calculating championship points.

The calculations only take into account the number of dogs that actually competed (not those that were entered, but marked absent) during the previous year. In each division, except AK, HI, and PR, the schedule is set according to the following formula, considering the dogs in regular class competition for the previous year.

If the dog designated Winners Dog or Winners Bitch is also awarded Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed or Variety, the dogs of its own sex that have been entered for Best of Breed or Variety competition that have been defeated in competition for Best of Opposite Sex, shall be counted in addition to the dogs that completed in the regular classes for its sex in calculating championship points.

• One point — 95% of the shows where there was competition carry one or more points for dogs and bitches. • Two Points — set at half the difference between the one and three point breaks. • Three Points — As close as possible to 18%, but should not exceed 20%, of the shows in a division are to carry major points (3, 4, or 5) for both dogs and bitches. Majors created by Best of Winners, Best of Breed and Best of Opposite are not counted in this calculation and are in effect bonus majors over and above the 18%.

After points have been computed for Winners Dog and Winners Bitch subject to the above two stipulations, the dog awarded the Best of Winners shall be credited with the number of points calculated for Winners Dog or Winners Bitch, whichever is greater.

• Four Points — Set at 2/3 of the difference between the three and five point breaks.

In counting the number of eligible dogs in competition, a dog that is disqualified, or that is dismissed, excused or ordered from the ring by the judge, or from which all awards are withheld shall not be included. Any dog which shall have won fifteen points shall become a Champion of Record, if six or more of said points shall have been won at two shows with a rating of three or more championship points each and under two different judges, and some one or more of the balance of said points shall have been won under some other judge or judges than the two judges referred to above.

• Five Points — As close as possible to 2% of the shows are to carry 5 points for both dogs and bitches. Independent Parent Club specialties or Designated Parent Club specialties held in conjunction with an All Breed are not counted. Independent Local Specialties and Designated Local Specialties with All Breed shows are included in the computations. Additionally, events held in conjunction with the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship Show ( + 3 days) are not included.


May 2014



Conformation Point Schedule Effective: May 14, 2014 Division



1 point

2 points

3 points

4 points

5 points


















































































































































































There were not any changes to the division breakdown this year.

Litter Basket

Breeder Referral Coordinator Jane DiPetro

Breeders, please send all contact information:

Phone and email for individuals to contact you and website link to your kennel, if available, to Jane DiPetro at:

Breeders, there is a list of homes for retired show or breeding dogs. Contact Jane for more info!


ITCA Newsletter

ITCA Performance Titles

December 2013, January and February 2014 AGILITY

Master Bronze Jumper 2 Master Century Agility

Novice Agility Open Agility Jumper

RALLY MACH2 Diamond’s Brooke Of Mayo CD RE MXC MJB2 XF T2B “B” RN12729705 Sire: CH Diamond’s Irish Jackpot Dam: CH Diamonds Morrigan Owners: Debbie Constant & Michael Constant Breeders: Gloria J Geddes & Robert W Geddes Jr.

Rally Novice

Diamond’s Harper Of Hollymount NA OAJ “B” RN24036301 Sire: GCH CH Diamond’s Recon Ranger Dam: Daimond’s Limitee Luckett Owners: Debbie Constant & Michael Constant Breeders: Julie Tyson & Tom Tyson.

Tracking Dog

CH X-Tra Special Kalaney Girl TD “B” RN10661103 Sire: CH Merrymac X-Tra Special Edition Dam: CH Sugarbush’s Kalaney Rose Owner: Mrs. Nancy J O’Neal Breeder: VandeZande

Coursing Ability Advanced

CH Donedaire’s Silver Lining CAA “B” RN19373303 Sire: GCH CH Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy Dam: CH Donedaire It’s Windy Owner: Christine Randle Breeders: Marilyn Shaw & Peter Shaw

Master Silver Agility

Murphy’s Pint Of Red MX MXS MXJ MJB OF “D” PAL250623 Owner: Lisa M. Rundle

Open Agility

Ruairi NA OAJ CGC “D” PAL255206 Owners: Christine R. Zane & Mike Zane

Master Century Jumper

OTCH MACH2 Kinsale Life Goes On VCD2 UDX4 OGM RE MXS MJC MXF T2B CA “D” RN08285603 Sire: Hunter’s Sir Winston Dam: Cu Ni Cahan Lady Margaret Owner: Pam Bartholomew Breeder: Tania C Stewart

Master Agility Champion 2

Master Excellent Jumper Preferred

CH Sugarbush’s Lucky Charm RN CGC “B” RN24036301 Sire: GCH CH Breezy’s X-Tra Top Priority Dam: CH Sugarbush’s Little Red Fox Owner: Sally Griffiths Breeders: Thomas R Miller & Diana Miller



Breezy’s Red Hotlanta CGC “B” RN25336602 Sire: GCH CH Kells Touch Of Fleet St. Dam: CH Breezy’s X-Tra Special Star Owners: Mr. Michael K Jerome & Terry Vandezande Breeders: Terri VandeZande & Barry VandeZande Begorra My Keegan Rua CGC “D” RN25026501 Sire: GCH CH Donedaire’s Donegal Dandy Dam: CH Begorra My Ginger Rua Owner: Diana Martin Breedeer: Diana Martin

Wexford Maggie Sausker MX MXJ MJS MJP OF “B” RN00568403 Sire: CH Cocksure Wexford Haymaker RN Dam: CH Scolaidhe’s Step Dancer CD Owners: Elizabeth Sausker & Justin Sausker Breeders: John R Culleton Jr. & Peggy L Culleton


May 2014

Annual Versatility and Performance Awards Annual Obedience Awards (for scores earned January 1 – December 31, 2013.

It is the member’s responsibility to report titles or scores that will earn ITCA Performance and Versatility Awards to be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet. Please contact Mike Constant with the proper information no later than September 6th. As with all ITCA awards, ALL owners of the dog must be an ITCA member in good standing when the score or title is earned.

Since the AKC does not provide the club with obedience scores, please report all obedience qualifying scores for the year 2013) • Highest score in Novice – For the member whose Irish Terrier had the highest single score in Novice

ITCA Performance Coins and Performance Medals (for titles earned September 1, 2013 – August 31, 2014)

• Highest score in Open – For the member whose Irish Terrier had the highest single score in Open

• ITCA Performance Coin for the following: TD, CD, RA, NA or OAP, NAJ or OJP. A maximum of two coins for agility.

• Highest score in Utility – For the member whose Irish Terrier had the highest single score in Utility

• ITCA Silver Medallion for the following titles: MACH or PACH, OTCH, CT

Mike Constant- ITCA Compiler of Performance Awards

• Suzanne Griffiths Obedience Award – for the member whose Irish Terrier had the highest average of three qualifying obedience scores

• ITCA Performance Medal for the following: VST, UD, RAE, AX or MXP, AXJ or MJP. A maximum of two medals for agility.

Murphy showing his unique style


ITCA Newsletter

AKC TopDogssm in Obedience Competition Starting January 1, 2013 and Ending December 31, 2013



1 OTCH MACH Kinsale Life Goes On VCD2 UDX4 OGM RE MXS MJG MXF T2B CA Pam Bartholomew


2 CH OTCH Brennan’s Bonnie Begorra UDX OM4 GN GO RE


Barbara Lee Henry

Versatility Award System ITCA Versatility Award — 2014

All owners of the dog must be members of the Club at the time each qualifying title is earned. It is the owner’s responsibility to notify the Performance Committee member Mike Constant or Debbie Constant when you have qualified for a Versatility Award. Titles earned by August 31st are eligible and must be reported by September 6th. For Conformation awards in Levels 2 and 3, provide the date and name of the show that the Terrier Group win or BIS was earned. LEVEL ONE — VERSATILITY AWARD

Awarded to dogs who have attained a title from THREE of the following categories:









Agility NA





Awarded to dogs who have attained the Level One Versatility Award plus a title from THREE of the following categories:





• Winner of a Terrier Group placement in group judging OR • Winner of a Terrier Group placement from the Best Bred By Exhibitor if that award is offered




Agility OA AXP



Awarded to dogs who have attained the Versatility Award, The Master of Versatility of Award plus a title from THREE of the following categories:





BIS OR Grand Champion




Agility AX




Any questions concerning the eligibility of earning any level of the Versatility Award should be addressed by the Performance Committee.


May 2014 Montgomery Catalog Advertising

HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! Deadline Is August 18, 2014

It’s time again to think about advertising for the Montgomery County Kennel Club 2014 catalog. A copy of the ad layout is included in this newsletter. If you wish to submit more than one ad, please make copies of the form and submit each ad on its own separate form. Do not fill in the “AD NO.” field. That is for processing purposes. If you submit a photograph with your ad, be sure your name and address are clearly written on the back of the photo, so it can be returned to you after the show. Use a soft pencil, felt tipped pen or preprinted label to identify your photographs; ballpoint pens may damage photographs. Black and white glossy photographs produce the best results. There is an extra charge for each photograph used in your ad. However, there is no charge for “camera ready” drawings. Make sure to write “PHOTOS-DO NOT BEND” on the front of your mailing envelope. I have a roadside mailbox this year and want to make sure no photos get damaged in the delivery process! Electronic photos can also be submitted. They may be either a .tif or .jpg file compatible with Adobe Photoshop 4.0. They can be submitted via 3 ½” PC formatted diskette or CD ROM. Text should be written using any software that can be converted by Microsoft Word 6.0. Ads submitted in this fashion should include a printed copy. Do not submit any MAC formatted files. Contact MB-F for further information including acceptable forms. Your ads will be submitted to MB-F exactly as you submit them. Please take extra care to ensure that your ads are legible and that layouts are clear. You also have the option of having your name or kennel name listed in the show catalog as an “Irish Terrier Booster.” Please note: if you include your name and your kennel name, or your name and your significant other’s name, it counts as two listings. The following is the 2014 fee schedule for breed advertising in the Montgomery Catalog: Full Page: $50.00

Each Photograph:


Half Page: $35.00

Each Booster Name:

$ 5.00

Again, there is no charge for camera ready drawings. Please make all checks payable to the ITCA. Remember, the deadline is August 18, 2014. We must have all ads by then in order to submit them to MB-F by their August 26th deadline. Any advertising material received late is subject to a $50.00 late charge. Send all materials to:

Sally Griffiths 7677 Bethany Circle NW North Canton, Ohio 44720 Phone: 330-705-4435

Ad form can be found on page 32 If you need help or have questions , please email me at — 31

Show # _____________

Date Received_________________

Please number each ad.


Club Name __________________________ Show Date _______________ Full Page (4½ x 7 /6)

Half Page


Quarter Page

(4½ x 3 /16)

(4½ x 13/4)


Signed ______________________________ I Enclose $ ______________ Address _____________________________ Bill Me Later




All Photographs and Artwork will be returned to the Advertising or Show Chairman on the day of the show by the Superintendent.


If sending an ad from a previous MB-F show catalog, indicate the name & date of the show.

Reproductions of pictures from show catalogs, telephone books, business cards, screen photos, faxed logos or artwork, etc. results in POOR QUALITY and are not guaranteed. Copy and Logos on dark colored backgrounds cannot be guaranteed separation. For any additional artwork or outside work, an additional charge will be made. LATE ADS MAY BE REFUSED AND/OR SUBJECT TO AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE.

Be sure ALL PHOTOGRAPHS, ARTWORK, etc. are labeled. DO NOT BEND, FOLD. TAPE OR STAPLE PICTURES. PLEASE ATTACH WITH PAPER CLIP. There will be a charge for each photograph.


If you have any questions, call or Fax MB-F Ad. Dept. at (336) 379-9352 Ext. 207 FAX (336) 272-0864

*If you desire special placement of your ad, specify here _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Revised 5/2001)


Irish Terrier Club of New York Raffle

5 Old Irish Terrier Books All out of print and hard to find

Book 1 - Jerry of the Islands by Jack London - printed 1916 &1917 Book 2 - Michael Brother of Jerry by Jack London - printed 1917 Book 3 - Rags the dog who went to war by Jack Rohan - 1930 Book 4 - How to Raise and Train an Irish Terrier by George Kidd (never opened) Book 5 - Irish Terriers by Edna Howard Jones - 1959

RAFFLE TICKETS $5 EACH or 3 for $10.00 (You need not be present to win)

To purchase Tickets:

Make checks payable to ‘ITCNY’

Contact info:

Send to: Diane Piantieri 3132 Taft Road Norristown, PA 19403-4037

Celene Smith or Jill Brown 201-836-6163 601-933-9741

Name: Address: Telephone Number: Number of Tickets: 33

The Irish Terrier Club of Southern California in Association with GWTA Presents

A Terrier Weekend June 20, 21, 22, 2014

Queen Mary Events Park, Long Beach, CA Friday, June 20 Specialty Judge Mr. Edd E Bivin

Lunch to be provided For more information contact: Linda Regumbah Connolly @

Saturday, June 21 Speciality Judge Ms. Kathleen J. Ferris Puppy Sweeps Judge Mr. John Killian Lunch to be provided

Sunday, June 22 Supported Entry Judge Mrs. Anne Katona Puppy SweepsJudge Mr. Ron Hoh

ACCOMMODATIONS Block rates are available at the following hotels under Great Western Terrier Association Exhibitor:



Your Staterooms Await

(562) 597-1341 or (800) 990-9991

completely remodeled by the new owner this year 1126 Queens Highway, Long Beach, CA

(877) 342-0742 Queen Mary In-house Reservations or

(562) 435-3511 or 800-437-2934 _ Queen Mary Ship’s Operator — ask for In-House Reservations “Great Western Exhibitor Block” Room Run of House Deluxe Kings Family 1 King/1 Twin Family 2 Queens

$129 Single Rate $129 Single Rate $149 Single Rate $149 Single Rate

5325 East Pacific Coast Hwy., Long Beach, CA SPECIAL RATE: $99 Per Night Lifestyle Room $129 Per Night Lifestyle Suite

$50 Non Refundable Pet Deposit

Reservation Deadline: Wednesday, June 4

$129 Double Rate $129 Double Rate $149 Double Rate $149 Double Rate


It‘s time to plan for the GWTA 3 Day Weekend! Queen Mary Events Park June 20, 21, 22

Complete and mail to: The Crew, P.O. Box 375, Whittier, CA 90608 NAME__________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NO.:(_____)_____________________________________________________________________________ TOTAL NO. OF NIGHTS: ________ARRIVING:__________________DEPARTING:_______________________ MAJOR BREED :________________________________________________________________________________ VEHICLE TYPE & LENGTH:

If you have a slide out, please indicate the following:

I HAVE A SLIDEOUT: ______FEET WIDE & ON THE _______________SIDE. Enclose check made payable to Great Western Terrier Association, together with a stamped, selfaddressed envelope. Those reservations without a stamped, self-addressed envelope may not receive a confirmation of their reservation. Scheduled times for parking motor homes is listed above.

Specialty Weekend ~ June 13 – 15, 2014 Lake County Fairgrounds 1060 East Peterson Rd., Grayslake, IL One location, indoors, air conditioned and not benched Saturday June 14th Great Lakes All Terrier Assoc. - ITCC Specialty Breed Judge: Penny Hirstein Sweepstakes Judge: Steve Hayden Group Judge: Virginia Smith BBE Group Judge: Michael Dougherty Veteran Group Judge: Steve Hayden Show Chair: Bill Webber (708) 598-2230 Friday June 13th Little Fort Club of Waukegan – Supported Entry Breed Judge: Wood Wornall Sunday June 16th Little Fort Club of Waukegan – Supported Entry Breed Judge: Michael J. Dougherty

O bedience and R ally will be offered all three days! Superintendent Roy Jones, AKA Sleeper email: Closing Date 5/28/2014 Accommodation: Comfort Suites, 1775 East Belvidere, Grayslake, IL 60030 – 1 mile from show Phone (847) 223-5050; fax (847) 223-7070


To get our group rate on rooms at the Comfort Suites reservations must fall within the dates of June 12, 13, 14, and 15, 2014. Identify yourself with the Irish Terrier Club of Chicago. $119.00 Double Queen or King Suites per night. NO PET FEE. Special pricing cut-off date is May 16, 2014. Regular prices apply for all other dates. A welcome packet will be available at the hotel desk on June 12th giving directions, times of events, etc. Friday, June 13th: Hospitality: 6:00 pm casual fare at the Comfort Suites, no charge for food! Saturday June 14th Annual Banquet and Auction: New location ⎯ minutes from hotel Jimmy’s Charhouse 1413 Petersen Rd., Libertyville, IL Cash Bar 6:00 pm, Dinner & Auction 7:00 pm, $40.00 per person. ------------------------------------------------------ Cut here--------------------------------------------------------------Reservation form: ITCC Specialty Banquet June 14th 2013 Send reservation requests and $40.00 per person to Mary Best by May 29, 2014 Enclosed payment of $_________ for ________ dinners. Make checks out to: ITCC Mail to: Mary Best, W181 N12556 Fond du Lac Avenue, Germantown, WI 53022-1823 Phone: (262) 677-1601

Email: if you have any questions.


Photo Courtesy of Heather Rife

Looking Ahead to the August 2014 Issue ITCA Newsletter celebrates its 70th year Update on ITCA Rescue — how to get involved Results from GWTA ITCA All Terrier Weekend

Irish Terrier Club of America Newsletter May 2014

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