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MakingBreakthroughs:Redbatchpassers acclaimedcompletioninMovingUpCeremony

Withthetheme“GratefulHearts:ACelebrationofGod'sBoundlessLove,"307Grade10Bridgetinescelebrated their accomplishments in the Moving Up ceremony held at SBC Manuela Q Pastor Auditorium,June16

With Highest Honors was garnered solely by Edrielle R Cueto Forty-six (46) completers were acknowledged with High Honors, while 53 students were recognized With Honors There were 100 Academic Awardees for SY 2022-2023


Furthermore, 117 Bridgetines had been presented with Non-Academic Awards, which were also recognized onstage

Meanwhile, in his farewell address, Cueto conveyed his experiences as a Bridgetine and the importance of believinginoneself “Iamheretotellyou,asclichéasitmaysound,youaretheprotagonistofyourtale Frommy personalexperience,itisfarmoredifficulttoovercomelife'sobstacleswhenyoureunabletoacceptwhoyouare orlackthetiniestbitofbeliefinyourabilities longings ordreams Nothingcangowrongwhenyouhaveaheart ofsteel heprofessed

Employees of IBED were also acknowledged for their years of service Ms Mara Jean C Delocado, Mrs Tessa Marie C Dulay, Mrs Sheryl I Garcia, and Mrs Gracielle E Manongsong received certificates of appreciation for their 10 years of service Plaques of appreciation were given to Mrs Jesabel A Medina for 20 years of service and to Mrs Rosa C Balmes for her 23 years as staff Mrs Marieta J Suarez likewise was recognized for her 40 years of invaluablecontributiontotheattainmentoftheeducationalphilosophyoftheinstitution

Dr Sacorro Comia, Curriculum Implementation Division Chief of the Division of Batangas City, confirmed the completers after the endorsement made by the Integrated Basic Education (IBED) Principal, Mrs Bernadette I Manalo

Most Rev Gilbert A Garcera DD Roman Catholic Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Lipa officiated the BaccalaureateMassattendedbygraduatesandcompletersfromKindergartentoCollegeatSBCMQPA,June8

“You learn because you relate The relationship you have built throughout the years originates in the source of all encounters the origin based on no other than God Sa haba-haba nang pag-aaral niyo nakilala niyo na ba talaga ang inyong mga kaklase? Social media created communities with people of similar interests preventing them from meeting people who are different from them We are not related to technology; we are related to people Thankyourteachers,sisters,parents classmates,andfriends,”hesaidinhishomily

In her message Sr Ma Añanita Borbon RGS PhD the college president recognized the guidance of the parents teachers andfriendsincompletingthestudents JHSjourneywhilstalsocongratulatingtheJHSpassers

“They [the students and their achievements] are the concrete manifestation of Godʼs boundless love for you and your family, which is a great reason to be grateful Your achievement as a student is not only your diploma that you are about to receive or the medals you have received The most important thing in our lives is the capacitytolivelifetothefullest Withmuchjoy withmuchhappiness andwithmuchgratitude”sheclaimed

The ceremony ended with the Moving Up theme song Moving On, Moving Up and the SBC Hymn, which Mr RafaelAquinoHagosandtheRedBatchcompletersperformed

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