3 minute read
Guest Editorial
Colonel Stuart Nassé, Assistant Head Equipment Plans
As the Army embarks on its most ambitious modernisation journey in a generation, the case for REME has never been stronger…
Ihave had the unique privilege of being intimately involved in the Army HQ with the development of the Army’s ambition for the 21st Century, and as such have a somewhat unique perspective on the “so what” for the Corps of REME. Having worked in Army Strategy before assuming my current role, I have seen the evolution of an idea, to a plan, to a strategy for the Army that genuinely seeks to modernise if not revolutionise the way in which we operate and fight. I also now have to help deliver the equipment and capabilities that enable that revolution. Fortunately I am supported by some incredibly competent people - military and civilian – that are outstanding at delivering capability into the Field Army. Even more fortunate, many of the officers I have working with me are REME, so naturally I know that things will be done properly!
Revolutionising the Army is no easy task and takes more than just buying new kit. It will require a cultural shift that will make us all uncomfortable (but then real change generally does), as well as a requirement for everyone to let go of pre-conceived ideas of what “good” looks like. Some of the changes announced such as Ranger Battalions, Security Forces Assistance Brigades, etc… focus undeniably on the light role soldiers that the British Army has long been respected for. Other developments, however, speak to the very heart of our beloved Corps.
Well equipped, expeditionary forces, operating at reach, achieving strategic effect at every opportunity sounds pleasingly familiar to the activity in the North African desert that heralded the birth of the REME. Never more so than now, I can once again see the opportunity – the need - for our soldiers and officers to exercise their significant skills, ingenuity and adaptability to provide ES on the battlefield. That battlefield however has now expanded to encompass every activity we do: training in Africa, working with allies and partners in the Middle East, deploying to
“Source: Defence Imagery, © Crown Copyright 2021”
Eastern Europe with NATO. Everywhere this new Army goes, they will be eternally reliant on the trade expertise of the REME attached to them to keep them going.
So what? There will be changes, and in 5 years’ time the Corps will inevitably look different to how it does today. What will not change is the demand for the trained, professional and adaptable REME soldier, delivering effect where it is most needed. The opportunities are boundless, and it is the time for everyone in the Corps to demonstrate what we do best, embracing and enabling the amazing new kit coming, and lead the way as the essential cog in the machine that is the British Army of the 21st Century.
“Source: Defence Imagery, © Crown Copyright 2021”
“Source: Defence Imagery, © Crown Copyright 2021” “Source: Defence Imagery, © Crown Copyright 2021”
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