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3rd Battalion The Rifles Light Aid Detachment Leadership & Development Training Package
Cfn Tosh taking a breather on the LAD rope race
SSgt Lucas conducting LAD Battle PT
Cpl Gregor leading the 'gap crossing' command task First attempt at a leaderless command task
OC: Capt Sean Hunter ASM: WO1 (ASM) Michael Foster Scribe: SSgt Andy Staples Overview
3Rifles LAD delivered a Leadership Training Package, aimed at developing our junior soldiers within the LAD. Building upon previous leadership training events, the LAD was seeking to identify Officer, Artificer and MTI potential; whilst also developing soldiers in preparation for attending Potential Artificer Board (PAB) and leading FRTs. The training package took place over a three-day period, taking the form of several physical events, planning exercises, command tasks and presentations; all designed to challenge each tradesperson in one form or another.
The initiative day commenced with nothing better than an arduous military PT session to set the conditions and test individuals physical and mental resilience. Dressed in the standard 3 Rifles PT attire, the LAD wore combats, helmets and gloves whilst being spared their VERTIS body armour on this occasion. Presented with a tug of war rope, participants thought they were going to be involved in an inter Coy Ftr Sect tug of war competition. Sadly, this was not to be the case as the session was to be delivered by the FSp Coy Ftr Sect Artificer, SSgt Lucas. The lesson consisted of a rope run, completing several laps of camp with a rope held above their head. This was a real test of character and determination with fatigue quickly setting in. It wasn’t long until individuals’ varying levels of personal fitness became noticeable. After 45 minutes and a substantial loss of fluids through sweat, participants were released for some personal admin and returned in civilian attire ready to commence the next activity. SSgt Fitzsimons (C Coy Ftr Sect) presented each team with a list of challenging tasks to complete; requiring each team to venture into Edinburgh city centre. Using their initiative and imagination, the aim was for each team to complete a list of tasks in the fastest time. The variety of tasks ranged from catching pigeons, getting arrested (fictional of course) and getting some free food. On completion, the LAD enjoyed some light refreshments in Edinburgh whilst the LAD Command team enjoyed watching each teams’ supporting video evidence from throughout the day.
LAD workshop floor dinner night
On day two, SSgt Bibby (B Coy Ftr Sect) introduced a round robin of events that were designed to test individuals’ leadership skills and develop their teamwork and communication. The round robin included various command tasks, group discussions, and individual presentations. The day began with motivated teams showcasing their leadership abilities and how well they worked together. The command tasks were co-ordinated by WO2 (AQMS) Ashton and provided a mental and physical challenge to all participants. The most junior member of each team was appointed as the team captain and each had the chance to demonstrate their abilities leading the more experienced JNCO; demonstrating their strengths and potential. The group discussions were designed by SSgt Staples (A Coy Ftr Sect) and were run in a similar manner to the PAB. This provided good exposure to everyone on what to expect when preparing to attend a PAB. Each team member was given a variety of topics to introduce and discuss which generated some interesting debate. SSgt Bibby led with the individual presentations. Each team member was given the opportunity to deliver a short 5-minute presentation on a topic of their choice. This was aimed at developing their verbal communication skills whilst also building their confidence. It was an insightful afternoon learning about the history of Rangers Football Club, Buckfast tonic wine and the positives and negatives of country/state owned football teams.
To mark the culmination of the leadership package, the LAD planned a shop floor dinner night. This provided the junior members of the LAD with an opportunity to experience a traditional top table dinner as part of their education on what to expect when becoming a member of the WOs’ & Sgts’ mess. The workshop floor was decorated with silverware from the WOs’ and Sgts’ mess, transforming the LAD. The event ran in the format of a formal top table dinner with WO1 (ASM) Foster acting as the Presiding Member and the OC Capt Hunter attending as a VIP guest. The event got off to a good start, however as the evening progressed, it wasn’t long before the ‘Port fines’ were introduced in a well-received manner. As a football focussed LAD, Capt Hunter delivered a motivational and inspiring leadership speech, focussed on the positive leadership traits of Sir Alex Ferguson and his time at Manchester United Football Club. The evening concluded with Capt Hunter thanking SSgt Andy Allan for his 24 years’ service and presenting him with a handmade Airborne presentation piece, personally crafted by our own Armourer, LCpl Bell.
Since completion of the 3 Rifles LAD Leadership package, several JNCOs have attended PAB with great success; highlighting the importance and benefits of investing in our junior soldiers. A highly successful and beneficial few days, the feedback from those who attended has been very positive, with the LAD already planning their next Leadership package for early 2023.