3 minute read
Notes From the Editor: The Readers’ Survey Results
The Annual Readers’ Survey Scribe: Capt Kit Burgess, Editor
The Readers’ Survey conducted earlier this year was the first opportunity The Craftsman has had (in recent history) to really analyse what the readers, you, are looking to get from the Corps’ monthly magazine. The Craftsman is now looking to make this an annual feature to allow the Editor to receive reliable data that will steer the direction of the magazine for the next twelve months. From the 539 responses to the survey, we have been able to find trends in the stats and I’m going to take you through how this is going to shape the changes that you will see in The Craftsman.
The survey gave the reader the opportunity to rate each of the segments and features published in The Craftsman from “Very interested” to “Not interested”.
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Accessing The Craftsman
The survey asked the reader how they prefer to read the magazine; “Online” (through REME Connect), “In print” or “Both”.
The editorial team has internally reviewed, as well as receiving plenty of comments concerning, the sustainability of printing the magazine each month. With 79% of the readership using the printed version exclusively, and 95% reading the printed version in some capacity, we are not looking to cease the physical publication. If any individuals would like to opt out of receiving their printed copy in favour of accessing it through the REME Connect website then you can e-mail subscriptions@reme-rhq.org.uk. You can always request to opt back in again via the same e-mail.
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From this we can see that the segments that received the highest number of “Very interested” responses where: 1) Operations 2) Postings 3) Career pathway 4) Global reach (Ops and Ex) 5) Corps history
The Photo Articles feature tops the “Interested” results table, and when combining the “Very interested” and “Interested” data, the top five segments switch to: 1) Operations 2) Global Reach (Ops and Ex) 3) Photo Articles 4) Career Pathway 5) Postings
From this, we can easily see that, not only are the readers interested in what the REME / REME soldiers are doing, but want this information in visual, bite-sized chunks. In response to your suggestion we have introduced a “UK Activity” segment in order to increase the amount of this style of content. The Craftsman will also increase the number of more visual articles as opposed to text-heavy content.
Looking at the popularity of the “Career Pathway” features, we have introduced “Ask the ASM” and “RAJA Advice” segments as a means of open communication between RHQ REME and our readers. When it comes to postings, however, The Craftsman really struggles with the currency of the information. Due to the nature of the publishing process, any information about postings and trawls we could (legally) publish would most likely be out of date by the time it got to you, the reader. We are looking into what we could do in this area (suggestions welcome), in the meantime, I would highly recommend following the “Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers – REME” Facebook page and jumping onto REME Connect.
For “Corps History” we are working with the REME Museum to gather interesting snippets from the Corps’ past. Unfortunately, although we’d like it to be, it may not be possible for this to be a
This process has been really insightful for me as the Editor and it has provided a base from which we can take The Craftsman forward. We can only implement these changes with your input and backing, however; we can only provide up to date information on the Corps’ activity if we are receiving it in good time to publish. We discovered that out of those who responded to the survey (circa 5% of the reader-0ship) 48% only have an input to The Craftsman when asked to by their Chain of Command and only 3% contribute more than twice a year.
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The Craftsman is a REME Charity publication, and therefore outside of any Chain of Command. As such it belongs to the entire REME family. Your input, either articles, updates or suggestions will have an impact on what is published, so please do get in touch.