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REME Association Lunch

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REME in Scotland Lunch Friday 17th September 2021

Scribe: Tom Hardie, Secretary, REME Association Scotland Branch


On Friday 17th September 2021 the REME In Scotland Lunch (RISL) was held at The Scots Guards Club in Haymarket, Edinburgh. This was the first gathering of the REME Family in Scotland since the start of the pandemic and saw 50 of our Regular, Reserve, Resettled and Retired community come together. Attendees varied from Scotland Branch Member 85-year-old John Haggerty to a young 19-year-old Craftsman.

The RISL is a semi-formal lunch and gathering for all members of the REME Family in Scotland. It is normally held twice a year and previous locations have varied from The Castle Club in Edinburgh Castle, The Scots Guards Club and an Army Reserve Centre in Glasgow.

The day started early for many with some attendees of the RISL travelling to Edinburgh from as far as Aberdeen, Glasgow, Leuchars, the West Coast and special guests from Lyneham which included the Colonel REME Reserve, Colonel Dave Harris and Corps ASM, WO1 (ASM) Danny McNeill.

Others chose to start early in the local public house with a liquid brunch being the order of the day!

Colonel Mat addressing the troops

Left to right Mr Tom Hardie (Secretary Scotland Branch), Lt Col Jamie McMeechan and LCpl Jake Armstrong, 2 Scots LAD. This was the first time Tom and Jamie had met since 1991 after joining the Corps together in 1989

Pre-RISL Brunch at a local pub

At 1300hrs sharp the RISL got underway with members being greeted in the Scots Guards Club with a complimentary drink to kick start the afternoons activities. This was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones as everyone arrived. This also gave members of The REME Association Scotland Branch the opportunity to finally meet our new President, Commanding Officer, 2 (Close Support) Battalion REME, Lieutenant Colonel Mat Davis. Due to the pandemic, it had been impossible to meet Colonel Mat who has been in post well over a year.

The beer flowed and everyone was having a great time. Colonel Mat gave a speech welcoming everyone to the RISL and updated all on the future of REME within Scotland and what lay ahead; especially for his Battalion. This was followed by a curry lunch and even more beer!

As the afternoon wore on the younger members of the Corps were mixing with the older members and stories were shared, lamps were swung and many more beers were consumed. The RISL was brought to a close late afternoon with many opting to carry on and make full use of the hospitality industry within Edinburgh. To all that made the RISL a resounding success by attending and making full use of the day may I thank you all and look forward to our next event which will hopefully be held early in 2022.

Left to right Lt Col Mat Davis (President Scotland Branch), Mr Tom Hardie (Secretary Scotland Branch) and Corps ASM, WO1 ASM Danny McNeill outside of The Scots Guards Club, Edinburgh

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