3 minute read

Colonel-in-Chief Visit to MoD Lyneham - Wednesday 28 September 2022

Scribe: Captain Rayner Shelmerdine-Hare

HRH The Countess of Wessex being welcomed to MoD Lyneham


The Countess talking to junior soldiers undertaking training

HRH The Countess of Wessex GCVO visited MoD Lyneham, the Home of the Corps on Wednesday 28 September 2022; her first official visit as our Colonel-in-Chief. Enjoying a full and varied programme, she learned about the Corps’ technical training at the Defence School of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering (DSEME), then witnessed how the technical skills learned are utilised in the Field Army at 5 Force Support Battalion REME. Her visit finished with time in the REME Museum speaking to a wide cross section of the Corps Family about Welfare Support and the REME Charity.

After a period of wet and windy rehearsals for The Countess’ visit, the home team were praying for a sunny spell to welcome her to the Home of the Corps. Happily, a sunny day and light winds prevailed as The Countess arrived in The King’s Flight. Upon landing, The Countess was welcomed to Lyneham by our Master General, Lt Gen Paul Jaques, before being escorted through a lined route of armoured vehicles and a superbly presented Honour Guard. Comdt DSEME Col Paul Johnson then took over hosting duties escorting HRH through some of DSEMEs technical training facilities. Along the way, The Countess talked to numerous REME junior soldiers, learning about the technical training provided to our Vehicle Mechanics in DSEME as well as our Avionic Technicians and Aircraft Technicians within the School of Army Aeronautical Engineering. She witnessed how interactive technologies were playing a vital part in the delivery of this training.

The Countess assisting with a recovery scenario The Countess learning about interactive technologies

Lt Jon Laundon presenting additive manufacturing capabilities to the Countess

Lt Col Ed Wigmore and The Countess unveiling ‘The Countess of Wessex Lines’

The Countess’ next stop was the airfield to take a look at our Recovery Training area and what better way to get there than in an SV(R). Once in situ, The Countess assisted in a recovery scenario before meeting some Armourers and Metalsmiths.

After a farewell to DSEME, The Countess moved to 5 Force Support Battalion REME to learn about some of their ES capabilities. Power Pack Repair had to come first! Understanding the process, from diagnosis through to run-up and out inspection, The Countess saw how these critical battle-winning assemblies were repaired in the field. After this, The Countess witnessed how Additive Manufacturing (AdM) was playing a key role in Defence and how 1 Field Company were continuing to experiment with this technology. Finally, after a demonstration of Augmented Reality and its use in delivering bespoke training, The Countess formally opened the Battalion’s new home in Lyneham; ‘The Countess of Wessex Lines’.

The Countess’ final engagement was at The REME Museum where she learned about the critical 1st Line Welfare Support provided by the Duty of Care NCOs at 8 Training Battalion REME and the 5 and 8 Battalion Welfare Teams. The Countess was also introduced to REME Charity staff to hear about the range of effects they support including the REME Association and REME Museum. To seal the visit, The Countess was invited to cut the REME 80th Birthday cake prior to being presented with ‘The Countess of Wessex Brooch’; a brooch gifted by the Corps and commissioned by The REME Institution. An article surrounding the manufacturing of the brooch will be published next month.

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