11 minute read

Office of Worship

Office of Worship –Archdiocese of Santa Fe Spring 2020

The Faith of the People La Fe Del Pueblo ~


¡Cristo ha Resucitado!

Our Mission~Nuestra Misión

Under the pastoral leadership of Archbishop John C. Wester, the Office of Liturgy serves as a resource for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

Bajo la dirección pastoral del Arzobispo John Wester, la Oficina de Liturgia sirve como recurso para la celebración de la Sagrada Liturgia en toda la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe.

Welcome /Bienvenidos

Welcome to our Newsletter, The Faith of the People, La Fe del Pueblo. The goal of this newsletter is to provide information, resources that are available and to share upcoming news. In order to fulfill your parish needs please feel free to email us with any questions or suggestions that you have pertaining to your ministry.

Bienvenido a nuestro Boletín Informativo, La Fe del Pueblo, The Faith of the People. El objetivo de este Boletín Informativo es poder proporcionar información, recursos, noticias y eventos alrededor de nuestra Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe. Les pedimos por favor nos envíe un correo electrónico con cualquier pregunta o sugerencia que tenga en relación a su ministerio, para así poder asistirle de mejor manera en sus necesidades parroquiales.

Sincerely, Damaris Thillet Director of the Office of Worship

Office Staff


Staff Damaris Thillet 505.831.8128 dthilllet@archdiosf.org Angela Flores 505.831.8194 aflores@archdiosf.org

Gabriel Gabaldon 505.831.8192 ggabaldon@archdiosf.org Staff

Website asfworship.org

“Why do you seek the living one among the dead?” ¿Por qué buscan entre los muertos al que vive?” Luke/Lucas 24:5

Liturgy ~ Liturgia

Easter Season~ Temporada Pascual

The fifty days from the Sunday of the Resurrection to Pentecost Sunday are celebrated in joy and exultation as one feast day, indeed as one "great Sunday." These are the days above all others in which the Alleluia is sung. The Paschal Candle represents Christ, the Light of the World and is a rich symbol of our faith. It is lit at the Easter Vigil and lit every day for mass during the Easter Season until the Feast of the Pentecost.

Los cincuenta días entre el domingo de Resurrección y el domingo de Pentecostés se han de celebrar con alegría y júbilo, como si se tratara de un solo y único día festivo, como "un gran domingo". Éstos son los días más apropiados para el canto del Aleluya.

El Cirio Pascual representa Cristo, la Luz del Mundo. Se enciende en la Vigilia Pascual y en cada Misa durante la Temporada Pascual hasta la Fiesta de Pentecostés.

Online Resources to Help us During the COVID- 19 Recursos de para Ayudarnos Durante el Covid- 19

Celebrating the Easter Season at Home


How to Celebrate de Liturgy Fully, Consciously, and actively –Even When There is No Mass

https://archdiosf.org/documents/2020/3/How%20to%20celebrate%20the%20liturgy%20fully%20conciously%20 and%20actively%20during%20the%20corona%20virus%20situation%2000000002.pdf

Prayer Service for Healing


Tools for Ministering Online



Father Michael Joncas has composed this new hymn that people will be able to sing during this challenging time. The Hymn is Published by GIA and is now available for a free download.

Download links: https://bit.ly/2V9gxFG OR http://www.onelicense.net

Music ~ Música

Spring 2020

Information about Copyrights During Coronavirus

In the midst of the Coronavirus many parishes are taping and live streaming masses and with this your parish may need to add/ update their licenses’. The links below will help you obtain the steps needed to obtain the correct license. At this time the information is not in Spanish but you can certainly call the Office of Worship.

Información sobre los Derechos de Autor Durante el Coronavirus

Durante la situación del Coronavirus muchas de nuestras parroquias están grabando y transmitiendo Misas. en vivo y con esto su parroquia podría necesitar agregar o actualizar sus licencias de derechos del autor. Los enlaces que aparecen más abajo le ayudarán a obtener los pasos necesarios para obtener la licencia correcta. Esta información no está todavía disponible en español, pero le pedimos por favor nos llame a la oficina en caso que necesite alguna asistencia.


In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, OneLicense.net (which represents most major music publishers) was offering gratis permission for music used in live-streaming Masses. That permission ended April 15. Now they are offering a special discounted license. For all details, please visit https://news.onelicense.net/2020/04/13/looking-ahead-licensing-options-for-gratis-accounts-after-april-15/


In early March, we received the following notice from Mary Sperry of the CCD/USCCB:

“In light of the health precautions that may become necessary in the coming days and weeks, the USCCB, CCD, and ICEL are waiving any need to request permission to use readings or Mass prayers in a livestreamed liturgy. We are currently working with the dioceses and publishers to make additional resources available. Please feel free to share with anyone who might need this info. Also, in case it wasn't clear, this applies to both English and Spanish readings and orations.”

I corresponded with her this morning and learned that the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and the USCCB have extended this permission to December 31, 2020.


From Joseph Livingston of the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL):

“No ICEL permission is required to stream or record liturgies. If you wish to put a transcription or guide alongside the recording, this is permitted (assuming the usual conditions about the text being reproduced correctly and the acknowledgement is placed somewhere appropriate) for the duration of the pandemic.” For the text of the usual acknowledgement, please visit http://www.icelweb.org/copyright.htm

Spring 2020

What is R.C.I.A? Where to Begin? ¿Qué es RICA? ¿Por dónde comenzamos?

4 Many adults entering the Catholic Church, or those just thinking about it, follow a process known as the RCIA –the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The RCIA process has several distinct stages. These Catholic RCIA stages are a good model of faith development itself, so this article will fit you whether or not you’re actually in the RCIA process.

Inquiry: the initial period before you decide to enter the Catholic Church. You’re asking questions and checking it out, but aren’t yet ready to commit. Catechumenate: those who decide to enter the Church and are being trained for a life in Christ are called catechumens, an ancient name from the early Church. In this stage, you’re developing your faith and are being “catechized” –learning catechism, or the basic points about Catholic faith and life. Purification and preparation: The Church will help you focus and intensify your faith as you prepare you to commit your life to Christ and be received into the Church at Easter. If you’re following the RCIA process, you’ll go through a beautiful series of Gospel-based meditations during Lent, which is the time frame of this period. Initiation itself, the culmination of the whole process! You’re received into the Church during the Easter Vigil Mass, where you’ll receive the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist. (If you’ve already been baptized, you won’t be baptized again.) Mystagogy: after reception into the Church at Easter, this period lets you reflect and learn more about the mysteries of the Mass and the Sacraments that you now participate in fully. Muchos adultos que ingresan a la Iglesia Católica, o aquellos que simplemente piensan en hacerlo, siguen un proceso conocido como RCIA –el Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de los Adultos. El proceso RCIA tiene varias etapas diferentes:

Consulta/Período de Evangelización y

Precatecumenado: el período inicial antes de decidir entrar en la Iglesia Católica. Estás haciendo preguntas y examinando, pero aún no estás listo(a) para comprometerte. Catecumenado: aquellos que deciden entrar en la Iglesia y están siendo entrenados para una vida en Cristo se llaman catecúmenos, un nombre antiguo de la Iglesia primitiva. En esta etapa, estás desarrollando tu fe y estás siendo "catequizado(a)" –aprendiendo el catecismo, o los puntos básicos sobre la fe y vida católica. Purificación y preparación: La Iglesia te ayudará a enfocar e intensificar tu fe a medida que te prepares para comprometer tu vida a Cristo y ser recibido en la Iglesia en la Pascua. Si sigues el proceso de la RICA, pasarás por una hermosa serie de meditaciones basadas en el Evangelio durante la Cuaresma, que es el marco temporal de este período. Iniciación por sí misma, ¡la culminación de todo el proceso! Se le recibe en la Iglesia durante la Misa de Vigilia Pascual, donde recibirá los sacramentos de la iniciación: bautismo, confirmación y Eucaristía (Si ya te has bautizado, no necesitas volver a bautizarte). Mistagogia: después del recibimiento a la Iglesia en la Pascua, este período permite reflexionar y aprender más sobre los misterios de la Misa y los Sacramentos en los que ahora participas plenamente. www.beginningcatholic.com/catholic-rcia-stages

God Persists and Get to us ~ Dios Persiste y Llega a Nosotros

Archbishop Wester blessing the City of Santa Fe and Archdiocese with Holy Water on Easter Sunday. El Arzobispo Wester bendice la ciudad y el arquidiócesis de Santa Fe con Agua Bendita durante la Misa de Pascua

“…This beautiful work of God in our midst; moving through inexorably, even through ignorance; even through mistakes, and sin, and evil; even despite these obstacles God persists and God gets to us. So I hope we keep this in mind during the current crisis that God is at work in us and despite these difficulties and the horror of COVID19: God is at work in us. This inspires us to have faith and to be at peace and share that peace with one another as we care for another as a sign of God’s presence in our midst. “

- Homily of Archbishop John Wester - 4/16/2020

“... Esta hermosa obra de Dios en medio de nosotros; pasando inflexiblemente, incluso a través de la ignorancia; incluso a través de los errores, el pecado y el mal; incluso a pesar de estos obstáculos Dios persiste y Dios llega a nosotros. Espero que tengamos esto presente durante la crisis actual, que Dios está trabajando en nosotros y a pesar de estas dificultades y el horror de COVID19: Dios está trabajando en nosotros. Esto nos inspira a tener fe y a estar en paz y compartir esa paz unos con otros mientras nos preocupamos por los demás como signo de la presencia de Dios en medio de nosotros. "

- Homilía del Arzobispo John Wester del 4/16/2020

Confirmation News

Confirmations: Confirmations scheduled for May 2020 are hereby postponed until the end of the COVID-19 situation and accompanying social distancing are better ascertained.

(This announcement was sent by Vicar General, Rev. Glennon Jones to Pastors, Priests, Deacons, Religious and parishes on April 15 daily communication)

Noticias sobre Confirmaciones

Confirmaciones: Las confirmaciones previstas para mayo de 2020 se han pospuesto hasta el final de la situación del COVID-19 y se compruebe mejor el distanciamiento social que acompaña.

(Este anuncio fue enviado por el Vicario General, Rev. Glennon Jones a los Párrocos, Sacerdotes, Diáconos, Religiosos(as) y todas parroquias)

Cindy Shields Principal, Annunciation Catholic School WhatdoesStewardshipMeantoYou? StewardshipCorner

PopeFrancisspoketotheworldand said,

“thetragedyweare experiencingsummonsustotake seriouslythethingsthatareserious, andnottobecaughtupinthosethat matterless;torediscoverthatlife isofnouseifnotusedtoserveothers.Forlifeis measuredbylove.”PopeFranciscontinuedand said,

“So,intheseholydays,inourhomes,letus standbeforetheCrucifiedOne,thefullest measureofGod’sloveforus,andbeforetheGod whoservesustothepointofgivinghislife,and letusaskforthegracetoliveinordertoserve. Maywereachouttothosewhoaresufferingand thosemostinneed.Maywenotbeconcerned aboutwhat welack,butwhatgoodwecandofor others.” Dothosewordssoundlikeadefinitionof Stewardship?Formeitistheperfectdefinition, especiallyduringthesemostchallengingtimes. Asthechurchesareclosed,wewatchtheMasson sometypeofelectronicdevice.PopeFrancis remindsustoseewhatisaroundus. AsHoly Weekbegan,wewereallgraspingatsomething thatremindedusthatGodisincha rge.Andthen werememberedthatHegaveusHisonlySonasa signofHisloveforus.WelistentoPopeFrancis’ words,takeabreathandthinkhowcanIbea goodstewardduringthesetimes? Iremindmy studentsdailytopray,toplay,totakecareofone another,andtobewiththeirfamilies. Embrace thistimetoloveoneanother. Beingagood stewardwilllookdifferentforallofus.From fightingtosavelives,donatingfoodormoney, checkingonourneighborsorsayingtherosaryin ourhomes,weareallcalledtobegoodstewardsif werememberthat“lifeismeasuredbylove.”

A PRAYER FOR HEALING VICTIMS OF ABUSE God of endless love, ever caring, ever strong, always present, always just: You gave your only Son to save us by his blood on the cross.

Gentle Jesus, shepherd of peace, join to your own suffering the pain of all who have been hurt in body, mind, and spirit by those who betrayed the trust placed in them.

Hear the cries of our brothers and sisters who have been gravely harmed, and the cries of those who love them. Soothe their restless hearts with hope, steady their shaken spirits with faith. Grant them justice for their cause, enlightened by your truth.

Holy Spirit, comforter of hearts, heal your people’s wounds and transform brokenness into wholeness. Grant us the courage and wisdom, humility and grace, to act with justice. Breathe wisdom into our prayers and labors. Grant that all harmed by abuse may find peace in justice. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Copyright © 2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. To order publication no. 7-495, visit usccbpublishing.org or call 877-978-0757.

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