People of God, August 2020

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August 2020

Even in Uncertain Times, the Lord Journeys with Us not wonder why so many of us feel as if the “sky is falling” and we turn to our God.


he story of Henny Penny (or as we know her in the United States, Chicken Little) reminds us that we should not give into mass hysteria. And yet hysteria seems like a natural response to all that is going on these days. As we deal with our Chapter 11 reorganization plan and at the same time cope with COVID-19, it seems that we exist in the eye of a perfect storm. Add to these challenges the polarization in our society and Church, the cry of those who have been kept down and even killed because of racism, and the perennial difficulties many of us feel here in New Mexico such as poverty, violent crime and addiction, then you will

Bishop Robert McElroy, in his homily at the ordination of the new auxiliary bishop in San Diego, Ramón Bejarano, said in reference to the pandemic, “Finally, and most profoundly, the pandemic has destroyed our individual and collective feelings of security on every level -- personal health, financial security, safety, and relationships. We have come face-to-face with the existential reality that we are not in control and that the security we had treasured and presumed is an illusion.” Here in New Mexico, one of the earliest images of Mary brought from Spain was Our Lady of the Assumption and that statue we honor as Our Lady of Peace in our cathedral. Given these realities, it is timely that we reflect on Mary during the month of August when we celebrate her Assumption into heaven. Mary was no stranger to these feelings of insecurity and to seemingly insurmountable challenges. At the Annunciation, she faced the fear and uncertainty of conceiving through the power of the Holy Spirit even as she was

betrothed to Joseph. There was no room in the inn so she had to desperately find shelter in a stable in order to give birth. Simeon predicted suffering for her son as she presented him in the temple. She and Joseph had to flee to Egypt because Herod was killing all children under the age of two. She felt the anxiety and fear of losing her child in the temple. She heard people whispering that her son was mad. She stood at the foot of the cross. And yet despite all of these challenges, difficulties and concerns, God was with her always. This providential and compelling love of God in Mary’s life found complete expression as she was assumed into heaven, body and soul, to live with her son forever. The Assumption stands as a symbol of hope and of God’s unfathomable love in the life of Mary just as it reminds you and me of that same love God has for all of us. God will never abandon us, even in the most difficult of times – especially in the most difficult of times. This is Good News, and right about now we can use some really good news! But we do not have to wait until heaven for God to care about us. God cared for Mary throughout her life just as he cares for us throughout

our lives. After all, Jesus was with Mary throughout his early life and remained with her after his death through the power of his resurrection. Mary knew the consolation of her son’s presence in her life and she felt the warmth of his love and the encouragement that belief in her son brought her. That same Jesus is with you and me throughout our trials and difficulties these days. Jesus promised to be with us always until the end of the age. And he is. Even when we cannot get to church because we have compromised immune systems or protocols will not allow our churches to be full, we still have the real and constant presence of our loving Christ in our lives, here with us now. We have traditionally called this actual grace. Every day Christ is gracing us with his love, support, presence and mercy. When situations arise that cause difficulty, Christ gives us the grace to handle them and to grow through them and to find new life in them. Typically, Christ’s grace works in our normal day-to-day lives through natural means. As Christ gives us hope we respond favorably to difficult situations and we do find new life. Sometimes, Christ

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