Official Karate 2013 Annual

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Martial Arts Grandmasters International 速


2013 annual

8 I Karate Masters Hall of Fame® Inductees

Announcing the 2012 “Official” KMHOF® Inductees.

14 I Stories from A Grandmaster


GM Keith Vitali shares tales from his training with Benny Urqidez and his filming on a movie set.

16 I One More Round


Insights from Grandmaster Joe Corley.

18 I Grandmaster Keith D. Yates

Get to know a martial arts pioneer.

26 I Business Tips


There are no "secrets" to building a successful business. It's really quite simple says Grandmaster Art Beins.

28 I Golden Shuto Awards


We reveal the first of many honorees to be presented with the Official Karate Magazine TM Golden Shuto .

30 I West Coast Wrap-up


59 I Order

Your OK Shirt Today.

Elvis was also the King of Karate says Master Emil Farkas.

32 I Profile of a KMHOF Inductee TM

See page 22 to find out how you can win a FREE OK shirt!

Linda Denley is perhaps the greatest woman fighter in the history of sport karate.

34 I Favorite Fighting Techniques from the Masters TM

See what made Linda Denley such a feared


36 I Favorite Fighting Techniques from the Masters TM

Andrew Linick shows tonfa vs. bo defense.

38 I Favorite Fighting Techniques from the Masters Jeff Smith shares some of his favorite techniques. TM



CONTENTS 40 I Kung Fu Korner Noted Sifu Karen Schlachter reflects on TM

lessons leanred from past masters.

42 I The Voice of Tradition GM Dan Tosh on what people think of karate TM



44 I Four Decades of Excellence


Hanshi Cezar Borkowsk's Northern Karate Schools are recognized as some of the best Okinawan Karate in the world.

Superfoot 1974

46 I The Masters Self-Defense Series


Military & Law Enforcement trainer Danny Lane tells you how to survive a knife attack.

47 I Superfoot Bill Wallace

Some "Did You Know?" facts about the famous champion.

50 I My Karate Life



Inductee Profile

The Texas Tornado, Linda Denley.


Jim Mather shares what he knows about why Karate is not in the Olympics.

54 I The Three-Month Black Belt!

Steven Franz on cutting corners in Karate.

56 I Nutritional Self Defense


Dr. Craig Rubenstein shares something about nutrition.


58 I MAGI® Benefits Expanding


Why you should be a member of MAGI®.

60 I Southwest Scene


GM Duane Ethington on the Levels of Excellence.

62 I Martial Arts Marketplace


Be sure to “Like” us at

Get to know Bill Wallace

Reviews of new products.

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Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®



Official Karate Magazine™ is the “official” publication of Martial Arts Grandmasters International®.

Sound Off!

It is a 21st Century version of the original Official Karate that was published from June 1969 to Winter 1995 by founding editor Al Weiss and Charlton Publications. We are published quarterly in digital format with a printed “annual” issue.

I remember reading Official Karate back in the early seventies. It never went “glossy,” it stayed true to the art, good reporting, real people, a mag you could relate to. I am so glad it is back. —Al Case

MAGI® is a dynamic association of traditional and modern martial arts practitioners. Since 1994, we have strived to fulfill our mission to recognize and register kyu/gup students, black belts, masters, and grandmasters of various martial arts styles organizations, Asian and Western selfdefense systems, and fighting arts.

Photo: Lyman Roark www.roark

Editor and Publisher: Andrew S. Linick, Ph.D. Managing Editor and Creative Director: Keith D. Yates Editorial Consultant: David Weiss Contributors: Joe Corley, Linda Denley, Duane Ethington, Emil Farkas, Steven Franz, Arnold Howard, Danny Lane, Dr. Craig Rubenstein, Jeff Smith, Terry Maccarrone, Dan Tosh, Keith Vitali MAGI® Member Benefits Membership in MAGI® will afford you the opportunity to have an affiliation with the first-generation pioneers who sit on our Board of Advisors. Of course you can share in their wisdom in the pages of Official Karate magazine (a subscription is included in your membership) but you can also take advantage of a direct dialogue with these Grandmasters through our websites and Facebook pages. You can proudly display the impressive MAGI® membership certificates, colorful uniform patches, and even attention-getting trademark protected four color window decals that proclaim you are an “affiliated” professional MAGI® school. (It’s considered the ‘BBB’ in the MA industry) You will receive big discounts on high-quality Asian weapons, books, videos & DVD’s, e-books, t-shirts, equipment bags, and even professional custom framing for MAGI® certificates and for your own school certificates. We are adding new features and benefits all the time so click on and “LIKE” us at can also go to



This magazine is an exceptional publication. Last issue (Fall 2012) had many excellent features. In addition to the articles commemorating the karate legends Soke Takayoshi Nagamine and World Champion Joe Lewis, I particularly enjoyed the one by Hanshi Andrew Linick, containing much savvy and practical advice. —SifuCraig (via email) Thank you sirs, I have just subscribed at your website and began reading. Enjoying the subject matter and articles. Love seeing not only my old friends from years past, but the new generation as well. Would love to contribute to this age-old wonderful magazine. Thank you for reviving it. —GM Jimm McMurray Congratulations for putting Official Karate Magazine back on the map. Not only is the magazine packed with some great articles, the quality of the magazine is second to none. I enjoyed the old Official Karate magazines from back-in-the-day and look forward to continued reading. ­—Kyoshi Jerry Figgiani, Shorin Ryu Karatedo International It's wonderful seeing Official Karate magazine back in circulation! Having spent 20 plus years writing for various martial arts publications, back in the proverbial day, it was a joy and and honor to have written a cover article about Canadian champion Patrick McCarthy for Official Karate. Best regards and keep up the good work! — Kregg Jorgenson

EDITORIAL Let's Hear From You You can win a prize!! With this Annual issue we celebrate a full year's worth of the NEW Official Karate Magazine (starting with the 2012 Annual, which, by the way, we still have some printed copies of—email us to order some). In order to continue to provide you, our readers, with the very best product possible, we've put together a brief reader's survey. “Not another survey to fill out?” you might ask. Well, just remember that this will help us determine which parts of the magazine you like best, which writers inspire you the most, and even what features you'd like to see us add in future issues. As an added incentive for you to fill out this online reader's survey, we'll enter all the submissions into a drawing to win some valuable prizes. Go do it right now while you are thinking about it. We have great plans for 2013 and beyond. We won't be able to do it without you. Thanks, The Editors


c custom hance to win a nunchak www.offi u, go to cia com/rea lkaratemag. dersurv ery.

Passing It On to the Next Generation

GM Jeff Smith


have been contemplating, since the passing of so many of our great masters and pioneers in the martial arts, the past few years, about how we are going to make sure their great teachings and lessons do not get lost for our next generation. In this electronic age of computers and high tech video we need to get as much on video as possible of these great masters, but do we lose some of the real essence of their teachings in this manner? I know from spending so much time with Grandmaster Jhoon Rhee that there are many life lessons that he has taught me and inspired in me that are much more than just the physiSean Smith and his dad, Jeff. cal, skill-level of a technique. It is the person or persons the Masters spend the many hours around the dojo with, sharing their knowledge with, that will be able to keep the teachings of the great Masters so as to feed the essence of our martial arts to the next generation! It is not something that can be taught or learned in a decade but rather several decades. One must get the true meaning down well enough to be able to become a “product of the product”—thus passing the product as close to the original essence as possible! Spending time with GM Rhee at lunch the other day on his birthday made me realize that all the 1000s of lunch and dinners we have shared over the years is something that cannot be duplicated. Just one dinner I shared with GM Rhee and his close friend, Master Bruce Lee, at GM Rhee’s house was something, that at the time, I didn’t realize how much of an impact it would make on me until years later! I listened and watched them sharing martial arts ideas and concepts and was in awe of the charisma that both of these men had. I was so impressed with the speed and power they both possessed while demonstrating techniques and continued on page 12

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®



What do the greatest woman karate fighter and the greatest male karate fighter have in common? That's right. They are both 2012 Inductees.


KARATE MASTE Founded by GM Andrew S. Linick, Ph.D.

Unlike most other Halls of Fame, there is no charge to be either nominated or inducted into the prestigious KMHOFTM. Since its founding in 1972, less than 100 martial arts pioneers have been recognized by this, perhaps the very first Hall to honor the original masters of the arts in the Western world.

Jeff Smith on a 1976 OK Magazine cover.

Jeff Smith Grandmaster Jeff Smith, known as the "DC Bomber," was one of the original (full-contact) kick-boxing champions. He is a seven-time PKA World Light Heavy Weight Karate Champ and has trained many national and international champion competitors. Mr. Smith has appeared on the covers of most of the major martial arts publications, performed at the White House and was named one of Washington's top athletes (by Washingtonian Magazine). Linda Lee (Bruce's widow) selected him to be the very first recipient of the Bruce Lee Award. He owns several schools in Virginia and is the current COO and Director of Mile High Karate. See some of his Favorite Fighting Techniques on page 38.

Dan Anderson

Jeff Smith (left) and Dan Anderson (right) receive their Karate Masters Hall of Fame induction certificates from Keith Yates at "The Gathering" of martial arts luminaries in Houston in October of 2013. 8


Professor Dan Anderson is a four-time national Karate Champion and won over 70 grandchampion titles around the world. He was named one of the top fighters in the nation by several leading martial arts publications. Mr. Anderson was one of the first instructors to use the term American Karate (calling his system "American Freestyle Karate" in the early 1970s). An author and popular seminar teacher he is also a master of Modern Arnis having been recognized as the founder of the MA 80 System by the Philippine Classical Arnis Council. He owns and operates Dan Anderson Karate in Gresham, Oregon.

Nominations The KMHOFT® operates under the auspices of the Martial Arts Grandmasters International®. To nominate someone for this recognition, go to


RS HALL OF FAME Since 1972 — Honoring Outstanding Pioneers, Masters and Legends of Traditional Karate-Do

Keith Vitali Grandmaster Keith Vitali has been named a top-ten fighter by several national publications. He was a U.S. National Karate Champion three times and also won the World Karate Championships. He was Black Belt Magazine's Fighter of the Year in 1981 and is in the Halls of Honor for the Diamond Nationals and the Battle of Atlanta. Mr. Vitali is a sought-after seminar teacher and an established author. He was one of the first champions to make instructional videos (which led to his appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show) and he has starred in several films with the likes of Sho Kosugi and Jackie Chan. Allen Steen, the "Father of Texas Blood 'n' Guts Karate" congratulates Linda Denley on her induction.

Linda Denley Legendary Karate champion Linda Denley is considered by most to be the most fiercesome woman competitor to ever step into a ring. She began her training in Tang Soo Do in 1973 and earned her black belt in just two years. She went on to repeatedly win virtually every major karate title in the country (and many championships around the globe as well). She qualified for the Olympics in five track and field events while still in High School. She was invited to play semipro basketball with the Houston Angels but decided her karate career was more important. Today she still owns a school in Houston and gives seminars around the world. See some of her Favorite Fighting Techniques on page 34.

Skipper Mullins Skipper Mullins is considered one of the best sport karate champions ever. In fact, Chuck Norris said GM Mullins was his toughest opponent. A former U.S. Marine, Mr. Mullins Keith Yates and Skipper Mullins. earned his black belt from Allen Steen in 1966 (the year Black Belt Magazine named him the best fighter in the U.S.). Some call him the original superfoot specializing in a lightening roundhouse that no one seemed to be able to stop. Mullins became a firefighter and paramedic and retired from the Dallas Fire Department with the rank of Captain.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


In Memorandum

Joe Lewis

Grandmaster Lewis was considered the greatest karate fighter that the United States ever produced. A former combat Marine in Vietnam, he earned his black belt in Okinawa in a record seven months. He won every major karate tournament in the nation but truly made his mark as the first full-contact karate champion. He was not just a great competitor but an innovator in the art and science of fighting and traveled the world over passing on his extensive knowledge and skills. The board of the KMHOF voted him into the Hall just two weeks before his passing in August 2012.

Chuck Norris vs Joe Lewis For an extensive tribute to GM Joe Lewis see our Winter 2012 issue at

Parker Shelton

Parker Shelton is another recipient of the KMHOF honor that was voted in just before he passed away in September of 2012. He started out as a professional skier but soon found his calling in the martial arts. In the early 1970s he was a top-rated competitor in not only Karate but also in Judo. He won titles all over the world and became known as a coach and instructor. At one point he owned four schools in the Fort Wayne area. He was the first president of the United States Karate Association.



Robert Yarnell A fifty-plus year veteran of the martial arts, Robert Yarnell was a national champion and took his skills to the street as a police officer and later a police chief. He began his training under James Wax and has had a long career as a instructor in the St. Louis area. Mr. Yarnell has helped trained numerous champions including Parker Shelton, Jim Harrison and Bill Marsh. He is considered one of the leading experts in Matsubayashi-ryu.

Terry Maccarrone, a Board member of the Karate Masters Hall of Fame速 (center) presented Robert Yarnell and Patrick Beaumont with their induction certificates in Ireland in the summer of 2012.

Patrick Beaumont Grandmaster Patrick Beaumont is one of the pionering instructors of Okinawan Karate in the United Kingdom and heads the Matsubayashi-Ryu Shorin-Ryu International from his base in Ireland. Beaumont Sensei has trained under Soke Nagamine, Patrick McCarthy and Vince Morris among others. He was the "Man of the Year" for Grandmasters Magazine and served as the Ireland Representative for the Pankration Federation Athlima.

Toyotaro Miyazaki on a 1973 OK Magazine cover.


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In October 2012, Andrew Linick (second from right) presented Toyotaro Miyazaki (center) with the Official Karate Magazine Golden Shuto Award as well as with his Karate Masters Hall of Fame induction.

Toyotaro Miyazaki Toyotaro Miyazaki began his karate training in Tokyo at the age of 15 under Tomasaburo Okano. When he immigrated to the United States he immediately became one of the winningest karate competitors in both kata and kumite. He has appeared on the cover of many martial arts magazines. Miyazaki Sensei has been teaching in New York state for several decades and has developed a well-deserved reputation as a national voice for Japanese Shotokan Karate.

Ron Van Clief

Grandmaster Ron Van Clief (the Black Dragon) is the 10th degree black belt founder of the Chinese Goju system. He has trained and taught for over four decades. He has appeared in several movies (as both an actor and stuntman) as well as in magazines all over the world. A former fighting champion, police officer and U.S. Marine, he is an expert in realistic combat and has trained law enforcement personel in the U.S. and internationally.

Chuck Merriman

Grandmaster Chuck Merriman is one of the founders of martial arts in the United States. He has served as Head Coach of the AAU National Karate Team and was a member of the AAU Coaching Committee. He served as Chief Regeree for the Okinawan Karate Kobudo World Tournament in Naha, Okinawa (just one of many international competitions he has judged). He has been instrumental in popularizing karate competitions and in promoting his style of Goju-Ryu. He was Black Belt Magazine's Instructor of the Year in 1980.

Ed McGrath

Hanshi Ed McGrath began his martial studies under Don Nagle in 1958 at the first Isshin-Ryu dojo in America. A former U.S. Marine, he became one of the pioneering instructors of karate not only for civilians but for the Marines. A champion and teacher of champions, Mr. McGrath also became known as the "Voice of East Coast Karate" due to his many announcer duties at sport karate tournaments.


➤ Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®



The Next Generation continued from page 7

Richard Jenkins

Grandmaster Jenkins is not only a pioneer of American martial arts but also a early innovator in the business side of karate. He opened schools in several states with the likes of Fred Wren and Mike Anderson and developed many martial arts marketing and business practices still in use today.

Royce Young 10th Dan Grandmaster Young is one of the earliest teachers and champions of Texas Karate. For decades he presided over the Texas Instruments Karate Club which is one of the longest, continually running martial arts schools in the nation.

Tim Vought Grandmaster Vought was a long-time Dallas police officer and established a reputation as a fierce competitor in the “Blood and Guts” days and was also an important contributor to karate in the Police Olmpics. He was one of Ed Daniel's earliest black belts in Shorin-ryu in the United States. for information on nominating someone for the prestigious Karate Masters Hall of Fame.



explaining their concepts to one another. GM Rhee was very detailed in explaining the technical concepts about his side kick and Master Lee explained his concepts on punching and how to maximize y our speed and power by getting your complete body weight into the technique with the circular rotation of the hips to generate more force! It was a night that I will always cherish! It also made me realize that even one lesson from a Great Master can last a lifetime, if you listen, learn and apply. But the important thing is that you be willing to listen well enough without prejudice or preconceived ideas. When I received the “Bruce Lee Award” for Fighter of the Year at Allen Steen’s US Championships in Dallas, from Bruce Lee's wife, Linda Lee and Joe Lewis, I thought back to that night and what I learned and cherished over the years. I cherish the many days of training and sharing ideas (I mostly listened) with my good friend Joe Lewis. I cherish the time I spend with my good friend Bill Wallace and the techniques he has shared with me over the years. It makes me realize that these great masters are not going to be around forever and we must learn as much as possible while they are still around. I am sure they are many people who regret not getting to spend more time with GM Joe Lewis, GM Ed Parker, GM Robert Trias and the many other great pioneers and masters! If we are going to pass our knowledge on to the next generation we have to make sure they are ready to learn. We must make sure they understand the importance of learning from the great masters who are still here. Bill Wallace is still doing his seminars all over the World, and Dr. Maung Gyi, who has shared many of his Bando techniques in seminars, as well as many other greats are still teaching! So make sure you go to as many seminars or events in your area as possible so you can learn and pass on the Masters knowledge to the next generation! I think about my son Sean and cherish the time I get to train and work with him and how I hope he keeps training and learning and how proud it makes a father to have his son or daughter carry on the knowledge of the martial arts to the next generation! I hope all of our sons, daughters and students learn enough from the masters to pass on that knowledge— for that is our LEGACY! GM Jeff Smith is one of the winningest fighters to ever compete on the national and international scene. His son Sean is a talented black belt and carries on the the Smith family martial arts legacy.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International 速


STORIES from a grand master


GM Keith Vitali

Keith Vitali on the cover of an 1981 Official Karate Magazine.



Jackie and I have always felt incredibly fortunate to have competed in the exciting era when I did. I competed on the national karate point tournament circuit in one of the most exciting times ever, the ‘70s and early ‘80s. It was a golden era with the likes of dynamic competitors such as Ray McCallum, Dan Anderson, Steve Fisher, Mike Genova, Bobby Tucker, John Longstreet, Robert Harris, Scorpion Burrage, John Orck, Al Francis, Jimmy Tabares, Michael Goldman, Glenn McMorris, James Cook, Larry Kelley and so many others. All of us were fortunate to have our exciting era follow, in my humble opinion, the greatest era and fighters of all-time Joe Lewis, Chuck Norris, Bill Wallace, Jeff Smith, Howard Jackson, Joe Corley, John Natividad, Jim Harrison, Benny Urquidez, Byuon Yu and Mike Stone. Even today, decades later, many martial arts enthusiasts around the world still recognize a good many of the fighters from these two special eras. One major reason for this is that we were featured in articles and on the covers of national / international magazines such as Black Belt, Karate Illustrated, Unique Karate, Sport Karate, and, of course, Official Karate. This national and international exposure created “stars.” How important is a being on a cover? I broke into the film world after a Hollywood producer discovered me on a cover. Our era of tournament fighters, were directly influenced by our great predecessors. It’s also true that our generation of fighters blended into and influenced the next great era. That new era of stars produced great fighters such as, Richard Plowden, Tony Young, Anthony Price, Billy Blanks, Nasty Anderson, Kevin Thompson, Jerry Prince, Mafia Holloway, Terry Creamer, Ernest Miller and others. One of the all-time greatest fighters I had the privilege to train with was Benny Urquidez. Benny and I played the villains in a Jackie Chan film, "Wheels on Meals." We filmed this movie in Barcelona, Spain in the early ‘80s. I was the former Number One national point fighter and the Number Five rated full-contact fighter in the US. Of course, the great, undefeated Benny was the former world champion with a 56-0 full contact record. I had a 6-1 full contact record with my only loss to Larry Carnahan in a close five-round split decision. I fought in the PKA organization that only allowed kicks above the waist while Benny, an International kick boxer fought by international rules which allowed kicks to the legs. Benny and I had plenty of down time between filming so we started training together. I couldn’t wait to match my skills against Benny’s. Having just retired from competition, I was still at the top of my game and actually had little trouble scoring combinations on Benny. I hit him with a powerful full round kick to the head that should have placed him in a coma, but it didn’t even tickle him. It hurt my foot more than it did his head. He just smiled and said he didn’t even feel the kick and even more disconcerting, said he basically didn’t feel pain at all. I looked closer at


his Cro-Magnon eyebrows and thought perhaps ing me fight. It turned out that my bony shins he was a throwback to some other species. Just a were great for leg kicking. I think I inflicted glancing backfist from him would hurt. Benny more pain to my opponents from my razor claims a direct genetic line from some Native sharp shins than I ever did with any of my techIndian tribe. He believes he was an Indian in a niques. previous life, but all I wanted to do was hit him A side note to this story is that during the in this life! filming of the final fight scene in “Wheels on I remember what happened next like Meals,” Benny was matched up with Jackie it happened yesterday. It was right after that Chan while my last fight was with Biao Yuen. impressive round kick of mine when he asked In Benny’s fight scene Sammo Hung the direcme the innocent question, “You ready now?” tor, wanted Jackie to actually punch Benny in My overly confident reply was, “Hell, Benny the face in some of the inserts (close ups) they I’m the only guy fighting so far.” He just smiled. needed for the shots. The director asked Benny We touched gloves and started up again. I faked Benny Urquidez and Keith Vitali if it was okay and Benny agreed. a backfist, and attempted to stick him with my on the set of "Meals on Wheels". After every take, after three or four hard side kick. He side-stepped my side kick and punches delivered to Benny’s face, the director with the smoothest, cross-stepping switch kick checked on him to make sure he was okay. Ben... while he maneuver I had ever seen, threw a powerful ny’s answer was always the same, “No problem.” back leg round kick to the inside of my thigh. This went on for over an hour with Jackie getlaid there Immediately tears shot out of both of my eyes. ting a bit upset every time Benny gave that same unconscious, automatic reply, “No problem.” Someone on the My virgin legs had never been kicked before and definitely not from the powerful thunno one dared set could have easily construed Benny’s reply as der thighs of Benny Urquidez. The pain was an insult; that Jackie had no power and couldn’t say. "CUT" to hurt him is real life. Jackie felt that he was losexcruciating to say the least. I quickly held my hands up and made stop filming. ing face with his stunt crew. Jackie, upset, told the universal time-out hand signal. Benny Benny in front of us all that he wanted to fight says, “You can call time out.” My comeback was, “Not only Benny in a real match. I stepped forward to cool things down did I call time-out, if you ever hit me in the leg like that a bit and said, “You don’t want to do that.” I went on to tell again, I will take a pencil and stab you in your eye.” Benny Jackie that he was primarily an actor, acting as a fighter while just laughed, but I’m pretty sure I was serious at the time. All Benny was a fighter, acting as an actor.” I didn’t bring up the true. fact that Benny was a descendant of some Cro-Magnon era As my leg continued to throb, I tried to explain to and didn’t feel pain, but I think he got the message. Benny that under PKA rules, we didn’t kick below the waist. Next, I had to complete my last fight scene with Biao His answer made a lot of sense. I should be able to defend Yuen. As it turned out, I wasn’t going to win the most favorite myself in any situation and even if I didn’t wish to kick actor award in this movie. Earlier in the filming, I had kicked below the belt, he stressed the importance of being able to Jackie in the throat with a full power side kick and almost defend against those low kicks. He was so right. In all of killed him. He couldn’t film for a few days and the film’s proour subsequent training workouts, Benny drilled me on all ducer wasn’t a happy camper. Next I hurt Biao Yuen with a aspects of the leg kicks, offensively and more importantly, round kick to the mid section in one of the scenes. Then as a defensively. I loved it. hat trick, I knocked out Sammy Hung with a back leg round To test my newly formed leg kicking skills Benny and kick to the head. The strange thing was that he was also the I started visiting local karate schools in Barcelona to work director and while he laid there unconscious, no one dared say out with the local talent. Benny was like a proud dad watchcontinued on page 17 Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


GM Joe Corley

One More Round TM

525,600 Minutes


his new year brings a new “round” in my life-long fight—or mission, as I’ve learned to describe it. It’s a fight to accomplish a mission; it’s a fight to stay on track, to stay energized, to fight frustration and to overcome apathy, ignorance and just plain stupidity. I’m in the kind of fight that “Gentleman” Jim Corbit experienced— where the fight continued until a fighter was knocked out or quit. It had no predetermined number of rounds. It was over when it was over. As PKA fighters back in the day, we fought two-minute rounds. Superfoot Wallace and I went nine rounds. Later PKA title fights went to 12 rounds. Now my rounds are considerably longer—they are five hundred twenty five thousand, six hundred (525,600) minutes long. That’s 60 minutes per hour, 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. My rounds are now measured in years. As of January 1, 2013, I am entering the 39th round in my fight for PKA, truth, justice and the “American Karate Way.” I’m entering the fifth decade of the bigger fight, the fight for personal fulfillment, to leave the right legacy. I’ve been knocked down many times in these fights, and have got off the canvas as late as the count of nine. But I have not yet been counted out. No quitting allowed. Through it all my mentors and friends of courage and integrity have been individuals such as Bill Clark, Pat Johnson, Jim Thomas, Jeff Smith and Glenn Keeney. It is said that, “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” In my life, I’ve had good teachers.

Through it all have been my mentors and friends of courage and integrity.



I can see the success ahead. I can smell it for this year. I can taste it, feel it and with the final sense, will soon touch it. OUR spoils of victory will be sweet. I can see and feel the roar of the Enzo. So as I get off the stool for this 2013 round, I enter ring center armed with my newly refined mission statement, inspired by my Seven Habits teacher, Stephen R. Covey, from whom I learned to put the mission into empowering words. Each Sunday night, as I prepare for the 10,080 minutes of the upcoming week, I will review the Mission Statement below to give me the psychological and psychic stamina to make it through the 1/52nd duration of this round.

7 HABITS MISSION PREMISE: The premise for what I do with the week is embodied in My Living the Seven Habits: INDEPENDENCE means, I will: (1) Be Proactive (2) Begin with the End in Mind and (3) Put First Things First. As an INDEPENDENT Contributor, I will, in the true spirit of INTERDEPENDENCE (4) Think Win-Win, (5) Seek First to Understand, Then be Understood and (6) Synergize. 7) AND I WILL REGULARLY SHARPEN MY SAW! Joe Corley’s Personal Mission Statement 2013 I will: • live my life on a path of Godliness that will make our Creator and my God proud of my accomplishments • prayerfully and mindfully apply the habits and principles learned from the sources available to me

• daily live a life of passion, excitement, loyalty, honor and dignity, undeterred by negativity, resentment or hatred • do the right things for the right reasons with the right principles and with the right people • train and eat in a way to maintain my health, vitality and focus to guarantee success in family balance, JCAK and PKA for nearcompetition fitness • provide a balanced, honest, giving, non-controlling and nurturing relationship for Christina and provide for her maximum happiness • do all I can to make Christiana’s world safe and secure and help her be bright, independent and productive • nurture the Godliness and beauty in Christiana and Christina to the best of my ability • surround myself with those to whom I can give and receive loyalty, seeking out those who have only the greatest integrity and building strong, Win-Win relationships and plans with those people as loyal stakeholders, and I will be completely loyal to them • produce in JCAK one of the nation’s most giving and important martial arts organizations; my contributions will be large, despite the size of my personal organization • insure that PKA becomes the ring sport of choice for generations to come, providing excitement and longevity for its stakeholders • continue to make contributions through the Battle of Atlanta to our sport karate community and its future leaders • make sure the balance and importance of professional and family lives are always in place and complement one another • in seeking success in all areas described above, emulate the strength of character, principle-centeredness, relationship building, parenting skills and sense of practical realism I have seen in my mentors Pat Johnson, Bill Clark and Jim Thomas • pay back and pay forward the kindnesses shown me by my friends Chris McLoughlin, Bill Clark, Pat Johnson, Jim Thomas, Jeff Smith, Glenn Keeney, Herb Johnson, Bill Imboden, Ken Eubanks, Jim Flanagan, Greg Ruth and others • finally, maintain my natural principles of IDEALISM, while protecting my stakeholders and families from those who would take advantage of my, or our, good will and sensibilities. GM Joe Corley is not only known as a fierce competitor of the early days of American Karate but he is a widely respected instructor, broadcaster and promoter who helped the sport of kickboxing and the Professional Karate Association acheive world wide recognition. His annual Battle of Atlanta tournament is one of the largest and prestigious competitions in sport karate. He can be reached at

Jackie and Benny continued the magic word, CUT to stop filming. So, we all stayed in character while the camera still rolled. Sammo came to after about 20 seconds and yelled, cut. I couldn’t believe it when he hugged me afterwards which surprised me. He then yelled something at all of his stunt men in Chinese, but I haven’t a clue what he said. So as it turns out, I hurt all three of the stars of the film and they were going to get their payback. Jackie Chan, Biao Yuen, Sammy Hung and the entire set showed up for my final scene and they were all laughing about something that was getting ready to happen. Sammo Hung showed me five ceramic pitchers and said that if I didn’t do this complicated scene perfect the very first time, we were going to film it at least five times. He pointed over to the ceramic pitchers that were full of wine. I felt one of them and it was harder than a rock. Sammy told me that Biao was going to throw wine in my face and then hit me over the head with one of these pitchers. I told him that he must me out of his mind, but he insisted. I tried explaining that if you hit someone with a plastic jug of milk it would hurt, not to mention a hard ceramic pitcher. He didn’t care and so I gave in. So, in the fight scene I chase the talented Biao Yuen around the castle dungeon trying to catch him. Exhausted, we wind up sitting in chairs facing each other. I stand up to attack him, and he grabs a glass of wine and throws it at my face. As my eyes burn like I’ve been hit by acid, he hits me over the head with the pitcher. If you look at the scene closely, you will see me smiling as I go out for real, unconscious. My last thoughts were I am the dumbest person ever to allow this to happen. When I woke up, everyone was laughing, clapping, and patting me on my back for taking the payback like a man. I was just glad I did the entire scene in one take. Who would have thought that both Benny’s and my scenes were voted on as some of the best fight scenes ever in a martial arts movie! GM Keith Vitali was one of the best fighters that American Karate ever produced. He is a noted instructor and coach, author and film star. He can be reached at

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


Profile of a Grandmaster™

an tae p io

Note from the publisher: ”Grandmaster Yates is so humble that he shuns national publicity. I practically had to use a viral wrist lock to twist him into agreeing to be on this month's 2013 Annual OK cover. He's always helping others and never seeks fortune, fame or kudos. Keith D. Yates is more than a martial arts living legend and American karate pioneer—he's the best friend anyone can ask for. I'm proud of how close we have become and that we have adopted each other in more ways than one.” —Andrew Linick, Publisher


t was 1968. Allen R. Steen squared off against his youngest black belt, a skinny teenager named Keith D. Yates. Students sitting cross-legged along the dojo walls watched intently. The only sounds were rustling gis and bare feet sliding across the wooden floor. Steen was posed in his famous fighting stance eyeing his young student. Yates hesitated, wary of



Keith D. Yates

Steen’s side kick. He had seen others propelled through walls and against mirrors with one of the most powerful legs of all the champion fighters of the 1960s. Yates lashed out with a lightning backfist that just grazed Steen’s face. Yates felt a flush of victory—he had scored on the man who had beaten Joe Lewis and Chuck Norris in a single evening to win the 1966 Long Beach Internationals. But that feeling soon faded as he saw Steen’s eyes narrow. “Here it comes,” Yates thought, and sure enough, a powerful Steen ridge-hand bloodied his nose, and the sparring bout was over. “Mr. Steen taught a rough class,” said Yates. “It was, after all, the ‘Blood and Guts’ era.” Keith Yates started his training in 1965 having recently turned 14 years of age. He had heard about classes at the Texas Karate Institute (TKI) from Marian Erickson, a neighbor and mother of two, who was taking karate there. Fourteen doesn’t seem young by today’s standards, but in those days he was among the youngest students at the famed TKI, the first karate school in the Lone Star state. That Yates thrived among ferocious fighters such as Skipper Mullins and Fred Wren is a testament to Yates’s tenacity. The few youngsters who ventured into a karate school in those days usually dropped out after the first bruises and the endless repetition of basics. The kids who did stay were macho football players and wrestlers. Yates, however, broke the mold. He was an introvert, a member of the junior high art club. Yet he persevered, making his brown belt before even earning his driver’s license. The sixties were the days of heavy contact, especially in Steen’s schools. It was before Jhoon Rhee (the Father of American Tae Kwon Do) had invented the foam-rubber sparring pads.

by Arnold Howard

american e kwon do neer

“Keith, thanks for your leadership and contributions to the martial arts.” –Chuck Norris

Jhoon Rhee, Keith D. Yates, Chuck Norris at an AKATO banquet in 2006.

“Master Yates has more than just a knowledge of the martial arts but of the philosophy and implications of a lifetime of martial study.” –Jhoon Rhee The Father of Tae Kwon Do in America

continued on next page Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


An early 1960s brown belt examination at Allen Steen's Texas Karate Institute featured Jim Butin, Roy Kurban and Keith Yates, who would all three go on to become well-known grandmasters.

The winning 1970 Texas Karate Competition Team consisting of Candy Simpson, Demetrius "Greek" Havanas, team coach Skipper Mullins and Keith Yates.

“I remember going home with swollen knuckles and lumps on my shins,” Yates reminisced. “Bloody noses and broken fingers were something we just accepted as part of training.” As a brown belt, Yates was required to work out among the several TKI schools, which brought him in contact with a wide range of tough fellow students. Some were former military men who believed in military discipline. Mike Proctor, who had grown up in the military and who met Yates in 1968, called him “the Mongoose” of those days. “He was quicker than a snake,” recalled Proctor. “He had to be quick, because everyone he fought was a giant compared to him. He was known as ‘the kid.’ They didn’t cut him any slack, though, just because he was a kid. He learned to hold his own with anybody. If you were at TKI, you had to have good survival skills. They were a rough bunch of guys.” Three and a half years after Yates began training, he and that mom who lived down the street from him, Marian Erickson, tested for their black belts. “What are we doing testing a kid and a woman to black belt?” one of the board members groused, shaking his head (remember it was the 1960s). “What’s karate coming to?” But both brilliantly passed the typically grueling Allen Steen test, and Yates, the only black belt in his high school, in fact probably in the whole school district, celebrated by sleeping in his new, black gi and belt. Pat Worley, a national champion in the 1970s said, “Keith had some of the best and fastest kicks around.” Skipper Mullins, one of the greatest tournament fighters of all time, agreed: “Keith had all the tools of any of the superstar fighters,” said Mullins. “That’s one reason he is still an excellent technician and still teaching today. He’s had more of an impact on karate than most of the old champions. I will say this, too—he was a scrapper as a fighter.” 20


Executing a flying kick on Royce Young in 1972.

“What are we doing testing a kid and a woman for black belt?”

Bob Woerner and Keith Yates, 1981.

Chai Sirisute, Yates, Dan Innosanto “Skipper could kick you like that,” said Mike Proctor, snapping his fingers. “Well, so could Keith. When Skipper kicked, Keith stayed just outside his range. There was no one faster.” Even though he was a skilled fighter Yates earned his reputation as a kata (forms) champion. He won numerous championships with his precision performances and he became the "go-to" expert when the Tae Kwon Do forms changed from Japanesestyle kata to the Korean patterns in the early to mid 1970s. A TEACHER AND ROLE MODEL As an instructor, young Keith Yates encouraged rather than reprimanded. He brought innovative ideas into TKI. David Wollard, who trained under Yates during the 1970s, remembered the Saturday classes where Yates showed karate films such as Ed Parker’s “dance of death” and the famous fight between Joe Lewis and “Big” Ed Daniel, where Lewis knocked Daniel out wearing 16-ounce boxing gloves. The students watched in the darkened room, commenting above the sound of the film projector. Bob Woerner, who began training under Yates in 1968, remembers him as a positive role model. “Keith was only two years older than I,” said Woerner, “but he had a strong, almost fatherly influence on me.” As the decades rolled by, Yates continued teaching newer generations of students. Kelly Cox, a black belt from another school, met Yates during the early 1990s. Cox tried out a class one day at the YMCA, and Yates asked him to be an uke (partner) for a one-step sparring demonstration in front of a local TV news crew. After class, the crew set up a camera, and the partners stood in ready position, fists held at waist level. Cox stepped back and lunged forward with a high punch, his kiai echoing through the gym. “Before I completed the extension,” recalled Cox, “I felt

Yates, Jhoon Rhee, Allen Steen what seemed like six punches on my body, and my feet went over my head in a harai goshi throw. Good thing I knew how to break fall.” “What amazed me was not so much the fantastic speed of his hands but how quickly and effortlessly he threw me.” Cox became a regular student at the YMCA and continues to work out under Yates. Another time during the 1990s, several boards were left over after a belt test, and some of the black belts prepared to break them before going home. Yates watched them for a moment, and then playfully picked up a board. Standing naturally, Yates held the board between the thumb and forefinger of one hand. By now, other students were watching. After gazing at the board for a moment, Yates dropped it and chopped the board with the same hand. The splintered pieces clattered to the linoleum floor. Yates believes in cross training and earned additional black belts in JuJutsu and Kobudo (weapons). In fact he incorporates those styles into his black belt curriculum. A LEADER As the years went by, Yates expanded beyond teaching and began leading martial arts organizations. He founded the Nam Seo Kwan system of American Tae Kwon Do. At first he wanted to call the style “Lone Star” after Texas, but that translated to “Il Song” in Korean. Since that was the name of the dictator of North Korea at the time (Kim Il Song), he instead chose Nam Seo Kwan, which means “School of the Southwest.” Yates is founder and president of the American Karate and Tae Kwon Do Organization (AKATO). He is the chairman of the High Dan Board of the American Karate Black Belt Association (Steen's legacy organization), chairman of the Governing Board of the Gospel Martial Arts Union, and vice-chairman of both the Martial Arts Grandmasters International and the Karate Masters Hall of FameTM. continued on next page Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®



WIN a free book and T-shirt! OK RE

Yates regularly rubs PREADER’S MIU shoulders with many M other martial arts luminaries. Be the first to name the 25 famous masters here and we'll send you a autographed copy of GM Yates' book on American Karate and Tae Kwon Do PLUS an OK Magazine t shirt!! Go to



Coaches for the American and Korean TKD Demo Teams at the dedication of the Korean War Memorial in Washington D.C. 1995 He also served on the Advisory Board of Chuck Norris’s Kick-Start for Kids Foundation for a number of years and on the Board of Directors of the Fellowship of Christian Martial Artists. “Keith can make black belts with strong egos work together—people who normally wouldn’t be in the same room together,” mused Proctor. A LIST OF FIRSTS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS Keith Yates started the first karate class in the Southwest to be offered for full college credit at Southern Methodist University in 1972 where he taught as an adjunct professor in both the physical education and communications departments (he graduated from SMU with a graphic design/communications degree). He was in the very first class of the Texas Martial Arts Hall of Fame along with famous Texans such as Steen, Chuck Norris (a famous Texas Ranger) and Jhoon Rhee (an adopted Texan who introduced Tae Kwon Do to American in San Marcos, Texas). Yates was also in the first class of nationally certified instructors in a joint program with the famous Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research and the National Council on Martial Arts. In fact he helped write some of the scientific materials for the Cooper manual on martial arts. He did a master's thesis on the “Spiritual Aspects of the Martial Arts” at the Dallas Theological Seminary (where he recently celebrated his 35th year of full-time employment as Creative Director and Adjunct Professor). Yates has authored or co-authored 11 books and well over 400 magazine articles on the martial arts. His first book, “The Complete Book of Tae Kwon Do Forms,” was published before the internet and became the forms “bible” for a whole generation of Tae Kwon Do students. Yates has written for Black Belt Magazine, Tae Kwon Do Times, Inside Kung Fu, Inside Karate, Martial Arts Professional, Martial Arts Success and of course, Official Karate magazines. Embracing new technology, he has produced a number of instructional DVDs. In 2001 Allen Steen and the Board of the American Karate

Teaching seminars with Joe Lewis in Dallas. Black Belt Association promoted Yates to tenth degree black belt, only the fourth person that Steen deemed worthy of a tenth dan. The others were J. Pat Burleson, Skipper Mullins and James Toney. But perhaps the greatest honors that he has received are the words of his students and teachers. Joseph Battino said, “I have known Keith Yates for most of my adult life. We were roommates before he married. Keith is, at his core, a quiet humanitarian, giving secretly but generously to those in need. Character and values matter to him, and he softly practices what he preaches.” “Few people have done more for the martial arts than Keith Yates,” said his instructor Allen Steen. “I’ve known Keith since he was a teenager,” said Mullins. “He is one of the most dedicated martial artists I know. I admire and respect him very much.” “My life is the martial arts, and it is the same for Keith Yates,” said Jhoon Rhee. “I consider him one of the best historians on Tae Kwon Do and karate in America. Through his writings he shows his knowledge and understanding of more than just the technical aspects, but also of the philosophy and the implications of a lifetime of martial study.” “Keith was an introvert as a kid,” said Mike Proctor. “Now he could talk to the Queen of England. Of the tenets of martial arts— courtesy, humility, integrity, perseverance, and self-control—the predominant one for him is humility. He was humble when I met him in 1968, and as a tenth degree black belt, he’s still humble.” “Mr. Yates is a great instructor,” said Kathy Rhine, retired U.S. Army Lt. Colonel. “He commands respect. He makes classes interesting and challenging. He is a real treasure.” Agreeing with Proctor, she added, “He hates it when people call him master or grandmaster. He never introduces himself as Master Yates.” “Mr. Yates has embodied integrity, compassion and devotion to his family, friends, students, community, and of course martial arts. My life has been very blessed having Keith Yates in it,” said David Wollard. continued on next page

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


Yates' newest book addresses the sometimes conflicts between the martial arts and Christianity. You can find it at

Bryan Robbins, a physical education professor at SMU and former Olympic coach, said, “I have never met a person who is kinder than Mr. Yates. He has been a role model and teacher for me for over 40 years.” John Egan, another student, agrees. He said, “A few years ago, my father passed away, and I felt like my world was closing in. I didn’t know who to turn to, so I went to Dallas Theological Seminary, where Mr. Yates works. I just showed up one day and asked him if we could talk. He stopped what he was doing, closed the door to his office, and gave me all the time I needed that day. When I left, I felt like a huge burden was lifted.” “Keith is in in his 60s, a tenth degree, and he still puts on a gi and teaches every week. It’s so rare,” said Proctor. “On Saturdays, he’s doing martial arts. He’s shown up for class weekly for almost five decades. Most people retire from that. Their bodies won’t take it.” “When you drop a pebble in the water, the Mr. Yates's greatest joy is teaching and ripples spread out,” Mr. Proctor continued. “Keith seeing his students succeed. In this case it's has influenced many people in the martial arts— his grandson, Kameron Yates (accompanied people he has never even met. The most important by little brother, Aiden). things students learn from him are to tell the truth and to do what is right because it’s right. He exemplifies that. You can’t find a better example. It’s not only been a pleasure to know him all these years. It’s been an honor.” Then Proctor added, “Keith has never been in martial arts for financial reward. He’s one of the most unselfish people I’ve ever met.” After 40 years of teaching the martial arts, how does one measure reward? Well, several years ago Proctor called up Yates and said, “Karen and I want to take you and Linda out for your birthday. We'll come by to pick you up. Do you like steak?” On the night of the birthday, the four friends parked at a downtown Dallas restaurant. Yates was expecting a quiet evening with friends, but inside the restaurant, over 200 surprise guests waited patiently. “The occasion was not just his birthday,” remembered Proctor. “It was also for 40 years in the Mr. Proctor and Mr. Yates on a teaching trip to martial arts, from 1968 when he passed his first Little Tokyo in Los Angeles in 2002. degree black belt to 2008.” The guests included noted martial artists like Roy Kurban, James Toney and Jack Erickson (the husband of Marian who had introduced Keith to Tae Kwon Do so many years before). They took turns sharing stories about Yates. They watched a video of his career and toasted him. That night, Keith D. Yates, “the kid,” the one who had taught for so long without financial reward, discovered that he was wealthy, indeed. Arnold Howard is a former editor at Martial Arts Success magazine. He has lived and taught martial arts all over the world. He has been a student of Keith Yates's since the early 1970s.



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Easier said than done! Finding an honest and experienced mentor will get you on track. However, the down side is; most consultants charge a ridiculous amount of money for merely passing along information that has been circulating in the industry for years by disguising it with a different cover. Today, there are martial arts schools in every shopping center, just like pizzerias. But unfortunately, as with pizza, there are good and there are bad. Competition can be a blessing in disguise, but only if you are providing both rock-solid


on page to get a 2 spec Grandm ial discount on video tr aster Bein's aining s eries.



instruction and blue-ribbon service to your students and parents. There are many components necessary to developing a successful school. I’ll briefly touch on a few to make sure you’re pointed in the right direction. These particular points are also essential for keeping students motivated which will result in greater retention. In upcoming issues I’ll be sharing some of our proven systems that I personally guarantee will take your school to the next level.

ecrets to Living Your Dream

by GM Art Beins


Teach informative, exciting, high-energy classes that incorporate a good mental and physical workout. Have a solid curriculum and a daily lesson plan for your classes. Refrain from playing follow the leader by trying to teach what is trendy. Stick to what you know best because you are a specialist. Share your knowledge with passion and you will become the authority in your area.


• Make sure everyone feels special, because they are! • Always give your students more than they expect. • Send post cards, emails, and make phones calls for birthdays, special occasions, attendance, as well as student progress updates. • Convenience is an important part of the equation. Kids as well as adults are involved in a vast variety of activities so a flexible schedule is paramount.


• Have a good website that generates leads and then make sure you follow up immediately. • Do internal promotions like student-appreciation week, buddy day, fund raisers, BBC induction ceremony, and a VIP Guest Program, just to name a few. • Do local print ads or direct mailers to keep you in the conversation circle. People will associate it with success. • Get your name out in the community. Your brand must become synonymous with every man, woman, and child.


• Get organized and prioritized. • Use a reputable funding company to do your collections. • Invest in a good, reasonably priced consultant or company to help guide you along your journey to success. • Network with other successful martial artists. • Always keep good statistics. • Remember image is important. • Always be promoting. • Keep your facility clean and smelling fresh.

• Be open minded and don’t be affraid to spend a little to make a lot. • Delegate responsibilities to your staff and give them deadlines. • Be accountable and professional. • Run your school like business, educate yourself, get involved with the town and you’ll become a pillar in your community. In closing, don’t make excuses if your school is not moving upward, it’s your mindset that’s at fault. It’s not the election, economy, or the hurricane. It’s in the value that people perceive in your program. You must believe that there is no other activity in the world that can do so much good for people and you must articulate this in your actions, instruction and service. If your students can actually see and feel the benefits of what you’re doing they’ll understand your martial arts. So commit to working smarter, keep loving what you do, and in no time you’ll be on your way to successfully living your dream.

GM Art Beins (above with Don Wilson) started Training in 1968, and has earned a 10th Dan in U.S Black Cat Kenpo and an 8th Dan in Tae Kwon Do Moo Duk Kwan U.S.A. His Art Beins Karate Black Belt Training Centers have been in business since 1980. They have over 625 active students and 403 Black Belts and been one of EFC’s Top Grossing 20 Schools for over 25 years (receiving EFC Chairman’s Award in 2012). Named “National Karate School of the Year” 2006-Action Martial Arts Magazine Grandmaster Beins has hosted the longest running cable TV show in the country, “Karate & You,” for over eight years. Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®



Golden Shu The GSA honorees are nominated by our readers and then voted on by our editorial board. These are the individuals so selected for the year 2012. Each has made significant contributions to the martial arts in their specific categories. The Golden Shuto AwardTM is a separate honor from the Karate Masters Hall of Fame速 (see page 8 ). As such, GSA honorees are still eligible for consideration for that high honor. We are proud to be able to recognize the "unsung heroes" of the martial arts. To nominate someone you think is worthy of consideration, go to golden-shuto-award.


Danny Lane: Ambassador Category Champion, Military and Police Trainer

John Therien : Ambassador Category Canadian Jiu Jitsu Legend

weapons master Dana Abbott: Weapons Master Category Traditional Japanese Sword

Phillip Bradley: International Category Kobudo Master, UK



Mark Shuey: Weapons Master Category Cane Master


George Bishop: International Category Shotokan Karate Master, UK

uto Awards 2012 TM

The categories listed here are NOT all-inclusive. You might want to create a category of your own such as: the Voice of Karate, Outstanding Author, or Humanitarian. Note: reasons for nomination must be for SIGNIFICANT acheivement (not just for teaching for a number of years and/or winning a few tournaments). Also, you cannot nominate yourself.


Toyotaro Miyazaki: Pioneer Category Kumite & Weapons World Champion, Instructor

George Minshew: Pioneer Category Champion, Coach, Instructor

Jean-Yves Therioult: Fighting Champion Category

fighting champion

spiritual mentor

Mike Genova: Fighting Champion Category

Bruce Butschy: Fighting Champion Category

Just for GSA honorees, w e have arranged fo r custom ma tting and framing for your han dso awards. Go to http://ww me w. officialkarate o ldenshuto-award / General Ron Tottingham: Dr. Kent Haralson: Spiritual Mentor Category Founders of the Gospel Martial Arts Union

Martial Arts Grandmasters International 速


western Wrapup ™

Kyoshi Emil Farkas

The King of Rock and Roll—and Karate


t was on a Sunday afternoon and I had just finished giving a karate lesson to author Joe Hyms. We were in Joe's back yard and, as usual, after a lesson we would sit around and talk about the martial arts. Joe who was one of Bruce Lee's first students in Hollywood was talking about Ed Parker and how one day he had walked in on a private lesson Parker was having with Elvis Presley. He was quite good Joe said. And that reminded me of something that had happened to me. I was just finishing an advanced class and didn't pay much attention to anyone who observed. After class I walked to the front I couldn't believe who was sitting there. It was Elvis Presley. He smiled and introduced himself and explained that he was going next door to the Troubador—one of America's most famous night clubs at the time. He told me about his love of karate and how he had been training with Ed Parker and how much he loved it. We discussed the differences between Shotokan karate and Kenpo karate, which Elvis was currently studying. Then the conversation turned to the music business since I had taught a number of leading rock and roll stars that Elvis knew. We also discussed Phil Spector, with whom I worked as a bodyguard and discovered, to my surprise, that Phil and Elvis had also worked together. We sat there for close to an hour before Elvis left to catch a show next door. I was relating this event to Joe when George Waite walked in. George, one of Ed Parker's black belts, was a close friend of Joe's. He wanted to know what we were talking about, and when he found out it was about Elvis, he smiled and began to tell us a story that was amazing.

“You know I made a karate movie financed by Elvis,” George began. We were both surprised and wanted to hear all about it. So George began to tell us how in the early 1970s he was watching a football game on TV and at the end the network showed, a short documentary of team members in the dressing room, eating together, traveling to different cities, training at different sport arenas, etc. and it reminded him of the karate fighters of the day who traveled the American karate circuit, competing in different venues. So he thought about doing a documentary on karate, in which leading fighters would be highlighted and would travel the world looking for the toughest competitors to test their skills against. “I took the idea to Ed Parker,” George continued. “He loved it but felt that it would be expensive and would only work if a major Hollywood celebrity would get involved. But then suddenly he walked into his office and picked up the phone. Within minutes he had made an appointment for us to go see Elvis Presley.” “That afternoon we met with Elvis, who was about to leave for Las Vegas. He liked the idea but wanted to think about it. The next day he called me and that weekend flew me and my girl friend up to Vegas to see his show.” “I was totally shocked,” exclaimed George. “Here I was at the Las Vegas Hilton, surrounded by super celebrities, as a guest of the King. An ever bigger shock came during the show when Elvis began to introduce the numerous celebrities in the audience and then introduced me as the producer of his next movie the New Gladiators.” “After the show, I was invited to a private party at his penthouse suite,” said George, “where he handed me a check for $50,000 and told me to go ahead and

The “New Gladiators” was to be a documentary on the greatest karate fighters of the day as they travelled the globe.



start working the project. I flew back to Los Angeles and began to work on the film.� George felt this film should be like Endless Summer, the huge surfing documentary where great surfers went looking for the perfect wave. With Mr. Parker's, help, they decided to put together a five-man team made up of some of America's leading karate champions and film them as they travelled to various tournament here and abroad to compete against the world's best fighters in order to sharpen their skills. The team members that were finally picked were Benny Urquidez, John Natividad, Darnel Gacia, Ron Marchini and Tom Kelly. Ed Parker was the team coach. Elvis would narrate the documentary and would also demonstrate his karate skills in the film. The team first travelled to England, where they fought some of Great Britain's toughest fighters. Then on to Belgium, where they competed against some of the Continent's leading karate champions. Back in the U.S., some of the country's top fighters were recruited to match their skills against the U.S. team. The final filming was in Beverly Hills where some of the best fighters were flown in to try and defeat the chosen team members. After this story, both Joe and I naturally wanted to know what had happened to the film. George claimed that by the time the filming and editing was done, Elvis had gained too much weight so they never shot his footage and then in 1977 he was suddenly dead. George felt a great loss and then just lost interest. After George left, I told Joe that he should convince George to do something with the film. Even without Elvis, the footage had to be amazing. As time passed, Joe tried unsuccessfully to get George to do something with the New Gladiators. However, it wasn't till years later in 2000 when George was introduced to Don Warrener, head of Rising Sun Productions that George finally gave in and allowed Warrener to edit and release the film that was so close to Elvis' heart. Thanks to the King some of the greatest karate champions of all time have been forever captured in this incredible documentary film, which was released on August 16, 2002 on the 25th anniversary of the King's death. Master Emil Farkas is a prolific author and has established himself as top historian on the martial arts. He founded the Beverly Hills Karate Academy where he teaches many celebrities as well as training and coaching several champions. He was one of the original columnists for Official Karate magazine.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ÂŽ


KMHOF® Inductee Profile™

The First Lady of Sport Karate


ouston's Linda Denley was one of 12 children. Even as a child she displayed talent as a natural athlete. In 1973 she began her Tang Soo Do training with Robert Torres primarily to improve her performance in other sports. In just two short years she had her black belt and was already winning almost every tournament she entered. Ms. Denley qualified for the Olympics in five track and field events while she was still in high school but in those days winning money in a sports competition was against Olympic rules and she was declared ineligible due to winnings from karate tournamments. In 1979 she was invited to play semi-pro basketball for the Houston Angels but turned it down to pursue her karate career. Many say she was the best woman fighter to ever step into a ring (certainly she was the most feared). Rated the number one female competitor from 1973 to 1996, she fought for nine straight years without losing a single match. Grandmaster Denley won the Battle of Atlanta 11 times, the Diamond Nationals 3 times, the U.S. Open 9 times, the Long Beach Internationals 4 times and the U.S. Capital Classic 9 times. She was “Competitor of the year” for the NASKA Hall of Fame (1994) and the Diamond National Hall of Fame (1989). In addition she was the first female to be inducted into the Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame (1980) and was the PKL and Kick Illustrated “Competitor of the Year” in 1982. She fought (and won) around the world as a member of the Atlanta World Professional Karate Team. Even after retiring from the ring she continued to teach and coach at her Texas Black Belt Academy in Houston. The Amateur Organization of Karate (AOK) named her the 1999 “Instructor of the Year.” Ms. Denley has been on the covers of most of the major martial arts publications and has had co-starring roles with Jackie Chan and Chuck Norris. She continues to give seminars across the country and is especially concerned with helping young people develop self-esteem along with their martial skills. In fact every year Jefferson Davis High School, her alma mater, conducts a "Linda Denley Day" to honor her and to give her a platform to influence another generation of youngsters. Grandmaster Linda Denley is truly a living legend of American martial arts and she is certainly most deserving of an induction into the Karate Masters Hall of Fame.



Martial Arts Grandmasters International 速


Favorite fighting techniques from the



World Champion Linda Denley 2


➜ 4


➜ st Steve Doss. 1. Linda Denley faces off again a reverse punch. 2. She starts by shooting our rd... 3. She quickly shuffles forwa snap kick. 4. And executes a high front





➜ 4


➜ opponent. 1. Linda Denley sizes up her to draw his attention. 2. She leads with a front jab e prepares... 3. Steping forward quickly sh 4. For a spinning back kick. Go to to see more Favorite Fighting Techniques of the Masters.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


Favorite fighting techniques from the




Kobudo Grandmaster Andrew S. Linick


➜ 4


➜ ➜

Dr. Andrew S. Linick is one of the foremost weapons experts in America. He won numerous championships in both empty hand kata and weapons kata in the 1960s and '70s. He is the publisher of Official Karate Magazine and the Founder and Chairman of the Martial Arts Grandmasters InternationalTM and the Karate Masters Hall of Fame®.



1. Andrew Linick faces a bo staff armed with his tonfa. 2. He drops as the attacker moves in and blocks with the handles. 3. He swings his weapon down to hook the back of the assailant's leg. 4. And pulls forward in a sweeping motion.

Over 200,000 martial artists have taken this course to learn traditional Nunchaku!

with Larry Issac, Hanshi 5

Teach Your Students Closely Guarded Okinawan Nunchaku Secrets While You Make $20

Using Deadly Nunchaku Fighting Sticks This home study course can enable your students to drastically improve their swings, catches and striking techniques or OWE NOTHING! Renowned Grandmaster Andrew Linick has skillfully developed adn easy-to-master training system that enables you or any beginner to quickly become proficient in the use of Okinawa’s nunchaku fighting sticks!

5. As the opponent falls he lunges forward in an attack.


LEARN FAST • LEARN FOREVER Clearly depicted techniques teach you ancient methods (some as old as 1400 years) of mastering direct swings, strikes, cathces, pinches, chokes, and other long-held Kobujutsu (weapon fighting art) secrets. You’ll learn “flick of the wrist moves” after your first lesson and by lesson #4 you’ll be able to surprise, overpower and even knock-out a drug-crazed assailant or intruder. In less than a day you’ll know all the basics plus the five deadliest nunchaku striking techniques necessary to render devastating harm to anyone who is unfortunate enough to threaten you with physical harm!

6. Opposite side view.

90 Day $20 Off Free Trial n Best Buy: Save $20–Deluxe Personally Autographed Collector’s Set (course, nunchakus, poster, I.D. card, patch, and certificate). All for just $69.95 postage paid (retails for $90). n Course only–$35 (includes a list of weapons suppliers and instructions on making your own nunchakus). Go to

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With new confidence, command the 5 deadiest ways to protect yourself or simply mail back the products in sellable condition within 90 days for a full, 100% refund. Martial Arts Grandmasters International ® 37

Favorite fighting techniques from the





World Champion Jeff Smith


➜ 3 THIS PAGE: 1. Smith shoots out a front jab to his opponent (his son Sean). 2. He quickly skips up with his rear leg. 3. He shoots out a reverse crescent kick to the head. OPPOSITE PAGE: 1. Smith starts with a similar front jab. 2. This time he follows it up with a reverse punch. 3. A hooking punch to the head finishes his oppoent.



Jeff Smith was one of the original kick-boxing world champions. He is a seven-time PKA World Light Heavy Weight Karate Champ



➜ 4


Go to to see more Favorite Fighting Techniques of the Masters. Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®



Sifu Karen Schlachter


The Secret to Longevity is a Happy Heart!


ver watched people practice their forms when they are preparing for competition? I've seen kids practice what we called "the mad face" so they could look fierce and focused for the judges. I've seen adults try to huff and puff and bring up the emotion of rage and killer-instinct as they screech and and scrunch their way through a form. It makes me shake my head and wonder if they realize what they are doing to their bodies! All of those mean and vengeful thoughts are processed in the subconscious mind as real. The adreneline flows and the hormones react as if there really was a terrible danger present. Most of these students will never have the opportunity to study the internal side of their art. So they'll never know about detoxing and defusing their mental and physical body of these damaging reactions. They continue to allow negative emotions to build up in their energy field and wonder why they are having trouble finding peace and harmony in their every day lives. Perhaps performing kata to demonstrate the martial strengths of speed, balance, knowledge and focus needs to be reintroduced into the competition arena. 40


We all know that our emotions play a huge part in our martial arts training. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) teaches that we store our emotions in different organs in our body. Once you learn the combinations of yin and yang organs and the emotion attached to them it's easy to recognize the need to control who we allow into our energy and how to detox our bodies after traumatic experiences. The liver and gall bladder store anger and resentment. The kidneys and bladder hold fear, the spleen low self esteem and overthinking. The heart holds emotions like heartbreak, hatred and jealousy and the lungs store grief. This is a very simplistic explanation but the point is that negative emotions can harm our bodies and influence our training. Have you ever noticed that a fighter always makes bad decisions when they get angry? Part of advanced training is learning how to control the way we process our reactions to both positive and negative energy. Meditation is a wonderful way to balance and calm the mind but in my humble opinion kata, forms, are the best way for a martial artist to learn about bringing peace to our energy system and physical body.

Qigong is my first passion and Tai Chi Chuan is a dearly loved second to that. It has been one of the most fascinating studies in my lifetime. My training of these two internal arts started after over 30 years of being a hard stylist. It took me almost a year to fully relax my body while practicing the forms. But it did happen and the transition was profound. I learned that speed increased with total relaxation and so did my power. I loved practicing in my back yard. For me, practicing my Okinawan forms and my Chinese Boxing patterns after dark—all alone out in the grass—was sacred time. No matter what was sideways in my life I knew that it would be healed before the solitary practice of the ancient forms was complete. I have had many long talks with my martial buddies and we all agree that kata will heal and dissolve anger or sorrow when done privately outside or in a dojo late at night. When I added Tai Chi Chuan to my practice I noticed that peace and reverence filled my energy and I felt relaxed and graceful. Qigong standing meditation opened new doors to meditation and detoxing of emotions. It was amazing to start and finish my workout by just standing and letting the chi flow. What a difference it made to my mind and my body. Soon the combination of standing meditation and Tai Chi Chuan practice became the most relaxing and spiritually expansive part of my day. The standing meditation became easy and my body would settle into the relaxed posture with little preparation. I looked forward to the stillness as much as the movement. The practice began to work a kind of mental and physical magic on my mind and body. It became clear to me that life was to be experienced not explained. I didn't have to understand what was happening around me I just had to be grounded and open to every life lesson as it came. The more I used this combination of Stillness, Tai Chi, Stillness, the easier it became to release the emotions that had set up residence in my body. The secret to stress free living is to not allow negativity to bring you down. Now I am cautious about what I watch on TV and whom I allow around me. Its called raising my energetic vibration so that I attract joy and sacredness and not sadness and envy and anger. I learned that from Qigong and Tai Chi and meditation. During the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1940s and 50s martial arts were hidden and carefully guarded from Mao's watchful soldiers. Qigong Masters hid in Taiwan, Hong Kong or in the temples to escape re-education camps. But when the government began to support the Chinese Kuoshu and Wushu arts in the 1980s the Qigong Masters felt it was safe to practice and teach openly. The amazing healing abilities of the masters was recognized. "Medicineless Hospitals" were opened and people discovered the wonderful power of Qigong practice and energy healing. Parks became full every morning with people gathering to do their daily Tai Chi practive and the benefits were praised by the Nation Health Department.

One of my favorite Tai Chi stories is about a dear Chinese man who had mastered a form of Tai chi/Qigong training called the Taiji Ruler. He was approaching his 105th birthday and the government wanted to interview him on Chinese national television to promote the acceptance of Tai Chi. He was very humble and quite camera shy. He was asked several leading questions about his teacher and his study of the Taiji Ruler and he did the best he could to answer in a way that would make the local officials look good and satisfy their agenda. Finally they asked him what was his secret for such great health and longevity. He looked at the camera and said "A happy heart!" Oh no! This was not the answer they wanted to hear! They got excited and said he must have misunderstood their question because surely it was TAI CHI that allowed him to live to be 105! He was obviously frightened by the interviewer's reaction to his answer and he finally said " I am 105 years old today because I have a happy heart. Tai Chi gave me the happy heart!" He lived another 6 years teaching and training with his happy heart and positive attitude. He died in his sleep at the age of 111. He tried to give the television crew the real secret to health and longevity but it wasn't what they wanted. His way to happiness was through training the Taiji Ruler form everyday. It gave him a clear mind, a clean body and happy spirit. I totally get it. After practice things just go better. It doesn't take long to realize that agressiveness settles into contentment and an inner peace settles in to stay. Some Qigong teachers end their classes with a meditation called the inner smile. Its easy to do because that's exactly how it feels to replace anger, grief, anxiety, fear and jealousy with the Spiritual Virtues of kindness, wisdom, integrity, acceptance, and trust! Try this tonight. When the house gets quiet go to an empty room or porch or yard and stand still. Take a few deep breaths and imagine your feet are sinking into the floor. Now starting with the top of your head start deliberately relaxing your body from your scalp down. Maybe closing your eyes will help, maybe staring at a candle, maybe the moon and stars. Just breathe and feel the muscles in your neck and shoulders relax. Circle your waist and hips to release the spine, pelvis, and hips. Bend your knees gently as you move the joints softly. circle each ankle and flex your feet and toes. Now stand up straight but bend your knees slightly. Now breathe in gratitude and exhale anger and resentment. Acknowledge each memory or example that flits past your mind. Now think of something or someone that you love. Smile and breathe love in and love out. See your heart smile and think "my heart is happy!"

Kata will heal and dissolve anger or sorrow when done privately outside or in a dojo late at night.

Sifu Karen Schlachter has studied Judo, Shorin Ryu, Aikido, Sun Moon Fist Chinese Boxing and Yang Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong. She teaches Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong for Tranquil Seas Retreats, and is Master Instructor at The Sun Moon Tao Institute. She is a Master Instructor in Karuna and Usui Reiki and An De Divine Healing. Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


Hanshi Dan Tosh


voice of tradition


How People Think About Karate Today


his magazine is “officially” named Official Karate, but ALL styles and types of martial arts can be impacted in some way with regard to “How people think about karate today.”

There are two ways that the general public sees karate in our world today; SPORT or ART. In the sport world there are many variations of rules and regulations. For very obvious reasons, rules are necessary when you take deadly combat methods and turn them into a sport. Sport of this nature has been around as long as mankind has been able to entertain each other either by force or desire. During the days of the Roman Empire, gladiators fought for favor

in the eyes of their superiors or owners. The combat would be to the death, and sometimes it would be against their will! Could we truly call this sport? Perhaps not! Nevertheless, the people were entertained and demanded more. As society changed, rules changed, people changed and sports changed. Fights to the death were outlawed even though they sometimes still occurred. It seems that people enjoy being entertained at the expense of another’s risk—the greater the risk, the more the demand.

An Entitlement Mentality

But in today’s “enlightened” culture the concept of “entitlement” has worked its way into the sporting arena (at least in amatuer sports) and the thought of someone actually losing has become a “bad word.” More and more of the martial arts tournaments we see today are full of forgiveness. The opponent is forgiven for sloppy technique, poor execution, missed opportunity, bad delivery and even poor conduct including sportsmanship. I likened it to a “little league” baseball mentality where parents intervene and cause more problems than the kids actually playing. Are we teaching our children to be entitled? Are we developing a generation of self-centered, ineffective martial artists? Are we changing the perception of what karate is? Maybe it’s time to reflect back on our roots and try to reverse some of the damage that has already been done.

Early Combat Arts



Karate, and in fact all martial arts, were developed out of a need. The idea of developing the wheel came out of a need to move something or someone from one place to another—trial and error until success. Eating with fingers could be messy so someone thought of a fork and spoon. Originally, combat arts were developed out of a need to survive. The ancients had no choice but to devise ways to defeat their enemies This included makeshift weapons or even the improvised use of a tool that already existed (a shovel might make a pretty good club). Nobody was born an expert in the use of a fork so there was a need to teach people to use tools such as forks, spoons and yes, even hands, feet, fists and elbows. Combat arts were developed over time. Improvement came by way of trial and error. The earliest wars were fought in a time

It is one thing to desire cross training...but to profess to create something better is egotistical. where bullets and bombs didn’t exist. These were the days of true discovery born out of a very real need. This was not a game and it wasn’t about entertainment. Those who fought for their clans or families were true heroes and many sacrificed so that others could survive. It was not uncommon to toughen the body so that it could be used as a weapon of combat. History tells us that makiwara was invented to toughen the wrist and knuckles so that hand strikes could be more effective. Precision was necessary to preserve the integrity and effectiveness of techniques. But there was also a fear among the creators that their own powerful techniques might be stolen and used against them. So the most useful techniques were masked or hidden from the enemy. A precise and supervised “pattern” of technical movements was developed that allowed one’s mind and body to react and respond instantly to an attack because of “muscle memory.” KATA was one of the most profound and intellectual formats ever developed for combat fighting. Kata was NOT developed for sport. It provides a way for a practitioner to bring together the mind and the body. Kata will only work correctly if the student has an ability to “visualize.” It’s similar to a rehearsal for a play or film for an actor. If the actor doesn’t rehearse, the scene will only be believable by luck and not by design. A fighter should depend on design and not luck. Kata is actually a very personal thing, like taking a shower. It belongs only to the one doing the kata; since it requires a concentrated process that brings the mind and body to the same place at the same time. If you take a shower “you” become clean, no one else. If you practice kata “you” become complete, no one else. To practice kata over and over again allows the karateka to remove the shock of combat without having combat experience. It’s like not flinching when you hear a gun shot during wartime after becoming used to hearing it. Practicing sparring (kumite) is yet another method to develop the mind and body for combat. While it’s not necessary to hit or to be hit to become proficient, it is necessary to learn to avoid those hits that can harm you. If it were necessary to be able to take full-power blows in order to be an effective martial artist, it would also be necessary to be shot with a gun or cut with a knife to be effective in avoiding such.

Modern Times

Today we don’t have the need to develop combat arts and styles via trial and error. People of old, had the same body parts we have today, the same number of arms, legs, fingers and toes. They were made of flesh and blood, as are we. They experienced real war and combat in living color, not in the old paintings or faded, black and white photographs that we might view today. Many young people today tell me that they are combining styles and arts and they are convinced they will make a new system better than any before them. This thought process is riddled with ego and a misguided understanding of the past. Even Bruce Lee, the revered “innovator,” actually trained with a legendary teacher who survived real, horrible attacks and ordeals. It’s one thing to desire cross training in many styles for the pure joy of knowing and understanding them, but to profess to create something better is egotistical and braggadocio. It is an honor to walk in the footsteps of those who walked before us. We can and should spend more time to get to know and study about our forefathers in the arts that we all so dearly love. —Domo Arigato Dan Tosh is on the Board of Advisors of Martial Arts Grandmasters InternationalTM as well as the Karate Masters Hall of FameTM. Hanshi Tosh has been training in Shorin-ryu karatedo since 1958. You can contact him at

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


MAGI™ Board of Advisor Profile™

by Michael Walsh

four decades of excellence

Cezar Borkowski, Hanshi


n January 1971, a teenage first kyu brown belt named Cezar Borkowski entered the gymnasium of Northern Secondary School in Toronto, Canada to take part in an extra-curricular karate lesson. The class was organised by an enthusiastic mathematics teacher, Burt Lum, who also happened to be a karate black belt. Borkowski could have had no idea that four decades later, he would be leading a group of over 9000 students in 11 schools under the name Northern Karate Schools. Training under Dave Usher, Monty Guest and the father of Canadian karate, Mas Tsuroka, Borkowski dedicated himself to pursuing the martial way. His talent and natural leadership skills were quickly recognized by Mr. Lum who continued to sponsor the club, but named the eager Borkowski ‘Sensei,’ of this often unruly mob. B ​ orkowski quickly shaped the small group into a well-drilled unit who stormed onto the local tournament scene winning hundreds of trophies and earning respect from more established, dojo. Fast-forward nearly four decades, and Northern Karate Schools are still regarded with respect, and perhaps a little envy by their peers and competitors. NKS is the largest group of martial arts schools in Canada, with over 30% of their student body comprised of black belts: from Shodan/first degree to Hachidan/eighth degree. Contrary to the norm in many “commercial” schools, the NKS system is built upon technical excellence. Considerable demands are made on the students to seek their personal best in order to earn the right to wear a black belt. In recognition of Hanshi Borkowski’s contribution to the development of martial arts in Canada and worldwide, a group of Okinawan masters, headed by 10th Dan Hanshi Hokama Tetsuhiro, awarded Borkowski the title of Hanshi, Judan/Tenth degree. 44


They also insisted that NKS’s style be recognised as a separate and distinct ryu, and Hokama Hanshi officially sanctioned the name Okinawan Karate and Kobudo Sei Shin Kan. The Okinawan masters felt that while the Northern Karate system originates from traditional roots, it has progressed to such an extent, and absorbed so many influences, that it deserved a place of its own in the Okinawan registry. ​ To understand how this transition from school gymnasium to the world stage has been effected, it is necessary to examine the man behind the foundation, and evolution of NKS. Growing up in Warsaw, Poland in the ’50s and ’60s in a totalitarian state, Hanshi Cezar Borkowski realised that the road to success was severely restricted for someone like himself. Like many disadvantaged youngsters, he saw that sport could provide him with greater opportunity. In Eastern-bloc countries, becoming an Olympic athlete was one of the few ways an individual could gain recognition. This concept stayed with Borkowski when his family immigrated to Canada. It quickly became apparent that karate was to be the passion that would absorb the young boy’s every waking moment, and lead him to open his first full-time dojo in September 1972. The seventies were a heady time for martial arts in North America and Borkowski found himself in the highly competitive tournament scene. Regarded as a formidable opponent, he collected numerous titles and Grand Championships throughout the States and Canada and was rated # 1 in weapons and kata by the North American Sport Karate Association, (NASKA), the Black Belt League (BBL) and Karate Illustrated magazine. Ever the diligent student, when recalling these times, he speaks not of trophies won, but of the opportunity to learn from others. Upon discovering another competitor or tourna-

ment official with knowledge worth sharing, he would approach them to exchange ideas. In this way, he cultivated a network of peers and mentors that boasts some of North America’s most prominent martial experts, including Patrick McCarthy, Bill Adams, Jean Frenette, Chuck Merriman, John Chung, Steve “Nasty” Anderson and Billy “Tae-Bo” Blanks. These budo luminaries are both friends and colleagues who have high praise, respect and admiration for this quiet Canadian master. ​Applying the same intensity and discipline Borkowski focused on the development of his organisation. He began by developing a group of black belts who would eventually form the NKS Board of Directors, and assist him in the propagation of karate and kobudo. Steve Ouslis, Marion Manzo, Michael Walsh, Tony LaSelva and Cos Vona continue to serve in this capacity while sharing the knowledge received from their celebrated teacher with their own students. The franchising model Borkowski developed is founded on sound business practices cemented by a loyalty and understanding that can only be bred through intense, long-term relationships, developed on the dojo floor. The tightly-knit NKS group is more ‘family’ than ‘franchise.’ Additionally, while they are obliged to become masters in both areas to earn the right to use the NKS name, all NKS Directors are martial artists first and business people second. ​ Borkowski wanted to connect with the masters he only knew from his extensive reading and research. Applying his gift for languages to Japanese, his initial formal and guarded visits to Okinawa soon developed into close friendships. The Okinawan masters were impressed by this humble, talented man. He came to them with both outstanding physical skills and encyclopedic knowledge of their history, culture and traditions. Since his initial visit to Asia twenty five years ago, Borkowski has made more than twenty research trips to Japan alone. There are few Okinawan teachers who have not heard of this extraordinary Canadian and his fine

The Okinawan masters were impressed by this humble, talented man…with an encyclopedic knowledge…

Continued on next page

Cezar and his talented wife, Marion.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


Borkowski's continued

schools. ​Northern Karate’s system has, at its core, the Shuri style of kata and sparring with black belts introduced to the subtleties of Naha-te and Tomari-te. Augmented by a comprehensive repertoire of Okinawan kobudo kata, along with free-sparring and grappling, the final product is a distinct style that is as traditional and innovative as its founder. ​ Always in demand at international seminars, Hanshi declines most invitations he receives. Instead, he prefers to travel as a student, seeking information which he shares generously with his team in Toronto and worldwide through his writings, DVDs and lectures. A strong interest in the arts of Indo-Malaysia has resulted in the development of close ties with several master instructors. These have provided a new dimension to his understanding of the common links, and unique characteristics, of numerous styles and methods. Despite the demands of unparalleled commercial success, coupled with extensive travel for the purpose of budo research and training, Hanshi Borkowski continues to teach on a daily basis at one of the many NKS locations. H ​ is quest for martial excellence has also been applied strategically and consistently to his manner of conducting the business of teaching martial arts. The original midtown school he opened in Toronto continues to thrive under the directorship of his wife, Kyoshi Marion Manzo, an eighth degree black belt, and boasts an active count of over 1,200 students. Emulating the business success of NKS’ Hombu dojo, ten other schools provide full-time and part-time employment for more than 100 professional black belts. More importantly, the NKS ‘spirit’ and commitment to academic excellence remain solidly intact. Watching an NKS class is an entertaining, informative and inspirational experience. You will see small children, teens, adults and special family classes, culminating in a throng of black belts practising advanced technique, kata and weapons forms rarely seen outside of Okinawa. When Okinawan teachers visit Canada, they lament the lack of interest in karate prevalent among their own youngsters, who are more interested in baseball, basketball and

Receiving 10th dan grade from Hokama Tetsuhiro, director of International Karate Kobudo Organization.

video games than their heritage and traditions. These experts invariably comment that in the future, it will be here, in Toronto, where pilgrims seeking true Okinawan karate and kobudo must travel. ​ Borkowski’s goal of making his schools “more Eastern and more Western” has proved to be a recipe for success. Each dojo is a strong community of diverse families and individuals united in their desire to explore the deeper meaning of martial arts and to develop themselves to reach their full human potential through budo training. The mantle of responsibility for this large organisation rests on the strong shoulders of Hanshi Borkowski, whose modest and self-effacing nature belie his phenomenal talent and tremendous achievements. What does the future hold for this man and his followers? Certainly his name and legend will become a vital part of Karate history and folklore. The strong link he has forged between Canada and Okinawa will only be enhanced through his Ryukyu no Kaze research society and the talented and eager younger generation of black belts he has trained. Taking inspiration from their great teacher and his tireless work, these budo ambassadors will undoubtedly honour and commemorate Hanshi Cezar Borkowski for generations to come, thereby ensuring both his name, and that of Northern Karate Schools, are forever associated with martial excellence.

"In the future, it will be in Toronto where pilgrims seeking Okinawan karate must travel."



Michael Walsh is a professional Karate teacher and a gifted musician. He lives in Toronto with his wife Margaret and children Julia and Liam.



FOOT Bill Wallace GM Wallace, born in December of 1945, was the world professional middleweight full-contact karate champion for six years running (winning 23 bouts in a row). He retired undefeated in 1980.

From a 1979 issue of Official Karate Magazine. From a 1979 Official Karate Magazine

n Bill Wallace originally trained in Judo while in the U.S. Airforce but a knee injury forced him to quit and he took up Shorin-ryu karate. n Because of that injury he didn't use his right leg in his competitive karate and full-contact career. n But his left kick was clocked at 60 miles per hour. n When he suffered an injury in 1973, Elvis Presley sent his personal acupuncturist to treat his friend Superfoot. n He got that Superfoot name after his manager saw an ad for a "super-foot-long-hotdog." n He earned a bachelor's degree in physical education from Ball State University and a master's degree in kinesiology (the study of human movement) from Memphis State University. He has taught at both colleges.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International 速


Reality Combat

The Self-Defense Series™

by Personal Protection Expert, GM Danny Lane

Arrest or Come Along Push and pull the shoulders and spin him around to a forearm restraint

against the windpipe. If he resists and attempts to stand up, use your palm heel to the spine area breaking his balance again to control him. Once his balance is broken, use the stomp kick to the back of the knee to drop him to the ground. You can control him with a windpipe restraint or use the sleeper hold to render him unconscious. Note: Both of these can cause panic and make the aggressor more active as he struggles to breathe and stay conscious. I recommend that all practitioners know the resuscitation procedure before applying this technique.



Danny Lane has 45 years experience in military/police/martial arts/body guarding and corporate and personal security. He is a highly decorated US Marine Vietnam veteran with two Purple Hearts and numerous other commendations, a retired decorated police officer, detective and police defensive tactics instructor, 10-time hall of fame inductee, world and national martial arts champion and a 9th degree grandmaster and bodyguard to movie stars and VIPS. Visit his website at or for training DVDs of techniques taught in his columns and other videos and protection products including the G-Tactical Restraint Device.

Gun to Head With a 2-way action, both hands move in opposite directions. At the same time, take the

weapon in a small circle with the right hand, pushing up and the left hand striking downward on the wrist. Duck your head under and off-line of the weapon. The weapon is now pointed back at him. Once the weapon has been reversed, step back with his trigger finger still in the trigger guard and force him face down on the ground. You don’t have time to step or move, just react. NOTE: Do not prac¬tice at full speed with their finger in the trigger guard. This will cause serious injury! Remember your action has to be FASTER than his REACTION.

Agressor Attacking First, SMACK the aggressor’s face FAST & HARD to SHOCK him mentally and

DIVERT his attention. This move gives you TIME to gain an advantage. Smack the back of the head and strike the windpipe at the same time to make him GAG. Then, STRIKE the side of his face, jaw, or ear and pull, trap, and lock his arm tight to your body. SHOVE his head over his shoulder as you pull his arm tight into your side and BULL DOG him to the ground. Once there, you have several options, i.e. arm lock, a step over arm bar, or sit down neck choke. Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


jim mather’s Karate life ™

What I know about Karate and the Olympics With the Olympics just concluded this past summer this is a good time for us to run Mr. Mather’s article on the topic.—ed.


ecently, a martial artist wrote several erroneous statements about why TKD was an Olympic sport and karate was not. As a result, I decided I should probably pass on what I know about this issue before I’m no longer around and the uninformed are the only voices out there. Much of what I know about the subject came directly from two of the most knowledgeable sources, Jacques Delcourt, President of WUKO (now called WKF) and George Anderson, first VP of WUKO and President of the USAKF (the official national governing body for karate under the U.S. Olympic Committee at the time). Soke Patrick Hickey, an old and trusted friend and Hanshi Anderson’s uchi deshi and chosen heir to his organization and system, also supplied a great deal of valuable insights and information. Delcourt, as head of WUKO, then the official world governing body for karate under the International Olympic Committee (IOC), dealt directly with the IOC on karate’s entrance into the Olympics for over 30 years. Hanshi Anderson, in addition to high rank, title, and positions in traditional karate (Kanken Toyama lineage), also trained under legendary TKD instructors Chull Hee Park and Ki Whang Kim of the SongMooKwan. And he was also friends with General Hong Hi Choi. Hanshi Anderson headed both the Central Taekwondo As-

sociation and the USA Karate Federation. So he had a unique perspective on this issue and TKD friends in very high places. He was also directly involved in securing Class C IOC status for karate, which allowed our athletes to train at the Olympic Training Center, among other perks. In addition to his top position in world karate, Delcourt also headed the French Olympic Committee. The heads of all of the French national teams reported directly to him, including TKD. He told me that senior French TKD officials reported that the World Taekwondo Federation (world governing body for TKD under the IOC) had paid Samaranch (long-time head of the IOC) a half-million dollars in hopes of greasing the wheels for TKD’s entrance into the games. He said he wasn’t positive it was true, but added, “Where there is smoke, there is usually fire.” If you look at later accusations lodged against Un Yong Kim, then head of WTF, it would seem to give credence to the French TKD seniors’ bribery charge. The New York Times, among many other publications, wrote several articles about Un Yong Kim and the charges of bribery and embezzlement leveled against him. http://topics. people/k/kim_un_yong/index.html. (Although the charges that got him expelled from his position with the IOC had nothing to do with the incident reported to me by Delcourt, it does “go to character,” as attorneys say.)

There are estimates that Kim spent as much as five million dollars to gain Olympic status for TKD.



Jim Mather

AcIn the West, we cording to tend to look at things both Delcourt from a moral/ethiand Hanshi cal position different Anderson, a than other parts of the variety of factors world. And most here (not just liberally would judge Kim’s applied “grease”) enbehavior as wrong. abled Un Yong Kim to But things often work get his sport included as quite differently in a demo sport for the Seoul the real world, where Olympics. bribes are often a Kim was an astute and normal part of doing resourceful leader. He was business. As a leader, reportedly former Assistant Un Yong Kim did Director of the Korean CIA. what he thought was His skills enabled him to necessary to achieve become heads of both the his organization’s WTK and the GAISF, goals – Olympic recGeneral Association of ognition for his sport. International Sports And they proved Federations, a multisuccessful in that sport organization. regard, even though The IOC reportedly they didn’t serve him didn’t want the compeso well. tition posed by GAISF. Jim Mather, Jacques Delcourt, George Anderson Kim may have known KARATE this beforehand and secured the position in orarate’s quest to gain Olympic approval began der to give him leverage over the IOC. Or it may in the mid to late ‘60s. I (like most traditional have merely been an excuse the IOC head used to justify Japanese instructors in the country at the time) delivering on some payoff, if there ever was such. But, in was contacted in the ‘60s about plans for the first WUKO any event, Kim was asked to merge the GAISF with the World Karate Championships. The event was the brainIOC, or dismantle it (I forget which). In return, the Olymchild of Jacques Delcourt and Japanese industrialist Ryoipic Games would be held in Korea in ’88 and Kim would chi Sasakawa, co-heads of WUKO, and organized around be named a senior IOC VP. rules established by FAJKO – Federation of All Japan At the time, the host country could name two demKaratedo Organizations – for competition within Japan. onstration sports. So for Korea to be named host was a It was presented to us as the first step towards gaining guarantee that TKD would compete on one of the world’s Olympic recognition for karate. biggest stages and get its foot in the door. Kim took it Selection and training tournaments, organized unfrom there and was able to parlay that into a second demo der the AAU, were held around the country. I was invited appearance in the Barcelona Games and compete as a full to an event in Stockton, where an event-within-an-event Olympic sport in the 2000 Games in Sydney. was held at one of Ron Marchini’s tournaments. Minobu When Samaranch retired, Kim ran for IOC PresiMiki and, I think, Fumio Demura and Kiyoshi Yamazaki dent. However, his legal problems overtook him and he came up to teach us the rules to be used by the world was expelled. organization and ultimately the Olympics. There are estimates that Kim spent as much as five Four teams were selected to represent the United million dollars to gain full Olympic status for TKD. States. These included many of our top continued


Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


competitors, including Marchini, tee never approached karate (or Mitch Bobrow, James Yabe, John most likely any other sport) and Gehlsen and Tonny Tulleners said anything like, “We have to (both from my instructor’s IKA have you in the Olympics, please, dojo). please, please join us!” The first championships Most sports go to them and were held in Tokyo in 1970. Tonny beg to be included. The IOC has Tulleners, was the top US finisher, long felt they have too many tying for third with the great Domsports already. “Why should we inique Valera of France. First place include your sport?” is a question was won by Koji Wada of Japan. every applicant must be able to According to George Ananswer. derson, karate was vastly more To convince them to accept popular around the world than another sport, it must prove it has TKD. He told me that karate had a significant number of practitioover ten times as many registered ners around the world. It must be athletes as did the Korean art. Hia competitive sport, not merely an Tonny Tulleners (left) and me at IKA championships rokazu Kanazawa had a memberactivity. It must be represented by ship of over one million athletes in just Indonesia alone. a world organization that is supported by a vast majority With so many athletes and a series of very successof the practitioners of that sport. The organization must ful world championships under its belt, why didn’t it have rules for competition that are widely accepted and happen? in keeping with the Olympic Ideal. It must host a regular The general consensus is that karate was largely world championship, etc. kept out of the Olympics by Hidetaka Nishiyama kept insisting that Nishiyama. He wanted his organizaWUKO didn’t practice true karate and tion, the International Traditional Karate that the ITKF was the only world organiFederation (ITKF), to be named the world zation that did. WUKO countered with governing body for karate. He claimed letters from many of the most traditional that what he called “sport karate,” which Shotokan stylists (and former dojomates WUKO and others practiced, was difof Nishiyama) – like JKA Managing ferent than true traditional karate and Director and WUKO General Secretary should not be allowed into the Olympics. Fusajiro Takagi, Takayuki Mikami, and Or, if allowed, it should be considered a others – stating that what Nishiyama separate sport. advocated was no different than what Although Sensei HidetaWUKO practiced. (I read some of these ka Nishiyama’s International Trabut don’t think I have copies of any of ditional Karate Federation (ITKF) them.) was far smaller than WUKO and From the reports we didn’t have sufficient numbers to received, the IOC seemed congain acceptance as an Olympic vinced that WUKO was their sport itself, he had a sufficient choice and that karate would number of both members and soon be in. Then, Nishiyama high profile supporters to prevent would mount another attack and WUKO from being named. things would be put in limbo To my knowledge, the yet again. This went on for many International Olympic Commityears.

…karate was kept out ot the Olympics by Hidetaka Nishiyama.



…a small number, sometimes even just one person, can bring things to a halt.

One of Nishiyama’s supporters was reportedly Mexican Olympic Committee Chairman, Mario Vazquez Rana, who was also president of the powerful IOC New Sport Committee, which heavily influenced which sports got in and which did not. If true, such a friend would be extremely helpful in blocking WUKO’s application and in keeping Nishiyama informed of what WUKO was saying and doing as well as advising him as to how best to thwart WUKO. (From communications I’ve read between Vazquez Rana and Nishiyama, he may have come to later regret his possible part in checking karate’s entrance. But I could be wrong on both counts.) The IOC didn’t know what to do with karate. They wanted a unified world body, as TKD had been smart enough to give them, and tried to get the two organizations (WUKO and ITKF) to merge. But Nishiyama refused, even though WUKO offered to allow a separate division for his “traditional karate.” With too many sports in the Olympics already, the WUKO/ITKF fight gave the Olympic Committee the excuse they needed to block karate’s entrance. People talk about “Tyranny of the Majority,” the powerful or numerous forcing their goals or desires on a small minority. But there is also “Tyranny of the Minority,” where a small number (sometimes even just one person) can bring things to a halt. If consensus is needed, one holdout can achieve this. (Court trials often see justice undone by a single holdout, for example.) Such a position can give power to the otherwise powerless (or less powerful), enabling them to achieve their goals or to right social inequities but sometimes it is used merely to stroke someone’s ego. Someone once defined Nishiyama’s position as “If I can’t run it, I’d rather TKD got in than karate did under anyone other than me.” Many within the traditional karate world considered him a traitor, that by his long battle with WUKO and the IOC he had prevented karate’s acceptance and facilitated TKD’s. I don’t know if this is true or what his motives actually were. Jon Evans, Shotokan stylist and former head of AAU Karate, wrote

an article on the subject for Black Belt Magazine in ‘88, blaming Nishiyama’s resistance on a long-standing rift within Shotokan in Japan. If you’re interested in reading more on his theory, the link is as follows: www.shotokai. com/ingles/interviews/wuko.html In all my years I have met many who are great martial artists and great people. But, unfortunately, I’ve met far more who were great martial artists but not very good people. (And I’ve met a bunch who were both bad martial artists and people.) I can’t say where Nishiyama would fall on all this. He obviously had great knowledge and technical skill. That can’t be denied. I just don’t know what kind of person he was. But he fact that some very great American karateka trained under him for many years, knew him very well, and decided to leave him (including Frank Smith and Ray Dalke, arguably two of our all-time greatest), says a lot, in my opinion. This gives credence to the opinion that he was a man on a personal mission, who didn’t care who or what got hurt in the process, even karate.

This article is taken from several of Jim Mather’s Karate Life Blogs. Mr. Mather is a well known traditional karate master and historian. His blog traces his over 55 years in the arts including friendships with many icons and celebrities. He is working on a new novel titled Arrow Catcher. He is on the Board of MAGI® and the Karate Masters Hall of Fame® (

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


The Three-Month Black Belt! 3 Months to Black Belt…Really? Like most martial artists I buy martial arts magazines to read articles, stay up with news and for the overall content of the publication. Recently I was reading the August 2011 issue of one of the major magazines and an ad caught my ad. Now this particular magazine, which will go un-named (but it's not this one) is full of some great and many not-so-great advertisements but this one really made me laugh. On page 45 there is a 1/3 size ad proclaiming that you can be a black belt in 3 months! Anyone who has actually put the time and effort, not to mention bruises and blood, into earning a real black belt would be appalled at this type of claim but I guess I am different because I actual get intrigued by what I see, so I proceeded to read it. The ad states that some guy, whose name never appears in the ad, but a picture does, can take anyone to a black belt in three months through a “unique” training method he developed called "Matrix Martial Arts" training. He also goes on to claim that “every style of Karate is a variation, and nobody knows the true Karate.”Then a few sentences later he proclaims that “The true Karate is easy to learn.” OK, well if no one knows the true Karate, then how can he know that it is easy to learn. I think you can see my logic here. A few sentences later he touts, “This is the first time in history that this has been done and it is only possible through "Matrixing.” Of course it is possible because he wants to make money off of innocent people who wish to go around bragging about being a black belt instead of putting in the time to actually learn a martial art system.



At the end of the ad I found the website address so I decided to check it out. The entire website is a marketing ploy about how you can earn a black belt, not just in Karate, but in Kung Fu, Aikido and even a "Master Rank" from his Matrix training DVDs. Scrolling further down the page he sells a program that teaches people “How to create their own Martial Art.” I think it is clear that this man is out to simply cash in on people who want to short cut or simply avoid putting real time and effort into learning a REAL martial art. I also finally found the name of the “instructor” which is (well, I don't want to get into trouble here, so I'd just say you can check it out yourself). Upon doing an internet search I found plenty of sites that proclaim the man as a fraud, a "mcdojo" scam and even worse. To be quite honest, this guy is not a fraud at all. He is an accomplished writer and martial artist, but I think he, like many other martial artists, has decided to attempt to cash in on people who are lazy or quite simply do not want to truly learn martial arts but would rather buy a black belt certificate. Later on that same day I checked out his videos online and had an even bigger laugh. All the videos are very rudimentary and most of them are based on nonKarate techniques. How can he claim to know the "true" Karate if he, primarily a Chinese stylist, doesn't even use it? Quite simply he cannot. He has never studied actual Karate but rather “Korean Karate.” You may know that the Koreans developed Tae Kwon Do based on General Choi’s study of Shotokan Karate. However many say he was never taught actual Okinawan Karate at all.

Steven M. Franz, Kyoshi

Anyway, this guy also claims that he has “created” over seven martial arts in his 44 years of training. But that is a ridiculous claim to say the least. Why? Because ANYONE who has spent their life studying an actual Karate system will tell you that it will take a lifetime to learn all there is to know about even a single system. Karate is an in-depth martial art. It has several levels of study and simply learning to do the movements of a system in no way will qualify one as an expert. I have met many REAL experts in Karate in my 34 years of training and not one of them has ever made such claims because it is simply not true. I cannot believe that people would actually fall for this kind of advertising but then again it has been going on since the late 1960s. I remember seeing ads in the comic books shouting “Become the world’s deadliest fighter!” when I was a kid. It was a book based on John Keehan’s “Dance of Death.” Keehan went on to become known as Count Dante and founded the Black Dragon Fighting Society. He was also involved in the death of one his closest friends during a dojo war that took place in Chicago in 1970. The "Count" died a miserable death from ulcers and other medical problems as a young man thus ending his streak as “the deadliest man alive.”

Karate is not about only learning to fight. It is not about learning some quick method to black belt. The people that run these ads do a great disservice to TRUE KARATE and it is a shame because they do not actually know true Karate. I have been to Okinawa as well as Japan and met many true Karate masters in my lifetime. This is the real reason why people need to find a real dojo with a real Sensei to learn from. No matter how much we try to educate people, there will always be those that fall for these scams, pay the money, and then make all true martial artists look bad. If you are considering studying a martial art, don't waste money on false propaganda and “made up” systems when you can easily find a real Sensei to learn the art the right and proper way. I think the answer is clear. I pity those "three-month black belts" because in the end they will be just another victim with a paper certificate and no real martial skills. Instead, find a true Sensei, train hard and learn to better your life through applying what you learn in the dojo to your life outside the dojo.

In the end they are just another victim with a paper certificate and no real martial skills.

Steven M. Franz, Kyoshi, Grandmaster Aiki Te Ryu Karate Do

Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


Nutritional self defense The SAD Omega 3 Story


hat is SAD you ask? SAD is the Standard American Diet. SAD is the perfect acronym since the diet here in America really is sad. It is the diet that is turning the United States into the most obese country in the world with skyrocketing rates of diabetes. It is also causing us to drown in a pool of inflammation and is part of the trillion dollar, yes I said the TRILLION dollar a year cost in the United States for mostly preventable chronic diseases such as; diabetes, arthritis, obesity, cancer and heart disease according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health. This is in part being caused by the sad Omega 3 story here in the U.S. and is a similar problem in many other modernized/industrialized countries in the world. You will soon understand how this happened and what you can do about it to save your health and the health of those who will listen to you! The anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids have been all over the news in the past few years, but very little has been publicized about its counter-balancer or as some might call it, its evil twin, the mostly pro-inflammatory omega 6s. Back in the day, before the industrialization of our food supply and throughout our ancestor’s history, we ate what is considered a more balanced omega diet. This diet consisted of approximately a 1:1 to 2:1 omega 6 to omega 3 ratio. We basically ate close to equal amounts of omega 6 and omega 3 oils. Today the ratio is unbelievably imbalanced, it is in the neighborhood of 20 or 40:1 depending on the person and the researcher. This means we are consuming 10 to 40 times more omega 6s than omega 3s. We will discuss the omega 3 and 6s in terms of ratios as we already have, and in terms of quantities in grams of the these fatty acids. It is important to focus on both total amounts and ratios consumed each day. This shift from a healthy omega balance to our terribly unhealthy omega imbalance is due in large part to the introduction into our diet of processed foods, and the oils used in them. The main oils used in processed food, in restaurants and in most people’s kitchens are the ones high in omega 6s such as: soybean oil, corn oil, peanut oil, cottonseed oil, and safflower and sunflower oils. Margarines are made from these same high omega 6 oils and should also be cut out of your diet. Shortenings are produced by hydrogenating or partially hydrogenating these oils and are loaded with harmful trans 56



Dr. Craig Rubenstein

fats that actually meet the definition of a poison. Dr. Alex Richardson Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Evidence Based Intervention from the University of Oxford suggests that we eat 2–3% of our calories from omega 6s. This equals just 3–5 grams per day. Other researchers have suggested as much as 10 grams per day as a limit. In dietary terms that amount of omega 6s you could easily get by eating eggs, meat and seafood, let alone adding nuts or high omega 6 oils. Just 100 grams of almonds equaling about 3 small handfuls burdens you with massive 12 grams of omega 6s or just one tablespoon of soybean oil (common in most salad dressing) is laden with over 7 grams of omega 6s, while a tablespoon of olive oil contains less than 1.5 grams of omega 6s . As you can see, Omega 6 oils should be replaced by healthier oils, such as those containing mostly mono-unsaturated fatty acids including extra virgin olive oil, and less common oils like avocado and macadamia nut oil, as well as saturated fats like coconut oil. The director of the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia, Dr. Richard Deckelbaum stated, that current omega 3 fatty acid consumption in the U.S. is "about one-third to onesixth what we would consider the recommended levels." His advice is similar to many other experts in the field that suggest concurrently lowering omega 6 consumption and increasing omega 3 consumption to remedy the imbalance. The excessive amounts of omega-6 fatty acids coupled with and a very high omega-6 to omega-3 ratio that is consumed in most industrialized countries, greatly increases the risk of, or the severity of symptoms of many deadly diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, as well as inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers also associate mental decline and dementia with excess omega 6 consumption. In contrast, an increased level of omega-3s and a low omega-6 to omega-3 ratio can decrease your risk of and the severity of these devastating diseases. Although most of us do not consume nearly enough omega 3s and need to add in foods rich in omega 3s and take omega 3 supplements, this article, as you can see, is not your typical article promoting your taking massive doses of fish oil supplements per day and telling you all the wonderful things

omega 3s can do for you. In fact, you probably already know how good omega 3s are for you, but what we need to understand is that our omega 6 consumption is out of control and must be reduced. Reducing the omega 6s is of primary importance. Once you manage your omega 6s, your dietary and supplemental omega 3s will have a much greater benefit. You

will get much more anti-inflammatory action and the risks factors for many of the previously mentioned diseases such as cancer and heart disease will get reduced. The following charts will give an idea of the differences between different oils, nuts and seeds in regard to their omega content and ratios.


Omega-6 Omega-3 Ratio** (g per tblspn) (g per tblspn)

Corn oil Cottonseed oil Grapeseed oil Peanut oil Safflower Oil Hi Linoleic Soybean oil Sunflower oil Hi Linoleic Coconut oil Macadamia oil Avocado oil Butter oil

8.4 7.5 10.1 4.6 10.8 7.4 9.5 .27 .36 1.9 .33

Nuts and Seeds Macadamia Chia Almonds Flax Walnuts Hemp

Omega-6 Omega-3 Ratio (gs per 100gs) (gs per 100gs) (3.5 oz) (3.5 oz)

.1 .03 .015 0 .058 1 0 0 0 .15 .2

83:1 256:1 690:1 only omega-6 186:1 7.5:1 only omega-6 only omega-6 only omega-6 12.7:1 1.65:1

1.3 .2 4.6:1 5.6 17 .33:1 12 .006 2000:1 6 22.4 .27:1 38 9 4.2:1 24.5 9.8 2.5:1

If this article has peaked your interest, and you would like to really delve into the amount of omegas you are consuming, I suggest that you go to this site download/. Use the web version as suggested. It will tell you the amounts of all the omegas in the food you eat and a whole lot more! I can’t emphasize to you enough the need for you to get your omega balance in balance. You will feel the difference. It may not be very easy, but it will be worth it. So, let’s cut those omega 6s down as much as you can and increase your

** There are two things that you can get from this chart. First you will notice how high in omega 6 the typical vegetable/nut/seed oils are that are used in most processed foods or even in your home cooked meals compared to oils such as: coconut, macadamia, avocado and butter oils. Just one tablespoon of many of the common oils will give you the maximum amount of omega 6’s that you should consume in one day. The next thing you will notice is that the omega 6 to omega 3 ratio can be deceiving at times. Although avocado oil has a 12.7:1 ratio and Soybean oil has a lower ratio at 7.5:1 the amount of omega 6 in the one tablespoon of soybean oil is nearly four times the amount in the avocado oil. So only having the ratio is not enough. You need to know the amount of each omega that is in a particular food.

In this chart we see that Almonds lose hands down compared to things like chia, flax and macadamia, and even though the ratio for walnuts look good we see that 38 grams of omega 6 in 3.5 ounces is a massive dose of omega 6 even with 9 grams of omega 3s.

omega 3s so you are at or near a 1:1 or at least a 2:1 ratio. This will balance a major portion of the anti-inflammatory and proinflammatory forces in your body. Good Luck! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Dr. Craig Rubenstein was a team Chiropractor to the US Freestyle Ski Team in 1990. He is also a certified clinical nutritionist and a Fellow and Diplomate of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture. He operates his Park Avenue practice in NY and a satellite office in Suffolk County, Long Island. Martial Arts Grandmasters International ®


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Ever seen those t-shirts that say "My parents went to Hawaii and all I got was this lousy t-shirt?" Let's face it—most organizations charge $25 to $100 per year and all you ever get is a lousy patch. We are out to change that!


ince 1994, Martial Arts Grandmasters International® (MAGI®) has strived to fulfill our mission to recognize and register students, instructors, and grandmasters of various martial arts styles and associations. We are recognized as a legitimate governing authority by several other international organizations. MAGI® is also the sanctioning body for the prestigious Karate Masters Hall of Fame®. But what does this mean to you? With membership in MAGI™ you have affiliation with many of the first-generation pioneers. Members take advantage of a direct dialogue with the grandmasters through the MAGI® website and facebook page. But it isn’t all long distance. You can join seminars and clinics with some of the best instructors in the world. You'll proudly display the impressive MAGI® membership certificates, colorful uniform patches, and even window decals that proclaim you are an “accredited” MAGI® school. You’ll receive discounts on high-quality Asian weapons, books and videos, ebooks, t-shirts, equipment bags, and even professional custom framing for MAGI® certificates and for your own school certificates. We have arrangements with industry printers meaning you will receive wholesale prices on your brochures and flyers as well as embroidered patches. And, of course, a subscription to the new Official Karate magazine is included (we’ll mail the printed, “Annual” issue directly to you— the other three of the quarterly issues are available online). We are adding new features and benefits all the time. Our Board of Advisors are not only martial experts but leaders in the business world. They'll help you promote and grow your school through professional marketing techniques and even the latest in social media. And, because we sanction the Karate Masters Hall of Fame®, MAGI® members are eligible for induction into what is perhaps the first and most prestigious Hall for traditional Karate Masters in the world. And did we mention that with our unique “rebate” program you will receive back a portion of the membership fees from your student and instructor members? In fact, with as few as two instructors and 20 students you’ll totally cover the cost of your affiliation with MAGI®. 58


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Five Steps to Excellence


id you know that there are five steps to excellence? This holds true for all activites. What IS excellence anyway? Excellence has been defined as a very high quality or standard. It should be what everyone who attempts anything should strive to achieve. Excellence is NOT a state of mind or an level that someone suddenly achieves by some type of magic. Excellence is a gradual improvement in oneself and his or her performance in whatever area of life they may have chosen. Excellence is not simply "how to raise your kids" or "run your business," but it is about actual results and how a person approaches gaining those results. There are basically FIVE levels to excellence. These five can be applied to just about anything. Putting them in perspective for martial artists, though, let us suppose we are striving for excellence in our fighting techniques.

LEVEL TWO – CONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE This is a state of mind in which the fighter consciously identifies the gaping holes in his fighting style and decides to put forth the effort necessary to improve. He knows he needs work and sets out to improve his technique. This effort lends itself toward small sucesses in class or even in some tournament places.


LEVEL THREE – CONSCIOUS COMPETENCE Now our fighter is applying conscious mental effort towards his goals and begins achieving quality results at more frequent intervals. These results lead to mid-level tournament places and occasional wins. This level is where the competitor BEGINS to understand that hard work and an abundance of practice can result in pretty good success. LEVEL FOUR - UNCONSCIOUS EXCELLENCE At this level the fighter’s state of mind is at the place where things begin to become AUTOMATIC. This is where the competitor is naturally, and with little effort, doing very well. Results become consistently good as various situations become less over-analyzed, more reactive and second nature in scope. Here is where most of today’s top sport karate winners consistently place high in the final standings.

Excellence is about actual results.

LEVEL ONE – UNCONSCIOUS INCOMPETENCE Here a new fighter in the game dwells in a state of mind (or, rather, lack thereof) wherein he or she lacks any kind of real basis for their fighting style. Here a new fighter has yet to establish any type of recognizable approach or style for his fighting. He tends to OVER-VALUE mediocre techniques and simply HOPES they will work.


GM Duane Ethington

LEVEL FIVE – CONSCIOUS EXCELLENCE And here we have “THE ZONE” — the point where a world-class competitor can simply bring his game to the next level, consciously and at any given time. It is where Tiger Woods plays golf or Roger Federer plays tennis. This is the result of the FIRST FOUR levels of growth plus a complete UNDERSTANDING of what it takes to get there and BEYOND, and then he (or she) remains there. It's a lot of HARD work and MANY HOURS of training but is well worth the effort to gain and stay at LEVEL FIVE. Grandmaster Duane Ethington is the founder of Iss Hogai Ju-Jutsu and has authored hundreds of magazine articles. He still teaches in Rowlett, Texas.

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