Official Karate Spring 2013

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Spring 2013

Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM




Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


8 I Don “The Dragon” Wilson

Find out the real story behind this champion and movie star!

12 I One More Round



Joe Corley announces the Joe Lewis Eternal Warrior Award at the upcoming Battle of Atlanta

14 I Three Systems, One Principle

Sifu Craig Heimbichner on “Sticking Hands” sensitivity training.

18 I The Voice of Tradition


Hanshi Dan Tosh discusses MMA verses Traditional Karate. Which one is better?

21 I Tips for New Black Belts

From John Lober and Ryan Young

22 I Wisdom from a Grandmaster


Understanding body-fat percentages.

24 I Favorite Fighting Techniques from the Masters TM

Fighting techniques from world kickboxing

and boxing champion Troy Dorsey.

26 I Western Wrapup


WRITERS WANTED: We want well-written articles on topics of interest to a traditional karate audience. Stories on respected historical figures in the martial arts, advanced how-to articles (not “how to do a front kick”), and articles on educational philosophies or technical aspects, are all welcome. We reserve the right to edit articles to fit and, of course, we will only accept articles that we believe will be of interest to our audience. For writer’s guidelines, send your email address and writing experience/bio to: 4


Bruce Lee is gone but not forgotten as this collection of movie posters reveals.



Spring 2013

28 I Kung Fu Korner Sifu Karen Schlachter on discovering your TM

inner-self for success.

32 I Real Life Ted Gambordella on tracing the modern TM


fighting arts back to the beggining.

34 I MAGI® Benefits Expanding

Why you should be a member of MAGI®.

36 I Cyberspace Comments What makes an “Amazing” Martial Arts instructor TM


and why?

38 I Nutritional Self Defense Dr. Craig Rubenstein on pre- and post-concussion TM

Troy Dorsey


nutritional heavy hitters.

41 I Martial Marketplace


News and Products you can use.

42 I James Mather’s Karate Life


What is the important thing?

44 I Turbo Charge Your Workouts

24 Be sure to “Like” us at

Dr. Andrew Linick helps you get your mind into your workouts!

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See pages 17, 20, 31, and 41.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


Spring 2013


Official Karate Magazine™ the “official” publication of Martial Arts Grandmasters International® is a 21st Century version of the original Official Karate that was published 1969–1995 by Al Weiss and Charlton Publications. We publish quarterly in digital format with a printed “annual” issue. We seek to secure permission for photographs but if you see a photo that is yours please let us know so we can give you attribution. MAGI® is a dynamic association of traditional and modern martial arts practitioners. Since 1994, we have strived to fulfill our mission to recognize and register students, black belts, and grandmasters of various martial arts styles organizations, Asian and Western self-defense systems, and fighting arts.

Sound Off!

Cover photo: Robert Reiffl

Editor and Publisher: Andrew S. Linick, Ph.D. Managing Editor /Creative Director: Keith D. Yates Editorial Consultant: David Weiss Contributors: Joe Corley, Des Chaskelson, Troy Dorsey, Emil Farkas, Ted Gambordella, Craig Heimbichner, John Lober, James Mather, Dr. Craig Rubenstein, Karen Schlachter, Dr. Dan Tosh, Don Wilson, Ryan Young. MAGI® Member Benefits Membership in MAGI® will afford you the opportunity to have an affiliation with the first-generation pioneers who sit on our Board of Advisors. Of course you can share in their wisdom in the pages of Official Karate magazine (a subscription is included in your membership) but you can also take advantage of a direct dialogue with these Grandmasters through our websites and Facebook pages. You can proudly display the impressive MAGI® membership certificates, colorful uniform patches, and even attention-getting trademark protected four color window decals that proclaim you are an “affiliated” professional MAGI® school. (It’s considered the ‘BBB’ in the MA industry) You will receive big discounts on high-quality Asian weapons, books, videos & DVD’s, e-books, t-shirts, equipment bags, and even professional custom framing for MAGI™ certificates and for your own school certificates. We are adding new features and benefits all the time so click on and “LIKE” us at can also go to



I enjoyed reading the recent article on Keith Yates. Finding words to describe such a person as Mr. Yates is a difficult task, but the article was a great start! I always enjoy hearing from other martial artists that respect and admire him as I have done since I met him in 1986. As a freshman at SMU, I’ll never forget first seeing him teach a class at the campus martial arts club and how impressed I was. I was a black belt from out of state but he took me “under his wing” and encouraged me. Simply put, Keith Yates is one of the most important people in my life, and even as I’ve left Texas and been teaching in California for the past 20 years, he continues to influence every day of my life. All the best for the future of Official Karate! —Jon Alster, American Karate, CA The article on Mr. Yates was so refreshing that I read it twice, and it put a big mile on my face. I was delighted to read your magazine. I met Mr.Yates in 1979. I had had training in GojuRyu in Belgium, practiced under the tutelage of Yoshinao Nanbu in Sankukai, on the Belgian sea shores, and even watched the Israeli soldiers train while I lived there. I was a cocky 21-yr old who knew some, but not enough to remain well-grounded. That’s when I met Mr.Yates, this well-mannered, soft spoken gentleman, with a Mawashi Geri to my head faster than Clint Eastwood’s gun in a spaghetti western! But this kind, humble man did not hurt me and I respected that. Sparring bare knuckles in Europe made me tough—tough enough, I thought. What I did not realize was that I had much to learn from Mr.Yates. Certainly training in other styles in Italy, Japan, and Thailand helped my body, and my knowledge of the arts. But nothing prepared me as much as being, for the past 34 years, in contact with a man who is, in my opinion, the poster child (with a few grey hair) for exemplary martial arts. continued on page 16


by John Townsley

Training in the Right School Can Save Your Life (and Change it for the Better)!


re you looking for martial arts training? Choose well grasshopper. For the uninitiated it’s a jungle out there. There’s no legal standard for instructor licensing, nor standards for schools, no regulations for safety or consumer protection laws. So investigate before you invest. The latest estimate of martial art related spending is a staggering $42 billion (with a “B”). This has led to the rise of the McDojo, diploma mills and the black belt factory. On the other hand there’s excellent training available when you educate yourself and get the facts. Check out this website of martial arts scams DON’T CONFUSE PRICE WITH VALUE when you shop around. As kids we played “lets pretend,” and that’s become emblematic of some martial arts training. Many school owners say they average $10,000 per student per year. That’s tuition + test fees + certificates + protective equipment + designer uniforms + private lessons + competition fees + seminars + Black Belt Club upgrade + “The Masters Club“ upgrade + the Leadership Course upgrade + the tournament and demonstration spectator fees your friends and family will pay. There are high and low buck schools. Look for value. It’s the only way that makes any sense. Look for a school look that teaches a mainstream system/style. A system/style is mainstream when it has been passed down through several generations and has stood the test of time. A quality instructor will to want tell you the history of his

style, his instructor and his instructor’s instructor. The standard for earning a black belt is 3 or 4 years and only about 1 in 100 will achieve it. The guideline for black belt promotion is measured by the 5 Ds of power. 1. Demonstrate technique. 2. Discourage with pain. 3. Damage with injury. 4. Disable with hospitalization required. 5. Death. If this sounds harsh, remember military arts (martial means “military”) also include bayonet, artillery, sniper training, etc. Students that can’t make the cut should remained colored belts. Young people are held at lower rank until the mid teens due to the serious nature of the training. The thinking is, it’s better to be a good green belt than a bad black belt who will teach and pass on the shoddy standards that we see in many schools. The hallmarks of a sub-standard school is a fun, quick and easy, 1 or 2 year (soft ball) black belt course, and then prominently proclaiming THIS IS A BLACK BELT SCHOOL i.e. everyone will receive a black belt. At the other end of the spectrum is the legendary Jim Harrison who had a sign at the dojo entrance saying: “If you’re more interested in wearing a black belt than being a black belt, I suggest you go elsewhere.” Before you enroll visit several schools and watch a class. Is the instructor watching himself in the mirror? Does he invite questions, and answer

“If you’re more interested in wearing a black belt than being a black belt, I suggest you go elsewhere.”

continued on page 43 Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


Profile of a Champion™

Don “the drag Get to know this martial arts champio What was it like growing up biracial? (Japanese and Caucasian)

I grew up in the 1950s, ‘60s and early ‘70s on the East Coast in Central Florida. Since there was no large Japanese or Asian population during that time in the area, I looked very different than the black and white children who were my classmates. In fact, before they “integrated” the schools I only knew other “white” people. Later, when they closed the all black schools and forced/allowed them to attend the white schools, I met and interacted with black people as well. I felt different and they also saw me as an outsider to some extent. My brother assimilated better because he looked more Spanish, Italian, or perhaps even Middle Eastern. I learned that if you excelled in sports, no one cared if you were a green Martian, and I became the MVP of my High School Basketball and Football teams in 1972. When you sink a 30 foot jump shot or make a key tackle, everyone cheers and ethnic background becomes insignificant.

PKA Beating ight e Heavyw aktree” “O champ in 1982. s. Edward

When and how did you start your MA training?

My brother was a Black Belt before my first lesson in the martial arts. He demonstrated the effectiveness of the fighting arts by putting on the gloves, sparring with me, and handing me my rear end one day while I was home “on leave” from the US Coast Guard Academy. I went back to New London, Connecticut and enrolled in the school’s martial arts class taught by Goju Ryu stylist Chuck Merriman. He was my first instructor and gave me a great foundation to begin my studies. I learned Respect, Discipline, and the meaning of Honor before being shown how to fight and defend myself. I am not certain if the MMA schools today are careful to teach these skills in the same way today. I hope so because it is a form of “malpractice” that an instructor should teach anyone how to hurt another individual without doing one’s Don “The Dragon” Wilson fighting record is 72 wins, 5 losses, 2 draws, w best to teach “Might for Right” first.

He was named OK mag’s Fighter of the Year in 1983. He is in numerous



gon” wilson on and film star How did you get into kick-boxing?

I am not a kickboxer. I am a martial artist who used the sport of kickboxing to hone my striking skills and my defense against strikes. I did become a professional and enjoyed my 28 year fighting career, however, the greatest value of this high level of competition was my education into the various principals involved in the striking arts, conditioning, and improving-enhancing one’s physical, mental, and even spiritual growth.

What was your most memorable fight?

Don’s ne w “The La est film is st Sentin el.”

with 48 knockouts and 6 knockouts by kicks. He won over a dozen world titles. Halls of Fame including the Official Karate Magazine Hall of Fame in 1984.

This is the first time I have ever answered this question in this way. I get many questions which I answer the same every time, however I am looking at this one in a different light now after almost 40 years. My first pro “full-contact karate” fight was with Bill Knoblok and I rebroke my right hand, lost money getting it reset, lost the fight, but....I LOVED the sport! It was the first time I could utilize my full power in punches or kicks, and as a martial artist who had only competed in “point karate,” it was liberating. I decided to take a few month off college and try out this new sport. Forty years later, I’m still competing. With my upcoming bout in Istanbul I will have spanned 5 decades as a professional fighter.

Who was your toughest opponent?

Always answer this the same...James Waring the IBF and WKA World Cruiserweight Champion. Styles make the fight and he was VERY difficult to figure out because, by the time I did, it was late in the fight and I was lucky to score 2 knockdowns to win 2 rounds 10-8, 10-8 to get the decision in Tokyo during the early ‘80s. contined on next page Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


How did you get into the film business?

I met Chuck Norris at one of my fights in West Palm Beach, Florida and he was the first person in the entertainment industry to suggest I attempt a career as an actor. We became friends and I credit him for giving me the confidence that a local Kung Fu stylist-kickboxer could become an Action Film Star. I moved to LA in 1985 and starred in “Bloodfist” in 1988 and since that time have starred in 30 films. Thanks to Chuck and Roger Corman for giving me the idea and break I needed to begin my career in entertainment.

What is something that most people would never guess about the movie industry?

Most people would never imagine that it is ALWAYS a struggle even when you have been in the business working successfully as a star for almost 30 years! I am constantly looking for that “great script” and trying to work with the best directors, producers, actors, etc. Maybe, I am not “auditioning” for roles, but I am still in competition with many other stars for the better projects. I have said “NO” to MANY more projects than I have accepted and, at one time, I had dozens of starring roles offered to me in one year. I did a very risky thing once and starred in 5 films that were released on home video in 13 months. Entertainment Weekly did a story on me and TIME Magazine put my picture in an article dealing with the top independent direct to video companies and stars.

Who was your favorite co-star?

When you work with someone on a film it is very common to become close very quickly. That goes for men and women. Shelley Winters compared independent films to being on a sinking ship trying to make it to shore. “We’re all in this together, we either make it to dry land (a successful film) or sink and drown (a bomb)”. That is a healthy way of looking at filmmaking. It is a group effort and there are no real “stars” because without everyone on the 10


set, there would be no film. The director is the captain of the ship and the producers arrange the financing so they “make it happen” for everyone else. Without my great stuntmen-friends, my fights would look weak and boring. I am just the “piano player” and do my job to the best of my ability. EVERYONE on a movie from preproduction to post is responsible for it’s success or failure. “I’ve been very lucky throughout my movie career” to work with caring and talented filmmakers and performers.

What do you want to be remembered for?

“I did my best”... and, I tried to share my knowledge so that others did not have to suffer the same negative consequences as I did to learn those life-martial arts lessons. Unfortunately, it seems that I have always learned “the hard way.” I found out how to do something right by doing it wrong first and then correcting my mistakes later. I hope that when I teach seminars I can help others avoid the negative results from getting it wrong the first time.

What’s in your future?

My brother James has created a very exciting company called TRADITIONZ. We hope to offer an “alternative” to the MMA brands currently featuring SKULLS, tatoo-like artwork, etc. It is currently a t-shirt clothing or apparel company.“Our mission statement is to promote the positive aspects of Traditional Martial Arts.” By promoting and popularizing our product line we hope to expand the martial arts fan base already established throughout the world. Our faith in the benefits and good affects that studying the martial arts can have on an individual, “inspired” the concept of a new clothing line which highlights those values. I have also teamed up with Cynthia Rothrock to partner with Genesis Pure, a nutrition company, to help bring products that promote health to martial artists.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


GM Joe Corley

One More Round


“Fight one more round. When your arms are so tired that you can hardly lift your hands to come on guard, fight one more round. When your nose is bleeding and your eyes are black and you are so tired that you wish your opponent would crack you on the jaw and put you to sleep, fight one more round–remembering that the man who fights one more round is never whipped.” World heavyweight champion from 1892-1897, Gentleman Jim Corbett is the father of modern boxing. With his 72 inch reach he beat the great John L. Sullivan. With his autobiography, THE ROAR OF THE CROWD, he showed character beyond the ring. His life reveals more than a gifted fighter: heart, compassion, reach that helped those about him. On May 21, 1891, Corbett fought Peter “Black Prince” Jackson, a much-heralded bout between crosstown rivals, since Corbett and Jackson were boxing instructors at San Francisco’s two most prestigious athletic clubs. They fought to a no-contest after 61 rounds.

Joe Lewis Eternal Warrior Award Debuts June 15 at Battle of Atlanta XLV

first 8mm films I studied, sitting in our dark 600 square-foot karate studio in Atlanta. I watched repeatedly as Allen Steen, Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis and Al Gene Caraulia competed in the finals of efore he won the first Battle of Atlanta in 1970, he was already an icon to me, as anyone Ed Parker’s Internationals. And, being only 23 years old when we who read my tributes to Joe Lewis would have started the Battle of Atlanta in 1970, I did not inferred after his passing last year. My emotions were all over the place dur- know what the import could have or would have been of the event, or of the fact that we were able ing the weekend of his passion-filled funeral, to bring Lewis in to fight at our inaugural effort. spending time with his peers—our peers—his Looking back on it now, from 30,000 successors in Joe Lewis Fighting Systems and his feet, I see many pieces to a lifelong puzzle which lifelong friends. Six months later, we announce are all destined to fit together, with the proper here a focal point for those emotions. attention. I have learned that there are no coin In the spirit of Gentleman Jim Corbett cidences in our world, but rather what author and his immortal One More Round ring quote Squire Rushnell (When God Winks at You) says are above, we are honored this year to introduce at the Battle of Atlanta the Joe Lewis Eternal Warrior “GodWinks.” And so it is, 43 years after Joe Lewis came Awards. in and won the very first Battle of Atlanta, that we These awards will be presented to fighters that Joe Lewis admired and said good things are honored to present the first round of the Joe Lewis Eternal Warrior awards at the 2013 Battle about in his lifetime, and those fighters that Joe Lewis may not have known, but who would have of Atlanta. The first three recipients are, in the order measured up in his esteemed opinion. that they appeared in Joe’s life, Chuck Norris, Bill As a young fighter myself, I had heroes Wallace, and Jeff Smith. that I looked up to, and they came from the




Chuck Norris of course because he and Joe competed against one another on the West Coast. Bill Wallace, because Bill made his first appearance at the Battle of Atlanta in 1970 when Joe was here, and Jeff Smith and Bill Wallace together because it was on that historic night in Los Angeles in September, 1974 on ABC’s Wide World of Entertainment that the three of them won their PKA World Titles at the very first PKA World Championship in the LA Sports Arena. At the end of his life, it would be Jeff, Bill and Chuck who, with members of the Joe Lewis Fighting Systems, would bring the greatest peace to the champ with their acts of kindness. We plan for Chuck and Jeff and Bill, along with Mike Allen, president of the Joe Lewis Fighting Systems, will present the additional awards at this inaugural Joe Lewis Eternal Awards presentations. The good news is that our sport has, over the years, had the good fortune of attracting and imbuing many with the warrior spirit that Joe Lewis so distinctly personified and admired and projected into those in his charge. It goes without saying that many of our Battle of Atlanta Centurion Club inductees would also be in the category described here, and you will expect to see at this 45th Battle of Atlanta a number of those Centurion Club inductees and others receiving this Eternal Warrior Award. In talking through the presentation with Mike Allen, of the Joe Lewis fighting systems, we expressed our desire to have this award in our sport and art bear resemblance to the Lombardi trophy—admittedly a team sport award—but that signifies the warrior spirit in football. Again, as the GodWink would have it, John Graden stepped up, having commissioned beautiful artwork through the artist, Bob Mueller, who had also worked with the NFL on spectacu-

lar art. With his special permission, this is the world-class Joe Lewis art that will be included on these very unique Eternal Warrior Awards. And for our martial arts fans, John Graden will have a select number of these prints available at the Battle of Atlanta, for those collectors of martial arts historic works who will look back on this period with fondness and respect for many years to come. And we know that there are young warriors out there today, like I was a few decades back, who will look at these heroes, be inspired by them and will become more than they would have been had it not been for the modeling they presented—as did Joe Lewis. We humbly pay and send our respects again for the unique legacy that is and was Joe Lewis, and we excitedly look forward to honoring the first round of martial artists who will receive the Joe Lewis Eternal Warrior Awards June 14 and 15th at the 45th Battle of Atlanta. We invite you to see all the latest details on Facebook at Battle of Atlanta World Karate Championships and to join us in the celebration, live, ringside at the Renaissance Waverly and Cobb Galleria Centre. 9th dan black belt Joe Corley is founder of the Battle of Atlanta and an inductee into the Karate Masters Hall of Fame®. You can reach him at

Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


three syste one principl “Sticking Hands” Sensitivity training in Karate, Wing Chun and T’ai Chi Ch’uan


ith the explosion of the Ip Man movies in 2008 to the present, worldwide interest in Wing Chun Kung Fu and its chi sau or sophisticated “sticking hands” has skyrocketed. However, Wing Chun is not the only system to employ a sensitivity training involving a form of sticking to the opponent: other martial arts include T’ai Chi Ch’uan with its t’ui shou or “push hands” training, and, although very little known or practiced, certain styles of karate.

Sifu Craig Heimbichner and student Jared Conk prepare for kakie practice 14


ems, le

Sticking hands in karate? Is he serious? Many readers might react just this way, and the reaction is understandable. The training and drills are absent from most styles today, many of which have distanced themselves from earlier Chinese origins. However, Goju-ryu karate has retained a training much like Wing Chun’s chi sau. That training is called kakie. Kakie means, literally, “to hook.” The basic exercises are practiced in the sanchin or jigotai stance and taken from the softer kata known as tensho, or “rolling hand.” Indeed, in kakie the hands maintain a rolling contact, both partners sticking to each other with muchimi, literally “adhesion” or “sticking.” This kata was the favorite of the legendary karate master Mas Oyama, who borrowed many elements of Goju-ryu for his own kyokushin style, and also practiced kakie himself. While T’ai Chi Ch’uan’s push hands practice involves sticking, it is typically softer, and involves more shifting of the weight with a yielding position initially to attract the opponent to emptiness, then instantly repel him with a “discharge” movement which usually sends him flying. However, one of the basic drills in push hands, a one-hand circling movement, is almost identical to a drill in some

by Sifu Craig Heimbichner

forms of kakie practice, the main difference being the stance and the amount of energy employed, Goju-ryu having a more vigorous flavor. Wing Chun stands in the middle, retaining a softness or relaxed yin quality but exploding at the moment of contact with a burst of hard or yang energy, only to return immediately to a relaxed fluidity. The training is more direct in its nature than T’ai Chi Ch’uan, but also incorporates circularity, just as the more circular T’ai Chi employs a certain directness in its discharge or attack. Goju-ryu also emphasizes joint locks, which in Chinese systems are known as chin na. T’ai Chi uses this in its more combative aspects of training (unknown to many practictioners), but so does Wing Chun, although it is less common. In the following pictures, we’ll demonstrate a few of the positions of all three methods of training: kakie, chi sau, and t’ui shou. The common elements are numerous, while the differences are not without importance. I am planning a series to explore the origins, training drills and applications of each system. continued on next page

Sifu Craig Heimbichner is a third-generation Wing Chun lineage holder of Ip Man’s art, and an indoor disciple and adopted son of Grandmaster Samuel Kwok. With 40 years of practice in various martial arts, including 23 years in T’ai Chi Ch’uan under a direct student of Cheng Man-Ch’ing, Heimbichner is being inducted into the 2013 USA Martial Arts Hall of Fame as Instructor of the Year–Kung Fu, and will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from Grandmaster Cynthia Rothrock at the Legends of the Martial Arts Hall of Fame in May, 2013. Heimbichner runs the Sacramento Ip Man Wing Chun school. Jared Conk is his student, and a student of Kyokushin teacher Sensei Al Muir. Sifu Heimbichner may be contacted for seminars at 916-759-2343. Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM



Sound Off! Letters to the Editor—continued from page 6


A scholar and a gentleman who represents the values, the essence, the soul we need in our leaders. I have, in my worldwide travels, met many different martial artists in various styles, but none come close to the “complete package,” the man-with-noego. Sounds like another spaghetti western…oops, sorry! Mr.Yates has been an inspiration, a role model, a true martial artist, in more ways than one can think. I thank him with all my heart. —Tony Tempesta, Hachidan, Renbudo Karate-Do Congratulations for putting Official Karate Magazine back on the map. Not only is the magazine packed with some great articles, the quality of the magazine is second to none. I enjoyed the old OK magazines from back-in-the-day and look forward to continued reading. —Jerry Figgiani - Shorin Ryu Karatedo International


1. Sifu Heimbichner and student Jared Conk employing the “hooking” motion of a basic kakie drill taken from the tensho kata. 2. Sifu performs the basic two-hand chi sau pattern of Wing Chun. 3. Sifu engaged in “rolling back” his student’s energy with a basic motion of T’ai Chi Ch’uan’s t’ui shou. 16


Official Karate magazine, brain child of Al Weiss, was the first “Karate” magazine covering only Karate activities. The magazine, along with the fantastic promotional abilities of the “one and only” Aaron Banks were singularly responsible for shining the spotlight on East Coast Karate and the very talented fighters and Kata competitors of the early competitive arenas there. I think all of us who benefited from that alliance owe a debt of gratitude to both of them. I know I do! Linick Sensei, Thanks for reviving such a piece of important Karate history. Please consider doing an in depth article on the evolution of East Coast Karate and the ones who made it happen. Thanks. —Chuck Merriman - Hanshi

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Hanshi Dan Tosh


voice of tradition


Is MMA Superior to Traditional Karate?


was watching a documentary movie last week about the training and fighting of some very talented MMA fighters. One of the things presented was how superior MMA is over karate and all other “martial arts.” As I watched the program, it was clear that these young fighters worked very hard and were completely dedicated to the training—and the hype. The trainer/ instructor was 38 years old, knowledgeable in the ways of cage fighting, vulgar with his message, and seemingly narrow minded about other martial arts. He said MMA fighters are far superior over karate people and that kata was useless. In the background of his commentary they showed a very clumsy, slightly overweight person doing a cartwheel half bent over as if he were mentally challenged. The trainer referred to this person as a black belt— WHAT? This was not a black belt like any I have ever seen and frankly, if this is what these guys are referring to, I completely understand why they think the

way they do. These guys were commenting about how much they like to fight and beat up the other guys. They really enjoy beating their opponent and causing pain. The instructor also got very aggressive and beat up his students whenever he felt they weren’t focused enough. While it’s true these guys worked very hard and gave up things like ice cream and snacks as well as recreation time to be allowed to compete, I don’t think they are without “tunnel vision” when it comes to true martial arts. I was embarrassed by the clown-like appearance of the so-called black belt in karate and I was a little irritated at the same time. The fighters talked about being the best and represented the best, however, their attitude was far from the best when it came to honor and respect. I started thinking about this fighting-in-a-cage business and how superior they thought they were. I came up with an analogy about a human fighting a tiger in

As we develop rules for entertainment, we change the original meaning and purpose of the arts themselves.



fighter will “age-out” A cage-fighter cage of the ability to be effective ring, not to mention will “age-out” inthethebattering the body takes this short lived career. of the ability to over Being able to redirect, use the strength against be effective in opponent’s him and counter in a most the ring, not to efficient way is far more rewarding than the thug-like mention the bat- attitudes of some of these fighters. tering the body Admittedly I am a fan of and cage fighting and takes over a MMA do have admiration for each but I don’t think it’s short career. offairthem to put all martial artists

a cage. Naturally the tiger is very fierce and a killer, but what if the tiger had its mouth and teeth covered and it sharp claws covered, would the tiger be able to beat the human? Would the human fighter be able to use his elbows and feet in such a way as to defeat the tiger and if so would the human truly have bragging rights? Would the human fighter be able to say that he or she defeated a tiger in a cage? I don’t think this sort of fight would be considered a true and accurate example of how the tiger fights and uses it natural abilities. This holds true for the karateka. If you are gloved, bound by some rules; forbidden from using some of your natural body weapons such as shuto, nukite, seikan punch, eye gouge, cavity press, throat strikes, low kicks and so many other techniques of karate, how can these two things even be compared? As we start to develop rules for the purpose of entertainment, we start to change the original meaning and purpose of the arts themselves. I have nothing but respect for those youngsters who work so very hard for their dream of fame and position, however I do think some of these kids are misguided, in assuming that karatekas can’t fight. I have personally been in a few fights over the years and they were real fights with no rules and nobody to stop the fight. My karate was always there for me. Learning to understand yourself and building slowly from a firm foundation of kihon is enduring far beyond the age of immaturity. With a strong foundation and slowly developed powerful art and science of martial prowess, one can easily defend themselves into the later years of life. A

in the same category. Nor do I think it’s right to judge others in the way it’s being done. Walk a mile in another man’s shoes before you do that. Strength comes in many forms and from many directions. In Okinawa, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, China and Indonesia there are people in their 60s to 90s that are a force to be reckoned with. There people don’t rely on their youth and strength to defeat the opponent or attacker, they use wisdom. Yes, wisdom is a real concept and one that is part of all martial arts training. Instead of force against force, they avoid or redirect and counter an incoming blow. They waste no energy and time and they are like a well-oiled machine that moves in a perfect tempo. This is what so many of us old-timers strive for and believe in because we know this will sustain far beyond our youthful arrogance. This truly is the ungloved “empty hand.” Domo Arigato Hanshi Dan Tosh Dan Tosh is on the Board of Advisors of Martial Arts Grandmasters International® as well as the Karate Masters Hall of Fame®. He has been training in Shorin-ryu karate-do since 1958. You can contact him at Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM




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10 tips for new black belts

by Jiu Jitsu Professors John Lober & Ryan Young

1. Just because you reached the black belt milestone, it doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot more to learn. 2. It’s quite possible that the professor that awarded you your black belt was actually thinking about awarding it to you long before you received it. 3. The difference in ability among black belts is greater than the differences of any other belt. 4. Don’t be afraid of being tapped by lower belts – at the end of the day, the fact will remain that you are a black belt, and they are not. 5. A wearer of a black belt has the distinction of being thought to be of stellar and mature character—in addition to wearing the belt. 6. Like being a new parent, don’t worry, you will grow into the belt, even if you don’t feel ready to wear it. 7. As a black belt, you are an ambassador of the art—your actions reflect more than the actions of a lower belt. 8. Remember to keep your skills sharp—get together with, and train with, as many other black belts as possible. 9. Find ways to GIVE your expertise back to your community—do a free class on occasion with no desire for a payback down the road. Coach underprivileged youth, or start a team or club within the community. 10. Remember, your legacy in Jiu Jitsu will probably depend more on how much you gave back after you earned your black belt than how talented you were in your prime.

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21 21

Wisdom from a grand master Keith D. Yates




ver looked at two 5’10” students who both weigh 200 pounds and noted that one looks fit while the other looks fat. What’s the difference?

One has a higher percentage of body fat. This is called your Body Mass Index (BMI) or Body Fat Percentage (BFP). Why is this number important? It’s measure of your fitness level and health risk. If you just use weight and height measurements a muscular short person might be labeled as “overweight” when he’s actually in great shape. It also gives you a better picture of your actual progress if you’re on a fad diet that simply results in water loss and not fat loss. And, needless to say, people with a higher BFP are at higher risk of diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. Incidentally, people who carry extra fat around their waists are at higher risk than those who carry the same amount of extra fat around their hips. That’s because fat tissue around the organs is more dangerous. So what is BFP? You body fat percentage is just that— the percentage of adipose tissue (or fat) that your body contains. Let’s say you weigh a couple hundred pounds and your body fat percentage is 25%—then you are carrying around fifty pounds of fat! Now some fat is necessary for daily body functions like energy storage and temperature regulation. Wellconditioned professional athletes usually have very low levels of body fat (6–13% for men and 14–20% for women). If you are a “fit” person then you’re also going to have a low percentage (14–17% for men and 21–24% for women). A number over 25% for men and 35% for women is usually considered “obese” (with possible exceptions for offensive linemen).



Body Fat Percentages How do you determine your BFP? if you are on a diet or workout program. Most fitness centers and YMCAs can figure It’s motivating to watch your progress. it for you. Concentrate on They’ll measure loosing body fat Same Height/same weight!! your height and and building up weight and also muscle (muscles take skin fold burn calories). measurements. Increasing An even better your lean body way is the mass (muscle) underwater reduces your BFP weighing provided you usually done don’t gain weight at medical along with your facilities. increased muscle. Of course Muscle tissue you can is made up of determine your about 70% water, BMI number at 22% protein and home by simply 7% lipids (or measuring fat). Fat tissue is weight and made up of just height (several the opposite, online BMI 22% water, 7% calculators protein and 70% can do that). lipids (fat)! The Just remember that’s only an estimate and bottom line is to decrease calorie intake and doesn’t take into consideration several increase calories burned. Simply put, eat factors such as bone density and muscular less (or at least healthier) and exercise more. body types. African-Americans tend to have Besides being a grandmaster instructor and the managing editor of more dense bones and Asians less dense Official Karate Magazine, Keith D. Yates was an adjunct professor of bones than Caucasians for example. Phycial Education at Southern Methodist University for a number of You should keep track of your BFP years. You can contact him at Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


Favorite fighting techniques from the



Go to to see more Favorite Fighting Techniques from the MastersTM.

Troy Dorsey’s favorite fighting techniques. 1




1. World Champion Troy Dorsey squares off with Master Rick Arnold. 2. Dorsey starts by shooting out a front jab. 3. He quickly twirls around... 4. and slams a turning back kick into his opponent’s midsection.




2 Since Troy Dorsey was also a boxing champion we asked him to show one of his famous quick punch combinations.





Troy Dorsey is the only man to hold legitimate world champions titles in point karate, full-contact kickboxing (1985 and ‘87 WAKO) and in boxing. He was the 1991 IBF and the 1996 IBO World Featherweight Champ. He set the record for most punches in a boxing match (1,527 in a 12 round fight) and was Boxer of the Year in 1992. He currently owns his own dojo in Mansfield, Texas.

1. He squares off with RIck Arnold once again. 2. Dorsey moves in as he jams Rick’s front hand. 3. He strikes first with a upper cut punch to the ribs. 4. He reverses his motion and shoots out a left cross to the jaw. 5.He drops into an overhead right punch. 6. He brings his shoulders and hips back around for another left. 7. And he can’t resist leaning back and shooting out a left front roundhouse kick to the jaw.


Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


western Wrapup TM

Sensei Emil Farkas

BRUCE LEE: Gone But Not Forgotten


few weeks ago, I began giving private lessons to a well-known Hollywood producer, who claimed that he had never had any interest in martial arts until as a teenager he went to see Bruce Lee in “Enter the Dragon.” Unfortunately, he became so busy making movies that he never had the time to focus on studying martial arts; however, now he was ready to commit himself thanks to Lee’s influence. Over the years I’ve heard similar stories of how Bruce Lee was the motivating factor for getting someone to study the arts. I’m sure that he was perhaps the most influential martial arts actor to influence a generation of people to study one of the numerous martial arts available today. Coincidently, a few days after my new client began taking lessons, I noticed an ad in the Los Angeles Times that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was hosting a special 40th anniversary screening of “Enter the Dragon” and a panel discussion with the cast and crew members from the movie. The evening would also feature an exhibition of over 800 kung fu and martial arts movie posters donated to the Academy by Stephen Chin. Chin, a Hollywood producer and screenwriter, began collecting martial arts oriented movie posters at an early age. After graduating from Yale Law school, he became a practicing attorney, but never lost his fascination with the martial arts movie genre. He watched as the ancient Asian martial arts began to capture the imagination of movie goers worldwide thanks mostly to Bruce Lee. He later moved to Hollywood where he continued to observe how contemporary 26


audiences were fascinated by the breathtaking physical skills performed in hundreds of vengeance fueled martial arts movies. In the 1970s, both Hollywood studios as well as independent producers flooded the theaters with these extreme action oriented movies. Many of these exploitation films relied heavily on colorful graphic posters exhibiting their heroes in battle defeating enemies from gorillas to zombies. The titles too were meant to entice the movie going public: “Avenging Force,” “Baby Cart from Hell,” “Black Belt Jones,” “Blind Fury,” “ Bloodsport,” “The Bronx Executioner,” “Death Machines,” “Bloodfist,” “Dragon Fist,” “Fist of Fear,” “Touch of Death,” “Five Fingers of Death,” “Kill or be Killed,” “Lightning Swords of Death,” “The Manchurian Avenger,” and so on. Chin’s movie posters are both colorful and, in some instances, comical. “KICK ASS! Kung Fu Posters from the Stephen Chin Collection” is open to the public through August 25th in the Academy’s Grand Lobby Gallery in Beverly Hills. ( The night of the screening, which was held at the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, the 1200-seat theater was packed. The audience, many of whom were involved in the film industry, came out to pay homage to Bruce Lee and to “Enter the Dragon,” the first major Hollywood-produced martial arts film. I don’t doubt that everyone there had already seen the movie, but I’m sure that Bruce Lee’s presence in the film was still overwhelming. After the screening, the special guests took the stage to discuss both the making of the movie as well as its star. Among the panel members were Paul Heller, one of the movie’s major producers; Fred Weintraub, the other

producer of the film who originally took the project to Warner Bros. and was instrumental in convincing the studio to gamble on a martial arts film starring a relatively unknown Bruce Lee; Shannon Lee, Bruce’s daughter; John Saxon and Bob Wall, actors in the film; and Lalo Schifrin, who composed the music. Each of the guests recounted interesting stories surrounding the film, including the difficulty in convincing a major American studio to make a film taking place mostly in Asia, as well as gamble on an Asian star to play the lead. According to Weintraub, it was an uphill battle that ultimately was successful thanks to the persistence of the producers. The film paid off handsomely for Warner Bros. at the box office. Without a doubt, according to Stephen Chin, “Enter the Dragon” and Bruce Lee were responsible for the birth of the martial arts film genre. Because of the film’s phenomenal success worldwide, hundreds of movies were made featuring martial arts, which led to millions of people enrolling at martial arts schools all over the world. Someone at the screening mentioned that one movie theater in Argentina has been showing “Enter the Dragon” once a week since it opened in 1973. Unfortunately, Bruce Lee is gone, but definitely not forgotten.

Master Emil Farkas was one of the original columnists for Official Karate magazine. You can reach him at

To see more Kung Fu movie posters go to Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM



Sifu Karen Schlachter

Discovering Your Inner Self for Success


he other day I was invited to a massage therapy school to talk about Eastern Therapies and Energy work. Miss Chrissy, a former student, asked me to do this because the students had no idea what Qigong was or how any martial art could be related to Reiki or massage. It was supposed to be a new experience for them and I was told they were really excited about meeting me. It turned out to be an eye opening experience for me, too! It’s been a while since I was in a classroom and I wasn’t prepared for the attitudes and appearance of the students. These were not high school students. They ranged in age from 21– 40, both men and women, all enrolled in a well-respected school to learn this skill. I expected to be greeted by a group of polite and attentive students, but what I got was a group of sullen, slouched, rude and suspicious people who expected me to dazzle them—and they would be my judges. I asked them to clear the floor of the tables so that we could do some qigong and they weren’t pleased about having to work. It took almost 10 minutes to get them to line up far enough apart to extend their arms out to the sides. After a few minutes I switched from the guest speaker for Qigong to a motivational, employment coach. I asked them if they were planning to adopt their

present attitude when they met and worked on a client? Did they know anything about a pleasing posture, eye contact, smiles and personality being a large factor in return customers? Did they want to learn a few ways that would make their clients say, “that was the best massage I ever had?” Did they want to drag themselves to another trade class in a few years when they couldn’t make a go of this business or did they want to make some real money? They had no idea how to present themselves to the public. My mind raced back to the many times I encouraged parents and students to participate in the martial arts tournament scene. If anyone ever wanted a crash course in real life it can be found on the tournament floor. Whether a student wants to do kata or weapons he has to concentrate on his competition from the time he walks into the gym until he finishes his last event. It is just as important to bow correctly, approach the judges, introduce himself, and step back as it is to perform the routine properly. It’s all about presentation. It’s all about “selling yourself” to the judges so that they stay interested and watch your form. If you are animated and bright and snappy and present a well-practiced kata you will probably win over the competitors who did just as well but slouched while they

I got a group of sullen, slouched, rude and suspicious people who expected me to dazzel them!



garbled their introduction and spoke in a whisper as they looked at the floor. These are life skills. Anyone who conquers the tournament scene will have no trouble with a book report, speech or a power point presentation to the CEO of a company. When I was a young teenager I was privileged to study with Grand Master S. L. Martin. Back then he was a young Shorin Ryu nidan. He was a wonderful teacher and a tough disciplinarian, too. We expected him to be and when we didn’t conduct ourselves in a respectful or diligent manner we paid the price. Silence waited for us when we began our class—then push-ups, sit-ups, stance training or even worse. As I stood in front of those massage therapy students I kept thinking “how disrespectful their attitudes were to me, and to Chrissy , their teacher. How did they think that this was okay? Let me just state right here that if we had treated a guest instructor like that we would have faced an entire night of sitting in silence with Sensei Martin staring at us with “that look” on his face. And we would have sat there as long as it took. Then we would have sat another night if that was what he wanted. I doubt that we would have even considered such actions in the first place because our parents would have taught us manners long before we reached the dojo. The adults I taught the other day had no real manners or spark or even interest in learning anything from me—for the first half hour that is. Then they were actively involved in feeling their chi, working with each other and learning a basic qigong form. Once the energy changed in the room I knew I had made a difference and got through to them. Of course a few of them want to train now, a few want to know if I break boards and one even asked if I had to register my hands with the local police. Chrissy told me that after I left they were

excited about what they had learned and wanted to know more about making money by being nice and polite. A few months ago I was at a tournament judging the 12–14 year-old boys brown belt forms division. There was a great deal of difference in the abilities of the competitors. It amazed me to see that some of these boys were excellent and performed their katas like brown belts are supposed to. Some were doing well and it was obvious they were really trying as hard as they could. Then there were a few in very expensive uniforms and attitudes like Olympic stars who punched with their thumbs dangling and hopped around to maintain their balance while trying to kick the ceiling. Their kiais were loud and rehearsed and so was their “mad face.” They were awful and couldn’t win an orange belt division but they had no clue they were any less than the excellent boys that competed with them. I asked one boy, “What style are you?” He said “Karate.” I asked, “who is your teacher?” He said “Sensei.” Brown Belts!! What is happening here? That week I drove over to Grand Master S. L. Martin’s Kwan and we sat down to talk about the changes that have occurred in the martial arts training recently. He and I can tell stories about the times we sat outside after class and talked and laughed trying to cool off and unwind before going home. It was there that the bonds were forged between the teacher and the students. We would listen to Sensei’s stories of his training and the times he struggled or got away with something and then found out his teacher knew all along, etc. We learned history and we spent time outside the dojo doing demonstrations and tournaments. How many memories were made while we sat in diners and homes eating and talking? We never considcontinued on next page Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


YOUR INNER SELF continued ered quitting and we were never bored. We were taught life skills and life lessons. I asked GM Martin what happened. He said the new schools don’t have the time to sit outside after class. There’s another class starting up or the school is closing up for the night. There is no time to get to know the kids and there is certainly no punishing them for bad conduct! I know that his classes are still old school and there are plenty of rules and expectations of all the students no matter what the age. As I walked in the school GM Martin was questioning a 12 year old student why her uniform wasn’t ironed. She had been told it wasn’t her Mother’s job to iron it anymore, it was hers. Another student forgot his weapons for class. GM Martin told him that the penalty for that was 25 push ups. He said he would expect to receive those 25 push ups before the boy left for the night. Then he said, “Either you give me the 25 push ups or your father will do them but I will get 25 push ups before the night is over.” And he did! The father sat there smiling and said he wasn’t doing them and the kid better get busy. I loved the whole scenario. I can’t imagine that happening in the newer dojangs and dojos. The traditional ways still hold up in an era where kids rule the house and rely on tweets and texts for communication! The students in his class thrive and grow into capable young men and ladies. Their tournament skills are excellent but so are their manners. They know better than to be rude to any instructor in the tournament because

if it ever got back to GM Martin or his wife Master Judy Martin they would certainly be reprimanded. And the parents know it too. There is no coddling or excuses made. Before I left GM Martin’s school I asked him what could be done to bring back the old training and instill the right attitude and rekindle the old-style atmosphere of hard work, hard knocks and deep wisdom back. He said the Sifus, Senseis and Masters have to say to themselves, “ I had that training but my students don’t. “ There’s got to be a way to bring it back and still pay the rent and keep the students on the mat. If what I saw recently is the caliber of the average student in the real world we have let them down big time. Ask yourself what drew you into your study of the martial arts and what kept you training when you didn’t feel the fire? What are your best memories and whom do you still remember and wish you could see again? Are you building the same mindset in your students? Are they preserving and honoring the old ways? Are you teaching Kara-Te or “Krotty?” Kung fu or “Sum Dum Goy” to quote The Last Dragon. How would you feel if your teacher was sitting next to you as your students performed their katas for you? There’s still time but its getting late.

The traditional ways still hold up in an era where kids rule the house and rely on tweets and texts for communication.



Sifu Karen Schlachter has studied many arts including Kodokan Judo, Okinawan Shorin Ryu, Aikido, Sun Moon Fist Chinese Boxing and Yang Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong. She teaches Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong for Tranquil Seas Retreats, and is the Master Instructor at The Sun Moon Tao Institute. She is a Master Instructor in Karuna and Usui Reiki and An De Divine Healing. You can contact her at

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Real life ™

Dr. Ted Gambordella

Back to the Beginning


have been practicing and teaching martial arts for 48 years and during that time I have seen several big “changes” happen in the world of combat sports and street fighting. But the more I see and learn the more I realize that nothing has really changed and everything is actually going back to the very beginnings of fighting. Where did all fighting start in the world?—wrestling. Wrestling ruled the world of hand-to-hand fighting for 2,000 years. If you got into a fight without a weapon you would usually end up on the ground and the man who knew how to wrestle almost always won. If you knew how to take someone down and break their neck, arms, or choke them out, you could win 90% of the fights in the real world. Yes, wrestling ruled for millennia, but it wasn’t taught in schools or classes so it never really caught on as a popular, main-stream activity. The only thing that stopped it from remaining the “king of the fighting arts” was boxing. When boxing came along in the 17th century it ruled the European and American fight scene both inside the ring and out

in the street for over two hundred years. The good boxer could win any street fight and beat up anyone who didn’t know some basic boxing skills. But boxing, like wrestling before it, never became a main-stream, big business. Sure, there were a few boxing schools, but not that many and it only appealed to “tough guys” who liked to hurt people and more importantly didn’t mind getting hurt when they trained. So boxing ruled for centuries—then came Karate. Everything changed dramatically with the arrival of karate in the West in the 1950s. You may know that karate is not really an ancient art. It was popularized in Japan by Gichin Funakoshi in the 1910s and ‘20s. It didn’t really come to America until after World War II and then grew even more with troops returning from Vietnam. But enough of a history lesson, let’s talk about the impact of karate on combat sports and even street fighting. Before karate came to America if you were in a fight you boxed, often poorly, or rolled around on the ground—even more

If you knew how to take someone down and break their neck, arms, or choke them out, you could win 90% of the fights in the real world.



poorly. 99% of fights went to the bigger, stronger man and no one was really training the civilian masses in fighting in the streets (self defense). Karate, however, changed all that and now, for the first time, with a lot of hard training (and the training actually was hard when karate first started, not like the “dance dojos” you find so often now) you had distinct, significant advantages in a street fight—namely kicks. I remember my first few schoolyard fights—not pretty. It was bad boxing and rotten rolling. But then I learned to kick, and the next time the bad guy (I never started the fights) squared off, they found my foot in their face or ribs and the fight was over. They had no chance to block it and no defense against a good strong kick. It was like a ‘weapon from outer space,’ no one had ever seen a kicker much less tried to block the kicks. You won the fight because you did something that worked and no one had ever seen or had any defense against it. But after a few years of the popularization of karate and its kicking, most people knew about kicks and most bad guys could block some kicks or at least defend enough to stop your kicks and beat your butt. Karate schools (along with Taekwondo schools) became popular. But after a few decades things again went stale in the fight world—until “full-contact kickboxing” became a big deal and the great kickers who also knew how to punch ruled the rings (and the sidewalks). That lasted 10 or 15 years and then in the ‘90s the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Challenge) emerged because of those $100,000 newspaper ads the Gracie family ran which challenged anyone to a no-rules

fight to the finish and beating all takers and doing it easily. The great boxers and kickers often found themselves on the ground and more importantly the man who put them there knew exactly what to do to keep them there and break their arms or put them to sleep. And the average street fighter, boxer or karate champion, had no chance against even average jiu jitsu players. Royce Gracie beat up four bad-ass street punks in one night to win the UFC championship. The family dominated the fight world for over a decade. Then came Chuck Lidell, Tito Ortiz, Ken Shamrock, Guy Mezger, and the people who knew wrestling, boxing, AND karate, and the tables turned again. I used to think Lidell had killed the sport of MMA, but in reality, what he did was elevate it to the next level. If you know how to box you’re prepared for a puncher. If you know how to block a kick, you don’t get hurt with kicks. If you know how to stop a take-down (and get back up if you are taken down) you don’t get beat on the ground. Practically speaking, it takes 10 years to be really good in wrestling, or 10 years to be good in boxing, or 10 years to be good in karate, or 10 years to be good in ground jiu jitsu. With today’s MMA styles and training methods the time frame has greatly decreased if you want to be a great combat fighter (but you have to train in all these disciplines). But ultimately the systems and the techniques haven’t changed, in fact, they have returned to the beginning.

If you know how to box you’re prepared for a puncher. If you know how to stop a takedown you don’t get beat on the ground.

Check out more from Grandmaster Ted Gambordella.

Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM




Worth it at twice the price!

ince 1994 Martial Arts Grandmasters International® (MAGI®) has strived to fulfill their mission to recognize and register students, instructors, and grandmasters of various martial arts styles and associations. They are recognized as a legitimate governing authority by several other international organizations. MAGI® is also the sanctioning body for the prestigious Karate Masters Hall of Fame®. But what does this mean to you? Membership in MAGI® will afford you the opportunity to have an affiliation with many of the firstgeneration pioneers. Members can take advantage of a direct dialogue with the grandmasters through the MAGI® website and facebook page. But it isn’t all long distance. You can join seminars and clinics with some of the best instructors in the world. You can proudly display the impressive MAGI® membership certificates, colorful uniform patches, and even window decals that proclaim you are an “accredited” MAGI® school. You’ll receive discounts on high-quality Asian weapons, books and videos, ebooks, t-shirts, equipment bags, and even professional custom framing for MAGI® certificates and for your own school certificates. We have arrangements with industry printers meaning you will receive wholesale prices on your brochures and flyers as well as embroidered patches. And, of course, a subscription to the new Official Karate magazine is included (we’ll mail the printed, “Annual” issue directly to you—the other three of the quarterly issues are available online). We are adding new features and benefits all the time. Our Board of Advisors are not only martial arts experts but also leaders in the business world. They can help you promote and grow your school through professional marketing techniques and even the latest in social media. And, of course, because we sanction the Karate Masters Hall of Fame®, MAGI® members 34


are eligible for induction into what is perhaps the first and most prestigious Hall for traditional Karate Masters in the world. And did we mention that with our unique “rebate” program you will receive back a portion of the membership fees from all of your student and instructor members? In fact, with as few as two instructors and 20 students you’ll totally cover the cost of your school or organizational affiliation with MAGI®. With additional students or instructors you will actually MAKE money from your affiliation with us. This is on top of all the other benefits and discounts you receive. By the way, we won’t tell you how to teach, what to teach, or how to run your school. We’re only here to help you do better in all these areas by providing resources (via ebooks, videos and even personal seminars). Your affiliation with us will help you network with a much larger martial arts community than you ever could on your own.

Over 200,000 martial artists have taken this course to learn traditional Nunchaku!

A free subscription to the new Official Karate Magazine is a part of your membership, which includes the printed “Annual” issue mailed directly to you! Membership is open to all serious martial artists with a desire to learn and grow in both the arts and in life. But simply stating such and sending in membership dues is not enough. The world, even the martial arts world, is full of people who would misrepresent their qualifications for financial (or other) gain. So we have set up an application process that requires verification of martial experience and skill as well as character references. We are committed to being an organization you’ll be proud to be affiliated with. So what are you waiting for? Contact us for more information now.

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cyberspace comments

From our web presence. (The United Martial Arts Community)

Comments have been edited in some cases.

What Makes an “Amazing” Martial Arts Instructor and Why? I guess I would have to say the way the instructor communicates and relays all the information to the students and parents or spouses. —Stafon Stevens Deep knowledge of the art. — Cecil Washington A master of the art. And that’s easy to tell—try sparring with them—and if you can’t get even close—there is someone that may be able to teach you something. —Frank Cantrell What makes an amazing instructor? I’d have to say things like: 1) Being a living example of what he teaches (not only should he or she have the skills their art is purported to bring, but they should also inspire their students to do their best and to let the dedicated student truly believe, “Wow, it might take hard work, but now I know it is possible to do XYZ.” 2) Ideally, be knowledgeable about his art and its relation to other, related arts (this, I feel, separates a “good” or 36


“great” teacher from an “amazing” teacher). 3) Has a systematic training method that produces results in his students (it’s no good if the master has excellent skills but is incapable of passing them on in an effective manner; this is, sadly, the norm for most of the kung fu and taijiquan masters I’ve learnt from, most of whom said, “You will need ten years to learn to use this kung fu/ for fighting.” 4) Perhaps most importantly, they should practice high moral values (like it or not, a master’s philosophy will “rub off” onto their students—a jerk will tend to create more jerks. This was actually the subject of a blog post of mine. https://kungfurubikscube.wordpress. com/2013/01/29/learn-from-a-masteryoull-live-longer/ —Frederick Chu A great instructor or amazing instructor has to care about their students. It all starts with caring. If you care about your students then you will strive for your students to develop into great martial

artists and great people, morally and physically. — Gerald Hester All of the above plus, he or she actually instructs students in technique, theory, history, etc....They don’t just sit around and tell grand stories about the good old glory days. Also they walk the talk... —Tony Pietras I would say that the instructor also doesn’t bad mouth other styles, schools, or instructors. He/she doesn’t brag about his/hers past accomplishments. — John Newport A good instructor knows his stuff and is able to relate and transfer the knowledge to whatever type of student (age or skill level). An Excellent teacher is one who can show you! Show you a way of moving to understand force, body mechanics, show application... in the moment... applications. He can take you from a level where you learn forms to where you learn to use the forms...and real time application. The relationship becomes very special. As you train, you are both growing and learning. a lot of respect there. That person has inspired and deeply ingrained a passion that would last a lifetime. —Mercedes Godinez A great practitioner can do it. A great instructor has students that are great practitioners. — Perry Culver

Most of the amazing instructors that I have been around are great teachers. They can’t help but be generous with their knowledge. One amazing instructor I know taught us a principle about teaching using a math theory over dinner. Sharing her knowledge is such a part of who she is that you pickup all kinds of things just being around her. Many of the best pearls of wisdom that we received were over dinner, barbecues at her house, etc. —Ken Zimmerman Jr. Someone who can come back to and explain the basics in relentless and tireless manner, showing (that) all those seemingly complex techniques are actually just basics put together in very clever ways. One note however: one can see the amazing side of an instructor before having reached a given level, at a point when you can say, “He is right, I understand now, and he told me all these years.” —Emmanuel P. It is said that people don’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care. Knowledge of the art is “cost of entry.” What makes a great teacher lies in the ability to transfer that knowledge. Some of the greatest coaches in pro sports were average athletes. — Rob Fox

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Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


Nutritional self defense

™ Craig Rubenstein

Pre and Post Concussion Six Nutritional Heavy Hitters Part 1


hey have been all over the news in the past two years and the media coverage is increasing every day. Concussions, or as some call them, mTBI (mild Traumatic Brain Injury), PCS (Post Concussive Syndrome), or CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy), have been the focus of much scientific research and on the mind of every sports mom across the globe. According to both a recent article in Medscape News, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated that 1.6 to 3.2 million sport and recreation-related concussions occur in the United States each year, and nearly half of them are in children or adolescents. The American Academy of Neurology has even released a new set of concussion guidelines for the first time since the late 1990s. With all of this, the one thing you rarely hear about is, can any nutrition help to either protect the brain from the damage of a concussion, or help to stabilize or reverse the damage after a concussion occurs? This article will address these specific questions. Although the majority of research regarding the relationship between nutrition and concussions has been with animals, some

research has also been done with humans, particularly those in the U.S. Military. Why the military? This is because there is very little medication that has been effective in treating concussions, and during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan there has been an average of three hundred concussions each month among soldiers. So, what can be done nutritionally for concussions? Apparently, a lot! As I mentioned previously, most of the research for both protecting the brain before a concussion, and treating a concussion once it occurs, has been done in animals, with increasing studies in humans. First, we will define what a concussion is. This will help later on as we discuss how each nutrient interacts in the brain. We will also discuss the various signs and symptoms of concussions, the differences in concussions between children, adolescents and adults, and if age and symptoms can predict how long it may take to recover. What is a concussion? Well, there has been much debate over the years about what exactly a concussion is. Not too long ago, you were considered to have a concussion only if you lost consciousness from a head injury. Now we know that this is far from

What can be done nutritionally for concussions? Apparently, a lot!



the truth. In fact, not only do you not have to lose consciousness (according to some research only 10% of people do), but you don’t even have to hit your head. Many of the concussions in military personnel have occurred from the force of an explosion, not from a direct blow to the head. We also know that many concussions happen during whiplash injuries, like a car accident or if an infant is violently shaken. Concussions are the most common type of traumatic brain injury and are often referred to as mTBI. Concussions cause a variety of physical, mental, cognitive, and emotional symptoms, which may not be recognized if subtle. People who have had one concussion are typically more prone to another concussion, often with less severe trauma. This is especially true if the new injury occurs before the previous concussion has resolved. Multiple concussions may increase the risk for dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and/or depression later in life, and are associated with chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE (CTE can only be diagnosed after death at the time of this writing). CTE has been the big news lately in the NFL. The NFL has just given G.E. (General Electric) $50,000,000 to create diagnostic equipment that can actually better detect concussions. Headache is the most common symptom of a concussion. Dizziness, vertigo, vomiting, nausea, incoordination, balance/equilibrium issues, light and sound sensitivities, confusion, lack of focus and concentration, “brain fog”, as well as irritability, tearfulness, and inappropriate emotions are other very common symptoms. In adults these symptoms typically resolve within 2-10 days. As reported at the most recent annual meeting of The American Academy of Neurology, three studies comparing high school to collegiate and professional athletes

found that high school athletes took longer for symptoms and neurocognitive performance to improve. Dr Giza, who reported this, stated, “So we make an extrapolation that if there’s a trend that the high school athletes take longer to recover, that athletes younger than high school might show the same trend”. So what that means is that the younger the child, the longer the recovery can be. On average, this seems to be in the range of three weeks. Unfortunately, many may experience ongoing symptoms including, lingering and intractable headaches, memory issues, equilibrium and cognitive abnormalities, depression, sleep disturbances and other emotional disorders that result in significant disability. This is typically called PCS (post concussion syndrome). This syndrome often leads to major disruptions in people’s lives, and may even cause a withdrawal from school or military activity, the loss of a job or career, or divorce. According to the majority of the literature, the initial symptoms that someone experiences after a concussion, does not predict the length of their recovery or if they will suffer from PCS. For example, in my practice, I recently saw a man who suffered a concussion while skiing and had total amnesia for a few hours but then was basically fine within a few days, whereas other patients who have not had any amnesia from their head injury, come in a year after their injury with full blown PCS. Current management of concussions typically involves monitoring people’s neurological and psychological signs and symptoms, as well as physical and cognitive rest. The type of rest is a near shutdown of brain use. It is akin to your totally staying off of a badly sprained ankle until it heals, and then slowly introducing any stressors as continued on next page Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


to not reinjure it. Rest in this case includes as much sleep as possible, no watching television, no computer work, no video games, no bright lights or loud noises, no texting, no studying, no going to school or work, no exercise or sports and nothing that will physically jar the brain (even driving in the car), no headphones for music, are you getting it? As little brain stimulation as possible, until significant improvement in signs and symptoms occur. Then stimulation is introduced very slowly and carefully monitored for any provocation of symptoms. Dr. Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon, international lecturer, nutritionist, and researcher has written a paper outlining his theory on what actually happens in concussions and PCS. The paper in its entirety can be found at http:// uploads/2012/05/PCS_Natural_Final11152011. pdf. My recent telephone conversation with him was quite enlightening. To sum up his theory, there is an activation of nerve cells in the brain called microglia. When microglia are activated, these cells release a series of immune factors causing an inflammatory response, which is meant to be helpful. Then, if all goes well, these nerve cells switch to a repair mode and release anti-inflammatory chemicals and growth factors. Unfortunately, this second healing phase does not occur sometimes, which is especially true if a second injury is sustained before the first injury has healed. There are numerous changes in the nerve cells in the brain that have been noted in animal studies. Many of these changes in function relate to the covering or membrane of the nerve being disrupted, and the levels of mineral ions responsible for a nerve being able to fire correctly are imbalanced, leading 40


to poor functioning of the brain. This, along with the release of detrimental chemicals, such as glutamate, adds to the disturbance of normal brain function and creates a state of energy depletion in the brain due to the brains exhaustive attempt to correct the dysfunction (this is where creatine and a ketogenic diet can help php?record_id=13121&page=140). There is also leakage of and disruption of the function of neurotransmitters (chemicals normally found in the brain that when released cause very specific and precise activities and responses to occur) thereby leading to dysfunction of normal brain processes from memory and learning to maintaining equilibrium and mood. So, how can nutrition help? There are numerous nutrients that have been found to be quite effective in animal studies and in some human studies, specifically in regard to concussions. This is due to their powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, and their significant enhancement of the neuro-repair processes in the brain. Currently, the nutrients that show the most compelling research and clinical promise are: Omega 3 fish oils (EPA-DHA), vitamin-D, curcumin, resveratrol, creatine and magnesium. NEXT ISSUE I will break down all of these nutrients and we’ll discuss how they can be of value in treating concussions.

Dr. Craig Rubenstein was a team Chiropractor to the US Freestyle Ski Team in 1990. He is also a certified clinical nutritionist and a Fellow and Diplomate of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture. He operates his Park Avenue practice in NY and a satellite office in Suffolk County, Long Island. You can contact him at or at 631-696-2039.


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jim mather’s Karate life ™

Jim Mather

What is the Important Thing?


think it was in Gichin Funakoshi’s autobiography that he introduced a bit of a riddle. He spoke about “the expansion and contraction of the body.” Karateka have been trying to figure out exactly what he meant ever since. Some believe he was talking about extension and contraction of the muscles in executing a technique. You extend a punch, then retract it by contracting the opposing muscles – triceps out, biceps back. Others have speculated that he meant the expansion of the body in inhalation and its contraction during exhalation. Generally, we exhale for power, as when executing a punch. At other times, we inhale for power, such as in one of the moves near the end of the Shotokan version of Gojushiho Sho kata. The standard surface interpretation of this move holds that we inhale to expand our chests as we extend and raise both arms to break a bear hug. A third interpretation is that it refers to the expansion and contraction of the distance between bodies in a fight or match. Smart, highly skilled fighters generally mas-

terfully control the distance between them and their opponents, closing (contracting) the distance when attacking, then moving away out of range (expanding the distance) when defending. I have no idea what he actually meant as he never, to my knowledge, clarified it. I’ve seen some who claimed to “know” what he meant. But in logic, there is a difference between “knowing” something and “believing” it. Knowing means you have objective proof, something like you could present to a judge in court. A belief generally lacks verification and its support lies merely upon a person’s opinion. And those who would put words into others mouths have historically been greatly off. (A famous case was when the Chinese unearthed the first copy of Sun Tzu’s Art of War and asked their greatest martial minds to fill in the gaps, where sections of the bamboo strips on which it had been written were badly damaged. When they later unearthed another copy, with the missing sections intact, they found that those who had confidently, in some case arrogantly, filled in the previously missing sections were far off.)

There is a difference between “knowing” something and “believing” it.



Funakoshi Sensei could have meant none of the three interpretations I’ve put forward. He could also have meant one of them, two of them, or all three. Perhaps there were applications there that went beyond what he actually had in mind when he said it. Perhaps there were other meanings, things he was aware of but didn’t mean when he made this specific statement. Or, perhaps there could be interpretations, things to be taken from it, that even he didn’t realize at the time. We acquire and expand our knowledge via three sources. One, instruction from others. Two, personal experience. And, three, analysis and reflection. In the case of “expansion and contraction”, I take all I can from it that is of value to me and my students. Someone once asked a famous poet, Robert Browning I think, what he meant by a line in one of his poems. “What did it mean to you?” he asked in return. The woman went on for five minutes about all the things she had gotten from the line, most of it clearly things he never intended or realized were there. “That’s what I meant,” he told her. Great minds are often more than just repositories of knowledge, they are often also mediums through which great visions are channeled. So, for me, the question isn’t “What did he mean by this?” but rather “What are all the useful bits I can take from it?” This column is taken from Jim Mather’s Karate Life Blog. Mr. Mather is a well known traditional karate master and historian. His blog traces his over 55 years in the arts including friendships with many icons and celebrities. He is working on a new novel titled Arrow Catcher. He is on the Board of MAGI® and the Karate Masters Hall of Fame® You can contact him at

Finding the Right School continued from page 7 them clearly? Does he make eye contact with every student and at least once in every class, go to each person and correct their form. He shouldn’t say, “No! Wrong.” Positive input is better, ie. “Try it this way. Good, try it again.” Then sincerely compliment a specific technique. Is the class disciplined and orderly? Does someone greet the students and guests and say goodbye when they leave? Is the school clean (including the dressing rooms and bathrooms)? Are the instructors certified in first aid and do they have a written plan to handle injuries? It should be posted on the wall. Important information to be included: Who makes the call for an ambulance?; gives directions to the school?; somebody should be outside to guide the paramedics in and explain when it happened and what happened. If you’re thinking about learning MMA or ground fighting styles there good and not-sogood schools. Grappling is without doubt “King Of The Ring,” but it’s more a sport than a selfdefense strategy. Being on the ground has huge disadvantages in a real fight! It requires a referee to be a fair fight. Think about fighting the faceeating zombie of Miami. You will definitely be bitten and there’s no defense if his friends jump in as well. Your eyes. and testicles are vulnerable to gouging and rupture. That’s why I believe the best odds of safe, effective self-defense instruction is with the mainstream, stand-up martial arts! You just have to find a good, legitimate school. Good luck, grasshopper. —John Townsley, 9th Dan USA Karate Assn. Olympic NGB Board of Dir USA Pankration Fed, NGB & Member FILA Olympic IGB Founder World & International Pankration Fed. Co-Founder US Karate Do Kai Board Of Advisors Taiho Jui Jitsu Assn. Board Of Advisors American Sport Education Program National Faculty Instructor U S Karate Assn. Board of Directors

Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


by GM Andrew S. Linick, Ph.D.

➤ Give Your Mind a Swift Kick into High-Gear! Day 1, 6:00 A.M.: You’re up and out of bed before the alarm clock has even rung. It’s the first day of your new martial arts/self-defense/ exercise program. You’re bound and determined to get off on the right foot. So you don your favorite workout clothes, lace up your brand-spanking-new cross-trainers and head out for your inaugural 20-minute morning constitutional. You arrive home feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to take on the world.

news to watch after your heavy bag drills). Maybe you’re checking emails on your phone when you could be walking around the block doing the same thing. If this time inventory doesn’t yield a full 30 to 60 minutes for martial arts practice, reach for your schedule and simply highlight those activities of highest priority, including your workouts. Then let the rest of your life flow around these immovable time commitments.

Day 43, 6:00 P.M.: Dinner’s done—time for the evening news. As you slip into that favorite pair of sweats and flop down on the sofa, you realize that you missed your workout today. Again. Uh-oh. Sounds like your get-up-and-go got up and went. The good news: We have lots of can’t miss tips to help you turbo-charge your martial arts workout engine.

GIVE IT TIME. To make home or dojo workouts a habit, you need to add it to your schedule and give it a specific time slot. Do not place exercise on that laundry list of tasks that you’ll attend to when you have a few minutes to spare. What time of day should you work out? I’ll leave that up to your personal preference—although early birds are much less likely to be knocked off-balance by spur-of-the-moment meetings or family responsibilities. No matter what time(s) of the day you choose, keep your workout time consistent. Make your workout an enjoyable must. You can boost your chances of exercising by attaching your workout to something you absolutely have to do every day. If you’ve signed up for a morning Zumba or kick-boxing class, for example, you could leave your house early without showering, so you have to go to the dojo/gym before work.

TAKE TIME TO PRIORITIZE. Waiting for exercising in the dojo or health club to fit into your life is like buying a shirt two sizes too small and then expecting it to get larger. You have to make working out fit your life-style, not the other way around. Take inventory. For one week write down how you spend your time. Chances are, you’ll notice places where you can nip and tuck to free up a few minutes every day. Maybe your CNN addiction could be sated from the seat of a stationary bike (or DVR the 44


DOUBLE YOUR FUN AND DOUBLE YOUR PLEASURE. Who says martial arts or home exercises have to be all work and no play. Why not do something that’s fun? Be creative. Use your creativity to boost the fitness potential of activities you might not even consider exercise, such as walking your dog. Set a goal. Sign up for some “fun runs” and try to improve your times. BE READY TO MOVE FAST—REFLEXIVELY. The easiest time to stray from exercising at home is five minutes before your planned workout session. Get geared up. Nothing can derail your workout plans faster than shoes…still soggy from the weekend hike. Make sure your gear is always handy and ready to rock ‘n roll. If you have to trip over your sneakers on your way out the door, you’re one step closer to leaving with them on. Simplify location. When you are not working out at the dojo, are you really going to hop in your car after dinner, drive over to that lovely park on the other side of town, jog or power walk for 30 minutes, get back in your car, and drive home three nights a week? Probably not. A briskly paced power walk around your neighborhood won’t be as scenic as a hike in the hills, but it’s a lot easier to do regularly. Just do it-NOW! Promise yourself 60 to 90 minutes of truly awesome workout time at least three days a week. That means 60 to 90 minutes of heavy moving around, not 15 minutes for finding your shoes, one for tying them, and 15 for locating your shades, applying sunscreen, and pulling yourself together after your workout. Let’s be realistic. Just set aside an hour or more, if that’s what you really need. Doing less in this case is not more! Trade 60 for 30. There will be days when, despite the best-laid plans, you just

can’t squeeze in 60 minutes for practice. When this happens, you should still try for at least 30 minutes. Even though you’re not working out for the full session, you’re holding the place in your schedule. Care about your environment. Your environment can make or break your exercise plans. If you don’t enjoy cold weather, find a treadmill/heavy bag to have handy when bad weather strikes. Or, if you live in a neighborhood where you don’t feel safe on the streets, try mall-walking or power-walking around a well-lit mall peppered with security guards. TWO’S COMPANY, WHY GO IT ALONE? Have the desire to succeed, but don’t know how to channel that desire? Gather inspiration from those around you. Follow the sage advice of your respected teachers and you will undoubtedly see dramatic changes for the better. Choose a realistic role model/mentor. Oprah is not a realistic role model. Sure, she has lost weight and she exercises. But she also has a whole entourage of people to take care of the everyday obligations that eat up most of your time. Find someone who is like you— someone with your kinds of obligations, obstacles, and time limitations. A respected teacher/coach/mentor/senior black belt who works out like clockwork is an excellent choice. Be careful in choosing a mentor. Embrace the philosophy of one who can prove to you that turbo charging your workouts will help program you for success! Recruit a coach. Enlist your spouse, your friends, or anyone else you trust to keep you pointed in the right direction. So when you’ve vowed to walk at 6:00am every morning and one day you decide to sleep in, it’s your spouse’s job to say, ”Darling, ‘up and at ’em!’” This puts people around you on notice that your workout time is extremely important to you. In the future, they’ll know not to schedule other activities during your personal Martial Arts Grandmasters International TM


Pair Up, Pare Down About two weeks into Bob’s weight-loss program, his wife, Barbara, tricked him into exercising. She suggested walking to the bagel shop for breakfast instead of driving. Soon, this became a weekend routine. “Barbara is my number-one buddy,” says Bob. “On days that I didn’t feel like working out, she gets me going.” Pairing up with someone to lose weight or simply getting in better shape should provide you with plenty of good old motivation, buddy support, and tremendous enjoyment. Although Bob’s wife is his best buddy, you may feel more comfortable with a buddy outside your family (then you won’t feel like you’re being watched). Another good idea is a foursome. If one person misses a workout, you’ll still have some company. A threesome may leave someone feeling like the odd one out, but it could work, too. If you don’t already have a male/female buddy in mind, here are some ways to find one: n At your workplace, put a “wanted” notice in your company newsletter. A buddy at work makes it more appealing to power walk on your lunch hour. n At your health/martial arts club, put up a bulletinboard note. You’re sure to find a health-conscious person who’d like to join you in doing regular workouts, power walks, or philosophical talks. n At your church, synagogue, or school, you could make new friends who share your martial arts interests. n On the Internet, surf to find a pal. For those who are shy, using the Internet provides a comfortable anonymity. You can find someone to talk to about martial arts, exercise and nutrition, and still remain anonymous.



workout time. Get a personal martial arts trainer on call. DVDs or even online videos can not only teach you proper self-defense techniques but can also keep you energized and motivated. You can have wealth, success, and happiness beyond your wildest dreams. All you have to do is have the courage to pursue them. Dream big dreams (they require no more imagination than small ones!). REWARD YOURSELF TODAY—IT’S LATER THAN YOU THINK! A system of reward and “punishment” may be just the extra push you need. Keep on track. Sometimes focusing on the negative can be a real plus. That’s what researchers found when they tested various methods of self-monitoring on exercise class attendance. People who X’ed their calendars when they didn’t work out went as often as people who put X’s on their calendars every time they did go to the dojo/gym. And both groups did better than people who didn’t track workouts at all, and people who used a checkmark for workout days and an X for workouts skipped. Researchers suspect that the “punishment” of recording a missed workout can be motivating for some people. No matter what type of record-keeping system you choose to use, make it a daily event. People who tracked workouts either way hit the dojo/gym more often than those exercisers who waited until the end of a week or so to tally their workouts. Give yourself special treatment. In the first few months of an exercise program you might need to give yourself a blue ribbon now and then for your achievement. Just remember to reward the behavior, not the outcome. In other words, focus on the fact that you’ve walked or worked out 5 times this week, not that you’ve lost 3 pounds.

REMEMBER YOUR BENEFITS. On those days when you’re tempted to skip your workout, remember the benefits you’ll gain by sticking to the program. Play up the perks. Remind yourself of all of the good things that happen to your body when you turbo-charge your workouts. Note how practicing the martial arts and doing exercises on a regular basis keeps your weight in check. Your benefits are many— you’ll lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. You’ll reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. Having fun while enjoying your martial arts training will help you sleep better, feel more relaxed, and boost your productivity. Remember, your mind controls your body—totally. If you want to get your body in top condition then turbo-charge your mind first. “Affirmations” can help! “As a man/ woman thinketh in his/her heart, so is (s) he!” —Proverbs How do you work with affirmations? Simply by saying them to yourself, repeatedly, with all the force and determination you’ve got! When you recite your affirmations do it like you mean it. You’ll notice that the affirmation is followed by an exclamation mark. That’s because each one should be said out loud as an exclamation! Your subconscious mind—the computer within you—responds to emotion as well as content. If you recite your affirmations without feeling, they won’t have much effect. Shout them! Pound your fist! Blast the heavy bag! Repeat them with absolute sincerity! Convince yourself that they are true! It’s not easy to change deeply ingrained habits. It’s tough to overcome negative programming that you have accepted all of your life. But it can be done. You can do it! Change your attitudes and beliefs—your programming—and you can change your life. There is no better time to start than now. Are you ready? Repeat after me.

1. I’m on a consistent martial arts exercise program, and I feel fantastic! 2. I enjoy the challenge of staying in top shape! I always find time to work out! 3. I like the high of feeling healthy, fit and strong! 4. Training in the martial arts gives me a wonderful feeling of well-being and exhilaration! 5. I’m getting stronger, faster and more powerful every day! 6. Exercise keeps me sharp, fit for life, alert and feeling like I’m on top of the world! 7. I have an awesome, fit powerful body! Copyright©2013-©2011 by GM Andrew S. Linick, Ph.D., Hanshi,10th Dan, All International Rights Reserved! Grandmaster Andrew S. Linick, Ph.D. is Publisher of Official Karate Magazine, Chairman/CEO of New York/Florida based Linick Group, Inc., the second top direct response advertising agency on Long Island, NY. Dr. Linick is one of America’s premier pioneers in mail-order/Internet/ direct marketing with over 45 years experience as a successful e-book/publisher, best-selling author, seminar leader, and keynote speaker. Linick’s own clients include both Fortune 100 companies and small to medium-size businesses/orgs. of every kind. You can reach him at or

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