Edition 4th, 1st November 2015
Today is, unfortunately, the day that this year’s MUNISH comes to an end. The hours seemed like minutes, as days flew past in a blur of note passing, partying, and bonding between friends, new and old.
sulated its theme, “Good Governance and Cooperation”, and has developed all participants’ knowledge of politics. Numerous resolutions have been passed, proposing solutions to current global issues that have been discussed.
For first timers, this year’s 2015 event was a great start to long and fruitful MUN careers and the BOD far surpassed our expectations in every aspect of the conference. Newcomers were grateful for the accessibility of the building and the friendly, yet professional, atmosphere.
“Whether viewed at a national or international level, good governance and cooperation are inherently connected to the wellbeing of people throughout the world” - Tim van der Horst
For those whose MUN careers are coming to an end, whether it be their final year of school or for some other reason, they are definitely leaving MUN with a bang. 25 years of MUNISH is a huge milestone and everyone is proud of being a part of such a momentous event. Although stressful and chaotic at times, MUNISH has been enjoyable for many reasons, such as the variety of people who attend. Having the opportunity to meet people from all around the world with similar interests to your own will always be the highlight of any event. This conference has successfully encap-
illustration by: Daniela Fais Article by: Amyvan Rooyen
Final Note From The Press Team
One might ask, ‘what is it like to be in the Press Team?’ And the answer would certainly start with: ‘stressful... very stressful’. For the past three days, Press HQ, and every other corner of the school, has been filled with journalists, photographers, filmmakers, editors, and the layout team; running around, typing and editing as if their life depended on it… all to no avail, missing their deadlines anyways… Granted, there were a few problems with some of the editions -- however, this team of motivated and creative students was able to overcome all challenges, producing high quality articles and videos. Whether you read all of the articles in each edition or 2just picked up the newspaper to do
crosswords when you were bored out of your mind, we hope we have been able to provide you with interesting information about the theme and the conference, as well as entertainment of course. It was gratifying for us all to see our hard work at the end of each day and we truly appreciate the opportunity to have been part of such a fun team for this year’s conference. It is now time to say goodbye and leave you all with a quote by the wonderful Robin Williams: “No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world”. Rita Alves Photo: Dorukhan Arslan Illustration: Daniela Fais
Heads of Press Nadia van der Meer Sissi Ma
Editors Dagmar Brekelmans Emily Woodward
Layout Leon Janssen Annelijne Brouwer Sean Delaney
Visual Media Liam McClain Emilie Masson Valentina Bravo Beatrice Ejlal Aaron Wang Axelle Do Rego Cecile Pilon Svetlana Martimort Sian Blake Daniela Fais Adrian Oderwald - Blazquez
Journalists Marianne Burke Magdalena Villa Justine Meyer Julee de Ridder Amy van Rooyen Rita Alves
Thank You to Those Who Made MUNISH Possible! An MUN conference as big as MUNISH is a challenge to organize as there are a myriad of different jobs that are crucial to the flow of the conference. This year’s MUNISH has been another great and unique conference, especially with the celebration of this 25th session. All that has happened over this weekend would not have been possible without the hardworking staff and the contribution of every individual. The Press Team and all participants of the MUNISH 2015 conference would like to thank the following people for their work and dedication in making this MUNISH conference another exceptional event! A huge thank you to Mrs. Peters, the MUN director of our school, for her leadership; to Mr Butcher, our school principal, for letting us host this conference year after year, and for his speech at the opening ceremony. The biggest thank you of all must go to our BOD team, for their hard work and continual welcoming attitude they have exuded over the weekend. Especially to the Secretariat, Tim van Der Horst and Anna Begeer; but also to the Academic Advisors, Thomas David, Elliot Bonfils, and Victor van der Bom; the Conference Managers, Anne Gaanderse, Julius Vos, and Laura De Herde; the Business Managers, Maria Belenkova 4
and Batoul Al-Motwekkil; the Heads of Press, Nadia van der Meer and Ka Kee Ma; External Affairs, Joanna O’Flynn and Felice Oostelbos; the Hospitality Managers, Clara Wolf Pinto and Djordi Soet; the IT specialist, Pieter Verweij; our Logistics Manager, Alex Horin; and, Public Relations, Megan Wall and Sebastiaan Verbeeten. We have had numerous guest speakers over the past three days, and are honored to have had the privilege of being in their presence. We would like to extend a special thanks to the Deputy Mayor of The Hague, Rabin Baldewsingh; the keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Ponzio; and the guest speaker, Judge Bakone Justice Moloto. We would also like pay tribute to the work of the Heads of Admins: Ben van Broeckhuijsen, Teresa Bouza Serrano, Laurens Kok, and Keye Van Oordt, as well as all of the administrative staff. Lastly, we must not forget to thank all of the MUN Directors, the Merchandise Team, the Hospitality Team, the Student Officers, and all of our participating delegates. We thank you all for another wonderful MUNISH and wish you all the best! Written by: Marianne Besson-Burke
Interview with Sabra Bano
Gender equality is a global issue that has existed for centuries. To make a difference in the world, we need to make a difference in the way we govern it. Our guest speaker, Sabra Bano, works for Gender Concerns International, an organization that deals with gender equality within the world of politics. What is your position in your organization and what do you do? I am the Director of Gender Concerns International. It is an organization that works for gender equality and tries to promote and facilitate female inclusion in political participation in countries that face gender equality related issues and conflicts. What made you choose this profession? 6
Well, I was part of the White Ribbon movement while I was a student; I was an activist in Karachi, Pakistan, a long time ago. And I was very impressed by their work actually, you know, when you are young you pick up a few things that stay with you. Right now, I would say that perhaps my knowledge about discrimination is different because as a young woman that comes from a different background, what do you see? When I saw the work of those women from their organisation, they helped me to understand. Did you ever encounter any difficulties in this field because of your gender? I personally didn’t. I really think that if you are a strong person, people will respect you. I have encountered very few obstacles for anything I want, generally speaking. What I’m saying is that for
me, if I’m talking to a certain president, it’s a normal thing for me. I was never nervous and when you can walk through the corridors of power easily… I think I was raised in an encouraging environment, my father has always encouraged me instead of shutting me out which definitely helped me.
If you would like to know more about this organisation Ms. Bano would like you to know that they are always looking for volunteers. It is a great chance to not only get involved in this issue, but to also continue fighting for this good cause. This is the link to the website:
Do you consider yourself a feminist? Nowadays, it is interpreted into: men are inferior to women. However, this is not the definition of feminism. Yes. There is a lot of confusion about feminism nowadays. What I know about feminism is that feminists have had so many issues. Their movement has tried to achieve gender equality. They try to gain knowledge of their fight. I am inspired by their work. Many people mistake it and disrespect the movement because they don’t understand the definition. I am inspired by their work. We need men and women together to fight for this inequality. Gender concerns is not women concerns; it is everyone’s concerns.
Rita Alves, Magdalena Villa and Julée Al-Bayaty De Ridder Photo: Svetlana Martimort
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Is there something you want to say to young women in this conference who may want to pursue politics in their future? Yes, go and become part of party politics and change the party with important facts that you’re interested in. Bring new visions and good diplomacy. That’s important. Your charm comes when your argument is won by your colleagues.
Pictures and Quotes
“It was great meeting all these new people and the diversity of nationalities”. “MUNISH was a great experience and one that I would definitely want to do International again”. “I liked seeing the fashion - I could really see the different personalities in people’s fashion style.”
Alex van Eijk “I am so proud to be part of this organisation and conference with all the youth, getting together and fixing the problems of tomorrow... If anyone is going to solve problems it is us.” Agustin (admin): Agustin Debenedet is an Administrative Staff and is currently in Year 10. This is his first MUN conference that he has taken part in.
“It certainly is interesting to see how other students react in the MUN environment”
Invigorating Daniela Fais: Daniela Fais is the illustrator in the Press Team and enthusiastically wanted to share her opinion of her experience in this year’s MUNISH.
“I came into school the first day and I was mind-blown by all the languages I could hear”
Gilles Simon “This was my first time at MUNISH and it was great to have an opportunity to get this new experience.”
Ellie Owen “MUNISH was really different and unique and I really had a great time!”
Reva Naidoo “MUNISH is really international and it involves so many cultures”
Nadia van der Meer I was so thrilled to see how many wonderful participants we have at this year’s MUNISH, and to see how much MUNISH has improved compared to previous years. I think the internationalism found at this conference creates such a strong foundation for diversity, cooperation, and excitement. As BOD member, this is a conference I can truly be proud of. 10
“It’s nice to reunite with people from other conferences that I met the last couple of years” “The spirit of participation has never been so alive and enjoyable”
“MUNISH is a great learning experience which can help your future career because we always gain more knowledge about politics and global issues”
Marie Obrowski: “I loved being a witness for the ICC and reading out the confessions box was really fun! With this conference I learned that you really shouldn’t be scared of public speaking” “It means so much to me to have people that share the same interests.” 11
Names and Signatures