Susen James
Etiquette of the Séance
1. You wanted séance. This is the real thing. But there are no guarantees. If Elsa, Gentile Roger, Ernest or your chosen entity desire to speak they will do so. Remember the spirit you wish to contact may not be interested in contact with you. 2. My home is their home. You are the guest. 3. Lights are dimmed for easier visualization. Bright flashes startle them. Photographs & videography are forbidden. 4. They are to feel at home, to cackle croon moan mutter rumble thunder stutter pant or purr. They may stink smoke warble squawk caw squeal spit grunt gargle garble squeak hum or bleat. They may finger fondle or vibrate, but not molest. 5. Do not call them ghosts, ghouls or such dirty fingered insulting monikers as phantoms. Refer to them as friends or family. In the spirit or presences are also acceptable, but they may prefer you call them the names they themselves identify. 6. All of my pretty presences speak English. (& often several other tongues) Once they begin speaking you must be respectful & remain seated & silent until they quiet. 7. Do not be alarmed if they outcling you (follow you home by clutching to your clothing). They miss the warmth of human skin & may try to burrow in. (You may feel them spoon you in bed). Usually they disperse within a week. If you are extremely uncomfortable ask that they leave you. Spirits only come to those who summon. (Consciously or unconsciously). You have been extended this invitation, consider before you accept. You will abide by the rules or be asked to leave!
For the housebound, séance may be conducted by telephone 847.555.1213 or E-mail Ursula@spiritmail.com