National Advocate | Fall 2018

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Published By Driven LLC, Keri Wanner & Yarrum Design LLC, Denise Sanzo ORBA Articles: ..................................................................... 4 A Unified Outdoor Recreation Industry Seeks Economic Benefits Leaders Meet with Trump Administration to Discuss Recreation Expansions............................................................................... Off-Road Business Association 1701 Westwind Drive #108 Bakersfield, CA 93301 661.323.1464 Fax 661.323.1487 ORBA Board Members Chairman: Greg Adler, Greg Adler Motorsports Treasurer: Jim Chick, Daystar Secretary: Lindsay Hubley, Family Events Member: Brad Franklin, Yamaha Motorsports USA Member: Stuart Gosswein, SEMA Member: Kurt Miller, Enthusiast Network Member: Jim Chick, Bestop, Inc. Member: Brian Godfrey, Method Race Wheels ORBA Staff President & CEO: Fred Wiley 661.323.1464 Office Manager / Accounting: Dana Wiley 661.323.1464

SEMA................................................................................... 14 UFWDA, Voice..................................................................... 18 Best in the desert................................................................. 20 Great Outdoor Adventures.................................................. 26 ISMA.................................................................................... 28 RiDE..................................................................................... 26 Yamaha................................................................................ 30 Polaris.................................................................................. 34 Our Members ...................................................................... 38 Calendar of Events:.............................................................. 39 Send future contributions to Cover Photo Credits: Casey Cordeiro Photography

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The Off-Road Business Association (ORBA) is an innovative leader providing professional trail advocacy for motorized access and directing the future of Off-Highway Vehicles (OHV).


Industry professional using a collaborative based approach that connects business to grassroots through a unified voice for the OHV recreation.


Exist to advance the off road community by influencing policy and implementing change with congressional lobbying and the ability to work cohesively through partnerships. Send future contributions to

CONTRIBUTORS Editorial: Alexis Nelson, Scott Jones, SEMA, Polaris, NOHVCC, Fred Wiley, ISMA, UFWDA, and



Casey Cordeiro Photography


Why is Public Land Use Important to Your Business?


By Fred Wiley, President & CEO

For years, the motto of ORBA has been “NO TRAILS = NO SALES”, and nothing could ring truer. If lands are shut down, and the number of places you can legally off-road begin to dwindle, why would anyone buy your products? Off-road use is one of the best proving grounds for the automotive and truck design improvements. Jeeps, trucks, SUV’s, side by sides, and many other forms of transportation are better today because of the off-road proving ground. All you have to do is look at TV advertising. Many of the Jeeps and trucks are shown offroading by day, then instantly transform to an elegant ride to your evening entertainment. Why? Because we want our vehicles to do it all. Whether you recreate out West, North East, or somewhere in between, land, and its open use is crucial to your chosen hobby/sport, and business. Whether it be private, or state controlled and federal lands, keeping these areas open for responsible recreation is why ORBA, and its role in land use protection is critical to your business. Industry and grass roots organizations provide the information and direction that ORBA utilizes to develop its short- and long-term goals and priorities. If you look at our goals from the 50,000-foot level, there are some no-brainers. EPA and ESA reform, Monument designation, and wilderness creation. We always have to be aware of administration policy change that doesn’t require congressional approval. Current administration has increased tariffs and enforced the “BUY AMERICAN” concept from years ago. These policies are having an effect on both industry, and grass roots organizations and require a huge amount of detailed work on each issue, as seen in SEMA authored articles included in this issue of the National Advocate. Public and private land policy are the single most important issues that impact off-road industry leaders, and their management is controlled by regulation and policy. The ORBA strategy is multi-faceted in addressing the root cause that is reducing responsible recreation opportunity. The best formula seems simple, but the devil is always in the detail. Utilizing legislative advocacy to tighten administrative policy should stabilize the ebb and flow of land management.



Always take the Scenic Route


By Keri Wanner, National Advocate Editor

“There are moments when suddenly our eyes blink open and we recapture the excitement of living, life becomes an adventure and we, adventurers!” ~ Wayne Visser As of today, I’ve been on the road for six days and tomorrow marks the seventh and the day I get to go home. This trip has been a milestone for me. One of new opportunity and strength as I find myself at a new place in life. This place is a place for me and no one else because it’s my journey but it’s a place I’m thankful for because it’s helped me appreciate to always take the “scenic route.” At 38 years old, I can’t complain. I’ve already lived a life of adventure and expect many more. I’m so fortunate for this because its helped shape who I am and my love for the outdoors and especially motorized recreation. I’ve been given this life because I chose to take the “scenic route” and because of it, I have reaped rewards that everyone should experience. My week kicked off attending the official start of winter, Hay Days in North Branch, MN. I was surrounded by outdoor enthusiasts and innovators that shape the industry and its impact. And I was lucky enough to finish my travels in Denver attending the Sea-Doo dealer meeting for BRP (Bombardier Recreational Products). I suppose it’s a whirlwind at its best but it’s a life I live and breathe because the impact is amazing and always takes the “scenic route.” This trip has been interesting to say the least. I’ve been fortunate to attend meetings and partner with organizations




I never dreamt of including organizations like ORBA. Heck, I was at a “snowmobile show” and the word ORBA was brought up more times than I can count on my fingers and toes. I remember that amazing day, September 4th, 2015, when Fred Wiley contacted me and asked me to be a part of the ORBA team. I said yes because the organization sounded exciting but never dreamt it would turn into what it has become today. You see ORBA is a very well respected and leader in motorized recreation. They listen to the manufacturers as well as the users groups to make sure motorized recreation is outstanding to say the least. I live and breathe the outdoors because it always reminds me of the “scenic route.” What amazes me most, is the beauty always challenges me more than the terrain. It’s simply, how could something so beautiful be created for the naked eye to see, let alone how could the terrain be so challenging my adventure defies the very route I have chosen. It’s at these times when you sit atop of a snowmobile, side by side or watercraft that you realize it’s simple; these recreational vehicles give you a new leash on life to experience new “scenic routes”. It’s these vehicles that give you the opportunity to explore a life other don’t know exist. It’s these routes that define new adventures for the users and generate excitement for our wonderful sport. This weekend as I was surrounded by a team of amazing snowmobile riders and educators I realized, I’m not only taking the scenic route; I’m living the scenic route. It’s this route that not only challenges me, but it feeds the fun to create the memories that will last a lifetime and remind others why it’s so important to always take the “scenic route!”

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Celebrating the Four Seasons of Motorized Recreation


Growing up and living in New England for most of my life, I have a fond affinity for Fall, and it happens to be my favorite season. Traditionally it marks the final harvest, colorful landscapes, cooler temperatures, back to school and pumpkin everything. Fall also creates another beginning. The final stretch for many businesses and the last quarter of the year. It’s a time to review the areas that surpassed the mark, evaluate the need for improvement, and look at targets for the short and long-term goals. I utilize this simple strategy with my personal and business goals by looking at my current metrics, best practices and what areas require more attention, improvement, and corrective action. Strategy is determining what is not working rather than focusing on coming up with the ‘right By Alexis Nelson, Proje ct method’ that works for your business model. This is a significant time to consider Development & Opera tions getting back to basics and hone in on what needs to be accomplished and make it Manager happen. Evaluating ORBA’s goals for 2018 and assessing our applied actions and progress to date, we are in alignment with our vision, purpose and the value we are creating for motorized recreation. ORBA’s objectives for 2018 are tailored around building and maintaining strategic partnerships, identifying and participating in grant opportunities, growing the ORBA family and membership, enhancing One Voice, and taking the leadership role on national issues. We are progressing in every category by sharing our story, creating opportunity and providing value to our partners, members, and working to keep public and private lands open to motorized recreation. So, what exactly does this look like? Developing guidelines and recommendations for revamping the Special Recreation Permit (SRP) Process is underway. During the SEMA Washington DC Rally in May, the ORBA Team met for a two-part discussion with the USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Brian Steed. We made a case in developing consistent guidelines for an independent monitoring program and creating recommendations on how the SRP process can be streamlined. ORBA held the first of three workshops recently in Reno where enthusiasts participated in a discussion on what is not working, what improvements can be made to the permit application process and developed recommendations on how the permit process can be streamlined. The need for consistent communication across all districts and field offices, shorter application periods for smaller permits, and restructuring the current permit categories were common themes that emerged from the Reno meeting. The next meeting will be held in Grand Junction, Colorado in mid-September, the third meeting in Ontario, California during the OffRoad Expo and the final meeting during the SEMA Show. For more information about these meetings, please refer to the ORBA website. The purpose of this process is to gather valuable feedback from the OHV community and develop a clear set of recommendations for the BLM to review and consider. The next issue of the National Advocate will highlight the collective recommendations from the four meetings. Members of the ORBA Team and I participated in the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) Conference held in Grand Rapids, Michigan in August. It was my first NOHVCC Conference, and my purpose was to connect with familiar and new colleagues, learn as much as possible, and share the One Voice message. I had the opportunity to present One Voice - Sparking a Movement for Change during the conference where I talked about the organization, how people can get involved and the work One Voice is accomplishing. While preparing for the One Voice presentation, I was contemplating about what One Voice means and the term, “movement’ kept popping into my mind. I defined movement as mobilizing passionate people behind a shared purpose. During the presentation, I was in awe as I heard from the participants about why they were at the conference. Some are OHV Program Administrators and are part of the International OHV Administrators PAGE 7



Association (INOHVAA), Executive Directors of non-profit organizations dedicated to ATV’ing, snowmobiling, land access, Legislative Directors, visionaries and creators of new programs and OHV parks, GIS mapping specialists and professional land advocates. The diversity of the group and their various areas of expertise and work reminded me that we are all connected by a common purpose and desire an outcome that ensures our work and the actions we take affects change in a positive way. While ORBA has taken the leadership role in One Voice, what really matters moving forward are the connections created by providing a platform for engagement and communication. Over the last six months of facilitating multiple meetings related to OHV recreation and emphasis on enthusiast input and participation (statewide, municipal and federal permitting), the commonality across these various meetings points to the need for better communication within the OHV Community. By asking the question, how can we do a better job in the work we are doing, communication ranks at the top as the universal answer. If we all know that is what we need to do, why is it so difficult to accomplish? An improvement in communication strengthens relationships, earns trust, generates new ideas, drives necessary decisions and feeds back into the community. Think about a time when you collaborated with another group, or person, or had a conversation that sparked a small change. Did it yield results? This is why One Voice offers a unique and new approach in how we do business. One Voice is the solution in connecting people and resources where we can have the conversation and make things happen. The SEMA Show is right around the corner, and we have a motivating agenda packed with topics on leadership, how to work with legislators, the importance of connectivity between business and grassroots and much more and of course all things One Voice. Stay tuned for more details!




Maybe time to update the Travel Management Orders and Wilderness Inventory Process? By Scott Jones, Esq.

I need to preface this article with a statement that yes, I am aware of the fact this entire issue is a long shot but recently we have had some punts that are going a lot further than ever expected, such as Endangered Species reform, so I figured why not punt again on another issue. The Council for Environmental Quality(“CEQ�), which is an oversight committee across many agencies in White House tasked to ensure that NEPA is consistent and achieving national goals, provided another punting opportunity recently and here was the punt. We will have to see how this goes as there are a lot more eyes in the CEQ than just the land managers we normally work with and I am hoping that some of these fresh eyes will see the redundancy and inefficiency in the two major issues we raised. On August 15, 2017 President Trump issued Executive Order 13807 which basically required any infrastructure project and related regulatory process to be reviewed for efficiency and avoiding redundancy in planning and review. The CEQ comments were moving these goals and objectives forward. I think we are safe in saying forest planning under FLPMA is a major federal infrastructure project and also an area where major efficiencies can be gained, as evidenced by the huge backlog of maintenance on public lands and redundancies in the NEPA process. We raised two redundancies and inefficiencies in the current FLPMA planning process and NEPA analysis that results in public land planning that is overly costly and slow and reduces the quality and quantity of opportunities on federal public lands. First was the fact the Executive Orders governing travel management were originally issued in 1972 by President Nixon and then amended by President Carter in 1977. By comparison this was the time that gave us disco, stagflation and the first round of smog on cars, and these are issues that everyone agrees are best left in the past. These Orders have not been reviewed since that time and that is a huge problem as these Orders are older than even the oldest forest plans that everyone agrees are badly in need of updating. Even if the land managers have reviewed implementation guidance, I think we are safe to say there could be some redundancy in those Orders since there have been a few planning changes since they were enacted, such as the passage of FLPMA in 1976.




Basically, FLPMA provides the authority to create forest plans etc. and this gives rise to a serious example of the redundancy and inefficiency in the Executive Orders, which require minimization of routes to motorized usage in order to protect resources. I think it is safe to say FLPMA superseded the need to even look at minimization but yet both requirements are still in place and the failure to clarify if these efforts partially overlapping, fully overlapping or entirely separate creates a huge amount of inefficiency in planning in addition to being a hot bed of litigation against the agency. The recent renewal of interest in snowmobile travel is a perfect example of how inefficient the entire discussion is, as forest plans clearly addressed minimization when they were developed but yet we still need to go back and make sure there was minimization? Pretty inefficient at best. The second area for efficiency we provided was in the Wilderness review process under FLPMA and NEPA. While the need for a Wilderness and roadless area inventory might have been compelling for the first or second time around in the planning, the need for a complete inventory is a little silly at this point. We have looked at every acre of public land for suitability for Wilderness designation several times and many areas have NEVER been found suitable due to non-conforming usages. The odds on the planners stumbling across 5,000 acres they missed previously is pretty slim and draws resources away from Congressional action addressing these nonconforming uses. This is an issue were a planning presumption that allowed planners to move forward




based on previous inventories would be pretty helpful and allow them to fully inventory Congressional decisions around these lands and non-conforming usages in a far more efficient manner and avoid having to renew discussions around the reasoning why areas were never found suitable for designation. Allowing managers to say the area was never suitable or released by Congress and then move on with multiple use would streamline the process significantly and not impair areas where suitability for designation still remains. We will have to wait to see if CEQ wants to address these two facets of planning and NEPA as both of these issues are issues that result in huge amounts of inefficiency and redundancy and delay infrastructure projects. We could go all the way (insert your best Chris Berman voice on that last portion) on these issues.



Passing On Tribal Knowledge


By Ashlynn Smith

“We’re all pilgrims on the same journey, some pilgrims just have better maps.” -Nelson DeMille If you ever want an interesting conversation starter with someone who off-roads, ask them how they got started in their hobby/sport. Surprisingly, most will pause and reflect for a moment as their brain searches way back through the mental file cabinet. You’ll find that in the end the majority will likely link it back to a family member. “My dad raced, my uncle took me wheeling, my granddad had me on a motorcycle by age 4”, and so on. But if it wasn’t all in the family, what or whom got you involved? What led to your desire to snowmobile, wheel, or race? Were you simply self-taught, or were you lucky to have someone pass along their experience and knowledge? Its generally that someone invited someone to come along, took the time to share with them their passion, and ultimately pushed them outside of their comfort zone, and the rest is history. The old “watch one, do one, teach one” method. If you’re like a lot of people though, the “teach one” part does not come that easy. Off-road groups and clubs can sometimes become segmented, exclusive, intimidating, and often times cliquish. Some people have a passion for teaching, leading, and being the “trail boss”, and we love them, but let’s face it, there aren’t enough people with that passion to educate and foster everyone in the next generation of off-roaders. Every week, in every market there are more people wanting to do more with their vehicle than there are people to educate and pass down what we’d call “tribal knowledge”.




In my instance, it was a combination of both. I could handle a snowmobile at the age of 5 (mind you they were not the technological racing machines they are today), race BMX competitively in my teens, and ride a dirt bike early on all due to my family being involved in these activities. We owned many a sled, my dad ran the local BMX track, and I was the only girl of the family trying to compete with the boys. In later years, as I had a family myself, my husband and I were looking for a new hobby that we could enjoy together. That’s when we purchased Frank, an ’84 CJ that was built for wheeling. This is where the passing of knowledge from others came in. Sure, we both had knowledge of many things off-road, but were we wheeling experts? Definitely not. Our first step was to sign up with our local Jeep club and scour their member site for as much information as we could possibly find, as we were also fairly new to area. Where was everybody wheeling? Is my rig capable for these areas? Next step was to simply go for it! We soon headed out to Crossbar Ranch, a 6,500 acre off roading dream. We knew that many from the group would be there, but introducing yourself and being ready to hit the trails with people we knew nothing about in a brand-new area was, well to be honest, quite intimidating. But, what we found was many welcoming and amazing people willing and excited to tell us everything they knew and show us the ropes. One guy in particular who has now become a close family friend, said “follow me!, and by the way, let your wife take this trail”. I had never wheeled in my entire life, but he assured me that one, our rig was incredibly capable, and two, he will most certainly push me, but never beyond my limits. As I wheeled, my husband who indeed had wheeling experience had full trust in me, and went on to teach me things like when to use the air lockers, when to switch to 4 Low, and when to let the low gearing do the work for me. I was hooked. He didn’t drive the rest of the day. All we needed was that one person willing to take a little time from their day to make us comfortable, and teach us a few things. We now go out as much as possible and the only argument is the one of “Who’s driving”? We’ve known those who want to keep their knowledge close to the vest, but we challenge you to think about who taught you what you know. Who taught you to be safe, respectable, and confident in your capabilities. We challenge you to think about how you gained your tribal knowledge, then think about ways you can pass on the legacy of those who taught you by sharing it with the next generation of off-roaders. Consider making a commitment to take someone new, or slightly less experienced on every fourth trip, for example, even if it’s only for a simple ride along. Commit to an actual lesson to someone once or twice a year, or whatever works for you to set a goal to bring up the next generation of off-roaders who may not have that family connection. Happy Trails Tribe Leaders


How U.S. Tariffs Are Affecting Enthusiasts By Stuart Gosswein, SEMA’s Sr. Director, Federal Government

Since last spring, the Trump Administration has been aggressively imposing tariffs on imported goods to address perceived unfair trade practices. Tariffs are a form of taxation. While they are collected from manufacturers, eventually they impact consumer prices. Companies are forced to make tough decisions on whether to absorb the price hike or pass along a portion to the consumer. Manufacturers may seek to change their supply routes, but supply chains are usually complex and under contract—not something easily changed. Tariffs also cause marketplace disruptions including price spikes caused by hoarding, and higher domestic price as companies take advantage of the U.S. tariffs. Further, foreign countries impose retaliatory tariffs making it costly for U.S. companies to compete when they export their products. To date, the U.S. tariffs have produced more tit-for-tat retaliation than productive negotiations. To follow is a brief overview of the tariffs: 1. Steel/Aluminum: The U.S. government has imposed and aluminum (10%). Most of the tariffs began on Argentina, Australia, Brazil and South Korea have them form the tariffs. The tariffs apply to processed plate, sheets, bars, etc.) but not finished products

global tariffs on steel (25%) June 1, 2018. To date, only trade agreements exempting raw materials (steel/aluminum (e.g., wheels, exhausts, etc.).

2. Chinese Products: President Trump directed the U.S. government to impose 25% tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese imports. Tariffs on another $200 billion worth of goods is expected to be implement this fall, and tariffs on an additional $267 billion in Chinese imports has been threatened. The tariffs are an attempt to lower the U.S./China trade deficit and to deter cybertheft of intellectual property by Chinese government and companies. a. On July 6, Customs began collecting duties on about $34 billion worth of products including miscellaneous metal and rubber parts for auto equipment. b. On August 23, tariffs on $16 billion worth of products took effect including many types of plastics:

c. 25% tariffs on another $200 billion worth of products are being finalized and could start as early as October. The list includes many auto parts, from engines and metal fasteners to wheels/tires, steering wheel components, rubber gaskets, transmission belts, brake pads, windshields, and suspension springs. 3. Imported Automobiles/Auto Parts: President Trump directed the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) to investigate whether imported automobiles and auto parts pose a threat to America’s national security (manufacturing base). The DOC will issue its findings and recommendations for presidential actions, if any. President Trump has stated that he is considering global tariffs of 20% to 25% that could begin this fall or winter. The DOC investigation applies to all types of cars and auto parts, including new cars, classic cars and off-road vehicles. The auto industry is generally united in opposing the referenced tariffs as being counterproductive and threatening American companies, workers and consumers. The message to the president and lawmakers has been to pursue trade infringements in a fashion that does not inflict unintended economic harm.

At least five vehicles were driven over 400 miles per hour during Speed Week at the Bonneville where hundreds of land speed records have been set and broken in a variety of automotive c with hundreds of teams racing every type of vehicle, from hot rods, roadsters and belly tanker major racing events at Bonneville during August and September.

In 1960, Mickey Thompson, was the first American racer to break the 400-mph barrier with a on land speed record at 448.757 mph in the Challenger 2. Team Vesco’s Turbinator II went even f

While the racing news is positive, the conditions at Bonneville have deteriorated since the 1960s. Today, the salt-crust is measured in inches rather than feet and the 13-mile race track is now 8 miles or less. The Bonneville Salt Flats Race Track is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places and managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM). However, the Save the Salt Coalition has helped to develop a 10-year program to restore the salt flats to ensure that speed records continue to be made at Bonneville by future generations. Enthusiasts are encouraged to contact their U.S. Representative and Senators and ask for their support in funding the measure. Visit to send an email.

Records Set

at Bonneville as Racers Ask Congress

to Restore the Historic Site By Stuart Gosswein, SEMA’s Sr. Director, Federal Government

e Salt Flats. Located in northwestern Utah, Bonneville is central to the history of motorsports, classes. Speed Week began in 1949 and is the largest annual racing event held at Bonneville, rs to motorcycles, lakesters and streamliners. In addition to Speed Week, there are four other

ne-time speed of 406.60 mph in the Challenger I. In 2018, his son, Danny Thompson, set a new faster in a separate class, setting a land speed record at 455.107 mph.



National Advocate and UFWDA Voice, Most of the time when you hear from me I have my California Four Wheel Drive Association (Cal4wheel) hat on. I have been President of Cal4wheel since 2013 and have been on the Board of Directors of Cal4wheel for many years prior to that. Cal4wheel is a great organization that works to keep trails and public lands open while also providing fun events to bring the 4x4 community together. Cal4wheel is going to be 60 years old next year and we will celebrate that milestone at our annual convention in Rancho Cordova (Sacramento Area) February 2019. Cal4wheel has many advantages as an organization; the most important is our volunteer base. We have two paid consultants, John Stewart and Jeff Blewett who do the heavy lifting on land use issues. We are so very lucky to have them work on behalf of our members and those who have yet to join us. We could not have this wonderful representation without the hundreds of volunteers who work hard to make it possible for them to do what they do. The volunteers put on the events, recruit / develop new members, work on other fund-raising projects that make it possible to fund Jeff and John. The volunteers are also all members, the members can be individuals or in affiliated clubs. The clubs also work hard on the ground with the local land managers to do trail work and other projects. It is a big team effort of volunteerism. Even the 13-members who serve on the Board of Directors are all volunteers. The volunteers are often very passionate about the part they have with Cal4wheel. Due to this passion, conflicts can arise, but this passion is so important. Passion for the organization, for fellow four wheelers and the passion for the adventure that our vehicles give us while out on our OHV excursions. So why am I bringing up this history story about Cal4wheel? Well for the past two years I have been Vice President of United Four-Wheel Drive Associations and when I began as Cal4wheel President one of my goals was to get us more involved in Washington DC. What happens in California on our public land often happens in Washington DC. I sat through many Cal4wheel BOD meetings talking about Johnson Valley and how we were going to stop the Twenty-Nine Palms Base Expansion and in 2013 the fight was on hard and heavy. At that point I was our new representative to the California Motorized Recreation Council (CMRC). CMRC had been working on the Johnson Valley problem for many years at that point. CMRC is comprised of many of the OHV groups in California. As we worked together we often struggled to pay our lobbyist in Washington DC. Funding the lobbyist was key to victory. There were key people and groups in the background that made the funding happen and make Johnson Valley a congressional designated OHV area. This was a big learning experience that showed many had to work together at all levels to make something big happen; especially when it was on a national level. I started working in the very beginning of the “One Voice Effort” to bring the 4x4 community together to work on issues in Washington DC. As we progressed I often thought that this was a good fit for United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) to work on. The “One Voice” effort was being led by industry and the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA). ORBA had been key when finding funding for the Johnson Valley fight. The picture I had in my head of lots of people and groups coming together as one driving voice. Two years ago, ORBA and United partnered together to move forward and complement each other. It has been a slow process partly because the passionate volunteers of UFWDA are just that volunteers working on other things while trying to do the best job they can for UFWDA. A national volunteer-based organization is much harder to run than a state or local effort. Since I was new to UFWDA two years ago; I did not know all that worked hard over the years to build UFWDA. I do know a few that have PAGE 18



been key to United’s survival and I would like to call them out now and tell you why they have been key to the survival and mission of UFWDA. Tom Mandera, President forged the new alliance with ORBA looking to the future of what UFWDA could be. As we struggled, he was always there to remind us of the UFWDA mission and point out that while we were having issues we were still following the mission and brighter times were still ahead. I was always impressed how Tom could answer the questions and ask for help even though complains were coming in left and right; however, volunteers to fix them were not. When the Membership Director could no longer keep up, Tom stepped up to get all the membership data into a more manageable program. Bob Devore, our Treasurer always seemed to have all the administrative stuff under control. I don’t know how long Bob had been around, but he kept things organized and running smoothly. Bob has recently stepped back and has been replaced by Fred Wiley. Bob continues to help in the background till next year. I am glad I got to know him even if it was just a little. Jerry Smith our Director of Environmental Affairs is one of our most public faces as his Facebook page keeps the information flowing. Jerry was recently honored with the Jack Edwards Memorial Award for his continued work on behalf of UFWDA. Jerry has also worked very hard in Colorado with the Colorado Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs. I am glad to know him. The other key player lives clear around the world and has shown so much dedication to UFWDA, Peter Vahry. Peter works so hard on our behalf even though the international part of UFWDA is hard to live up to. Peter is the ‘Voice” Editor and does the eNews. We are so lucky to have him, and I honor him for his work and dedication. Peter also brings forward a lot of our history and encourages everyone that we can still do good things. At our last annual meeting, we used GoToMeeting. We completed elections and I was elected the new President. I did not think about having to write more articles when I was nominated for the position. Tom Mandera will stay with us in a limited capacity as Membership Director, he will manage the data base which is so important. Others including myself will work to get all the paperwork part caught up and out to the members. I am so happy Tom will still be with us in this important role. Peter will remain as International VP and Voice Editorial Manager though he had talked of retirement previously. Jerry Smith will also remain in his role as Director of Environmental Affairs. Fred Wiley is just starting to get some of the financial stuff transferred to Bank of America and start working with a new accountant. Alexis Nelson replaced Fred as the ORBA representative last year. I will continue as the UFWDA representative to the ORBA BOD. I have not mentioned Ray Stanley. Ray Stanley joined the UFWDA board at the same time I did two years ago as the Business Development Manager. Ray is a busy guy, he is the President of the Southern Four-Wheel Drive Association. Southern covers multiple states and it is amazing the leadership Ray has brought to Southern. Ray’s is currently running to fill my position as VP but the board is also considering one other name for VP and we will not determine that outcome for a few more weeks. Rounding out our team is Craig Feusse and Milt Webb, I have not had much interaction with either of these members but look forward to working with them in the future. I am excited to be working with the board moving forward, I see a bright future through collaboration and working together. Getting back to my vision and desire to be able to have representation for Cal4wheel in Washington DC the goal is realized through partnerships, new contacts and UFWDA. I represent UFWDA every other week on a national conference call to Washington DC. Through this effort UFWDA has signed on too many letters and been involved in several efforts. As a member association UFWDA is representing Cal4wheel along with many others. When I started as Cal4wheel president I wondered how or if I would need to contact or work with other similar organizations, the answer is yes but I did not know how to do this. Through hard work and building bridges with others I now have an answer and it is yes. Though we are not done, and we are just really in the beginning still we are building on a long history to a bright future for the 4x4 community. Through our partnerships more volunteers can be brought it to make the work load less and the outcomes better. We have a group of great mentors that I outlined earlier we just need to grow a new passion. When we each hand this all off to a new generation I hope we can look back with great pride on the steps we took to make it happen. Kind regards, Steve Egbert President, California Four Wheel Drive Association, Inc. President, United Four Wheel Drive Associations, Inc.







World’s Best Ready to Battle at Record-Setting Best In The Desert General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by FOX

The world’s leading off-road race teams in every class are coming to do battle at the General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by Fox, the Longest Off Road Race in the United States. We set yet another record as more than 365 teams have registered to compete in next week’s General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by FOX. It’s not just the number of entries, but it’s also who’s racing. As of today, 47 Trick Trucks have signed up to tackle this tough 540+ mile course. Stellar competitors like Rob MacChacren, Jerry Whelchel, Tony Smiley, Justin Lofton, Jason Voss (will he win again?), Bryce Menzies, Steve Olliges (who hands the Team Ford $1,000 cash award for the fastest time in Time Trails), and the list goes on and on. More than 35 Class 6100 Spec Trick Trucks, over 100 UTVs, and 50+ motorcycles are ready to launch. A newcomer to off-road racing, Laird Hamilton, the world’s most prolific big wave surfer, travels the world in search of the gnarliest waves and the most epic rides. He’ll be ditching his prowess on the waves to challenge the sand in the Nevada Desert in a UTV. He’s also handing out samples of his Laird Superfood products at Contingency and Racer Registration for anyone who wants to stop by.. Daryl Folks, co-owners with Bryan Folks, had this to say about the record turnout, “Bryan and I, and the entire staff, are thrilled to have more than 365 race teams ready to do battle at the General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by Fox. The parking lot at Texas Station, our host hotel in Las Vegas, will be overflowing with the leading names in off-road products as these teams wind their way through contingency on Thursday, August 16th. I invite anyone interested in seeing these high-powered 800+HP race vehicles up close to come on by and meet the drivers and team members.” This will be the 22nd running of this epic event. The General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by FOX also represents the unofficial kick-off to the second half of the Best In The Desert 2018 race season. “Vegas to Reno” was an absolute favorite of Best In The Desert founder, Casey Folks. It marked his first race where he added car, truck and quad race vehicle classes to his already established motorcycle classes.




Operations Manager, Donald Jackson, who worked side-by-side with Casey for over 14 years commented “The course is marked and the clock is ticking down to the start of our flagship event next week. We have hundreds of volunteers helping man the course, along with the entire Best in the Desert Staff. This will be an exciting event, representing absolutely the ultimate desert racing adventure. We are all dedicated to making sure “Vegas to Reno” will always continue in the great tradition and spirit that Casey would want.”

Justin Lofton making his FOX ride control units work hard. Justin Lofton making his FOX ride control units work hard. The General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by FOX race is a long distance point-topoint course, General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented FOX race is a longFor distance offeringThe extreme elevation changes and every kind ofbychallenging terrain. 2018, point-tothe General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by FOX is a traditional single race day format. At over 540 miles in course, offering extreme elevation every kind of length,point the race will start in Beatty, Nevada andchanges end just and south of Reno, in challenging Dayton, Nevada, home of Nevada’s first gold discovery. Elevations along the course vary from around 3,000 ft. to over 7,200 ft. terrain. For 2018, the Reno” presented by FOX is a through traditional Temperatures will range fromGeneral the highTire 90’s“Vegas duringtothe day to the low 40’s at night the higher elevations. From Beatty, the course travels north past many towns that were rich in Nevada’s silver single dayhistory, format.including At over 540 miles inTonopah, length, the race will start Beatty, and gold rushrace mining Goldfield, Hawthorne, and in Rawhide.

Nevada and end just south of Reno, in Dayton, Nevada, home of Nevada's first gold Over 365 car, truck, UTV, motorcycle and quad race teams already registered, with entries from the U.S. and around the world will gather to compete in this year’s General Tire “Vegas to Reno” discovery. Elevations along the course vary from around 3,000 ft. to over 7,200 ft. presented by FOX. Race related events get started Wednesday, August 15, when the Trick Trucks and Class 1500 Unlimited Cars from face the off for starting order the at Time Trials. Here they’ll compete headTemperatures will range high 90’s during day to the low 40’s at night to-head for the $1000 “Team Ford Pole Award” and the chance to be the first vehicle off the line and a dustfree shot atthe thehigher coveted top overall finish position. through elevations. From Beatty, the course travels north past many towns that were rich in Nevada’s silver and gold rush mining history, including Goldfield, Tonopah, Hawthorne, and Rawhide.




More than 100 UTVs will take the start. “Vegas to Reno” activities continue in Las Vegas on Thursday, August 16, for Racer Registration, Technical Inspection, and Contingency. Best In The Desert thanks our host hotel, Texas Station, Station, where theseparking proceedings will where these proceedings will take place. Contingency host willhotel, beTexas located in the lottake ofplace. theContingency Texas will More than 100 UTVs will take the start. be located in the parking lot of the Texas Station and fans will have the chance Station and race fans will have the chance to see the most unbelievable collection ofrace high-tech desert Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Quads and UTVs specially built for racing. hundreds of the to see the most unbelievable collection ofPlus high-tech desert Cars, Trucks, off-road and racing industry’s top manufacturers will have theirQuads latest products and accessories Motorcycles, and UTVs specially built for racing. Plus hundreds of on the off-road display for everyone to check out. and racing industry’s top manufacturers will have their latest products and

“Vegas to Reno” activities continue in Las Vegas on Thursday, August 16, for Racer accessories on display for everyone to check out.

The 2018 General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented Registration, Technical Inspection, and Contingency. Best In The Desert thanks our by FOX will start early Friday morning, August 17, in Beatty, about 100 miles north of Las Vegas. First off the line will be the Motorcycles followed by the Quads. After a substantial delay for safety reasons, the Car, Truck and UTV classes will head out on their quest to reach the finish line at the Dayton Events Center with hopes of a class victory. Due to6 the long distance of the racecourse, a 24-hour time limit has been set, so racers may still be coming across the finish line well into Saturday morning, August 18. The Awards Presentation will take place Saturday evening at the Sparks Nugget in Reno, Nevada.

are first off the line line Friday morning MotorcyclesMotorcycles are first off the Friday morning


The 2018 General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by FOX will start early Friday



General Tire “Vegas to Reno” presented by FOX important dates to remember: Wednesday, August 15, 2018 – Time Trials for Trick Trucks, Class 6100, and Class 1500. Thursday, August 16, 2018– Registration, Technical Inspection, and Contingency. Host Hotel: Texas Station. Friday-Saturday August 17-18, 2018 – Race Day, finish line closes Saturday morning. Saturday, August 18, 2018 – Awards Presentation, Sparks Nugget. Follow the action of the Lucas Oil Production Studio’s broadcasts of Best In The Desert events on the NBC Sports Network and MAVTV.

About Best In The Desert Best In The Desert is recognized as the largest professional desert off-road racing organization in North America and holds multiple off-road desert races. The philosophy of the organization is to provide top quality, World Class Off-Road Racing events, and more importantly, to make those events exciting, spectacular, fun, different, well paying, and most of all, affordable. Based on over three decades of experience, and on years of sponsoring and promoting successful local and national events, Best In The Desert has achieved new levels in the sport of off-road desert racing. Best In The Desert, along with its racers and sponsors, enjoys recognition and exposure that sets it apart as “The American Off-Road Racing Series”. About General Tire For over 100 years General Tire has offered a complete quality line of ultra-high performance, passenger, light truck, off-road and commercial tires to meet all your needs. General Tire is a proud supporter of the Automobile Club of America (ARCA), Best in the Desert Racing Association (BITD), Major League Fishing (MLF), Fishing League Worldwide (FLW), King of the Cage, Lucas Oil – Off Road Racing Series, Late Model Dirt Series, Pro Pulling League, Modified Series, Drag Boat Racing Series and ASCS Sprint Car Dirt Series; Expedition Overland, Tour; Zero One Odyssey, and JeepSpeed. Team GT includes: CJ Hutchins, Jim Beaver, Jeff Proctor, Doug Fortin, Eric Fitch, Cory Winner, Ray Griffith, Lee Banning Sr., Jerett Brooks, Camburg Racing, Chase Motorsports, Stan Shelton, Skeet Reese, Edwin Evers, John Crews, Britt Myers, Mark Rose and Bill McDonald.




About FOX FACTORY For over three decades, FOX has been an industry leader in the design and development of high performance shock absorbers and racing suspension products for snowmobiles, mountain bikes, motorcycles, ATVs, UTVs, off-road cars, trucks, and SUVs. FOX equipped vehicles and racers have stood atop podiums in every sport we have competed in — from the sands of Baja, to USA deserts to the dunes of Dakar. Our team of engineers perform rigorous tests with our athletes year round. The data we collect from performance testing and our application of that knowledge to our product is what separates FOX from every other suspension company. 2018 Best In The Desert official sponsors: Ford Motor Company – Official Truck, General Tire – Official Tire, Lucas Oil Products – Official Oil, Sunoco Race Fuels – Official Fuel, Rugged Radios – Official Communications, Fabtech – Official Suspension, Polaris RZR – Official UTV, KC HiLiTES – Official Light, Beta Motorcycles – Official Motorcycle, Method Race Wheels, Tactical Recovery Equipment, Trophy Tractor, R-N-R Steel, Dicks Racing Suspension, Slime, McKenzies, Sportsman Cycle Sales, Fall Advertising and TrueTravel Dynamics Life is an Adventure. Come Live Your Adventure with Best In The Desert... THE AMERICAN OFF-ROAD RACING SERIES Further information is available at: email: phone: (702) 457-5775 Media Contact: email: Justin Lofton image provided by Door54 Motorcycle image provided by Daniel Curiel Photographic UTV Image by RnR Photo Important


Great Outdoors Adventures > More Miles - More Smiles! Great Outdoors Consultants (GOC) has partnered to establish a new outdoor recreation business called Great Outdoors Adventures (GOA). GOA's mission is to provide safe and exceptional adventures in Pike National Forest. The two companies share a store/office located at the base of Pikes Peak in Woodland Park, Colorado. GOA is a family owned and operated small business run by Drew, Angelica and Christina Stoll.

Great Outdoors Consultants Partners in New Adventure Business!

Great Outdoors Consultants (GOC) has partnered to establish a new outdoor recreation business called Great Outdoors Adventures (GOA). GOA’s mission is to provide safe and exceptional adventures in Pike National Forest. The two companies share a store/office located at the base of Pikes Peak in Woodland Park, Colorado. GOA is a family owned and operated small business run by Drew, Angelica and Christina Stoll. Check these awesome Pikes Peak guided adventures! and self-guided GOA is licensed under the Polaris Adventures program to out provide premium adventures in Colorado on the latest Polaris GENERAL side-by-sides and Polaris Slingshots. Trail Now Open for Fun! rides start from the GOA trailhead located on a private ranch within Pike National Forest. The Forest has over 200 miles of roads and trails open to side-by-sides. Slingshot tours start from the GOA store in Woodland Park and provide scenic destinations such1 as ascending Pikes Peak, Cripple Creek, Great Outdoors More Miles - Morelandscape. Smiles! Colorado Springs, Mount Princeton Hot Springs and theAdventures spectacular> Rocky Mountain GOA also rents electric fat-tire bicycles to explore Woodland Park and Pike National Forest. E-bikes are the most fun bikes you’ll ever ride, even if you haven’t ridden a bike for 20 years! 2

Great Outdoors Consultants continues to thrive as an outdoor recreation consulting and map company. Our latest projects include: • GPS Inventory & Trail Maps for Little Missouri National Grasslands, North Dakota • US Forest Over-the-Snow Vehicle Management Guidebook, national • Mount Princeton Hot Springs Resort Recreation Master Plan, Colorado • Route & Recreation GPS Inventories for various BLM lands • Bluff Creek OHV Park Inventory & Development Plan, Iowa • Trail Maps for Carbon County, Wyoming • Trail Maps for Chaffee County, Colorado • Trail map for Pikes Peak, Colorado • Trail Maps for Quartzsite, Arizona • Trails Maps for Superior National Forest in Minnesota • Minnesota River Valley Recreation & Conservation Master Plan, Iowa

haven't ridden a bike for 20 years!

GOC and GOA are working together to provide the best possible experiences for people looking

GOC and GOA are and working together to provide the best possible experiences for to explore Colorado Pike National Forest. This is accomplished through safety training, safety

equipment, quality maps, premium vehicles and good communication. people looking to explore Colorado and Pike National Forest. This is accomplished All of our vehicles have custom trail maps helping find the best destinations and good through safety training, safetyGPS equipment, qualitypeople maps, premium vehicles and

confidently navigate in the mountains. Collaboration between the two companies is leading to better communication. All guests of ourand vehicles have GPSoftrail helping peoplepractices. find experiences for our expanding ourcustom understanding the maps best outdoor recreation

the best destinations and confidently navigate in the mountains. Collaboration Look for ustwo at the upcomingisinternational OHV conference hosted byguests NOHVCC between the companies leading to better experiences for our and& INOHVAA - August 15-18 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Special thanks to family, friends expanding ourAdventures understanding of the best and Polaris for supporting & outdoor believingrecreation in us! Help us by forwarding this email or let us know if you can add our information to your e-newsletter or blog. Thanks much in advance for you’re support! You’re cordially invited to join us for an adventure of a lifetime in the Colorado Rocky Mountains!


Drew & Angelica Stoll 19251 E US-24 • Woodland Park, CO 80863 719-686-6816 Great Outdoors Consultants Drew Stoll Executive Director 19251 E US-24 Woodland Park, CO 80863 970-988-8580

Snowmobile Sales Outperform Economic Growth Worldwide HASLETT, MI, August 2, 2018: A long lasting cold and snowy winter in much of the snowmobile community, and continued enthusiasm and interest in snowmobiling powered snowmobile sales to increase worldwide to 124,786 new sleds sold this past year. This is an increase of over 6,100 units, which is a 5 percent gain from last year. Sales in the United States grew to 53,179 new snowmobiles sold – a 5 percent gain from last year, while sales in Canada rose over 6.4 percent to 47,024 new snowmobiles sold. The sales increase wasn’t confined to North America. Sales increases were realized in Norway, Sweden, and Finland in Europe. The snowmobile community is optimistic following the above average late snow fall throughout most of North America this past season. The 2018 manufacturers’ spring snowmobile shows reported increases in attendance. In many of the spring shows, attendance was up over 20 percent. Spring orders were strong and that points to a good 2019 sales year. The snowmobile industry reports that registered snowmobiles in North America remained at 2 million registered snowmobiles. Increased registration in Northern Europe continues.

Snowmobile related tourism also increased in North America and beyond. This can be seen in economic impact studies conducted throughout North America by major business colleges and universities. Miles ridden by snowmobilers (which is always predictive of economic impact) showed an increase from the 2017-2018 season. This is a result of riding conditions and improved and expanded riding areas and trail systems. The average age of a snowmobiler this past season was determined to be 45 years of age. Snowmobilers are active, outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy snowmobiling with family and friends. Surveys conducted by ISMA have shown that 73 percent of first-time buyers in the snowmobile market purchased a used snowmobile. Many of them are young adults and they move on to purchase a new snowmobile later in life. The majority of snowmobilers in North America are Club members and/or AssociationFederation members (over 60 percent). These active, involved, outdoor enthusiasts build the trails and support snowmobiling access. Snowmobilers are also active charity fundraisers who raised over $3.5 million dollars for National Charities last year. The Go Snowmobiling website serves as another strong indicator for the interest in snowmobiling. This year, the Go Snowmobiling site received more than 2.4 million hits. 40 percent of those visitors to the website were new snowmobilers or individuals who do not own a snowmobile but are expressing a great deal of interest in owning a snowmobile and going snowmobiling. 20 percent of the visitors to the site visited the rental outlet pages of the site. Indications are that many of the individuals visiting the rental site do not own a snowmobile but want to rent one during their winter vacation. This high level of interest in renting bodes well for future sales and the growth in the snowmobile rental market.

Additional surveys have found that snowmobilers are active in many outdoor activities. Snowmobilers are also boaters, motorcycle riders, camping enthusiasts, hunting enthusiasts and general outdoor recreationists. Many families have discovered that snowmobiling is a great winter recreational activity. Research shows people go snowmobiling for reasons such as viewing the scenery, be with family and friends, to get away from the usual demands of life and be close to nature. State and provincial snowmobile organizations continue to grow and expand club membership. Many organizations report that new trails are being developed to support the positive economic impact of snowmobiling and job growth for the rural community. Economic impact studies generated by universities in North America show that snowmobiling is growing in importance as part of the overall economic engine and job growth for winter tourism. Studies show that snowmobiling now generates more than $30 Billion Dollars of economic activity in North America. The economic activity generated by snowmobiling provides many jobs and investment opportunities and generates considerable tax revenue for local governments which eagerly support snowmobiling.



New 2019 YXZ1000R Arriving at Yamaha Dealerships Nationwide

Reduced Pricing Announced for Redesigned Pure Sport Side-by-Side

KENNESAW, Ga. – August 23, 2018 – Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, announces pricing and retail availability of the new 2019 YXZ1000R and YXZ1000R Sport Shift (SS) pure sport Side-by-Side (SxS) vehicles. The new 2019 models introduced in June are now coming off the Yamaha assembly line in Newnan, Georgia, and shipping to dealers nationwide. Updated for 2019 to deliver the ultimate high-performance off-road adventure on a wide variety of terrain – from open deserts and dunes, to muddy trails and rough, rocky terrain – the base model available in Graphite with cast aluminum wheels starts at $18,999 MSRP for both the full-manual and Sport Shift models. Special Edition (SE) versions are available in Team Yamaha Blue with color matched interior and true bead-lock wheels, starting at a $20,599 MSRP for standard and SS models. The other Special Edition YXZ1000R SS available in Ultra White features a suntop, true bead-lock wheels, accessory lights and more starting at $21,799 MSRP. “The new YXZ1000R is still the only true pure sport Side-by-Side in the industry, designed by Yamaha for drivers wanting an ultimate, direct-connection to the machine whether they’re navigating tight wooded trails or roaming open desert,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha’s ATV/SxS group marketing manager. “The new 2019 models have been redesigned for any environment across the country, and are arriving now in dealers – available just in time for fall trail adventures and the upcoming dune season.” PAGE 30



For those who require even more punch, the Genuine Yamaha Technology Racing (GYTR) turbo kit designed specifically for the 2019 YXZ line installs quicker and easier due to the added GYTR connecting rods now coming standard in the engine. The GYTR Turbo kit uses the renowned Garrett GT2860RS turbo to meet Yamaha’s highstandards of durability, reliability and performance, while also being the only turbo in the industry that is CARB, EPA, and 50-state compliant for 2016-2018 model year YXZs, with 2019s soon to follow. The YXZ1000R is powered by Yamaha’s industry-first 998-cc triple-cylinder engine, and an enhanced fivespeed manual transmission delivering the industry’s only direct-connection SxS driving experience. New for 2019: • • • • • • • • •

Lowered gearing with a tighter first gear, ideal for technical riding and sharper torque right off the bottom. GYTR connecting rods, making it easier, faster, and less expensive to install the GYTR turbo kit designed specifically for the YXZ. Enhanced new body styling and design with class-leading driver visibility. Reconfigured, larger radiator moved behind the seats, eliminating excess heat within the cabin and further enhancing the occupants’ comfort, while simultaneously reducing the risk of clogging the radiator. New suspension settings, larger all-wheel disc brakes, wheels, and larger 29-inch Maxxis® Bighorn® tires. Increased accessory integration including wiring for the all-new Yamaha Adventure Pro GPS powered by Magellan.

REALize Your Adventure and view additional details and specifications on the new 2019 YXZ1000R, along with Yamaha’s complete lineup of Proven Off-Road vehicles online at, or by visiting your local Yamaha dealer. Connect with Yamaha on your favorite social channels at YamahaOutdoors,, and Additionally find Yamaha Outdoors on YouTube, or search the following hashtags on all platforms: #Yamaha #ProvenOffRoad #REALizeYourAdventure #AssembledInUSA #YXZ1000R #AdventurePro #GYTR About Yamaha Motor Corp., USA Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA (YMUS), is a recognized leader in the powersports industry. The company’s everexpanding product offerings include Motorcycles and Scooters, ATVs and Side-By-Side Vehicles, Snowmobiles, Outboard Motors, Personal Watercraft, Boats, Outdoor Power Equipment, Power Assist Bicycles, Golf Cars, Unmanned Helicopters, Accessories, Apparel, and much more. YMUS products are sold through a nationwide network of dealers in the United States. Headquartered in California since 1960, YMUS also has facilities in Wisconsin and Georgia, as well as factory operations in Tennessee and Georgia. For more information about Yamaha, visit




Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative Awards $120,000 in Grants and Scholarships Industry Leader in Supporting Outdoor Recreation Protects Access to Land for Future Generations

KENNESAW, Ga. – August 1, 2018 – Yamaha Motor Corp., USA, today announces the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative (OAI) awarded more than $120,000 in funds and equipment to eight grant and scholarship recipients from applications submitted in the fourth quarter of 2017 and first quarter of 2018. The combined funding cycle is highlighted by a wide variety of projects supporting access to trails and riding areas for offhighway vehicles (OHV) and outdoor enthusiasts alike. “We continue to promote and see growth and diversity in the Outdoor Access Initiative, which now has a decade of supporting responsible, sustainable access under its belt,” said Steve Nessl, Yamaha ATV / Sideby-Side (SxS) group marketing manager. “These last two quarters have been a great example, with projects addressing a widerange of use from single-track trails to sand dunes and back-country areas for the enjoyment of OHVs of all types: motorcycles, ATVs, Side-by-Side vehicles, and snowmobiles.” As the powersports industry’s leading land access advocate protecting the interests of those who work and play outdoors, OAI supports off-highway vehicle riders, as well as those who rely on land access to camp, hunt, fish, farm, and more. The latest Yamaha OAI grant recipients are: • • • • • • • •

The Capital Trails Vehicle Association, Helena, MT The Off Road Business Association Twin Cities Trail Riders, Jordan, MN Crested Butte Avalanche Center, Crested Butte, CO Wonders of Wildlife/National Hunting and Fishing Day Live It! Grant Program Range Riders ATV Club, Nashwauk, MN Save the Rider’s Dunes, North Bend, OR Voyageur Country ATV Club, Grand Rapids, MN

This latest funding also featured OAI’s continuing support of National Hunting and Fishing Day, as well as six scholarships to university students as part of the Yamaha Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) program. “We believe everyone should be able to experience the outdoors and all of the incredible opportunities our public lands have to offer,” Nessl said. “Working through like-minded partners like National Hunting and Fishing Day, as well as seeding appropriate safety and land stewardship messaging with future influencers and professional communicators via the ACT program, helps ensure we’ll all be able to enjoy the outdoors for generations to come.” Yamaha’s longtime ACT Scholarship Program was brought under the OAI umbrella as part of the program’s expanded mission to support those who work and play outdoors. Through the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative’s ACT Scholarship Program, Purdue University, Utah State University, Oklahoma State, Texas Tech and Kansas State students were awarded a combined $8,250 in scholarships. Recipients of this year’s Yamaha ACT scholarships receive financial assistance to attend the 2018 Ag Media Summit, and to continue promoting and encouraging safe and responsible use of ATV and SxS vehicles within the agriculture community. Celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2018, the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative is accepting qualified PAGE 32 applications



for consideration of support and funding. For more information on the Outdoor Access Initiative, or to submit a grant application, visit Follow Yamaha Outdoors online at YamahaOutdoors,, and #YamahaOAI #REALizeYourAdventure About the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative For more than a decade, the Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative has led the powersports industry in guaranteeing responsible access to our nation’s land for outdoor enthusiasts. Through this program, Yamaha has directly and indirectly supported thousands of miles of motorized recreation trails, maintained and rehabilitated riding and hunting areas, improved staging areas, supplied agricultural organizations with essential OHV safety education, built bridges over fish-bearing streams and partnered with local outdoor enthusiast communities across the country to improve access to public lands. Each quarter, Yamaha accepts applications from nonprofit or tax-exempt organizations including OHV riding clubs and associations, national, state and local public land use agencies, outdoor enthusiast associations and land conservation groups with an interest in protecting, improving, expanding and/or maintaining access for safe, responsible and sustainable public use. A committee then reviews each application and awards grants to deserving projects. Examples of appropriate projects for grants include, but are not limited to: • • • •

Trail development, restoration and maintenance Trail signage and map production Staging area construction, renovation and maintenance Land stewardship, safety and education

Updated guidelines, an application form and information on the Outdoor Access Initiative are available at For specific questions about the Outdoor Access Initiative, call Yamaha’s dedicated hotline at 1-877-OHV-TRAIL (877-648-8724), email or write to: Yamaha Outdoor Access Initiative Yamaha Motor Corp., USA 1270 Chastain Road Kennesaw, GA 30144 About Yamaha Motor Corp., USA Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA (YMUS), is a recognized leader in the powersports industry. The company’s everexpanding product offerings include Motorcycles and Scooters, ATVs and Side-By-Side Vehicles, Snowmobiles, Outboard Motors, Personal Watercraft, Boats, Outdoor Power Equipment, Power Assist Bicycles, Golf Cars, Unmanned Helicopters, Accessories, Apparel, and much more. YMUS products are sold through a nationwide network of dealers in the United States. Headquartered in California since 1960, YMUS also has facilities in Wisconsin and Georgia, as well as factory operations in Tennessee and Georgia. For more information about Yamaha, visit ATVs over 90cc are recommended for use only by riders 16 years and older. SxS Vehicles are recommended for use only by licensed drivers 16 years and older.


All-New 2019 Polaris® 600R Race Sled Delivers Greatly Improved Performance from the Holeshot to the Checkered Flag New Sled Has All-New 136” RX2 Rear Suspension, Proven 600 Engine

MINNEAPOLIS (Sept. 8, 2018) – The new Polaris® 600R Race Sled is better everywhere on the race course, from the holeshot through jumps, bumps, and corners, which gives Polaris racers a decided advantage heading into the 2018-2019 race season. The new race sled features an all-new 136” RX2 Rear Suspension with new shocks, improved steering geometry, a new tunnel, and enhanced cooling, braking, and racer ergonomics. “Even though it’s new, the Polaris 600R Race Sled is also proven,” said Polaris Racing Manager Tom Rager, Jr. “We had seven different racers – Pro, Pro Lite, Sport, and Junior – testing the sled last winter and in extensive post-season testing. It’s a winner and it gives Polaris racers a decided edge over the competition.” New 136” RX2 Rear Suspension The all-new 136” RX2 Rear Suspension is engineered and tuned for improved performance everywhere from the holeshot to corners and rough terrain. It is a proprietary Polaris Racing design, not a copycat suspension, and it features new ideas, and components such as an all-new rear arm and revised coupling block geometry. RX2 components are designed and manufactured for optimized strength and light weight, and the limiter strap is adjustable so a racer can fine-tune the ski pressure.

The front and rear track shocks are new Walker Evans® 2” Velocity Series Shocks. These shocks are adjustable and proven to withstand the rigors of racing and reliably soak up impacts throughout a long main event. Above the rear suspension is an all-new tunnel that is stiffer and provides increased track clearance. A new one-piece tunnel heat exchanger provides improved cooling that is complemented by tunnel snow scoops that help reduce temperatures on the starting line and all around the race course. The new running board design increases ground clearance, provides greater strength, and enhances snow evacuation. Improved Steering Geometry The new 600R Race Sled has improved steering geometry that provides a tighter turning radius and flatter cornering so a racer can carry more speed all the way through the corners. Plus, less effort is required of the racer, which will help minimize fatigue. The IFS is equipped with proven, outstanding, and adjustable Walker Evans® 2” Velocity Series Shocks, and the sled has all-new C&A XCS skis that are less aggressive, a change made possible by the significantly improved rear suspension performance. The 600R Race Sled is powered by the proven title-winning, quick-accelerating 600 engine, which has a new ignition system that provides increased spark energy. This helps produce extra power for improved top speeds and better high-RPM performance. The Hayes brake’s pads feature a new compound for improved durability and optimized performance Racers who tested the 600R Race Sled helped refine the new seat design so it significantly improves a racer’s comfort and control. With the new seat, the ergonomics are enhanced to provide the racer with greater stability that is especially noticeable in corners. The racer is positioned to control the sled with less effort, which reduces fatigue. And the new seat cover has additional grip ribs that further improve racer stability.

Polaris® Introduces New Woody’s® Traction Control Products and New PIEPS Avalanche Safety Products MINNEAPOLIS (Sept. 8, 2018) – To ensure that Polaris® snowmobilers have the best possible riding experiences, Polaris has introduced several premium new accessories, including outstanding traction control products from industry leader Woody’s®, and avalanche safety technology from PIEPS, a globally respected supplier based in the Austrian Alps. NEW TRACTION PRODUCTS Among the new Woody’s traction products available through Polaris snowmobile dealers are Woody’s Dooly™ Skags in a choice of two lengths, and the Woody’s Slim Jim® Dooly™ Skags, also available in two lengths. Woody’s Dooly Skags, available with carbides of 4” or 6” in length, provide recreational trail riders with confidence-inspiring control and easier handling on the trails. Each Dooly Skag has two 7/16” FlatTop® runners with 60º carbides. With its four runners – two parallel runners per ski – the Dooly Skag helps a rider avoid the grooves made by other sleds. Its tucked front end design enhances stability, and pressure is distributed between two points for easier steering than a skag with a single pressure point. Woody’s Slim Jim Skags reduce darting, like the Dooly, and they deliver more aggressive cornering. They feature dual runners and are more than 30-percent lighter than the Dooly. Slim Jim Skags have 60º turning carbides in a choice of 4” or 6”. The new Storm 150 Stud Kits make it easier than ever to stud a Storm 150 track for enhanced traction and control. This kit includes everything you need to stud your track, including studs, nuts, backer plates, track marker, track drill, and template. PIEPS AVALANCHE SAFETY PRODUCTS Based in the Austrian Alps, PIEPS is recognized worldwide for its outstanding avalanche safety products, and two new PIEPS beacons and an airbag system are now available through Polaris snowmobile dealers. Made exclusively for Polaris, the PIEPS JetForce SC 20L provides a rider with the latest advances in avalanche airbag technology. It uses the new Alpride E1 airbag system, which is electrically powered by cutting-edge super capacitors. This powerful, fan-based system charges via both a micro USB and AA batteries, and is housed in a 20-liter pack that stores essential avalanche safety equipment as well as the gear used on a day in the backcountry. The system is compact and simple to use, with a single on/off switch and blinking status indicator lights that can be visibly checked from the outside of the pack while it is being worn. PIEPS BT Beacons are the ideal complements to the new JetForce SC 20L. The PIEPS Powder BT Beacon is Bluetooth®-enabled so updates can be sent to the transceiver. Its functions include Extensive Self-Check, Auto-Search-To-Send, Auto- Antenna-Switch, and iProbe Support. The PIEPS Pro BT Beacon includes all features and functions of the Powder BT Beacon, and it also has the Group Check & Scan function. These products and all other Polaris snowmobile accessories are available from Polaris snowmobile dealers and at About Polaris Polaris Industries Inc. (NYSE: PII) is a global powersports leader that has been fueling the passion of riders, workers and outdoor enthusiasts for more than 60 years. With annual 2017 sales of $5.4 billion, Polaris’ innovative, high-quality product lineup includes the RANGER®, RZR® and Polaris GENERAL® side-by-side off-road vehicles; the Sportsman® and Polaris ACE® all-terrain off-road vehicles; Indian Motorcycle® midsize and heavyweight motorcycles; Slingshot® moto-roadsters; and Polaris RMK®, INDY®, Switchback® and RUSH® snowmobiles. Polaris enhances the riding experience with parts, garments and accessories, along with a growing aftermarket portfolio, including Transamerica Auto Parts. Polaris’ presence in adjacent markets globally includes military and commercial off-road vehicles, quadricycles, and electric vehicles. Proudly headquartered in Minnesota, Polaris serves more than 100 countries across the globe. Visit for more information.



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September 29th – 30th: Off-Road Expo – Pomona, CA October 19th: ULTRA4S National Championship – Sparks, NV October 30th – November 2nd: SEMA Show – Las Vegas, NV


Off-Road Business Association 1701 Westwind Drive #108 Bakersfield, CA 93301 661.323.1464 Fax 661.323.1487 ORBA Board Members • Chairman: Greg Adler, Transamerican Auto Parts • Treasurer: Mark Turner, Daystar • Secretary: Lindsay Hubley, Family Events • Member: Brad Franklin, Yamaha Motorsports USA • Member: Stuart Gosswein, SEMA • Member: Kurt Miller, The Enthusiast Network • Member: Jim Chick, Bestop, Inc. • Member: J.R. Burke, Polaris Industries, Inc. ORBA Staff President & CEO: Fred Wiley 661.323.1464 Office Manager / Accounting: Dana Wiley 661.323.1464


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