2 minute read
Becetel: high-performance materials research for industry and the public sector
by 5rXobdlLrFp
Becetel from Melle has for many years been a valued partner for industry and the public sector in the field of technological and scientific materials research. Becetel was founded at the then RUG (University of Ghent) by the laboratory Soete for Resistance of Materials, the laboratory of Hydraulics and the water company TMVW from Ghent. Partly due to the actions of the gas and water companies, as from 1980 Becetel started to focus on plastics pipe systems. Becetel can rely on 12 experienced employees.
“T he most important evolution in recent years is the larger dimensions of plastics pipes, mainly for polyethylene and polypropylene. Larger dimensions require adapted standards. High demands are placed on the piping material, with the emphasis on a long service life and on safe use under extreme conditions such as pressure and temperature, aggressive environment or traffic load”, says prof. ir. Philippe Vanspeybroeck, director at Becetel.
Recognition by NBN
Becetel is recognized by the NBN (Belgian Bureau for Standardization) in implementation of the Royal Decree of 21/10/2004 as a Sectoral Standardization Operator. Becetel covers the activities of various European (CEN) and international (ISO) standardization committees: plastics piping systems, plastics, rubber and plastics hoses, elastomer sealing rings, plastics tanks, rubber and rubber products.
Specialized equipment in modern laboratories
Commissioned by both domestic and foreign customers, Becetel conducts various tests on pipes, including compliance tests, long-term tests, aging tests and mechanical / physical / chemical tests. Becetel has a modern laboratory and specialized equipment that is used depending on the type of material (plastics pipes, electrofusion joint, butt fusion joint, etc.).
© Becetel
Own test methods
More than 1,000 companies from around the world appreciate the expertise of Becetel. They can count on guidance of their technological projects and specific advice for their sector. As an accredited laboratory (ISO 17025), Becetel mainly performs tests according to international standards (ISO, EN). Becetel also uses its own developed test methods. This includes the PANT (Pipe Accelarated Notch Test) test for the rapid assessment and validation of new plastic materials. After international validation by means of Round Robin tests, the PANT test was normalized according to ISO procedures. Mainly gas and water companies opt for this test.
Becetel Symposium
Becetel organizes a symposium every year. On this symposium the latest new developments and trends from the plastics piping sector are discussed, there is the opportunity to visit an exhibition and there is room for networking. The symposium is intended for contractors, water and gas distribution companies, telecom companies, industry, public authorities, various utility companies as well as producers of raw materials, pipes and accessories.
Becetel Gontrode Heirweg 130 - B-9090 Melle Tel.: +32 (0)9 272 50 70 Fax: +32 (0)9 272 50 72 E-mail: info@becetel.be http://www.becetel.be