PRODUCT FOCUS The particulate filter (DPF) is the most effective technology for reducing particulate emissions. It enables the reduction of the polluting impact of engines and eliminates carcinogenic particulates that they emit. The DPF thus protects the environment and public health. It is made from a ceramic material inserted into a metal housing. All non genuine or damaged engine components could cause consequential damage to the particulate filter.
THREE ACTIONS ON EXHAUST GASES A catalytic chemical reaction that decreases carbon oxides present in the exhaust gases. A thermal reaction transforming soot into ashes. Soot must be removed and oxidised. If the level of heat generated by the engine is sufficient, the soot is oxidised through passive regeneration during normal driving. Otherwise, additional heat must be provided periodically in order to increase the internal temperature of the DPF. This process is called active regeneration. It takes about an hour and must not be interrupted. The type and frequency of regeneration required depends on the operating cycle of the truck.
Entrance into the DPF
A mechanical action: collection of particulates. The Renault Trucks particulate filter is designed to capture more than 99% of the particulates emitted, while ensuring minimum exhaust back pressure guaranteeing the proper functioning of the engine. The filter matrix traps the fine particulates present in the exhaust gases. A small amount of particulates trapped in the filter is inorganic material, namely ash that cannot be oxidised. Maintenance is required due to its accumulation over time. Otherwise, increased fuel consumption and engine fatigue can result, ultimately leading to increased costs and potential downtime for operators.
Exhaust filtration process in the DPF
Exit from the DPF
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY The particulate filter is subject to extremely severe and repeated thermal and mechanical stresses. The technology chosen by Renault Trucks has been extensively researched to ensure the best possible installation. Each part has a precise role and ensures a maximum life cycle of the pollution control system and its performance.
Accelerated endurance tests have been performed by Renault Trucks with vehicles on specific roads, under extreme weather and driving conditions. These tests are used to verify that the DPF can withstand the effects of all types of use.
ESSENTIAL MAINTENANCE In the same way that an air filter or oil filter has to be changed, so that it does not become clogged, the DPF must also be a part of the preventive maintenance of the truck. Warning : this maintenance is included in the service schedule and must be respected. The extent or speed at which the filter becomes clogged depends on the use of the vehicle and the extent to which regeneration cycles are completed as required. It is certainly possible however that maintenance will be needed before the recommended interval. The cleaning process recommended by the Renault Trucks network is the only one that guarantees the life cycle of the particulate filters in its truck range. It is also the only process that safeguards the life of the different engine parts.
INFORMATION ON THE DASHBOARD RENAULT TRUCKS RANGE D CAB 2.1 M AND 2.3 M: DPF CLOGGING GAUGE As use of Distribution vehicles is extremely varied, the DPF may quickly become clogged. Therefore the decision was taken to install a clogging gauge on the dashboard. The driver, assisted by this visual indicator, can take the necessary measures. The indications on this gauge must be respected to ensure mobility of the vehicle. 5
Normal operating zone: no action is required. Automatic regeneration.
White zone: manual regeneration to be performed within a day.
Orange zone: manual regeneration to be performed as soon as possible. Decreased power of the engine. Red zone: STOP. Mandatory workshop intervention.
These vehicle ranges do not have a clogging gauge. Therefore drivers are not informed of clogging in real-time. They must remain attentive to the warning messages given by the on-board computer.
Zone 3
Zone 4
Zone 1/2: no message on the screen
Zone 5
CONSEQUENCES OF POOR MAINTENANCE SYSTEM OPERATION The Renault Trucks product experts have defined a cleaning instruction for ash present in the particulate filter. Once the ash limit is exceeded, non-maintenance of the filter causes accelerated wear to the engine parts and increases the fuel consumption of the vehicle.
* Impact on fuel consumption
Backpressure in the exhaust
Backpressure in the exhaust Impact on fuel consumption
Beyond the dotted line, the system warns * that the filter needs to be cleaned.
The curves shown above, the result of our tests, indicate the link between the increase in exhaust backpressure and the increase in the vehicle’s fuel consumption.
Filter clogging rate
CONSEQUENCES FOR THE VEHICLE Non-compliance with anti-pollution rules and regulations Loss of engine power and risk of immobilisation or resulting in a breakdown. Risk of damage to other parts such as the turbo or catalytic converter, resulting in the need to replace these parts.
Increase in fuel consumption. Two scenarios: - permanently if the truck is driving (between 0.5 and 2%) - during active regenerations, increase of fuel consumption by up to 20%.
CONSEQUENCES FOR THE VEHICLE OPERATOR Decreased vehicle performance or even immobilisation. Increase in fuel consumption. If the operator delays cleaning the vehicle filter by one year, for example a Renault Trucks Range T with annual mileage of 120,000 km and consuming 30 L/100 km, the impact of 1% increase in fuel consumption would represent an additional annual cost of between €400 and €500.
Observe particulate filter maintenance intervals and drainage intervals. Use Renault Trucks Genuine parts and Renault Trucks Oils.
Respect the warning messages shown on the dashboard. Do not interrupt regeneration cycles.
low-cost solutions are present on the market (additive type, water cleaning ...) and present ”Many significant risks because they do not test against pressure, nor check internal cracks, and do not provide new seals and collars that are essential to avoid any risk of leakage ... The eXchange offer is the only refurbishment process validated by Renault Trucks to guarantee the performance of your vehicle
RENAULT TRUCKS 2 YEARS WARRANTY Warranty extended to 2 years on spare parts fitted in a Renault Trucks workshop.
GOOD MAINTENANCE PRACTICES CAN LEAD TO REDUCED DOWNTIME When replacing or cleaning a diesel particulate filter (DPF), there is a real risk of exposure to substances that are harmful to the body, such as fine particulates. Precautions must be taken. These risks increase when a DPF is handled in temperatures above 50°C. It is then necessary to carry out maintenance after total cooling of the vehicle. Renault Trucks has set up recommendations to follow to ensure safe maintenance and protection: wearing recommended personal protective equipment.
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Renault Trucks has defined four types of required equipment to handle DPFs. 1
GLASSES Description: Personal protection of the eyes Regulatory Requirements: EN 166 eXtended reference: GER100118 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Description: Disposable half-masks with filtering valves against gases and particulates or complete masks Regulatory Requirements : EN 405 (disposable mask) EN 136 (full face mask) eXtended reference: GER189009 COMBINATION Description: Protection against solid particulates transported by air and against chemical liquids Regulatory Requirements: EN 13034: 2005 + A1: 2009; EN 13982-1: 2004 + A1: 2010 eXtended reference: GER731001003/4/5/6 (depending on the size) GLOVES Description: Heat resistant protective gloves Regulatory Requirements: EN 407; EN 420; EN 388 eXtended reference: GER0EJ126001/2/3/4/5 (depending on the size)
3 4
Technician performing the maintenance of a DPF with personal protective equipment.
IMPORTANT - WASTE TREATMENT PPE specific to the handling of DPF must be treated in accordance with the legislation and regulations in force, especially when they are contaminated by hazardous waste.
Equip yourself with personal protective equipment.
Ensure that during extraction the DPF <50°C.
Remove the protective cover, then remove the second cover by loosening the clamps.
Clean the contact surfaces.
Install the sealing rings and insert the eXchange filter.
Fit the hose clamps (applying mounting paste), install the cover and tighten the clamps.
Reset the particulate level of the truck using the diagnostic tool.
Return the core unit.
Remove the filter and the sealing rings.
Remove the eXchange filter, the new collars and seal rings from the carton and place the core, used rings and collars in the plastic bag.
IMPORTANT: It is imperative to change the joints and necklaces by new original parts. All particulate filter maintenance information is detailed in a dedicated instruction manual in IMPACT. Please refer to this for your maintenance.
RETURN OF THE CORE UNIT In order to guarantee to you the best availability possible on the eXchange DPF offer, it is essential to quickly return the core unit. It is important to respect the following conditions before sending the cores units back: Check the condition of the core unit Refer to the instructions in IMPACT. All the criteria of acceptance, discount and rejection are described. Pack the core in a specific sealed package The core, used collars and seals must be packed in the
plastic bag and in the carton of the provided eXchange DPF for this purpose. In case you do not have eXchange packaging, a specific kit has been created with the reference 74 85 151 730. This is composed of a carton, 4 shims, a protective cover and a plastic bag Send the DPF core units separately You can return the core unit alone. If you have more than one, you can also group them for sending. Be careful not to send them with other parts.
We recommend Renault Trucks Oils. Dimensions and specifications are given for guidance only. The manufacturer reserves the right to change them without prior warning. Renault Trucks sas with a capital of â&#x201A;Ź50,000,000 - 954 506 077 RCS Lyon