Stakeholders in Telecommunications Meeting the challenge of secure connectivity SECTOR LINES
Controlling all the risks of your projects thanks to a global approach and specialised expertise
Managing your human risks • Ensure the safety of your team: - Conducting security audits. - Develop performance in Occupational Health and Safety. - Organise and develop Occupational Health and Safety with subcontractors. • Guarantee the safety of your employees through training with the Safety Pass: - Exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields. - Electrical clearance. - CACES. - Work at height. - Wearing of PPE.
Deploying fiber optics throughout the country, massive development of 5G or improving the user experience: your challenges are numerous and strategic. As a major actor in maintaining activities during the health crisis, you are now facing economic, competitive and political pressure. Technological evolutions associated with the deep mutations of the sector imply massive investments to answer to more and more demanding consumers. The constant improvement of performance requires you to place the control of human, technical and technological risks at the heart of your priorities.
The Apave group is the leader in France in safety training, with 170 training centers and innovative formats based on active teaching: classroom, Blended Learning or Digital Learning.
You are an operator, an equipment manufacturer, a service provider or an infrastructure provider? We support you at every stage of your telecommunication projects, using state-of-the-art technological solutions, to guarantee access and network quality to users, while ensuring the safety of people and equipment during your deployment and maintenance operations.
Improve your technical performance
Managing human exposure to electromagnetic fields To ensure the protection of workers and the general public from the risks associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields and the local regulations in force, using measurements and simulation tools.
Managing your technical risks Guarantee the solidity of the structures for the manufacturers and for the operators. • Realisation of calculation notes for pylons, antennas and other foundation blocks. • Verification of the calculation notes as a third party organisation. • Complementary services and training in equipment calculations and use of construction codes. 3 Apave Calculation agencies with 32 experts available in France and abroad are dedicated to this expertise.
Optimise your global performance Improve the management processes of your telecommunication projects and add value by participating in the management of the project flow (PMO): • Planning. • Resource allocation. • Quality control. • Document evaluation.
Improve your risk management with digital services Facilitate your steps and your decision making thanks to our digital solutions available to accompany you in the improvement of your performance, and in the control of the risks which your company, your collaborators or your equipment are daily confronted: • Alert Health and Safety: focused on the health of your employees. • Pilot Exploitation: dedicated to the management of your inspection data.
• Controlling interference: analyse, detect and solve problems related to external interference or intermodulation products (PIM), which are the cause of incidents in cell phone stations or WIFI networks. • Ensure and optimise network quality: supervise the deployment and maintenance of mobile networks (4G, 5G...) and fixed networks (FTTx) and identify anomalies to be corrected according to the operator's technical specifications. Development and use of V-Audit: customised digital tool dedicated to remote management and supervision of works. • Understand real network conditions through Drive Test: verify voice and data coverage levels in the cell phone station environment with different technologies (4G, VoLTE and 5G). • Develop the technical skills of your employees in telecommunications: - Fiber optic job pass: fitter, design technician... - Certifi ate of Professional Qualifi ation (CQP).
Why choose Apave as a partner in the Telecommunications sector? A fine and proven expertise
20 years old experience in
10 years
of expertise in the Drive Test
interventions carried out in CEM
A know-how recognized in Europe Different collaborations with recognized organizations in Europe, which value our experience in telecommunications: • With major companies in the sector.
Complementarity of our strengths Benefit from the support of Apave, a major player in risk management for over 150 years, and its various subsidiaries: • Eurocontrol: specialist in the telecommunications sector – more than 500 sector experts present in Spain and able to work on international projects. • Sopemea: expert in studies and equipment qualification. • AxesSim: specialized in software technologies for science and development techniques. Our network of expertise enables us to offer you a complete telecommunications package, from design to commissioning, while monitoring key network performance indicators.
• To the Spanish public market.
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• With the main rental companies of measuring equipment.