Celebrating 100 Years of Ministry
“A Century of Grace” A $100,000 Journey through your Original FWB Convention’s 100th Year May 19, 2011 May 23, 2013 71 cents a day or $5 per week or $25 per month = $500 That’s all it takes to make this 100 th Anniversary Campaign a success. For the next 100 weeks the OFWB Headquarters is inviting you to join our celebration. Sunday School classes, Adult and Youth Choirs, Men’s Fellowships, Laymen’s Leagues, Women’s Auxiliaries, Youth Groups, Deacon Boards, Church Athletic Teams. .so many different groups with so many different ways to achieve this great goal. BAKE SALES YARD SALES BENEFIT SUPPERS CAR WASHES SPECIAL OFFERINGS DONUT SALES WEEKLY COLLECTIONS PENNIES IN A BOTTLE
All proceeds will be used to establish a solid foundation for the development of present and future projects and programs designed to benefit all churches in our great denomination. Join us today and help to fulfill God’s great calling to become greater servants for His Kingdom. To let us know that you are on board, contact us at 252 7464963 or by email at buddy.sasser@ofwb.org. Our mailing address is OFWB Headquarters, P.O. Box 39, Ayden, North Carolina 28513.