contents Alice App 4 I am B.E.A.U T.Y. 10 RUNWAY 24 Serita Jakes Home 32 MVMNT 40
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.“ ~Aristotle~
a mobile app that allows hotel guest to request a variety of hotel services from the palm of their hand.
Ux & Ui redesign I was asked to take a stab at redesigning their app as I understood its role and purpose, without any formal knowledge of their business rules and relationship with their clients, hotels all over the world. I downloaded the app on my phone for some guerilla testing to get a feel of all the features and flow of the mobile application. I chose to use more signage since with international clients. To allow guests to see what other hotels used the ALICE app service as a way to promote ALICE app partners over other hotels. As well as improve the work flow.
07 01
a li c e ap p | u x & ui re de si g n
redesign click to view prototype
09 01
a li c e ap p | u x & ui re de si g n
I am B.E.A.U.T.Y. is an organization that has dedicated itself to empowering young females with low selfesteem.
logo history Launched May 2013 the brand has grown over the years
Just a Bootcamp When Akilah, the founder first approached me I am B.E.A.U.T.Y. was just suppose to be an annual bootcamp held every summer and the logo would change with it.
Something more There were requests for Akilah to hold more bootcamps throughout the year. With the new knowledge that children no longer learn how to write cursive I had to use a font that could be read by the targeted audience.
11 01
i a m b e a u ty | bra n d i n g
I am B.E.A.U.T.Y. has gone from helping females in middle school, to females of all ages.
branding Many flyers have been created to promote the I am B.E.A.U.T.Y. events throughout the years, my design skills have improved along with them!
First summer I am B.E.A.U.T.Y. bootcamp flyer
Promotional material was needed for all platforms including instragram a huge driving force for spreading the word.
i a m b e a u ty | bra n d i n g 13 01
instagram friendly
Second annual summer bootcamp flyer
i a m b e a u ty | bra n d i n g 15 01
Circle of Sisters Flyer | front and back
branding More items were needed to promote and support the organization:
17 01
Certificates of completion
i a m b e a u ty | bra n d i n g
branding I learned about fashion trends, how colors come in and out of season and to design apparel that would work with whatever was currently in season.
tshirts | be beauty
t-shirts | classic I am B.E.A.U.T.Y. t-shirt
19 01
i a m b e a u ty | bra n d i n g
t-shirts | I am B.E.A.U.T.Y. affirmation Tshirt
branding Career development is a huge part of the bootcamp program. Towards the end of the ten-week camp the attendees participated in a photoshoot with professional photographers and makeup artists. The shots were then given to me to put a calendar for the upcoming year. Proceeds helped fund the organization.
2014 calendar cover
21 01
i a m b e a u ty | bra n d i n g
branding Books were written and a cover was designed.
Girls Guide cover concepts
23 01
i a m b e a u ty | bra n d i n g
The RUNWAY app allows people unsure of how put outfits together to upload pictures of outfits to recieve feedback in the form of votes.
25 01
ru n way ap p | s ty le b oa rd s
When I was brought on-board the app was already built it just needed a graphical interface.
design Three iterations of design usually starts with one iteration of three or more different concepts:
concept no. 1
27 01
concept no. 2
ru n way ap p | c o n c e p ts
concept no. 3
29 01
concept no. 4
ru n way ap p | c o n c e p ts
ui design
31 01
ru n way ap p | fin a l d e s i gn
serita jakes Quick turn around The creative director of Serita Jake’s Home collection reached out to me in need a new site to be built and designed over the course of three days, happily extended the project deadline to be completed in five days and was able to bring on an intern to help build the site.
33 01
I worked with newbie front-end developer Jesus Medero III on this project. With such a quick turn I needed someone to code the layouts as I created them. It was our first time with the SquareSpace platform, so it was a steep learning curve project for us.
s e ri ta j a kes ho me c o lle c ti o n |webs ite
Team Work
design conepts I prepared a few different concepts of the home page and once the home page was decided upon I went on to design the layout of the other page types.
home concept no. 1
home concept no. 2
35 01
home concept no. 3
s e ri ta j a kes ho me c o lle c ti o n | des ign concept s
design conepts It wasn’t neccessary to layout each page just needed to get a sense of flow and styling for each type of page like the product, collection of products page.
collection product page concept
37 01
product page concept
s e ri ta j a kes ho me c o lle c ti o n | des ign concept s
39 01
click to visit site
s e ri ta j a kes ho me c o lle c ti o n | final product
mvmnt volunteer work
41 01
m vm n t | b ra n di n g
MVMNT - The Brooklyn Tabernacle Young Adult Ministry. I volunteer as a designer for the design team, creating promotional material, flyers, social media posts, apparel, etc.
branding Two Fridays every month, MVMNT holds a 7pm service, those services are promoted a service or two before hand. A designer usually gets 3-5 days to create concepts and come to a final design approved by the design team coordinator whom acts like a branding director, the director of the MVMNT ministry and the Senior pastor Jim Cymbala.
instagram quote slides
43 01
m vm n t | b ra n di n g
For a period the MVMNT brand only embraced black and white with a hint of color.
instagram posts
m vm n t | b ra n di n g 45 01
For each service: one projector slide of 1600x900px, a facebook banner one formatted square instagram post, verse slide, “see you next time� slide, and a print ready, cmyk bulletin image was created.
branding Soon the brand started to embrace more color, as well as less black and more white.
m vm n t | b ra n di n g
To encourage our attendees to bring new people we created business card sized invite cards
47 01
invite cards
apparel MVMNT apparel is created for the annual summer retreat, winter line, spring line and a new yearly t-shirt specfically for the leaders.
retreat leader shirts
retreat exclusive shirts
49 01
m vm n t | a p p a rel
leader shirt concepts
retreat apparel
51 01
m vm n t | re tre a t a p p a rel p ho to s hoot
spring apparel
53 01
m vm n t | s p ri n g a p p a re l p h otos hoot
Olivia F. G re s ham Designer | Web Developer
Contextual Research | Information Architecture Branding | Web Development | Print Design
www.ogidesigns.net www.ogidesigns.wordpress.com @ogidesigns Atlanta | Columbus, OH | Savannah | Shanghai | NYC