Social@Ogilvy ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET TO YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA Ogilvy’s New Models for Brand Marketing Effectiveness - The Power of “Like” and other mysteries. An introduction to social networks. How to use social media platforms for business.
Social@Ogilvy are rolling out the Red Carpet to you with three levels of workshop designed to power your social media engagement so that you can roll out the Red Carpet to all your fans, consumers, communities, networks and groups. Brand relationships with consumers are being modified in the digital space, never more so than with social media. If you want to build a stronger bond with consumers, or customers in the B2B space, then these Social@Ogilvy Workshops are for you. There’s three levels; introductory, intermediate and advanced. The level you choose will depend on how knowledgeable you already are about the digital world. Social@Ogilvy is a robust product and service offering that builds on our understanding of influence and keeps us current with industry trends and client demands. Today, our offering revolves around four core pillars: Social Media Business consulting, Social Media Marketing & Communications, Custom Platforms and Measurement. These Social@Ogilvy Workshops are a “must do” for anyone looking to achieve success and understand how social media truly works for business. Get right in on the action of using social media platforms for business.
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Level 1
Are you looking for an overview of the most common social media platforms, what makes them social, and how successful brands are using them? This Social@Ogilvy Workshop will cover social networks, video sharing, photo sharing, microblogging (Twitter), and will review some of the most common social media platforms, what makes them “social”, and how brands are leveraging them. Social media uses web-based technology to transform what was a one-way, static Web into an interactive, customisable, and community-oriented experience. It is the foundation of Web 2.0 platforms like social networks and online video sharing—but it has also impacted all corners of the Web from news media
( to shopping (Amazon, eBay.) It’s not a fad - it’s a fundamental shift in the way humans communicate. As a result of attending the Introductory Level Social Media Workshop you will be able to: • Understand the science and history of influence. • Have a baseline understanding of social media platforms and their business applications. • Recognise the richness of signals from the social web, learn the power of the collective. • Apply some best practice to basic social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.
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Level 2
Strategists young and old will get something from this Social@Ogilvy Workshop, which clearly outlines how to develop a strategy based on business objectives and meaningful research. A must do workshop for those who want to know how to "Think" Social Strategy. You will learn to create social media strategy and understand when each social media is appropriate and how to deploy for maximum business advantage. You will also learn how to apply integration best practices with agencies or in-house teams. We will provide senior strategists with the information they need to understand strategic brand engagement on social media. We will also provide the latest tips and guardrails for each platform, so that you can speak authoritatively about social media platforms with
your digital agency or in-house teams. If you are unsure of how popular social media platforms work at a fundamental level, we suggest participating in the Introductory Level Social Media Workshop before proceeding with this intermediate workshop. On completion of this Social@Ogilvy Intermediate Workshop you will be able to: • How to extend your brand onto the Social web. • Complete Conversation Maps and Influencer Maps. • Identify touch points and put your framework together. • Set up a measurement plan for your social media plan.
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Level 3 This Social@Ogilvy Advanced Workshop is what the label says, advanced, and designed for leaders and those leading social media projects. Content planning has become increasingly complex as audience behaviours change and platforms proliferate. This Advanced Workshop will introduce you to the concepts and frameworks essential to successful content planning. You will have a discussion with a copywriter and art director on how to craft, frame and tailor words and images. You will also get a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look at online video production, introducing you to the strategy and the process of developing a video campaign for a purpose – from pre-production to post. You will gain guidance on script-writing, storyboard visualisation, and then the downstream activities related to managing production including an overview on the improvements that editing and graphics can bring
about. You will then learn about promoting video campaigns, from strategy through channel delivery and beyond. The last part of the Advanced Workshop deals with innovation methodology that helps you harness the creative power of individuals, and your collective group to solve a business problem. By the end of this course, you shall be able to: • Build an advanced social media campaign and "influence thousands" by turning ideas into solutions. • Discover how to separate content from process. • Idea generation and evaluation techniques. • Discover the real benefits of making videos and the power of going "viral" and find out how to connect current users with potential customers.
To roll out the Red Carpet and reserve your place at these “must do” Social@Ogilvy Workshops kindly email: Group rates apply. €60+VAT per person for the Introductory Level, €150+VAT per person for the Intermediate Level, and €250+VAT per person for the Advanced Level. €400+VAT per person for a combined reservation to take all 3 levels. Minimum class size is five persons for the Introductory Level, and three persons for Intermediate and Advanced. Personalised one-to-one tuition is also available on request. If you want to have a chat about your needs, contact us on skype at: OgilvyMalta
Ogilvy Malta, 7 Big Ben Towers, Tower Street, Msida MSD 1822, Malta. T: (+356) 2132 0880/1 M: (+356) 9920 7677 Skype ID: ogilvymalta