Fall Involvement Fair August 30, 2016 The Involvement Fair is a special event occurring at the beginning of each semester that showcases the various student organizations at FSU to help students get involved. The 2016 Fall Involvement Fair was held on Tuesday, August 30, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the Union Courtyard, Union Green, and Union Ballrooms. A total of 305 student and university organizations participated. Student attendance was estimated at 9,966. During the Involvement Fair, paper feedback surveys were administered by Assessment Student Assistants, Union Board students, and SOAR Board students and a total of 223 responses were received. A Taste of Seminole Dining was held in the Union Food Court while the Involvement Fair was held in the Union Courtyard, Union Green, and Union Ballrooms. Having these two events occur simultaneously caused a lot of student traffic in the Union. Surveys pertaining to the Involvement Fair were distributed; results and findings of the surveys are provided later in this report. Once again we will need more water stations at this event as well as for each station to be filled more frequently. Students were very hot due to thousands of individuals in one central location. The Involvement Fair for Fall 2016 was an overall success with a record number of organizations and students participating. Highlights: • • • • •
Most students who completed the survey were freshmen (48%), female (66%), resided oncampus (50%), and were not members of a recognized student organization (73%). The respondents came to the event to learn about campus activities (28%), to eat free food (25%), and to enjoy the event (24%). The majority of students surveyed said that they found an RSO they would like to join (76%) and did not attend the SAC Open House (45%). Most students heard about the event through a friend/word-of-mouth (31%). The majority (76%) of students said that they found an RSO they would like to join and (45%) said that they also attended the Student Activities Center (SAC) Open House.
Students were asked if they would join an organization after visiting the involvement fair. For those that answered yes, they were asked to provide the name of the organization they would join. A list of organizations that students wanted to join is below. Note that some organizations were named more than once but the list has been consolidated to only show each organization one time.