The 20th century London

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THE 20th CENTURY LONDON The fabulous population increase of the last period of the Victorian continued in the twentieth century. In 1904 the first service of buses of the motor in London began, followed by the first underground electric train in 1906, perhaps but more remarkable one was the swelling of new hotels of luxury, great warehouses, theatres that were originated in the years of Edwardian, particularly in the West End and the Ritz that was opened in 1906. However, London had a very bad time during World War II when, in 1915, they began to fall the first pumps killing many people. The population became loose after the war, to near 7.5 million of 1921. The Council of the County of London began the states of the new houses of the building, that they pushed more far and they foment towards outside in the field. Unemployment was very high, and people entered the general strike of 1926. So many workers assembled strike who called the army inside to maintain the subterranean and the buses that worked, and to maintain order. In the 1930 a great amount of Jews immigrated to London in their flight of Europe. During the dark days of 1940, one third part of the city was destroyed by the German pumps, and also the wharves of London were demolished. About 16 acres around the area that now contains the development of the barbican and the museum of London were flattened totally, and the numerous historical buildings were destroyed. In post-war period the heavy immigration of countries of the old British Empire changed the character of the city. Notting Hill acquired a population of the great Caribbean, the immigrants of Kong of the blast placed in Soho, Sikhs in Southall, and to the Cypriots in Finsbury. The festival of Great Britain happened in 1951 in the centenary of the great exhibition of 1851. The airport of Heathrow opened in the commercial flights in 1946, and the red buses of the first bus of two floors appeared in the ways of London in 1956. Natalia P (1st bat B)

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